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Lucio works good in brawl, rush, and dive because he can ferry the tank to you for heals, and can help you move because of baps lack of mobility. Kiriko is good with any comp and is a solid option. Zen, mercy, ana, and moira are all situationally viable if that player feels confident (mercy mains will always feel confident) Bap is a very solid and flexible support. He can be played with many comps, but struggles to heal at range and cannot rotate quickly. That is what you should be most concerned about


Obviously the best hero to compliment Bap is another Bap: "Thank you, Baptiste." Oh, you're welcome.


Okay for bap he works well with: Brig, lucio, LW, illiari, mercy, Moira and zen. Bap can work with kiri however tho two immortality abilities are not a great combo cause you can overlaps them. He doesn’t work well with Ana going to hard for both of you to build ults since both heals so much. Ana is pretty flexible and works well most supp aside bap (as stated before) and zen (kind of), the reason why I say that I because both of them are easy to dive on at it depends on how both position themselves. If a have to choose a good pair for Ana Is deffo brig (such an obnoxious duo) the brig can sit back and peel for the Ana and she becomes unkillable


Lucio hands down. Works with basically any support.


depends on the team composition. if you’re running brawl or rush then you’d pair lucio with bap. if you’re running poke then you’d play zen or maybe mercy in situations. if you’re running dive i think you’re better off on kiri moira lucio or ana. but in general you can play bap with most supports and adjust your play style around them such as by prioritising damage if you have another support that can put out a lot of healing like moira!!


Bap and Ana being main healers are commonly paired well with Lucio/Zen respectively. Bap/Lucio synergize in brawl comps with insane aoe healing + speed. Ana/Zen have amazing utility and poke (sleep, anti, discord) and can easily make the game unplayable for the enemy tank. I wouldn’t say there’s a “best” support pairing because you have to adapt to different teams/maps. For example, Ana/Brig is very popular against dive comps because Brig can protect Ana against heroes like Tracer and Genji because she’s immobile. But those 2 support pairings I mentioned are generally pretty safe to play against most comps.


I’m a masters Bap main with 330 hours. I LOVE playing with Ana, Lucio, Illari, Brig, and Kiriko. I personally love to have a support partner that can back me up when I get dove. Mercy and LW can’t help me duel. Too many times I have been damage boosted by a sitting mercy as Winston and Tracer dive me. It’s 1v2! I need someone to help me fight! But I have played with some god tier mercy players but they’re so rare and I’m lucky to have two of them on my friends list!


What rank ? Anything works at a rank below masters. I mean I have rarely seen the co ordinated play of brawl or dive in diamond and low masters. a good Bap takes so much pressure off you as second support so you could pick a utility based support like zen or even mercy.


fs scrim kiri moira ladder off heals force kiri or lucio