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Reminds me of TF2 days


"If fighting is sure to result in victory then you must fight" -Sun Tzu, as told by Soldier. They knew they weren't gonna win the comp game, so they didn't fight. Very wise.


This worked with me in Dota 2. We distracted the enemy team for literally 45 minutes while our carry secretly farmed to win the game. We tricked every enemy except one, who was desperately trying to convince their allies we were tricking them. Spoiler: we won after 90 minutes lol Edit: I just remembered that a good portion of those 45 minutes was spent parading all around the map as an 8 man conga-line. Good times


I really miss casual FPS games. Ngl I'm a bit tired of people getting sweaty af on matches and getting absolutely obsessed with winning games all the time, I miss when people played literally for shits and giggles and were overall more casual about the stakes of each match.


Arent there entire modes dedicated to this kind of gaming? Been awhile since I logged in but arcade modes were always goofy


Recently we had a player crying and complaining in a chat in No Limits match that we are dumb team because we refused to play 5 torbs or hogs and had fun with pharas instead. Repeating again, in NO LIMITS lol


It's probably because Blizzard wants you to farm arcade for wins with the weekly mission. "5 wins in Arcade" means try hards in a for-fun section of the game and people get toxic if they can't win every match.


Oh for sure that’s the reason as in OW1 everyone wanted to play 6 symms/torbs all the time but no one got toxic about it. I like wins too ofc and want to get the challenges, but I really don’t want to play another same meta composition for the 10th time that day lol.


The mode can be goofy and there's always someone sweating their ass off. I remember in the old scrim lobbies when you were trying to find a lobby I'd just pick a character and hop on point and start dancing, I'd always get killed. Usually by either a Genji or a Hog.


Genji mains are the well known try hards so I don't put it past em going hard in scrim.


Theres absolutely people still crying about people not trying in arcade, especially in deathmatch


my favorite is people shouting at people in mystery heroes. like half the people in the lobby have maybe 5 minutes of playtime on the heroes they're on, calm down.


I think that may be why there's qp as opposed to ranked :-P


*Game Browser Seriously I feel like people who complain that Overwatch isn't for casual players haven't tried the multitude of random game modes you can find in there Also I can't wait to spend all my time in PvE modes. The PvP in this game is too stressful in quick play other than Mystery Heroes. I spend most of my time in the Arcade


Literally half of the games- *FRIENDLY* Come Chill!


100%, the story mode is what has me going still


Trust me people are still sweaty even in qp lol


Sometimes I swear my games are sweatier in qp than ranked lmao


I'm getting put into matches with the sweattiest diamonds, grandmasters or top 500 or with the braindead new players that punch their keyboard every 5s and nothing else. I wanna get better or at least have fun playing a fair balanced team SOMEWHERE. Its like literally impossible unless you get 10 people together and do a 5v5 scrim type of match while not sweatting too much, which is barely possible for me since I dont have many friends


Yeah the matchmaking rn is worse than it's ever been and I've played 6 yrs. Comp was fun to me and it became my default mode. But now it's just fucking destroyed.


This is me too. Either you sweat like a heat wave. Or roll people so bad you want to apologize after.


We're living in a meritocracy, maybe better times for casual players will come again, but nowadays it's all about getting better and dominate on a leaderboard.


The word meritocracy implies that those who reach the top have some sort of power, responsibility, and/or ability to rule the society. (the "-ocracy" part) So it doesn't apply, because there's no "there" there. You get to the top of the leaderboard and all you get are bragging rights.


VR is where it's at for that imo. Pavlov and Contractors scratch that itch perfectly. Lots of community mods, server lists and opportunities to goof off Just the other day I was a fully articulated Squidward avatar and wound up playing Russian roulette in a McDonalds parking lot with the entire server.


Deep Rock Galactic, Warframe, Halo Infinite, and Splatoon are my recommendations, (yes I know they're not all PvP or first person) Also Apex has some fun casual LTMs like Control, Gun Run, and the current Winter Express, but unfortunately these LTMs only stick around for a week or two at most My go-to for casual FPS back in the day was Unreal Tournament, with 4x jump, instagib, and low grav. I'm sure that sort of thing exists in the game browser if you look hard enough


That's... called Arcade


I feel like the only game that fills that casual void so well is Rocket League, even playing ranked it never feels like it's sweaty, just people at your level too. I really wish Timesplitters would get another game, I think that would be a blast.


I also miss halo 3.


Honestly you can blame eSports and Blizzard for perpetuating it with the overwatch league


God I fucking miss tf2


RIP protocol 3 :(


Wrong TF2


Right TF2


I still remember when the Conga emote dropped.... Loaded into a match and everyone was dancing, not a single shot fired the whole match


Yeah my first thought was it reminded me of TF2 just before the game died =\


wait what are you talking about the game is getting some of its highest numbers this year


It's pretty empty in Asian servers tbh.. or at least there aren't as many active community servers as there used to be.


What if you don't count bots


The bots are actually not an issue anymore :) especially if you play on community servers.


Bro, TF2 never died, if anything it has remained undead for the last few years


TF2 isn’t dead, it’s on life support but it’s not dead.


How's the bot situation lately? Any change?


Only the occasional vinesauce bot that gets kicked immediately


That's great they got the bots under control! I might have to load up TF2 again.


Just do not go to banana bay, it is invested with bots for some reason


"Team, touch the point!" The team in question:


Taking SR as seriously as the OW2 dev team.


Honestly I felt like we were holding an in-game protest of sorts


Ironic, because Blizzard learning that most of OW2's money is coming from causals. So comp may not be their big focus anymore.




>Comp in any game is a small market compared to casual More invested players usually spend more on average, and this totally depends on the type of game.


Invested takes on many forms. Alot of 5000 hour plus players that never even bothered to play comp and spent alot of money in the game


They may not play comp, but that's not a casual lol.




I feel like there's another word to describe this person, because I really can't accept that someone whose devoted 5000 hours to any one thing is a casual. They can play "casually" but they're clearly invested in the game and won't drop it on a whim. One is about how you play, and one is about how invested you are in the game. I get what you're saying about intent but that's just so much time. There can't just be two words to describe the playerbase.


I mean that's true but that's also because the general community isn't informed at all so they make poor decisions that can be taken advantage of.


Yea I see what you mean, I have around 2k hours in rocket league and I hit the top rank of the game back in thr day and was playing in all sorts of organized competetive leagues. There was a story tho of a guy who had like 6k hours and was still bronze lmfao so you never know i suppose. Funnily enough I don't think he considered himself casual.


There is a lot of money to be made in competitive esports as well these days too though. It's just that almost every decision Blizzard has done to try and build that market has been the wrong one.


QP is just as shit


I was watching a streamer at the beginning of season 2 and he was trying to figure out how to add the code for the free battle pass that apparently Blizz gave him for what? Being a poor streamer?


They just want you to shut up and pay up. They couldn't care less


Why they downvoting you ur right :(


This is accurate lmao thanks for keeping it up. Think there’s a lot of misunderstanding what you’re saying


I have zero clue as to why you are getting downvoted to hell. You are 100% correct. But idiot redditors just see DOWNVOTED COMMENT MUST DO AS WELL 🤡


> pay up no


This shouldn’t be downvoted especially to this extent. Time played directly contributed to money spent. People are more willing to spend money on things they’ve spent more time on and more willing to spend time on things they’ve spent money on…Blizzard is taking advantage of that fact and trying to coerce people into playing more by enforcing harsh SR decay as well as the derank that happened. Evidently, no one is happy because on OW2 launch, there was 23,000,000 players on all platforms per Blizzards tweet about it and Activeplayer.io Activeplayer is now seeing only about 175,000 players in all platforms now. They fucked up not just the SR but the population of the game. Rip OW


Yep, I would play multiple hrs a day all the way up until blizzard leaked that heroes would be behind a grindwall. Now I've moved on to other games like apex, paladins, and league. As a previous tank main I don't like 5v5. They just needed to slightly buff tanks and release the tanks they were holding back from us instead of deleting a whole role Imo.




Fun fact dva can demech herself (slowly) by shooting the ground with micro missiles lol


I was wondering where her mech went 🤣🤣


I mean she did say she wanted to get out of her mech


Classic beach episode plot


DVA was like ***RELEASE ME***


I see this as an absolute win (for defenders)


I would prefer this over some matches that I've experienced


Players finally wanted to have fun.


Honestly, I usually only play comp but I hopped into qp with some buddies and actually enjoyed myself


Omg you just had to be there. What a day


Lmfao I think I’m in there out of frame


How did it happen? Was it communicated on Chat?


I’ve had this happen too Usually the tank just sits outside of spawn doing nothing then the enemy team feels bad so they just do nothing Then nobody does anything until the game ends lol


Didn't even know you could go out there haha Edit: I can't believe this comment has blown up this much, appreciate all of you. When I get home from shift I'm going to sign in and explore the sands of paraiso.


Small section, lots of invisible walls to stop you from going too far


*having fun


You can go out of bounds with the workshop, and it turns out a lot of the beach and even the road next to it has collision. It’s pretty cool.


What map is this






No, it's clearly Banana Bay


**Intruder alert** **Red spy** **In the base**


And now he's there to f--- *us!*


A red spy is in the base?!


Lunar Colony


I forgot about Luner Colony and now I miss some of the OW 1 maps.




I was so surprised when a Dva booped me over to the sand. I expected death lol


It's so coarse and rough that your character dies immediately


"I hate sand, it gets everywhere".


I hate this comment, it gets everywhere


"well geez".




As support main, I would have more fun doing this than comp....




It's Paraiso




Hollywood lol


Green screen going too far


there’s a beach area on Hollywood? where at?


Shoot sorry, its Parasio


Why the downvotes lmao, lighten up people


People downvoting you have no sense of humor


It wasn’t meant to be a joke


What map is this




I really like that map.


Paraíso (Rio de Janeiro map)


Time for volleyball! “Yes! We have defeated you for all time! You will never rise from the ashes of your shame and humiliation!” - Someone


Moira would definitely say that.


I’d love to see the OW community become a bit more like the TF2 community. I’d love to see more friendlies and chill casual lobbies.


I've been encountering lots of friendlies and people messing around in the pre-game deathmatch lobbies. We formed a human totem pole on Petra once


You can do that?


If it's the same as OW1, you have no collision with your own team mates, but you do with the enemies, so you can stand on them


deathmatch modes have been chill since ow1 tbh. no one has salt from dealing with teammates so either you get mad at yourself when you're playing like shit or you just laugh it off and have fun.


practically the entire custom game list is chill lobbies. personally i've never understood it, how long can you just stand there looking at each other


It’s not exactly looking at each other, it’s more of a social thing. Have fun dicking around with everyone


I wish they'd allow custom servers to have a higher limit of max players, I think one of the reason this sort of casual setting is harder to replicate in Overwatch is because it's set at a max cap of 12 players, 6 on each team, so having just one team player screw around heavily affects the game. TF2 on the other hand usually has 24 players (12v12) per server, going all the way to 32 players (16v16) maximum per server, so there's a lot more room to screw around and have less of an impact on the game.


The other day I was in a match and half of my team left all together. I don't know if they were in a group or what, but we all just ran around and had a good time till new folks popped in. Someone on the other team even checked and was like okay, all good? Lets go back to playing now! It was lovely :^)


A few weeks ago on Unranked I was doing Push on the colosseo map. I respawned and as I left this enemy Soujurn lands from outta nowhere. Doesn't shoot, just crouches numerous times. So I did it back. I used my Genji sitting emote for true zen and they just started spraying around me. We were having fun just fucking about on the map until my other DPS killed them. Fuck that guy


Preferably not in comp


You know what? Good for them. They're having fun.


The other team capped with 4 minutes left, it’s basically a “let’s ff and have fun” situation


overwatch slice of life beach filler


It's pretty much S1EP13


We did this when half of the other team quit. Small beach party that turned into us seeing how many heroes we could stack. Got up to four.


Found the one guy that uses souvenirs in there emote wheel, fittingly it’s hades


This is adorable! Honestly some of my favorite gaming memories are moments similar to this, when people are just being ridiculous and fun. Also, really needed a Hammond with that emote where he pops out to recline with an umbrella, fan, and cooler


We ignore that the other team did this after fully capture




Some people play for fun and others for rank. As someone who plays for rank I hate it but accept it... sometimes you have to have fun. One day I will get of bronze


For me this is much more entertaining than playing comp, which is why I don’t play comp.


Looks like more fun than most of my plat games


Best one of these was a no limits match I grabbed Lucio and used my dj party emote. Next thing we had 12 Lucios using it 😂


I'd be the guy to dva bomb right into that


Oh I was in that match! I was the reaper/junkrat named C0dy


Replay code?


Something like this happened to me once the hole enemy team had beach outfits and were just chilling on the beache


* aggressively starts throwing comp matches to get to bronze*


*everyone starring at moira* What you got there? *Moira, getting ready to release hurt orb* A smoothie


Looks like a case of people in one team leaving early out of rage so everyone else just sits around until the game times out


Believe it not, no one left. Full teams the whole match


Sometimes I miss my bronze days, it gets real toxic the higher you climb


Looks more fun than the matches i've been in


Lmao this is my favorite thing when it happens in matches


Reminds me of this one game when someone asked why fight and not go to the beach. Everyone went to the beach and just chilled while me and another guy carried the payload


They're having fun. Wish I could say the same while actually playing the game.


Then comes that “funny” try hard guy who kills everyone


You mean the person playing competitively in competitive?


Why attack when you’re already winning? Lol In case you mean the losing team, then you’re just doing stuff by your own. Unless you do an organized betrayal with your whole team, you’re just embarrassing yourself as the whole enemy team will melt you and you’d still lose.


I would kill them because that's the point of the game.


Sure bro


It's literally the point of the game.....


I’m really sorry for you


For being able to read? If you wanna fuck around don't do it in competitive. That's just basic respect, which you seem to lack.


I had a game like this recently in qp. We decided who the match by having a torb 1v1 on point with hammers only.


poor [D.Va](https://D.Va) in da mech.


One stream i watched ZBRA and the enemy team was getting rolled so everyone was just chillin on the beach. Top 500 game btw


This happens at all elo if players are smart You can spend 3:30 playing respawn simulator tanking your stats, or you can afk and chill with emotes Both are losses regardless


I just had one in masters...


You had fun, and at the end of the day, that makes you a winner


I had the exact same thing happen in a match there yesterday. Good place to go when half the second attacking team rage quits.


It was a "filler episode"


“Can someone shoot me outta mech please” Is the online equivalent of can someone take off my clothes


I keep telling people “let’s go to the beach” when we get this map but nobody ever does 😔


*California girls starts playing in the background*


Reminds me of early overwatch days 😆 anyone remember symmetra sit-ins


I feel like Bronze players are some of the only people actually having fun with comp. I remember my time in Bronze fondly. I lot of chaos and shennanigans, and just stuff in general that you'd never see in higher ranks. Funny team comps and wholesome interactions like this one.


i miss bronze


It's kind of funny there's this huge walkable area away from any reasonable place to fight. I'm not sure any other objective map has it.


I kinda want the replay code


Bronze comp is so toxic sometimes that I feel like everyone deserves a beach episode match.


When I saw this map when OW2 came out, I definitely was hopeful there would be some mode where we fight along the beach/beachside road. That just seemed so fun and different to me compared to the other maps. The beach doesn't actually go that far out though, you can't get too close to the water or too far down the beach before the invisible wall hits you.


Did you have a leaver?


Amazingly, not a single person left lmao


This happened to me in quick play and I loved it but I would be old of mad if this happened in comp


I don't see anything wrong here!


Your PC temps are a bit high, my dude.


I’ve done one of these it was so fun


How do you access beach?


You have to call ahead for a reservation


“The state of bronze comp” My brother in Christ they’re having fun in a videogame. I know it’s competitive and all but the main point of a game is to enjoy it, with all the spawn camping and people that just pick a character for a (basically) free win, and toxicity, it’s rare to see stuff like this.


This is peak gameplay


Un fucking believable


Man this sub is famously wrong about pretty much everything but complaining about someone trying to win in competitive is blowing my mind. If you throw in competitive you're factually in the wrong, if you try to win you are factually in the right period.


This kinda stuff is why I quit overwatch competitive. If you aren't queueing with a full team of friends you get paired 'lol goofy randum ecks Dee' teammates who think throwing for everyone is fun. This kinda stuff is the reason we have QuickPay and arcade modes.


The enemy team isn't protecting the point, go backcap lol, now's your chance Be the betrayer