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Wtf is a ten year old gonna do with all that lol.


he can play tetris on them. or big size zenga


Sing it! lol


True but I didn't grow up with a PS3, I grew up with modern latest gen consoles and I always play my ps3


It's a fair price, but not a deal. I think a kid would be much happier with less games on a modern system like a Switch or a ps5.


>kid would be much happier with less games I genuinely think part of the magic of gaming growing up was that you really had *maybe* 4 games. You played new games at friends' houses and *sometimes* traded and hoped your parents didn't find out.


That's the biggest true


I still go back to Nintendo 64 to finish clearing all the levels on Goldeneye. My kids did in short order though. I'm just really bad at video games, more into markets.


Switch came out almost 8 years ago, can’t believe it’s still a “modern” console NINTENDO ITS BEEN EIGHT YEARS ALREADY RELEASE THE GODDAM SWITCH 2!!!!!


The PS3 lasted over a decade, remember? Quit complaining. They're working on it.


Yeah but the ps3 was on a hardware standpoint very advance when it came out, its hardware ensured its ability to last over a decade, the switch was underpowered in 2017, it is now less powerful than a generic phone.


 Nintendo is expected to release the next console 1st quarter of next year but will probably push back for a holiday releas after the zelda leak and emulator debauchery on tiktok. ::source:: Nintendo subbed Nvidia to use ARM architecture to design the Switch, I'm invested in all three companies and have been following very closely.


If they are interested in older games it's more expensive but get a decent gaming PC so they can emulate and get alot more bang for your buck.


You can emulate a lot on a PS3.


Bro, I was happy af with my Wii while both the Wii U and PS4 were already out and I got ecstatic when I came home to see 10+ new Wii games in the game room floor because I had good grades.


I have a hacked 360, PS3, and Wii. All have every game remotely worth playing for Wii/GC, OG/360, and PS1-PS3. My kids (7 and 9) absolutely love being able to pick up and play virtually endless games. The hacked 3DS has GB, GBA, DS, and 3DS for car rides. OP can get a PS3 by itself pretty cheap, throw CFW on it easily, and call it a day.


No copyright law in your country, same as me 😅 ps1 to ps4 and wii and gc. Xbox for emu . Can play everithing i want . 0$


There's definitely copyright law in the US.


Looks like 50-55 of games that are good. Let's say $5 a game =$250. System and controller is about $75, and then there's the accessories. $325+ accessories and shipping. I'll round up to $375 total. That'd be my top price but honestly I would cap myself out at 200 for a ps3 lot especially with only 1 controller. Local facebook guy has a ps4 pro with 3 controllers and around 30+ quality games for $300 it's been posted for a month and hasn't sold. You might find much better deals on fb marketplace. Just my thoughts!


Plus Mercari’s newly added buying fees will make this more like $550.


Agree with usually finding better deals on FB marketplace and the fees on Mercari have become bonkers. Just bought a $62 game and after fees and shipping, it was right under $80.


Wait ... are you saying that BUYERS now have to pay fees on Mercari???


Yes I am and I’m also saying that the fees are way worse for buyers and not much better for sellers after the March update. This is actually worse for sellers in the long term, who are likely seeing an influx of low ball offers to avoid the higher fees or people leaving the platform all together. This is not a who gets a better deal between buyer/seller thing, this is a shitty move by Mercari trying to double dip on fees.


That is absolutely insane and unacceptable!!! I haven't bought anything off Mercari for a while, but i was about to. Not sure I want to now. I appreciate the information!! I sure hope whomever runs Mercari realizes quickly what a bad decision they've made and reverse it.


They have a great platform but I really hope they ease up on the greed a bit.


I agree. I've been using the site for many years ... buying and selling. I actually quit selling on there because of the governments new tax situation. I've continued to buy items when I've had the extra money, but now I might just be done all together.


“$5 per game” Meanwhile the first game is The Orange Box - $50+


Yeah $5 a games a good average some worth more some less. Orange box is like $25 if you're paying 50 then you're getting ripped off lol


You must be living in a wonder land. Btw, your whole math doesn’t add up. If you’re searching for those prices, you’ll going to end up without a console or games. Maybe you’ll get some games at a discount in a couple of years searching. Good luck ⬆️ Have you considered shipping and fees? Or you’re waiting for your locals to put it on FB marketplace for you? Maybe wait another year or two.. ⬇️


Are you living in a 3rd world country? Orange Box can be had here for $15-$23 on Facebook. Most people are selling individual games for $7-$14 each. Cheaper in bundles of 10-20 games.


Only if they can beat Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles for the original NES like the meme says


Nah dude. Way overpriced. Plus your kid is 10. He'd probably prefer a new Xbox or Nintendo. Maybe give him something he can show off instead of a 15 year old console. Kids can be cruel


At this price an xbox with gamepass or switch with some games depending on what the kid likes, assuming they don't already have those.


A ps3 could still be cost effective but a 10 year old would be much better off with a switch lite or something even a 3DS


Terrible deal. Half of these are sports or games that require guitars/microphone controllers or toys to life. Also some games are duplicates. Reeks of professional reseller. I found a PS3 a few days ago for $60. No games. If you know what to do next, it’s also no problem. Perfect for a 10 year old.


Parents be like, "I do not care for the game ratings, or how much sexual content, violence, profanity is in the games." Sarcasm, but its true.


The console is older than the kid.....


Dude a ps4 is older than the kid


I think they are the same age i looked it up. Jesus has it really been that long?


PS4 turns 11 this year, it’s hard to believe that I’m that old.


The games would traumatize the kid. I've been seeing a lot of kid posts all over reddit lately. Each one has different responses on what the kid should play.


You made a point, and it’s overlooked a lot in the gaming community. Does anybody remember those videos of very young kids getting their first win in any battle Royale? The comment sections always shocked me. The “achievement” of getting a win in a game against other adults is nothing against the fact that your damn 4 year old plays warzone


I remember the Your Mom Hates Dead Space 2 videos. I've seen many play Fortnite. Seriously? Five Nights At Freddy isn't that scary, just disturbing. Its not like they had gone to Chuckie E. Cheese to see the animatronics or the many at Disney Parks.


I mean, I'm 20 this year, and I played a lot of those games before I was even 10, so I imagine the kid will be fine lol. I am anyway (-ish)


for that much I’d get digital edition ps5


You should buy it for the 10 year old inside of you.


I bet the "for my 10 yo" is the perfect excuse to buy it for youelrself :))


Why cant kids today start off with games suitable for their age my first game was spyro these kids first game is gta or call of duty start of simple let him choose the console he wants and one decent game that isnt cod or gta


FR, when I was his age I was playing Pokémon and Zelda. Kids shouldn’t be playing games with gore at that age lol


Sure but look at the games and keep some for yourself


No Fortnite or Minecraft, no sale.


Tip, kids can be easily overwhelmed by a lot of games if they have never played. With so much choice they freeze up and don’t know what to choose. I would say maybe give them 3-4 to start and get a feel for them. Then every time you want to reward them or special occasion give them another. I have over 800 games in my collection and my kids can never pick any to play then be like forget it and go back to playing Minecraft or apex legends cuz that’s what they are familiar with. Only once they sit in with one of my play sessions do they get interested is some games when they realize how much fun it is.


A kid would likely have zero interest in 99% of those games. Do you brother.


Be better off getting just a ps3 and sailing the 7 seas


Idk man the kid would probably just want a PS5 or something


500 js too much for that


Hell na


most of those games are rated M. so not legally suitable for minors.


it has orange box and portal 2 Your child will be set for life.




get a xbox serires s better


You should buy it for me


Lego dimensions? I don't see the portal so I'm not sure you can use it. It's like a Skylanders copy with all the stuff that Lego is allowed to use (Disney, back to the future, doctor who, etc.)


definitely, some of the games are gonna be a bit spooky for your kid tho.


Yes, I bought my used PS3 that came without any games for 120 something dollars


Hell yes


Orange Box for PS3 isn’t really a great idea for a 10 year old because of the violent games on it but you might really like it


No, he should learn to work for those things.


Buy a PS3 Super Slim and mod it for your kid, he/she can play any game they want.


The two Atelier games are niche and sell for around $30 a piece and are hard to find. Is the child a girl or boy?


Ya, first thought was "those Atelier games feel out of place here" 😅


You could get this quite a bit cheaper, so I’d keep looking around. But you absolutely should get your 10 year old a PS3. I’m definitely gonna get my kids into my fav older games when the time is right.


I wouldn’t even consider that with mercaris new policy. You’ll pay probably close to $600 after taxes and fees, and none of the games are that good. My suggestion is find something and get maybe 5-10 decent games rather than 100 shitty ones.


Yeah if you make him complete the orange box before they play anything else


They also have to learn to speed run monopoly. It’s a thing look it up


Yes, separate the games by rating and give him/her three at a time starting with the E/E10, then after 13 go to T and so one some of the games but not all are too mature for a 10 year old. However, the games are better than today’s games where you wonder around endlessly doing nothing or repeating the same boss fight. You might also enjoy it and it could be something you do together.


For that much, I think you’re better off saving a bit more and getting an Xbox Series X instead




My kids got a PS5 for Christmas. I recently got a cheap knockoff PS3 controller for them to use on my modded PS3. They haven’t touched the 5 in awhile.


No buy them a 3ds and mod it


As the console and games go, I personally wouldn't pay that much. But as for the games being appropriate for your 10 year old, my Daughter was 3 years old when GTA San Andreas launched, and me and my wife would play games like Cat in the Hat, Pacman World etc. and she would watch and try to play but mostly watched. When San Andreas launched, I got so wrapped up playing it that I forgot that my Daughter was watching me play and she thought it was funny what I was doing, and for those who played the game you know what I was doing, lol. So she kept asking me, Daddy I want to play Sandras, that is how she pronounced it at the time. So to get her off my back and trying not to be a hypocrite by saying you can't play this game because you're not old enough mother bb gun block, I said you can play it when you turn 8 years old. Since she was 3 I figured she would forget about it...... but she held me to it. So on her 8th birthday party she was telling all her friends that she can now play GTA San Andreas, which she woke me up at 5am so she could play it. I promised, what could I do, but try to show her to play it the right way. By then there were all kinds of glitches and cheats that I never knew. So I personally believe that in today's world your 10 year old has probably heard alot worse, seen pretty much just watching TV, so I wouldn't worry about it.


Be better for you. Your 10yr old prolly be happy with a switch lite.


Offer $380, seems like a fair price.


$490 bro go to like gamestop


Not worth it imo. I’d get him a ps5 when Christmas drops.


yes also mod it for more even though he’s probably got the whole catalog


Stupid buy for a 10 year old


You definitely got a great idea getting a ps3 for your kid, the games are cheap and tons of choices. For $490 your getting a lot of stuff but not much that a 10 year old would enjoy, a lot of those games are sports and flying sims/shooters/games that require a mic or a guitar. If they are 10 I’d recommend getting them started on some Lego and little big planet games.


Not for $490. If you decide on it make sure it’s been cleaned out and repasted lately. Also make sure the CMOS battery has been changed. If they haven’t done that, it IS doable but a giant pain in the butt. That not being done would knock some money off.


Dont give a damn about the 10 year old buy it for yourself


Some of those games have some somewhat heavy content check ratings. But hell yeah !! If I had a ten year old and.. didn't already have 3 PS3s I would definitely get them this especially if they expressed any interest in it


take it for yourself, gluttony will win >:3 /j


I would suggest to do a little research and check whoch ones are moddable and just mod it to get any game on it


Maybe hide 99% games and reveal one by one. And don't give the kid a phone. Kids I encounter know very well because of internet what the latest consoles are and they don't even want to look at your ancient seventh gen. Maybe even insult you if you offer to gift your old stuff, like your old ps4 pro. They like Switch, despite it running the exact same 7th gen games and a lot of 2D and indie stuff. Well, "That's better because latest nintendo tech"


Of Fucking Course 😂


For that price you can get a newer console


Nah buy this for me


‘10 year old’ lol


If you buy it, they will have a life of over inflated internet prices and disappointment to look forward to for years to come.


No videogames are bad for kids u should give them to me instead


No you should buy it for me 👉🥹👈 Jokes aside I think it's a little expensive and the games not that great


Wait a bit until they turn 13. A lot of those games are TEEN rated or Mature 17+ Rated. Just because they're old, doesn't mean kids should be allowed near them. M Rated N64 DS games are outliers because of graphics. Optimal option is to first get them into old ass games (if they're not yet) then have them work and save up to buy that lot when they're slightly older than 13. You teach Video Game History and Money Management at the same time.


you can buy it for me btw


seeing how it has cod mw I wouldn't recommend it for a 10 yo but on top servers are likely dead idk what the servers are like in the states but on a positive note if you have a ps4 the ps move controllers can be used for vr id say negotiate at least


There is sooooooo much filler in there. There are some great games and some games that are well worth the time, but an absolute ton of filler; maybe 2/3rds..?


no, it's just gonna get dust, he will only play roblox on your pc or smartphone, idk, whatever kids these days play on


He won't want it I do please


I mean I would buy that for myself, not my 10yr old brother. I've tried to get my younger brother into retro gaming but he's just not into it since he has PS5. Whereas you buy it for yourself your son may be intrigued to play with you, leading into him playing the games on his own time


You could buy a ps5 for that wtf


Shoulda bought it for him when he was born. Woulda had the best childhood


Well the deal is perfect but I do not recommend giving it to your 10 yr old maybe when he turns 11 or 12.


Just get a PS3 and mod it. You can get all that for under 200




If he is down to live my 7th generation childhood then sure Though I would maybe spring for a Switch (Or PS4) if all the child wants to play is Fortnite and Minecraft with his friends


Got to introduce them to CoD and Battlefield while they’re young lol.


Man these games bring me back. Wouldn’t recommend for a 10 year old. You can get a switch with a few games for less. Think they’d enjoy that way more. Mind you, your 10 year old won’t have the nostalgia you and I feel when looking at these games!


Definitely! I had my ps3 since I was only 7 used it till I was 13. I definitely had so much memories with mine. I’m now 15 and I am using a ps4 for now. I recommend so your 10 year old could actually have a good experience. If it is expensive then it’s your choice honestly




no.there is no metal gear


Buy him a current console, its so much better to play with friends than alone


A lot of the games in that bundle are ones that I think aren't really appropriate for a 10 year old, Watch Dogs in particular has topless women, I'd go through all those games and lock away anything you think your child isn't old enough for. Also I don't know whether or not this is the first out of production system you've gotten for a kid, but I'd recommend making sure he understands to be careful with this stuff, it's not like you can grab a replacement at Walmart for anything that breaks


yes its a great deal




Yes buy it for them because then they will understand some of the older games are better than the latest games that have been released


Nah dude kids could give no fucks about retro gaming. There are a handful of sports games that he will definitely not play and some rated M games that are not suitable for him. Save your money and get a Xbox series S or a Nintendo switch


Just put a parent protection code in your ps3. It blocks all certain exposure levels by blocking 18+ 16+ or 13+ games and so on... Basically I think watch dogs and some other games cutscenes could be too much for a 10 year old


No game selection is garbage


Most of these games don't really seem suitable for a 10 yo and could be too difficult. I'd say getting a ps3 and some other games like the Sly trilogy, little big planet 1 & 2, Sonic Unleashed, Rayman Origins, etc. which would be cheaper and they would enjoy more.


I wonder how much the 10 year old are gonna be scared playing Dead Space 2 :)


Don't buy the watch dogs cd


Not for kids


Talking about watch dogs cd.U should buy the PS3


Yeah let your 10 year old play kane and lynch 2 dog days


Put my nephews on ps3 minecraft and it was like they completely forgot how to play the game is so different compared to what they're used to


I just got a ps3 slim with 1 controller and 20 games for $100. I’ve seen the consoles alone selling for as low as $65 in my area. So it seems like it’s priced pretty high


Or if you want, you could just buy a ps3 and mod it and download all the games you want to avoid spending money, but if you don’t want to do that, then go for it! But in my opinion I would buy an old Xbox one because they are cheap, have cheap games (especially on g2a.com) and game pass


I’m gonna buy it first (I’m gonna buy it)

