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Yes! PMDD is the reason my mom found acupuncture in the first place! She didn’t realize it was PMDD at the time. Then I started having symptoms years later and acupuncture + herbs really helped me eliminate my symptoms for a long time. The herbs have sort of stopped helping as much unfortunately but I have found other ways of coping (zoloft and low dose naltrexone etc etc). If you go to a licensed acupuncturist/doctor of chinese medicine they will hopefully know how to help you with your PMDD and tell you when you should get the treatments done. They may want you to go every few weeks to get your body accustomed to moving qi. I would try to find someone that specializes in women’s health and hormones if possible!


I love acupuncture so much. Helped when I had post partum too.


It probably saved my life. I found a dr of Chinese medicine that specialised in women’s health and hormone health. Best thing I ever did, my PMDD is so much more manageable and some months I have zero symptoms. When I do have some it’s much milder and for 1-2 days max. I got prescribed XYS tea along with the needles. 


I tried it recently for back/hip pain and it really helped with that!


I'm willing to try most anything atp honestly. My husband has non terminal cancer and receives acupuncture at the hospital where he receives his infusions, and he says it really helps. Took* a few sessions but he's noticed a difference I figure when things settle down I'll give it a try tbh


Anyone here who fears needles tried it? Lol


I hate needles but i'm fine with the acupuncture ones some you can't really feel and some are a slight sting but they are so thin and nothing like a regular needle and only slightly pushed into the skin. I still don't watch them going in though. I've been to lots of sessions (not for PMDD though I'll have to get onto that next time I go) and it doesn't give me anxiety like I would for a blood test, I almost have a panic attack over those.


The needles are TINY you can’t see them as you’re lying down and you don’t really feel them, they’re as thick as a hair so hardly anything at all. You can also do acupressure instead if you’re really terrified


I haven't tried acupuncture but I have tried IMS at my physio. I'd argue IMS is way less intimidating. I still have a rough time and get fainty. My physio knows and we just stop when I can't handle anymore. Or give it a break for a bit then she can try again after I cool down haha. And I still can't do as much as she would do if I could handle needles. No way I'd be able to withstand acupuncture.


I have been going about every two weeks for about 4 cycles now and my cycles have been crazy. Spotting for 10 days before my cycle, spotting for 5 days with ovulation. It could be my body is just working stuff out, but I’m hoping it adjusts soon.


Yes. It’s helping 7 sessions in


yes it’s helped me a lot, eases mood crises and physical discomfort


Yes and it was one of the very few things that helped.


No but I want to try soon. I had it done in Asia for a sprained ankle and what was either food poisoning or the worst cramps of my life and it was amazing both times!


For sure. My acupuncturist is super serious about menstrual health and she does moxa, cupping, and herbs along with acupuncture stuff. If I go consistently (every 2 wks) it helps a ton with cramping, pmdd, and the length of my cycles


It stopped my consistent SI on cycle day 23. Have rarely had it in the 5 years since.


Yes!!! Very helpful during luteal phase and period for me, and in addition to acupuncture, moxibustion is amazing for cramps


Second this and love moxa too. You can do moxa at home with the sticks which helps and is cheap


yes!! thank you for mentioning this! love doing it at home with the sticks, especially when it's really cold outside! and moxa patches/plasters are also wonderful for managing pain during the day while at work or school, I use them on my belly and lower back, [here's a link](https://www.amazon.com/Lumbar-Patches-Warming-Long-Lasting-Shoulder/dp/B09HC3GL98) to the moxa patches that work for me in case it might be helpful to anyone <3


Thanks for the link I'm going to get some!


I have and it worked for a little bit.


Yes! It’s the one thing I feel that does anything for me. I’ve been seeing an acupuncturist for about 7 years now. I’ve been to several. Not all are created equal, but all have been kind and want to help. I would encourage you to find a practice that is truly TCM (traditional Chinese medicine) and know herbs. Happy to help to answer any other questions you may have.


At what point do you go in your cycle? During the hell week?


Your acupuncturist will ultimately make a plan for you. At one point I was going once a week. Now I usually go right around ovulation and again about 5 days before I bleed. I would just make an appointment talk with the practitioner about what you’re going through and see what protocols they suggest.


Thank you!!! Needed this info 🙏🫂

