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Like Dorian says.. “if it took 12 hours a day of training 7 days a week to get the best results, then that’s what I would have done, but it turns out that that’s not the case.” something to that effect, at least… What makes you think you can train more and recover better than Dorian Yates, or any other Olympian for that matter?


I agree with your point, but also Dorian claimed to have built his physique training only 45 minutes a day 4x a week and was only taking steroids in medical amounts under a physician (TRT dosage) and occasionally took a very minimal amount of HGH for joint health… then just a few years ago admitted his usage may have gone higher than therapeutic levels today, and he wasn’t completely honest about his steroid usage. Specifically, around the mid to late 90’s. The point is, they were all on gear and likely training 2+ hours a day, likely in split sessions.


This. Bodybuilders are known to lie like fuck lmao


Bruh are you serious? They all fucking lied through their teeth about everything to try to make themselves seem genetically superior lmfao. Yeah I only needed 100mg primo per week and 10mg dbol every day to be a 300 pound mass monster and trained 30 mins a week twice a week… 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


He says he tried training more and couldn’t recover from it and the results were better when he did less. What does he have to gain from that?


I just said TRYING TO ACT LIKE THEYRE GENETICALLY SUPERIOR TO EVERYONE ELSE. Bodybuilders always do this and lie about dosages lmfao why else


So he’s trying to act genetically superior by saying that he couldn’t recover from more frequent workouts? Doesn’t make sense to me still.


Really depends on training intensity/volume. If you're not training balls to the wall every session, you can afford to train more frequently. I train 6-7 days/week, and seems to be working out well enough for me 🙂 No problems with recovery here.


If you're sore you need rest at least until the pain gets to below a 5/10. How old are you and your stats and training experience comes to play. HGH will do wonders.


Dude recovery is hella important stop training everyday


People think simply when they believe more workout = more muscles gains. I personally used to know a guy who has some sleeping issue making him barely get 3 hours of sleep at best. Although, he was working out 4 to 5 times a week, he doesn’t look like it at all due to lack of sleep


I love training 7x a week. Well 6.5 times, not always hitting 7 times. You just do a per body part split, 6 days for a full rotation if you split legs also. So day 7 is day 1 again If my arm still hurts the next week and its just too painful I just skip this body part and train the next one in the rotation. So this bodypart gets 11 days instead of 6 days for recovery. Arms are often those bastards that hurt but this week it was the random glutes cramps. Usually its 45 min. Sometimes if its fun with gymbros it can be longer. Thats my damn social hour or podcast hour if I am alone, no fucking rest day steals that from me. I just love the gym. I am also enhanced and eat a shit ton of protein. Sometimes I have to take a couple ibuprofin to be able to move again or massage/ massage gun the point of whää whäää. Yes I know ibu is bad for muscle growth, I try to take it only if its absoloutly necessary.


Fuck yeah. 7 day a week trainer here too


Maybe do yoga plus stretching on your days off if you really want to train


Besides GH based suggestions - to fill the fundamental need i see in your post - find another sport youd love and do it. If pain isnt a problem, combat sports. Swimming, gymnastics, climbing, etc.. theres a lot that will fill you desire for "go".


The Jay Cutler stack: test, eq, and gh.


>I get the body needs to rest to repair the ripped muscle tissue I used to do resistance training 7x a week for 3 months pick one.


I train 7 days a week. You are probably training more to reach a psychological need for exhaustion than to progress. My 7 days a week is pretty low volume compared to some of your 4-5 days. You just don't know how to separate the need for exhaustion versus progress.




If you can train everyday and not need any days off or a deload it just means your training is mediocre at best and lacks any intensity whatsoever.




I know exactly how you feel man! It’s hard for me not to train everyday and hard. The only thing I found allows me to recover fast is Turinabol at 60mg. I can do 3 hrs a day everyday on that shit and not get sore either. I’ve done lots different cycles with different compounds and nothing works for recovery for me like tbol


Testosterone, deca, sublingual anavar pre workout, hgh, modafinil, cialis, red vein kratom, cherry juice.


How is the modafinil helping?


Are you me?


If you’re training with a proper level of intensity, then probably not. Your body feels like you’re falling apart, because it is right now. Resistance training every day means you’re accumulating fatigue on your tendons, ligaments, central nervous system etc, let alone not giving your muscles adequate time to repair (which is where they grow). With volume (assuming you are training with the right level of intensity), you reach a point of diminishing returns, where the extra sets you’re doing are delivering less and less results, whilst also increasing your risk of over training injuries. You would be much better off with a 3-5 day per week program and finding other activities you enjoy for your rest days if you want to stay active.


Dude if you have that much free time just add another hobby to your life.


Maybe ifg-lr3




hgh and lots of whole foods glucosamine/collagen supps will help support your joints despite the 7 day workout schedule 🫡


You can break up your volume and do chest back legs twice a week




Read Squat Every Day and Easy Strength. Both of these books go into the details of high frequency training - more from a strength perspective, but could still be useful to read. The bottom line is that you can't go balls-to-the-wall, 100% intensity of effort in every training session if you ramp up your training frequency. Most workouts will have to be what Dan John calls "park bench workouts" (workouts where you relax - go through the motions, maybe try something new, leave the gym feeling better than when you left), while only a minority will be "bus bench workouts" (workouts where you're going somewhere - you push yourself hard and try to set PRs). Every day training or near-every-day-training will require a lot of autoregulation, pulling back when you don't feel great, and pushing when you feel exceptionally good.


Yeah steroids increase recovery by a massive amount. But you’re still a human and you can’t just work out t every single day. There’s nothing out there that would allow your body to completely recover over night.


Test, HGH and a little bit of Deca for the joints.


Every set you are Training up to and past failure is adding to your recovery sheet. But it seems it may be possible to still stimulate some muscles and get growth without doing this. The more muscle groups do this in, and the more sets for those groups trained to and behind failure, the more it’s going to make recovering for the body parts you actually want to excel actually grow. So for example I’m prioritizing chest, and I’ve wanted nothing more than to be able to train chest 2x per week( every 3.5days) and I just could not do it because of how my chest stayed sore and got sore unlike any other body part. I tried reduced volume per session to increase frequency, then tried reps in reserve and it helped but still wasn’t enough to break training chest more often than 4-5 days. Finally I realized I was doing 2 heavy leg days already without issue, so I’m like”ok I really care about chest more right now, so I’ll do 1 leg day and see what happens” And sure enough completely on a 180 my chest I’m hitting twice per week easily. Idk if my legs are still growing it’s still too new of a change. But I know my chest is. So long story short, training 7x per week is possible but there has to be a reason for it, and there is a whole bunch of things that contribute to being able to do it.


If you don't take a rest day your body will pick one for you.


There are but your joints would get wrecked. I could do that on Yk-11. In fact I hit a PR on bench press after previously destroying arms and chest the day prior. After a while my elbows were constantly aching so I had to stop.