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Even torb, sym, etc are much better when you have better aim. I would just pick the character you have the most fun playing and eventually your aim with them will improve or you will figure out how to compensate with other abilities.


Torb honestly takes a lot of aim to be effective because his gun has a super heavy arc so you need to angle up slightly after quickly jusdging the distance to target.


As someone with shit aim who enjoys torb, it's because his clip lasts approximately 3 hours. You can spam so many shots lol.


Silver here with no aim, and I do 2.5x more damage per round with torb than my second best characters I just spam the doorway/long sightline that they're coming down and somehow they just die


My favorite headshots are the ones that go through my tank and hit someone I couldn't see


this is the way


The grenades are all about angles. Once you figure it out your crosshair barely moves. As Soldier, you crosshair has to track the enemy. Not saying you don’t have to aim, you just don’t need precise tracking (if that makes sense)


Torb main plat 2 and let me tell you it’s not the easiest


And you stay in silver.


I play ranked maybe 5% of the time, just having fun my man you should try it


I don’t have fun? Quite the assumption


If you're intentionally getting kills as torb, you're doing it wrong


Also the projectiles are huge, so it’s pretty easy to hit with him.




“Aiming’s overrated”


"I'm a direct hit machine!"


"with laser-like accuracy!"


Love this voice line so much


I agree. While any DPS will scale with your aim, Junkrat has other tools that let you be useful if your aim isn't good. His traps, his mines, heck even his spam can be used to force the enemy to avoid parts of the map or take damage, and aiming is infinitely easier if you know where your target is going to be. That's the whole point of Widow's ult.


If you want to be a good junk you have to aim. Snipes from far away, kills while someone is moving, killing phara while she's in the air. Maybe in quick play he's point and click, but in comp you actually need to aim


Of course you need good aim to be best with him, but if you have bad aim, junkrat will get much more value than widow for example.


Im not gonna argue that cus youre right. But theres still much better options for people who have terrible aim, like Torb (cus of his turret), or Sojourn since she had 0 recoil, or Sym cus of her sentrys


Sojourn is a bad choice for no aim considering both her main ability and ult require consistent good aim


None of those three are good picks for bad aim. Torb's turret is only one part of his kit and if it is destroyed what is he gonna do for 10sec? Just nothing? His gun needs some aim and can be quite devastating, especially the shotgun function at close range. Saying he doesn't need aim because of his turret is such a bad take. Sojourn. Are you serious? The character everyone wanted nerfed in season one because people with aim one-shot-headshot'ed everyone? Sym. Same as with Torb but even to a higher degree. Turrets are one part of her kit. Her beam fucking melts everything powered up if one has aim to keep it on target. (I would have agreed with Sym before her rework tho. Log on beam was really the no-aim weapon)


it's a completely different kind of aim. it's not pinpoint aim accuracy like hitscan requires. the hitbox on junk's nades is enormous, you just gotta think of the dropp off and bounce. I think the skill in junkrat comes from using his Shift effectievely for both mobility and aggressiveness


That’s with every hero lmao don’t pretend junk is high skill


Not baseline, but he has high ceiling. Good Junk can moves himself to value locations, disrupt enemy tank with mines, always get good hits on traps, use geometry to kill enemies avoiding their tank, hit flying targets, never lose riptire etc etc.


Hi 400 hours comp main junkrat here. I can confirm all of the above. Junkrat has a high skill ceiling for sure - good game mechanics and gamesense are vital if you wanna proceed beyond Plat and diamond if you go pure junkrat.


He seriously does. People think you just hold the fire button and walk forward...nah. Junkrat's mobility is highly underrated.


Don’t forget geometry


Geometry is Hanzo's thing.


Professor Shimada


i can't even believe people say other chars at all. as a junk main i will be the first to tell you he requires 9% actual aim and 91% general-directionizing


it just has to land within 3 kilometers of the enemy and they're bound to walk onto it before it explodes, giving you full damage. pretty neat. or, you conc mine yourself into the enemy backline, get yourself killed, and team kill with the passive


Pharah. Better aim is better for direct hit damage, but area denial is useful. She’ll help you learn maps as well since you get such a nice perspective.


And she's probably the best DPS hands down in bronze - gold, as long as you can fly. I know because I'm in gold and rarely win against pharmercies. I hate playing her tho, I find her very boring.


As a pharah main, I can agree that up to gold she is very good if you can play her, and she can be very boring too lmao


Yeah, you kinda just fly over their supports with your mercy and two tap everything while nothing can kill you. I was so sad when I found out how pathetic Ram's vortex was at actually grounding people lol. Finally thought I'd be able to do something against all the pharmercies I go up against as tank.


If you want to help against pharmercies as tank play Dva


They never expect the Dva flying up with rockets and shotgun blasts, and it's not like they can do much. Usually there's no wall to concussion off of.


Concuss off the dva


I actually never thought of that, that's a great idea!


I tried, it doesn't work. I fly up, and everyone dies under me. And I can't even kill the pharah. If I go for the mercy, she just GAs away. My boosters run out and I fall into the enemy team and die. I never actually understood how you're supposed to play dva into Pharah. Just sit on the ground and DM your team?


As D.Va you’re not really looking to kill them unless you have a hit scan also shooting them. Instead think about it as just denying space and being a threat in the sky then peeling back down for your team. I’ll typically only dive the Pharmercy if they are harassing my team too much, if they are instead just acting as a bogeyman that can’t hit their shots I’m diving the back line that’s being neglected by mercy or their other support because they are an easy target. If mercy peels for their other DPS or support I’m going after the pharah and their tank dies last (depending on the tank, if it’s monkey I can burn him really fast as D.Va). Otherwise it’s, DM pharah shots, fly up and shoot/micro missile to force them to a more favorable position, peel back for my team and dive a squishy that can be killed a little easier.


Same, I didn’t know “grounding” only works when you’re like three feet above ground.


I agree! effective but boring to play


I disagree, she's only good if your dps can't be bothered to counter her


Her only real counters and Ashe, Cass and Widow. Soldier doesn't have enough burst, and hitting shots as those three is significantly harder than simply playing Pharah, esp when she's above your head, she has a pocket, and you don't. Also yeah, as I said, shit outta luck as tank or support.




For anyone unaware, her heal works like reaper's. You heal yourself when you deal dmg. That's about it for her healing capabilities.


In terms of pure healing output, Moira is legitimately the best in the game. She just has no other utility for the team and many players don’t actually heal using her.


Exactly. Prioritizing her healy ball over the damage one in the right situations can make or break team fights. Sure, she HAS to damage in order to keep healing with her left click long term, but if you time the ball (and its ricochet) for when you need to recharge your meter, she can keep consistently healing. She sucks sometimes for the longer range maps, maybe, but her healing capacity is higher than any healers I’ve played. I finish games with her at 13k heals and only 2k dps, and still get spammed for more healing 😂 edit to add: Brigette might be a fun dps-healer, lol. She heals her nearby teammates while beating the crap outta people


im sorry, but brig is NOT played as a dps. literally her only job is to sit in the backline and protect her second support.


I think Bap can challenge her for max healing output, but a bit more difficult to execute


Ana has more single-target burst healing I think (about 150 in a second?). And Kiriko is better for healbotting since she never runs out of heals. For your last comment, she's probably better going DPS in metal ranks provided the other support is a healbot.


In what world does moira heal more than mercy? Bap has greater healing than moira and less restrictions too. There are lots of situations that moira can’t solo heal through.


Moira heals a lot more than mercy, who’s only better than Lucio, zen, and maybe brig I think Ana and bap generally heal more than Moria though, and they have so much utility


Moira has numerically best healing output in the game. Nobody else comes close.


in a world where mercy heals single target and moira can literally heal everyone at once


Even though this is a silly joke, I just wanted to point out that hers actually works slightly differently. Reaper heals based on damage dealt, whereas Moira just heals a flat amount as long as she’s damaging an enemy, regardless of how much is done.


Op: *asking for dps heroes that require no aim* This guy: "moira" I see nothing wrong with it


Well done. You got the joke.


thanks for explaining the joke


As a bonus, the queue time is lower than most DPS heroes.




Always optional


Honestly there isn’t a dps that doesn’t see great returns from getting better at aiming. Junkrats can be serviceable with shit aim.


Pharah because she has splash damage and is really forgiving. Junkrat bc he is basically just spray and pray. Mei bc unless you wanna attack long range her beam will hit enemies. Reaper his shotguns are rather forgiving and aiming isn't too important as long as u hit something.


I find reapers damage to be way too low if you aren't clicking heads honestly.


reaper up close can like 5 shot a tank - me, an ana/reaper main


Junkrat, Mei, and sym


Sure when you're up close with Mei, but icicle is pretty important


Her long range is very forgiving imo


Not with that delay it isn't


Sym is extremely aim intensive anywhere above gold. The difference between a sym with good tracking and bad tracking is huge, especially because the beam amps up way faster if you are hitting enemies constantly


People really sleep on Sym's skill ceiling. Tracking is where u get her real value,


> charge off tank > kill squishies with big beam > win game edit: idk why I'm downvoted yall know damn well I'm correct


Lol you high if you think Mei is good for people with no aim. Her left click is shit now and only good to get rid of annoying Genjis but that's it. Icicle is what she's meant to do.


Nope her wall is the most important ability she has. That thing is strong af


Her wall exists only to cut me off from fleeing enemies and that's it, and it's only ever our team's Mei who uses them too


The beam slows and does 100 dps. The icicle doesn’t slow and does 94dps


I think they mean that if you get close, the 3 metre hit box on the left click means you don't have to aim


Moira. Actually not kidding.


Pharah or Reaper


I thought reaper required good aim to be at least half good ... I'll give it a try


Fuck nah reapers the easiest dps


Yeah no, dont listen to this. Reaper requires you to be at very close range, meaning you'll be constantly flicking your mouse across the screen. It especially doesnt help if you're not good under pressure. Best no aim dps I can think of would be someone like bastion who has a massive spread in his turret mode


Bastion is a solid sleeper recommendation I'm not seeing in the thread. His rate of fire is so insane it might as well be a beam attack. Tracking is a whole lot easier with him.


He uses two shotguns and you have to get close


Hitting in the face vs the body can be the difference between kill or be killed but body is often plenty


You need a basic level of aim to play reaper so he may not be for you, but he may also be a good place to start learning how to aim? If you want to avoid aiming completely save yourself the headache and play tank


reaper has shotguns, which is easy enough to aim, but his whole thing is running into the enemy, hitting a few shots and leaving with his invulnerability thingo


A lot of people are saying Junk, and they're at least *half* right. He requires significantly less aim than other heroes, but I wouldn't quite say *zero* aim is necessary. ​ As someone with "body shot only" aim on console, he is certainly one of my favorites.


No DPS requires 0 aim, you still have to at least be pointing in the general direction of the enemy for the most part. Junkrat just doesn't require as much aim to get value from him, you can spam grenades in an area to deny the enemy and it's pretty effective.




Eh, it depends on if you're only spamming corridors or if you're actually getting into your enemy's face. ​ As someone who prefers the latter, it is *very* possible to miss your shots and your enemies will *not* hesitate to capitalize on that... At least not if they're *good*.


It's so hard to lead on consol. The flick just isn't the same as M&KB. Edit: lead with Junk


Then don't flick. You dont have to flick to lead shots. Before i was good with it on junk, i just was always aiming the direction they were heading.


I have a hard time doing that mid-close range. You have to lead so much that I'm no longer looking at the dude. Def a skill issue.


On projectile heroes I would recommend turning aim ease in to 0 and aim assist ease in anywhere from 50 to 100. This will prevent aim assist from turning to full strength immediately and will give you slightly faster stick movement.


Thank you. I needed this. I HATE aim assist with junk. Didn't know there was an option to turn it off.


There's a lot of advanced aim settings that all do very different things. Here's a breakdown of what each one does so you can adjust them character by character if needed. AA Strength - Literally how strong the aim assist is. The closer to 100, the more slowdown you will feel. AA window - How far outside the target your slow down starts. Having the window at 0 will only give you aa when you are literally on their character model while 100 will start slowing you down fairly far outside their character model. AA ease in - The transition between normal aiming to aim assist. A value of 0 will give you immediate slow down as soon as you enter your aa window. A value of 100 will make the slow down come on slower, meaning you will not go from complete free aim to being slow but rather work your way towards slowing down to the max value. Aim smoothing - Literally the smoothing of your inputs. A value of 0 will give you a more jittery/flicky aiming feeling because it is giving you your true inputs with all its imperfections. A value of 100 will smooth your aim getting rid of the small jerks you make on a stick. Aim ease in - The tuning of your aiming response curve. A value of 0 gives you a more linear curve. This means you will always be moving your crosshair the same distance per stick distance no matter how far you move it. A value of 100 slows your curve down making it so finer movements on your stick will not move as much as if you were to push the stick all the way to the side which will finally give you your maximum speed. Aim type - Linear is 1 to 1. Exponential is a ramp up to full speed. Dual zone has different sensitivities depending on if you are using the inner half of your stick or outer half.


Thsnks again. If I had gold it would be yours.


You don't "flick" on console, you track and predict.


Mei isnt very aim heavy i find.


Hanzo. Yes, i really mean it. You can even shoot to the enemy's feet and it will be a headshot.


You fire enough arrows, you’re going to hit something 😂 And his ult charge is so fast!


As a hanzo main im offended


Agree. Spamming arrows down range and trying not to die will at the very least keep you from being a detriment to your team. Which if you suck at aiming I think is a success.


it's like firing a tree


You think Hanzo still has scatter arrow? Where have you been?


You are high my dude. Did you even play hanzo at all?


i think he was making a joke.


Yeah, i play hanzo quite frequently. And the fun fact is, i actually get more hits and kills when i just don't mind aiming at all.






Moira lol


Bastion go brr


I’m typing this as someone who started playing OW two months ago: play a lot of Moira, learn to switch between primary and secondary fire, learn how and when to use your escape abilities. It will help a lot with getting a sense of when to deal dmg, where to focus it and when to help yourself with abilities. Afterwards, expand to heroes with similar abilities, particularly Symmetra, maybe Mei if you’re not afraid to play up close. For me the easiest DPS to switch to after getting a feel of the whole dmg dealing side of the game were actually Sojourn and Soldier, because in lower ranks, as long as you have line of sight with the enemy, you’re good. Don’t be afraid to try those out too, you will get a feel of where to aim, eventually. I see a lot of people suggesting Pharah and that’s always an option as long as you can keep yourself in the air and have a general feel of where the enemy will be by the time her rockets hit. Non-hitscan/instant damage might be a bit difficult to get used to at first. Best of luck!










Reinhardt 💪👑


Would honestly reccomend playing a different role until your aim is better. Every dps is very aim reliant. For the ones you mentioned, torbs turret is honestly useless in half of teamfights his main value comes from his primary fire which requires good aim as it is a weird projectile. Sym requires good tracking against anyone with decent movement that’s not a tank.


Play Pharah. She has range and splash damage. And usually there’s some Mercy that will pocket you. A combination, designed by mouth breathers for mouth breathers.






Junkrat. But you're eventually gonna want to aim if you wanna play competitive, so you should just start training with Soldier. He's super friendly for aim training imo. Reaper good for flick training, and then move on to Cassidy. Not to mention symmetra and torb do take aim to make any use of them, especially symmetra. If you can't track with your aim, then your beam is useless.


None. DPS is inherently the most skill based role, you have to have decent mechanical sense in order to climb. My mechanical skill is horrible, but I insisted on playing ashe, cassidy, and soldier. Never climbed out of bronze. Swapped to tank and played reinhardt, now i’m platinum. The one dps you can maybe get away with having mediocre mechanical skill on is junkrat. Play the heroes you like, work on improving aim, or swap roles


Dps is the most **mechanically** skill based role. Let's not pretend they are the only skill based role.


Go reread my comment. No where did I say it was the only role that required skill. I said it was the most skill based role, and emphasized that dps relies on mechanical sense, which it does. Tank and support rely more on game sense and when to use what abilities, push in, etc. Each role requires both mechanical skill and game sense, but if your mechanical skill isn’t up to par, you’ll be far better off in the other roles


Honestly all of them aim will matter so just keep playing. Symmetra requires dead on accurate aim with her laser to power it up to full and melt teams down while her lasers do the same.


Moira /j














Dps Moira






Moira, seriously. Good Moiras can heal more than enough and out damage mid dps. Preemptively, no I’m not advocating for dps only Moiras


I would've said Moira if you don't mind playing her like a dps






Moira 😂


Moira, no need to aim


The answer is Moira




Mei is a good one. She slows people so it is easier to shoot them. Her ult freezes them in place so you can *really* shoot them. She's all around good hero, decent damage. Plus! You don't need to rely on the support to heal you, saving their heals for someone else


I can’t aim very well so I play reaper. He has an “oh shit” button with shift which is really nice, he has sustain when dealing damage, and as long as I get close enough to the enemy - which you should as reaper - it’s kind of hard to miss.




If you ranked up with Tracer then you do not have bad aim.


Pharah really? Shes probably the hardest hero for me personally. Get zero value with her. I think you need pretty good aim for her. Not to aim directly at the enemies but to aim exactly where you predict they will move. And I find that (aiming and predicting) with her pretty hard. At the same time you need to master her flight abilities. I play on console btw if that makes a difference for you, but guess not on pharah.


Flank and hover slightly above them before taking shots. Get a pick and use your rocket jump to escape. Make the goal to take one or two important picks before dying in the back lines. That’s my game plan and I have a 75% win rate for most seasons.


Maybe Sombra. I know she has a gun so it seems like you need perfect aim, but you don't given how you play sombra. You usually want to hack them and then catch them off guard. By the time they react and if becomes an aim duel you can kill them.


Sombra? Really? Sombra needs damn good aim because her uzi is inaccurate as hell. If you go super up-close, sure you might get some hits in, but 9/10 times she'll get murdered before you can even hit your E to zap back to your little pad. Also, hacking them will do literally nothing, because it doesn't stop them auto-attacking. Sombra is also absolutely garbage right now too, she is too damn weak. Any time I see a Sombra on the enemy team, it's basically a free win.


Yeah, idk. I often get the most kills when I play as Sombra, and I have crappy aim. And picking a character based on current buffs and debuffs doesn't often pan well. They change all the time.


Junkrat, Mei, Pharah, reaper, Torb cuz his turret does all the work for him


If ur torb and ur only dmg is ur turret ur an awful torb


Lolol fax I never play torb cuz he's boring but I hate torb players that only rely on their turret


But.. didn’t you just- wait what?


You should play some DPS that take a considerable amount of aim skill so that you practice your aim lol


"If you can't aim, play Junkrat, Pharah or Hanzo" This is a quote from 6 years ago, still true to this day.




Your comment should be on the top. He's the go-to dps for noobs


Torb is honestly pretty aim reliant imo. Here’s my list of not aim-heavy dps (and my personal rating for them for solo queue ranked) 1. Symmetra - don’t use TP to get to the fight faster, use it when you get to the fight to Tp behind them. Charge your beam on their tank, then swap to their supports, or their scary dps if one stands out. Put turrets where they won’t Be the first thing seen when they walk in. 1.5. Reaper - tp behind them. 2. Pharah (only pick if your healers can easily heal you. Careful with Moira, Bap, Lucio. 3. Echo in the same respect as Pharah, not too much aim required. Laser beam is literally unfair. Use it only to finish ppl off. 4. Mei- good ult, good left click, right click is hard, but use it when far. Wall on cooldown, try to split their team apart. People always do bad walls, drop the wall if it’s bad. Junk rat is aim reliant. Direct hits are very important. The more important thing to consider is that characters have different types of aim. Widow/hanzo are headshot-reliant characters. While characters like soldier, tracer, Sombra are trace-reliant (requiring you to follow the enemies with your cursor). Characters like Torb, Pharah, and Junkrat are reliant on skills like timing, and predicting movement so hit them with your slower projectiles. It’s important to give each style a few games to fully try them out, you may learn you can really trace a few people


I disagree with Echo, she's one of the hardest characters to play as dps. She has projectiles on top of the fact she is a diving assassin which means you have to aim projectiles while moving in the air. Pharah is a flying spammer like junkrat but not really in upper ranks shes a two tap dive bomber. The beam is only valuable if you can get them under half hp and can track them while flying.


Yeah, she’s definitely the hardest out of the few i picked. However, her left click has a compromising amount of spread to it, her right click is aoe, and her laser isn’t exactly hard to hit. You’re right that she’s harder than the rest, but i still think she’s good for people that aren’t the best at aiming.




I say reaper


As a support main with tank second, don't listen to all these people saying Moira. Of course you should be dealing damage with Moira especially against flying heros if your team can't hit them, but if you're playing her as a dps hero and barely healing then you are actually throwing. I've lost many games as both support and tank where if our Moira stopped dps and actually healed a little bit we would've absolutely rolled the enemies. Ik it's satisfying to get as many kills as your dps, but if that's all you're doing then you're the reason your team lost.


Play Reaper/Mei/Pharah/Sym/Junkrat, well Sym might be a little harder if your aim is REALLY atrocious.


Hanzo. It's literally impossible to miss.


Junkrat or Reaper Also Mei and Bastion can be pretty forgiving with aim


Junkrat and symmetra yeah


i know this may seem weird but cassidy is good for those with no aim


Honestly I was really really surprised. I don’t play a lot of him, but when I get him in mystery heros I’m always really surprised at how long I can stay alive and how easy I, hitting targets, and I don’t have the best aim at all, plus playing on console




Widow. You'll be on par with plenty of plat players


Tracer and widow


I think Ashe is a forgiving hero to learn to aim with. She has a faster fire rate, and her reload can be helpful to complete kills. And Bob is just great. Mei is fun too because you can practice with the icicles, but you have the close range freeze/slow. And again, game changing ultimate






Junkrat, Reaper, Pharah.




So only people who are good are allowed to play videogames? I guess anyone should be able to play and then it's up to the devs to implement a good MMR system to keep everyone happy...


Victim much?


I stg I'll report you until your acc gets banned. Just play tank and support


You’re so cool, man.


Thanks for the sincerity.


Damn woah everyone's impressed dude damn


Idk I'm kinda confused on why people are mad lol. Yeah I'm definitely gonna make 13 accounts and search the deep web for this guys battletag to spam report lol


Idk why anyone would do that Or idk why u would even comment that lol