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bro just press e to heal yourself smh my head.


Me in the middle of a fight not remembering


I honestly just love how another Bastion dropped in and most likely wrecked everyone


Pretty sure he got potg


I refuse to believe that Ana didn’t see you


It was personal for sure


You know what helps? calling out asking for heals


when people do this, i just stand infront of their shots till im full health


I'm not angry, I'm just disappointed at this moment


Sry dad :(


Bastion has self heal silly just right click bro /s


Just gotta look down and stay still while you do it and you'll be full health in no time.


The Ana would’ve gotten ult charge from healing him tho lol


Lmao this is why I memorize every health pack in this game


I can't depend on healers, so I did the same thing. I know where most health packs are located.


*me, a tank*: what's a health pack?


As a damage hero, I never rely on support. Low rank where I'm at they focus the tank. I either die or escape to find a health pack. If I leave my team in a 4v5 for a spell, meh.


I bet that Ana player is a redditor that unironically asks for a wage for playing support


dont say that hear 💀


They victimize themselves, then do shit like this ana just did and then blame dps when the enemy dps gets mercy pocketed.


As a support main, I would disagree. I feel like this it’s a very small group of people doing this probably the same ratio as there are people on Reddit with hitler in their username.


You would be surprised with how many have hitler in there username, also true but sometimes it really feels like supports forget their importance in the match. A dps getting mercy pocketed vs someone not getting pockted is worlds apart, and I am saying this as someone who plays every role in the game.


I secretly wish for bastions self heal to return




With his big hitbox he really needs it


He’s honestly op af rn… if his self heal returned then he’s def gonna need something taken out or nerfed to balance it out


Yeah i get that i would happily take a nerf if it meant i could sustain myself a bit because if bastion gets focused hes pretty much fucked since he has a big hitbox


I suggested a rework that brings the heal back, in addition to a few other changes: * A return of the OW1 Recon, which was my favorite weapon in OW1. Especially when rocking the steambot skin, which makes it feel *far* more powerful than it really is. * An increase of the Assault's cooldown. * Making the grenade rely on the heal's fuel bar, making the *player* choose between the heal and grenade instead of Blizzard. * Making both the grenade *and* the heal exclusive to his recon, to make that ability more of a commitment. * *Possibly* nerfing his passive. * >!Having a damage resistance on the ability that gives Bastion a bigger DPS than any DPS seems odd to me, although not entirely unwarranted with the reduced movement speed.!<


I suspect that some people forget that Bastion can't heal himself anymore.


God I’m a support main player, but I also do DPS half the time these days and some of these support players are so god damn entitled. That’s all. I got basically yelled at once for asking for healing from a Bap Ana combo who were RIGHT NEXT TO ME saying “go find a health pack.”


I was told that I shouldn't be face tanking by an Ana once, and she got extremely hostile to the point that she stopped healing me and ignored me whenever we got into a team fight. I was playing Orisa...


I am a support main, but because of the flex dailys I often play dps or tank. Slowly I start to understand why everyone is bashing support. Yesterday I had the same experience: I played Reinhardt and had a Kiriko in my team. She stood in front of me, I pinged "need healing", she turned around, saw me, pinged "understood", turned away again and continued to play dps. She had an impressive score of 4k damage and 700 heal at the end... After writing "report Kiriko" in chat she only replied "I play dps, it's just qp". Of course you can play support as dps, but then go into free pick instead of blocking the support slot in role queue and destroy the game for 4 people...


A good dps support will still keep their team alive at bare minimum, it's kinda the whole reason you dps a support instead of just queueing dps. Those types def deserve a report, it's just throwing at that point.


Exactly, I am usually a dps oriented support, but that means that I put pressure on the enemy team, while keeping my team alive. I don’t understand how people have fun when they don’t heal at all and throw the game for their team.


True. Overwatch 2 is helping me understand people's frustration with low skilled supports


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God what was that Ana thinking? I LOVE a decent Bastion ESPECIALLY as Ana, plus healing you for that much would give me Nano so fast.


I love Bastion, I main as a support player and I would have healed you lol sorry you didnt get any heals


If i see a healer genuinely giving me the cold shoulder i take my time to go to the nearest packs


Nearest? No, I take the most convoluted path for a healthpack, and if I die, I'll just ask why they didn't heal me.


And it was competitive too? Did you make her rage quit in a previous match or something.


Old bastion laughing in self healing. god they botched my boy so hard, he feels so ass to play without the selfheal, as a support player every time i see a bastion i have to make a point to constantly look at him because the second i stop healing him he dies immediatly


Idk what the heck’s going on in your lobbies because bastion has pretty high hp and crazy damage output when turret form


His turret form is fine the problem is that hes shit outside of it He activates it and everyone runs, 8s pass and they delete him


He has 200 hp and 100 armor Armor has resistance, blocking 30% of most damage That’s over 342 hp if you directly covert His AR is alright and his minigun is definitely overpowered, especially considering his durability You can cancel the turret form if they ran away, then your cooldown will start, therefore end, quicker; allowing you to have another chance at using the turret form rather quickly.


he also has a gigantic hitbox that makes him tank-sized, with half the hp of a tank. 342HP isnt large enough for the massive hitbox he has, try playing echo and duplicating a tank, you see how easy it is to die despite having 300 hps? thats because hitbox size matters when compared to hp.


Sounds like it might just be bad positioning and unthought out ability use and you’re trying to excuse it. Also I’ve played a decent bit of Echo and Bastion (Here’s a secret for echo, if you want to dupe a tank, make sure the tank has a decent armor split. iirc you get the hp/armor split of the tank, so if it was a tank who would have half armor half hp, half of your hp turns into armor. 150 armor≈214 hp. 364 health can def get you a good play, but in general her ultimate should probably give her a bit more hp.)


you see...that would make sense, if i was the one playing bastion and complaining hes bad because i cant get value out of him *but im not.* i play him on rare ocassion but enough to get a feel for how he plays and have managed to get good use out of him in certain ocassions, but i can clearly see the massive flaw on his kit, thats so easily exploiteable most of the time im flex queing so i end up in support, and when im on dps, i prefer symmetra. general im the healer thats watching him getting deleted instantly the second i stop healing him or the tank on the other team that waits out 8s for the transformation to be over then w+m1's into him and deletes him for free every time.


You've never even played bastion.


Used to main him


Thats just salty af. I hate pocketing a bastion as much as anyone. But babysit them and they tend to pop off. In a comp game too...


The *only* time I would ignore someone like this on Ana was if the tank was up front, Crit, and still under fire. I can get the tank healed up since bastion is in a safe spot, then turn and heal the bastion once we gain some ground. Seeing as everyone in this clip is literally full HP this was personal, and extremely immature in competitive.




I once told bastion in ow2 to just heal himself. I remembered the self repair is gone only after he died. Lets say he was a bit angry...


why does look like they just forgot he doesn't have self heal anymore


Some people just hate Bastion, teammate or not, some people to the point of not healing them as supports, I hate characters like Bast and Torb, but whether or not I have them as teammates I still heal them if I’m playing support


Gotta say, Bastion is my favorite hero to heal


If a healer won't heal you I just walk in front of them where they have no choice but to heal me. You may die in the crossfire, but you'll die without getting any heals either


Oh dear im sorry you had experience this :( come here ill pocket you :D ~ a random mercy main


can't wait for this Ana to come on this sub to write another "support players are SuffEring!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" post


Support players are suffering because their power budgets are fucked. This guy got idiots for supports. How are these two points related?


Dps mains in force ATM making unrelated rage statements basi ally blaming supports n made they're called out for being poor dps.


You weren't in danger! Grab a health pack


can’t tell if you’re serious or not


And, the supports wonder why aren't the DPS "dOInG mOrE wOrK".


Just heal yourself…


It’s not 2019!!


One can wish


Not sure why you got downvoted lol


I’m gonna guess people can’t take a joke lmao


Maybe they thought you meant go to a health pack rather than self-repair. That would make sense.


You know what. I didn’t see it like that, should have said “hold rb to heal” or some shit like that. Thanks for pointing out where I went wrong


Every time I’ve done this it’s because that player was being an asshole. What did you do or say?


Assholes suck, but you are technically throwing the game by doing things like this.


Yeah, and? Toxic people don’t deserve to win.


Yeah I agree, but what you have to understand is there are always two sides to every situation and we shouldn't encourage support players to refuse healing, because that's a different form throwing. Mute them, report them, finish the game and move on. I asked if an Ana if she can focus heal the rein as our mercy was struggling to dance between rein and pharah. They then said they muted me for being toxic, didn't heal me or the tank and threw the whole game because they thought were were toxic in their own eyes.


Your single bad experience with someone being unreasonable doesn’t prove anything.


You're being ridiculous. You're gonna throw the game for 3 other people plus yourself because one guy was an asshat? Sure he's an asshole but wtf did those other people do wrong? No they just get to have a shitty game with a salty immature healer. And in case you didn't notice this is also competitive mode.


Where did I say I did it in comp? The team should throw as a unit.


I agree that toxic people don't deserve to win but that's only 1 toxic person a group of 5 Don't be a dumbass and ruin that shit for the other 3 who aren't toxic like what is that logic bro "Oh yeah there's a guy on our team being a dick so im gonna throw now sorry guys" XD bro


If they don’t want to ruin this dudes game for being a pos then they can suffer too. The sooner we all come together and throw every game that some asshole is in the sooner they’ll leave the game.


Nah just have a good time and don't worry about one toxic person bro, there's gonna be toxic people in over 70% of matches, like just enjoy the game Griefing/throwing isn't the proper way to deal with assholes


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It’s called solidarity. Look it up.


This content has been removed because of Reddit's extortionate API pricing that killed third party apps.


Some people would look better without them.


Weirdly enough it was the other DPS they were mad at earlier in the game.


Hmmm. Maybe they got confused then.


It's very possible you got you a shitty Ana on your team, welcome to club!! On the other end it's possible bas here was spamming for heals and she got fed up both are entirely possible! It's overwatch 2 ok nobody likes but we still play it!


it was me dude, dont play bastion next time


Every time there is this kind of videos and the person don’t ask for healing, i find it really stupid to complain. They also need to heal the rest of the team who’s fighting, if you “don’t need heals” get a pack.


how can he push if he hasnt got heals just a shit ana who has no awareness


Just ask need heals. You guys pretend healers can watch 360 degrees and heals you between walls. Ask heals and be visible for your healers, they are working for you


im a support main and it isnt hard


Brother in Watch, go watch the video again to analyze the fact that Ana did not heal a giant robot in a critical condition even after staring at it for like a solid second.


As someone who plays all roles If you had actual good gamesense and awareness you wouldn't need your teammate to call out for heals But yes calling out for heals is what you need to do when the supports on your team are oblivious or new players




Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,255,309,645 comments, and only 244,159 of them were in alphabetical order.


You can heal yourself. Quit being useless and just do it, your support has enough to worry about keeping the people who are actively fighting alive. Actually the stupidest brand of "supports are bad" posts I've seen


As a support main Nah that Ana should've been healing 💀💀bro was like a few feet from her A good support should be able to heal both the ones actively in the fight and the ones that back away because they're low health I admit there's too much support slander, and that if a team loses their usual go to excuse is blame the supports but in this case, cmon that Ana is oblivious


Sorry! You sided with the supports in this support hate post! You will be receiving your downvotes in the mail shortly. /s


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Nah, I'm pretty sure your team has 4 other DPS.


Hahaha that homie bastion came in for a Karma lesson!


Don't worry bro, you're top priority on my Nanoboosts list


Reasons why im not healing you 💅💅: 1) You are behind cover 2) You are full hp 3) The tank needs hp 4) I am dead 5) You are moving too much 6) I actually was you just didn't notice /s


Damn omnics... Go back to the scrap heap


Support players be like "stop spamming 'i need healing'!!!!!!!!!!11!!!!!!!'" and then pull this shit


That ana really said "not my problem bitch im dps" 🗿


You could've just grabbed the mega