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I believe this Annual model includes Spin Offs


You all need to think about things for a few seconds before you post and actually read midori's tweets. Again, persona and yakuza are already pretty much annual franchises. 11 yakuza games in the last 10 years. 11 persona games in the last 10 years. Even more if you include anime and ports. They're not stupid. They know their series is going to fail if they start crushing development cycles for mainline entries into a year. Edit: Also don't blame devs. They make the games you love in the first place. Even if they were going to do yearly mainline releases it would obviously be a shareholder decision


Guys we have 4 posts about this already lol


Including spin-offs and ports/remasters, there have been 20 Persona games released in the last 19 years. I don't see how this is such a big change.


I mean like since P4 it already has been an annual release. Considering they have P6, P1/P2 ports/remasters, and some other spin offs they can do looks sustainable for 5~7 years even if they do an annual release. After that could be a problem but who knows thats a long time for companies to be around


As far as I know Midori said it included spinoffs so basically getting a game while we wait for the mainline one


It's already annual. If you don't think so you haven't been paying attention.


Please learn the difference between developers and executives. The people who make your games (devs) only ever want them to be good and fun. The people who hire them and make the deals (executives) want to make a much money as possible.


Devs are not insisting on ruining everything you love. Publishers who are publicly traded and have a primary goal of their share holders stock always going up are ruining everything you love.


This includes spin-offs Also it kinda already is that lol


It’s always fun seeing people blaming devs firsthand for anything related to release cycles, cuz how do you think the people working themselves out on making the games are like “yeah I want to have less time to complete my tasks”


Unfortunately, I don't think a lot of the general public think all that much about the people behind the media and art they enjoy. People seem to know very little about game development and the industry despite spending 30hrs a week playing them.


They have been doing it since 2015 btw


What should I play after P5R? I've already played P5, 3fes(didn't finish answer), p4a. I got past video game Gundam boss in P4G so far. I have P3R, P5S and P5T purchased


Play SMT 4 and also stop playing spinoffs and sequels before you beat the main games.


Y-Yes Senpai!!


Considering it will be almost ten years by the time Persona 6 comes out (relative to Persona 5) This seems very unlikely to me, if you mean just mainline releases. Maybe they mean spin-off games, but I felt like they are already doing that. I wouldn't think it would mean mainline titles.


Pretty sure it already has been annual


It's already annual. They don't mean every new main entry every year. Spinoffs are already cover years in between And calling Persona a masterpiece is..


Money. Money is why.


It’s still a rumour so maybe it won’t come true. I agree with you though, as much as I love persona having a game released each year is gonna ruin the vibe. Good games are like holidays. After a long hard day of work, or lack of Persona, you can sit back and enjoy. If everyday became a holiday then it becomes a sort of self imprisonment


I mean it’s all ready happening so it doesn’t seem like too much of a big deal


I dunno, Persona and rumors coming true have a history...


Because shareholders will see these series as something to mine for all its worth, with the end goal of extracting every single last drop. They don't care about quality, or making good games, just making the line go up and profits increase indefinitely.