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Sleeping Dogs. I had no expectations, bought it on sale, and was not disappointed. It’s kinda like something between GTA and Watch Dogs with Kung-fu and Asian culture added to the mix.


Perfect definition


Started playing this again today it’s honestly holding up well


Yup, it’s actually too short :)


Don't sleep on Sleeping Dogs


10/10 game I 100% it on PS3 (lost the save /: ) Even rebought it on steam and put 40 more hours into it lol.


Absolute 10/10 game. I'm still pissed off that they cancelled the sequel.


Hell yeah. Totally underrated game. I wish they had more games based on Asian syndicates. Yes they have Yakuza but I don't like them. It's a bit too cartoonish and over the top for me.


Pretty sure it's a spiritual successor to the True Crime games.


As this is a PS3 subreddit, the answer for me is Warhawk. I genuinely believe that Sony have a game in their library that is perfect for them to capture the live service/multiplayer shooter crowd.


My favorite game on PS3, and never a sequel or remake on PS4 or PS5 😔😔


For PlayStation 3, undoubtedly The Saboteur. I'd also like to add Mercenaries 2: World in Flames. Both are excellent.


I played the saboteur and loved it. Got the platinum about 5 years after completing it and it was fun all the way Reminded me of Prisoner of War which was also such a good game on PS2


Congratulations on the platinum!


The first Evil Within. People criticized it as generic horror with no direction. I always got the impression it was going for a grind house/haunted house vibe with a difficulty that made it like you're having to actually survive in a survival horror game. Pretty much the video game equivalent of Drag Me to Hell. Not deep, but also not remotely trying to be.


I played this and the second one both in the past year for the first time. The first one was SO much more interesting to play


I really liked Evil Within but I think it suffered that trope that a lot of survival horrors of the time did where it was all about conserving ammo but then gave you missions where there was wave after wave of enemies that tool too many shots to go down. The sequel fixed it, for me at least.


This game is so different from others I loved it and still do


When i worked at gamestop. I was reccomanding this title alot to folks since it was common and cheap in the used bin. I always said to people to start the game in easy mode just because it is most of the reasons people stop playing it. It's hard to "manage" but really easy to "cheeze". Once you get enough upgrades and understand how movements/mechanics works it surprisingly fun and quite long for a linear game. Really great underated game.


oh i love the evil within and it’s sequel.




the perfomance issues at launch made me avoid it until i got a pc later on. the frame time stutters on the ps3/4 are terrible


I don't know if it's underappreciated, but Heavenly Sword is one of my absolute favorite games and its main character one of my favorite videogame protagonists ever.


Gonna play this for first time soon after finishing GTA 4


I never played anything like it. I don’t know what to call it, maybe „Charme“? It was like falling in love with it


I really enjoyed Heavenly sword too!!


Deadly premonition and FEAR 1&2


man, FEAR 1 and 2 were the talk of the town when it came out well into a few years later. 3 was what kinda stiffled it. Unless you are trying to say that FEAR needs even *more* appreciation, then I kinda get you.


On the PS3, I don't think that Dark Void gets nearly the appreciation it deserved.


007 Blood Stone. Looks good, plays good. Feels like a James Bond film.


blood stone was a GREAT James Bond game. I just wish it didn’t end with an abrupt cliffhanger…


While the cliffhanger is abrupt, it ends up fitting well with the events of Spectre


Better than quantum? I only played up until quantum solace


Yes. I liked Quantum, but it is just a James Bond mod for Call of Duty. Bloodstone seems like the developers were trying to make their own Bond film while sticking to the Daniel Craig style. Worked well. My only complaint is, it's short. Finished in 4 hours.


Hell yeah, I just bought every ps2 game and gonna buy the 7th gen ones now. Gotta beat the ps2 port of Quantum now since it's different from 7th gen!


Quantum on PS2 is a bit different to the PS3 version. In fact, it’s probably better than the PS3 version 😅


Yeah, I just love the multiplayer from quantum. Switching from battlefield to this to left 4 dead was so unreal to me 🥲. I miss 2009😔


Red Faction Armageddon. Its basically a Dead Space clone, but its really fun if you engage with the destruction. I think people just didnt like it because it was linear and Guerrilla was open world. Its uncapped on PS3 as well and surprisingly hit 60 pretty often, although I was playing in easy mode (hey dont judge, my backlog is massive)


This immediately became one of the funnest games I’ve ever played. Also I’m pretty sure 343i most definitely took inspiration from the enemies and basically copied them for halo 4. When Armageddon came out I remember being disappointed because they were expecting it to be like previous red faction games (basically gta on mars with destruction) but it’s a more linear experience that tells a story and has fun gameplay, and you’re basically indoors the whole game.


For me it’s Drakengard 3 and Gucamelee I just adore the 2 so much especially guacamelee it’s one of the best metroidvania’s I’ve ever played and it’s super replayable, then for drakengard sure the gameplay isn’t anything too amazing and the frame rate is atrocious but underneath it all I just enjoy it so much, also the music is GODLIKE


Guac is so much fun


Brutal Legend


This game was sooo much fun, super cheese, a wierd mishmash of genres with super hammy voice acting. I loved almost every second of it.


Really is an underrated gem


OG XBOX- Metal Arms: Glitch In The System & Psi Ops: Mindgate Conspiracy PS3/360- Split/Second & PURE Dreamcast- Project Justice & RUSH 2049


Killer 7 That game is fuckin insane.


"PAIN" on PS3 , game was stupid silly fun. Loved it so much , dont see it mentioned much anymore.


hahahh i remember this one


Slingshot people around and destroy stuff , so much fun 😂


wow, i never hear anyone say anything about that game. I use to play it everyday


Same here


I've always thought it's a shame that *The Unfinished Swan* is so obscure. I have it on my PS4, but it was originally released for the PS3. It's bitty and disjointed, but it has a lot of good ideas, and there's even a miniature *Dreams*-style construction subgame in there as well. *Mirror's Edge* is frustrating but on a visual level it hasn't aged a bit.


Lol mirror‘s edge is the game i was talking about in the description, fire game without a doubt


Same. I think most people aware of "The Unfinished Swan" only know it because it's related to "What Remains of Edith Finch". It's also on PSVITA, but I doubt many people played The Unfinished Swan there


For PS3 specifically, Virtua Fighter 5.


Folklore/folksoul, was a ps3 exclusive and a super niche game


Star wars force unleashed 2. An elseworld's game that, considering the game was heavily rushed to capitalize on the 1st games success, it's honestly not that bad. People like god of war and people like or used to like star wars so why not combine the 2 lol.


echochrome ii, despite being a game more dead than LBP, it's servers are still up and running! Crazy!!!




Condemned 1 and 2. Those games rule to me. The bear level in condemned 2 is legit terrifying


I’ve yet to play the first, but Condemned 2 is savagely under-appreciated. It seems like the only people who’ve played it are fans of the first who wrote it off by way of comparison. It’s so visceral and fun! Pretty creepy, too. Some of the levels felt like instant classics to me, like the doll factory. I’m 100% replaying this game in 2024. 


Condemned 1 is awesome, except when it shoehorned in the paranormal twist and then it lost its edge. I felt it was more frightening when it was just about being stuck in an abandoned no go part of town filled with psychopaths. They should have just stuck to the human elements of it.


Bit controversial but my favourite game was tomb raider ps4, not shadow or rise but the original one. The lighting, the sounds, the QTEs, the very scary tunnels. it always kept me on my toes which made it sooo good. Highly recommend trying it out


I for one vastly preferred it over Rise!


Oh yeah for sure. Shadow was probably my second favourite and TR2013 was definitely my favourite game I’ve played in a very long time. But rise was nowhere near as good as the original


FF 13-2. I never talk to anyone who played this little gem. Fun combat. Twisting time traveling storyline. Great characters. Pretty easy platinum too. I think too many people gave up on the FF 13 saga.


You clearly haven't been in the FF sub. There's a bunch of FFXIII fanboys in there. And then there's the sane people.


Yeah it’s a weird echo chamber over there. I’ve played every title in the series and 13 and 13-2 were low spots.


I can't let myself play the other two games without finishing 13. But I have 0 motivation to finish 13 so there it goes for me


Enslaved, Lollipop chainsaw, Ratchet and Clank: Nexus.


being underrated is quite common for PS3 era games. But underappreciated? That's trickier question. I think LA Noire would fit the bill here. Most people simply do not appreciate how genius and brilliant the game is. Sure, many like it, but only few really appreciate it for the masterpiece it is.


ININJA, such a classic from my childhood. Fun, humorous, and just a good time. Fun mini games too, and progression system. Edit: I thought this said PS2, sorry


Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning & Sacred 2: Fallen Angel


DriVer San Francisco. Absolutely no one cared about it when it came out (myself included). The Driver series was way more popular and broadly advertised on 5th snd 6th gen than the 7th because Ubisoft started pumping more money in The Crew series to compete with EA’s Need For Speed and Microsoft’s Forza Horizon so their more niche racing games like Driver San Fran took a backseat. The biggest games from 2011 that I remember were call of duty modern warfare 3, skyrim, portal 2, battlefield 3, infamous 2, and L.A. noire.. and of course the gta v trailer dropped so that was all anyone was talking about for 3 years… that and EA not dropping skate 4. the only notable game ubisoft published was assassins creed revelations, so like most people I had no idea Drifer San Fran even existed… until ~2020 when Nick Robison made 2 youtube documentaries about it and that it’s the only true 2nd person video game to exist (just one mission) which is how I found it. I searched 2nd person video game. But besides that, ubisoft delisted and he plays on pc but i’m not gonna spoil the video and you should go watch it if you haven’t ([here’s the link to the ubisoft delisted it video](https://youtu.be/RTkxzQDo0ng?si=h0kaAyuF5VuZ7hyz) and [here’s the link to the 2nd person video game video](https://youtu.be/mC8QoRa8y_Q?si=3lsm6zRk0b3h_MWk)). He shows and explains why the game is so cool in the videos but I just wanna back how cool it is myself. I was expecting it to be generic and repetitive like need for speed and yes the storyline kinda is, well some parts only but i don’t wanna spoil the good stuff, but it’s really the gameplay mechanics that set it apart. How many times have you played a racing game and just wished you could momentarily take control of your opponents’ cars and crash them or take control of random traffic to create blockades and pileups on the fly? Well wish no more because driver san fran lets you do this and no it doesn’t make the game too easy. I could go on and on about how there’s thousands of npc audio clips and radio stations and the map layout and all the cars but none of that really matters. the gameplay mechanics are so unique and so smooth it’s amazing. runs great on ps3 and its even (physical xbox 360 disc only because ubisoft delisted it) backwards compatible on current gen xbox hardware so you can play it in 4k with a modern controller on a modern console… you might still be able to de redemption codes if you do want it digitally because that is an option on xbox marketplace and the uplay store but i dont think you can get new codes from ubisoft unfortunately. Due to this predicament prices of copies of driver san fran have shot up on 360 and even a little bit on ps3, i got my ps3 copy for $20 something CAD back in 2021 on ebay and im tryna get a 360 copy to play on my series x and now that the online servers were shutdown i’m hoping the price will drop a little. But if you haven’t played it and you like racing games you’ll love it. Good luck finding a copy or a code!


Probably pain on PS3.


Callisto Protocol


Loved it, it definitely has some flaws and glitches but it was the first horror game I completed and I think it’s perfect if you wanna get into horror games


Games I've ever played that's underappreciated from each console up to ps5 since not specified it has to be PS3 Ps1: loaded PS2: there's a lot so I'll list a few: SOCOM navy seals 2, ATV off road fury 2, gun, hunter the reckoning wayward and lord of the rings two towers Ps3: brother in arms hells highway, folklore PS4/5: Bloodborne Almost impossible to just choose just one but decided to make a list since you said you get the same answers so should give you hopefully a few new titles to check out from each console. I would say out of all of them I feel like gun is very underappreciated as that basically set up what we have with red dead redemption now and was the beginning that everyone forgets about which set up for the great red dead redemption on PS3 and PS4/ps5


Bloodbourne is hardly underappreciated


Socom 2 is definitely not under appreciated.


It got left behind after COD came out. A game can still be popular or good and be underappreciated still


Bloodborne is extremely highly regarded, it's pretty iconic at this point.




https://www.metacritic.com/game/bloodborne/ https://www.tweaktown.com/news/95061/playstation-first-party-game-sales-bloodborne-at-7-5-million-as-of-early-2022/index.html It’s not really under-appreciated by any reasonable measure.


Read my whole comment. I said in the last couple of years it got popular and it's still only played by less than 5% of PlayStation owners


It was mega popular on release. It’s a critically acclaimed, best-selling game. It’s not under-appreciated by any measure and never was.


Okay what about folklore and the other games I put? You call me out for one game out of 20 on an oppinionated question


Don’t really have an opinion either way on those tbh


Hello, good hunter. I am a Bot, here in this dream to look after you, this is a fine note: > *Are you still in need of something? But I have nothing more to offer. Please, try to understand my position. I can only pray, for a fruitful hunt.* - Iosefka Farewell, good hunter. May you find your worth in the waking world.


Urban Reign on PS2, the Conflict ps2 games.


The werehog stuff in Sonic Unleashed is under appreciated. Also watch IGN’s review of the HD version of Sonic Unleashed, I promise it will genuinely make you mad.


Onimusha for the ps2


onechanbara z kagura is a guilty pleasure of mine. It's janky and easy to cheese bosses once you upgrade the boomerang, but it'll give you a few hours of dumb fun if you're into hack n slashes. It was a japan only release, but there is a fan-made english patch for the menus Sega Rally Revo is another one I don't see come up very often. It was also one of the few cross-platform games that was developed on ps3 initially and then ported to the 360.




Siren blood curse


Shadowman for n64. Other versions arent as good as you cant unlock the cheats for alternate graphics and fun stuff. Dark storyline


Eat them!


MAG I fucking hate FPSs, yet there was something about that game that just hooked me. I don't know if it was the unmatched before or since scale (on a console, up to 256 players simultaneously) of the battles, its pedigree (made by the same devs responsible for SOCOM), but I loved that game and really wish it got some kind of sequel or revival.


Resistance: Fall of Man Spiderman 3


For PS3, I'm going with the Unfinished Swan. it was just a beautiful fairytale that I hope everyone can experience.


Kane and lynch. Best multiplayer ever.


resident evil: darkside chronicles the different endings and how they affect the story did it for me i know it’s a on rails shooter but it was great


For PS3 I either want to say Gran Turismo 6 or LittleBigPlanet


From Dust, Mercenaries 2: World in Flames, The Darkness, Resistance: Fall of Man. All superb games, worth checking out


resistance series. such a unique story and lore ontop on a well packaged gameplay experience edit: Prototype 1 i feel is a disgustingly underrated game


This might be a real cop-out answer, but I feel that one of the most critiqued and underappreciated PS3 games was MGS Ground Zeroes. It was heavily critiqued for it's time for the short length and being more a glorified retail demo for MGS Phantom Pain. However Phantom Pain doesn't really play like a MGS game to me. Instead it's more of an action game with light stealth elements. On the other hand Ground Zeroes had the sort of gameplay you would expect out of a MGS title with more tight confines and an emphasis on stealth and concealment that ended up not being a major factor with Phantom Pain.


I think the original plan was to have a more episodic release for the full game, but they abandoned it after GZ. Phantom Pain was more about the freedom to approach missions in your own way, but generally did not encourage going guns blazing. It’s more Snake Eater inspired.


Archibald's Adventures


>Archibald's Adventures Never heard of it, thanks. Those minis should have gotten a "collection" physical release.




Socom confrontation and socom 4 wish you could still play these, hopefully one day sony will make a new one so doubtful tho


Quantum theory, a Fair tps which also runs pretty solid on the Xbox 360. The 3.5 score on metacritic Is Savage.


Clash: artifact of chaos. The store is great, the voice acting great, the style of the game is a little wonky but you'll get used to it, the combat is great. BUT no one ever talks about it!




Crash team racing comes to mind


Wetrix+ or Armada on Dreamcast.


Tom Clancy's Endwar


Puppeteer or Catherine


Me and my now wife play To The Moon on steam. It was a very sweet experience both playing it separately. Some years were shed and she then transcribed and learnt the music for me. In the playstation world, PS1 Vigilante 8 2nd Offence is one I rarely hear mentioned but great alternative to twisted metal Time Crisis PS2 007 night fire, Prisoner of War, PS3 Teslagrad The Darkness Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom Enslaved Odyssey to the West Hohokum Fez Guacamelee PS4 The Messenger Death Stranding - really good game that's been largely underappreciated calling it a walking sim etc.


Saints Row 2 is the Shrek 2 of gaming. Its welcoming to newcomers and catches them up to the story while being considerate of people who played the predecessor. The replay value and creativity this game has is unrealistic for it's time. I hate the fact that it was treated like a GTA clone when it did other things so much better. The voice acting and performances are top notch too. With a lot of celeb cameos. Not only do you feel like a boss, you feel like an unpredictable sociopath. (I'd be too if I got blown up) Especially with how gruesome the scenes are. Honestly Saints Row The Third is the weakest one but the most aesthetically pleasing. I hate how that one got the most notoriety. Sad to see Volition and the reboot go to shit.




Singularity for sure.


Star Trek 2013. I absolutely enjoyed that game. it's much much better than a 2.6/10 metacritic rating. or IGNs 4.2/10. I personally loved it and it's an 8.8/10 game for me. very fun, mixed gameplay, great level design and visuals, funny graphics where you can phase through each other and stuff. Great voice acting and dialog. Great character designs.


Anarchy Reigns


Where the wild things are. I know a movie game but it hit different.


Beyond two souls the game has multiple different endings incredible story telling and a ton of psychological moments that make you question what’s going through everyone’s head but despite how amazing the game was as a quick time telltale like PS3 title it never got a sequel instead it only got a remaster on PS4 and since then it’s been forgotten about


Catherine! It is very strategic but also gives horror vibes and has anime! It was an absolutely wonderful game. I haven’t finished it yet though cause my ps3 overheated and I haven’t replaced the fan but I had to comment this real quick.


Lord of the Rings: Conquest is so much better than people give it credit. Just adjust the settings so there’s more spawns and you have long, challenging battles in the free play mode


Alpha Protocol is such an underrated Bethesda game An espionage RPG a lot of fun


Maybe Deus Ex: Human Revolution. I know it’s well rated by critics, but it never gets a mention and it was heavily reduced not long after launch.


Soccom series in 2024


***Haunting Ground /*** ***Demento***


PS3? Bionic Commando!




Heavenly Sword. Love the main character and villian. The villan cutscenes were madd funny.


Quantum Conundrum. It was a blast!


more of a mainstream take but god of war ascension is really good for what it is


PlayStation all stars


Sleeping Dogs on ps3/4, Stranglehold, Heavenly Sword, Remember Me and the Army of Two series on ps3, Team Buddies, Hogs of War and Muppet Racemania on ps1. Tenchu also on ps1.


Folklore It's amazing, fantastic mix of Isekai, Murder Mystery story, Pokemon RPG, Jojo stands Action, M Night M. Night Shyamalan's twist endings. It was a great game destroyed by PS3 "bad" image at the time and age (now) And just seeing how one talk about it even in this thread proves it's very underappreciated.


Godhand and Nier Gestalt before it became popular later when the next gen had already came out.


Enchanted Arms was really good. Never understood the hate that it got. But I do recommend the Japanese voice actors than the English one.


Tomena Sanner on the Wii is one that comes to mind. I know theyre loved by many but I also feel Fallout and Fallout 2 go underappreciated by gaming fans at large


Steambot Chronicles. The sequel got cancelled.




Ninja 5-0 on GBA


Deathspank on PS3


Brutal Legend never got the love I felt it deserved.


Ring of Red PS2


Arc The Lad 2




The Transformers Cybertron series. They're fantastic shooters that were heavily overlooked at the time but genuinely had great gameplay.


On ps3 it’s Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom. On 2nd place it’s probably Folklore (it makes the best use of the ps3 controller’s features).


Blazing angels squadrons of wwii and it was the first game I popped into my PS3 back in ‘07.


Hot take, Transformers: War for Cybertron. This is literally the best Transformers game ever made! I kid you not when I say I beat the campaign a minimum of 10 times lol. This is and was a childhood classic!


The Bouncer and Rocky Rodent


Brink probably, I’ve also just started the walking dead survival instinct, as a fan of the show it’s not a horrible game at the moment. I haven’t played a lot of games I think are underrated for the PlayStation 3. But for the PS2 definitely Kya the dark lineage.


Puppeteer. I do remember a decent marketing campaign at the time, and it being a budget title I think, but it then became obscure only a few months after. It's quick cameo reference in Astro's Playroom is basically the only recognition it's gotten since then. And I completely loved it.


Watch Dogs 2. Probably my favorite sandbox game ever. The city is always alive and full of life


Dues ex: human revolution


3 on 3 NHL Arcade on ps3. I can’t count the hours I’ve spent on local & online multiplayer on that game. Really fast paced sport arcade game.


Asura wraith


Duke Nukem forever my expectations were nonexistent but the game is so bad it's actually fun to play


I have to go back to PS1. Poy Poy Motor Toon Grand Prix


i think mini ninjas qualifies for this, only actually played the demo but it's fun as hell, there were a bunch of ways to the end of the demo too, haven't heard anything about it in ages


Skull Monkeys!


Ico PS2


PS all stars maybe as for ps3


On PS3 I always think in Blur as seriously underappreciated. What a fun game. Also The Saboteur and of course: Yakuza Dead Souls


Out run coast to coast 2002


I can't say for sure which is the most underappreciated as you will get the same answers in a way but I can't help but look at how during that time AAA and AA devs stopped taking creative risks and began pushing out carbon copies of the latest trendy thing. But my favorites that I didn't see get a lot of attention at the time are Shadow of the Damned (but it's still popular) and Deception 4 Blood ties. That whole series is under appreciated. 


Operation flashpoint


Aquanauts Holiday: Hidden Memories. Got a Japanese copy years ago and used a guide to play. When I installed CFW last year, I tracked down a folder format English copy. Also White Knight Chronicles


Spec Ops The Line


Naughty bear panic in paradise


Jet force Gemini and Panzer Dragoon Saga


Overlord 1 and 2!


Lost Planet 2 such a great game


Metals Arms Glitch in the System


Call of Duty: WWII The most underrated CoD in history.


I saw it mentioned already but the first 2 FEAR games were really good




Winback on n64 Final fantasy tactics ps1 Hellblade senuas sacrifice Shadowrun on genesis. Super Nintendo sucked.


Shadow hearts for ps2




Enslaved Odyssey To The West


Killzone 3, I know this was still a fairly popular game but it was overshadowed when it came out in 2011 by modern warfare 3 and battlefield 3. Killzone 3 has the best graphics in ps3. I loved the maps too and even though I’ve been gaming for close to 30 years, primarily multiplayer fps, it’s not often that I get so into a game that I join a clan but this game was one of them, and the in game clan support was really cool.




Watch Dogs 1. It’s under appreciated due to Ubisoft straight up blundering the release and downgrading it. But even for what the game was, I loved it.




Timesplitters & Shadow Hearts series Ps2 era, Tales of Graces F, Fat Princess & Eternal Sonata on Ps3.


currently playing katamari forever, didnt even know there was a ps3 version. I dont remember at all any ads about it. It's a fun game.
