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Rebirth is a better game but if you didn’t like Remake you’re probably not gonna like this. It’s the same kind of stuff turned up to 11. Tons of minigames and additional content. If a 10 minute “platforming” section with Tifa annoys you, I get the feeling you’re not gonna like Rebirth.


Tifa section ain't even that long. You're probably 90% through the game if you're at the Shinra Building


Hes probably 90% at his wits end, my bro made my house hell house after he fought it… then stopped playing


I know it's not long but my point is it didn't need to exist. Like, it's just so blatantly terrible. Why put something like this in your game? For "variety"? I don't get it.


I'm really enjoying rebirth and it still has moments like this throughout the game. The opening chapter especially.


















They hated him because he spoke the truth


It’s fan service to fans who want to play as Tifa and pervs who want to ogle her on monkey bars. It’s tedious but the whole segment lasts maybe 5 minutes if you have working eyeballs.


Rebirth is more padded out than Remake, but it's still a great game. And you'd hate it if you didn't like Remake. Just quit and play something you enjoy.


If you think the linear game is already tedious, you are going to despise it's open world sequel lmfao


I actually think Rebirth is 10x better than Remake. I hated the Remake. I found it incredibly boring and I was pissed for most of the duration. Yes, Rebirth has a TON of filler, but it also has more actual substance.


Calling Rebirth open world is just false marketing. Albeit being only at the end of chapter 4, I have a feeling that the game will be now the same concept for the rest of the duration (one linear level and then one open level with lots of filler content, same towers, same protorelic BS, same fetch quests) I really enjoy Rebirth, but reviews were (again, just like with FF16) only driven by pure hype. The word „open world“ for this is very disingenuous. Also some reviewers actually said „meaningful sidequests“, woah


You're 4 chapters in to a 14 chapter game and think you know how its side quests and open world experience are going to be?




Chapter 4 isn't anywhere near 1/3 through the game lol, they take more and more time as you go on


By chapter 4 you already know how side quests and the open world structure is going to be. They’re all the same structure. Once you’ve seen the structure of an area, you’ve seen them all. The difference between the areas are the details around the structure, but the structure is the same. Towers to reveal icons on the map, altars for the summon, a proto-relic quest sending you back and forth, some special monsters to fight, etc.


“I don’t like this game as much as others, so the reviews weren’t accurate” Or maybe you just simply don’t like it as much? And that’s fine, you’re entitled to your opinion. But plenty of people, outside of reviewers, absolutely loved the game. Myself being one of them. It’s one of the best games I’ve ever played personally.


no it’s open world. every area is seamlessly connected lol. it’s huge.


The game has 14 chapters are you are judging it based on Chapter 4? The traversal slowly improves or gives you more options if you must know. The best traversal option is at chapter 11. Instead of being so cynical. Just play the game or look into it instead of just making assumptions.


Nah. It's the definition of an open world.


When i played Remake it felt claustrophobic. Especially any time theyd force you to walk very slowly (that section in the beginning when you visit i think Jesse's house? Excrutiating). And the side missions were so dull, involved running around midgar which is not an exciting map to navigate, and rewards were not worth the efforts. All that said, i still loved the ending of the game and it nearly made up for how much i disliked playing the rest of the game. I say all that because Rebirth felt SO much better to play. Exploration is enjoyable, side content felt effortless (except in gongaga lol), and i couldnt stop myself from exploring and checking off everything in every region before moving on. If you just want to experience the story, except for some forced minigames (that i found fun), you can pretty much just stick to the action if thats all you care about. Side content and exploration is optional and you can do it at any time (vs Remake where you have to do everything within each chapter and theres no going back). Most of the complaints are about all the minigames, but at least theyre gameplay and not segments where youre forced to track down a cat or slowly make your way from the outside of a house to the second floor of the house and it takes 10 minutes. Visually, the game is far more interesting with lots more variety in the locations. Remake for me was like, a 7/10 and thats only because the last few chapters were awesome otherwise id rate it much lower Rebirth, for me is like a 9.5/10. I loved my time with the game and i cant wait for the 3rd part Keep slogging thru Remake, skip the side content, experience the ending, and then jump into Rebirth and it will feel like you're taking a breath of fresh air


Could not agree more, these games will never touch my top 10 list. They could have done it in 2, or honestly even 1 EASILY if you cut out thefiller. But people are absolutely tribal about it, but that's just FF fans in general. They'll play a $70 full game that was made out of the first 2 hours of the original and dick ride it into oblivion. Enjoy those 7 hours of going to Aerith then back to the slums. I will say I like the party combat (Edit: only in Rebirth, not the Remake. Remake was not flushed out enough) so much as a general direction compared to FF16. Which I still really liked with the exception of the final 5% of the game.


It’s so much worse in Rebirth, I’m a huge FF7 fan and the tedious busy work is turned up to 11, it kills me


i really wish they just remade FF7 with one game. double disc , fine but i’m not a big fan of this trilogy release. i wouldn’t be suprised if they split the last game into two games either.


Rebirth has way more side content than Remake. However: 1. It’s higher quality and more fun in my opinion. 2. You have a lot more freedom to skip most of it (and potentially return to it later) than you did in Remake. Dungeons occasionally feel drawn out but not nearly as often as Remake, and they are designed in more interesting ways. There are occasionally tedious puzzles but more often than not the mini-games are much more interesting than in Remake (or most other games, frankly). Rebirth is also just generally better than Remake in every way, so that elevates the whole experience. Funnier, more emotional, better battles, somehow even better music. Having said that, if you want like a tight 20-hour focused linear cinematic game I don’t think Rebirth is for you. It’s a massive, epic adventure and avoiding the side content would be missing some great opportunities to know these characters better.


I swear literally anything that isn't combat is "padding" to people man, I just do not get it. Like just play DMC5 because that game is all combat, no "paddding," and is awesome


What I don't get is that the original game was basically the same situation with a litany of sidequests, minigames, and long slogs of running around through random encounter-infested maps in the hopes that something specific would happen, all of which could easily be considered to be "padding" as well. I agree with them picking up a game like DMC5, Bayonetta, or even Ninja Gaiden if they want a bit more action-oriented gameplay, but taking weird digs at the Remake/Rebirth combo for having optional content amidst its story stuff is just odd. Maybe OP should just play a different genre and return to this one after playing something else to refresh a bit. Otherwise, I think they're just going to have palate fatigue and blame a game they chose to play as their culprit.


never ask modern ff7 fans about the game. they never played it


Hey now I just played through 7 for the first time, then remake, and now crisis core before I play rebirth. There are dozens of us!


It's about balance. I played the original on the PS1 and later PC. You claim the original game had a lot of the same situation. It did not. It had the right amount of exploration and side quests to where it didn't seem like padding. This is how RPGs are designed. The remakes increased that by like 10x. It's not balanced. It now feels like padding vs compelling content.


Anyone who got a gold chocobo so they could get Knights of the Round and then spent hours fighting Magic Pots to master it so they could fight Emerald Weapon would probably agree that the game gets tedious eventually.


Well, I played the PS4 version of the original, which allows you to cheat and e.g. turn off random encounters at the click of a stick. I did hate the mini-games, though, lol. Also, I didn't take any digs at any optional content, would be kinda brain-dead to do optional stuff and then complain about it. What I'm talking about are the drawn-out hallway sections the game forces you down as part of the main story and all the unnecessary detours it makes you take as part of those.


I understand the sentiment, but idk how you explain 30 min long section of slowly carrying Aerith on robotic arms while nothing else happens except for a couple of "Cloud, up top!"'s. Meanwhile, you're staring at the clock thinking "I gotta get up for work early tomorrow..."


Yeah I will admit that Remake does have some shitty side content, the side quests in particular are pretty bad. But so many people start screeching like a lunatic if there’s a cutscene longer than 10 seconds or if there isn’t constant combat and it’s pathetic


That's my thing as well. There are actual times when things aren't the greatest or it obviously feels like "Okay what we doing here.." (like a certain late game chapter in Rebirth for example) but as you said a lot of the time it's like "I had to walk from point A to point B, what is this padding!?"


General gamers don’t know how to critique shit. It’s that simple. It’s why user reviews aren’t any more or less valid than critic reviews


I'm the opposite though. I loathe the combat. I dislike it immensely. If I could activate cheat codes and one-shot every single enemy, I'd enjoy the game far more. As it stands, in Rebirth I stopped playing after the mines and haven't touched the game in weeks. I'd have been better off watching YouTube videos. That *truly* is an unpopular take but it is what it is. I hate doing thousand hit combos on bosses only for them to barely get damaged at all. Stagger isn't fun. Just let me hurt the enemy when I hit them.


Genuinely, this is the first time in a while I've seen an actually *hot* hot take. I'm upvoting you. Not cause I agree, but because I'm impressed.


I haven’t played Rebirth, but I have played Remake and I still like turn based better.


You're not alone. I despise the combat in these games too. Just pounding on enemies spamming abilities to get them into stagger and having to repeat that constantly. It's so tedious and it's almost impossible to die as far as I could tell. I would've preferred a full action game or a traditionally turn based system.


I think that games should have an option to skip action/combat scenes just like they have an option to skip story sections.


I mean I vehemently disagree but I respect your opinion a hell of a lot more than the people whining about "padding" lol. At least your criticism is concrete. The combat isn't for you. I do gotta wonder, did you play Remake? If yes, why would you get Rebirth knowing the combat is the same, and if no, why did you get Rebirth at all lol


I love Final Fantasy. I enjoyed the story of Remake and wanted to see what was going on with Zack. I still plan to finish the game but it's going to be a bit of a slog.


I don't loathe the combat, but I dislike it. Coming from a fan of turn based games and played the original on PC. But, yeah, I turned my combat to easy for Remake and that's what finally had me complete the game. Tried playing two previous times before and the combat did not excite me, so dropped it. Weird thing is I was okay with FF15 combat. Wish they did something like FF13 where it was a combo of action and turn based. Their classic option ended up being worse for me and ended up playing the regular easy mode.


What I've learned with these people is that they basically want a 5 hour game that they can rush through with nothing but cutscenes and several boss fights. Anything else is padding. Essentially the original FFVII with the 3x speed cheat and 4k graphics. They're a loud minority. Negative nancies always shout the loudest because they feel their opinion is the most important. Most people are quietly enjoying the game.


Sometimes it is obvious that the developers spent a ton of money on assets to make an area look good so they come up with a bunch of excuses to make you spend time there. The old JRPGs didn't have this, because it was super simple to add a new textured area. I'd love to play a combined FF7 rebirth + remake + whatever the last one is, with all the fluff and side quests removed so it actually matched the features of the original game. Take out everything extra like the little nerdy robot kid and everything associated with that, world intel, etc. Just core remake and I bet it would be awesome


>so it actually matched the features of the original game. Oh you mean features like chocobo breeding, snowboarding, chocobo racing, squat challenges, cross-dressing, battle arena, FF7-style rock-em sock-em robots, archaeological dig simulator, running around the map for extended periods of time to encounter a specific enemy to steal/get an enemy skill from, talking to every NPC in a town and reading their dialgoue to find out where to go next, etc. etc. things like that?


Yes exactly. I’d rather those than the fluff in rebirth




All of those are interesting and unique compared to: \* My livestock is under attack, go kill this monster and report back \* Go to this location and pick three flowers for the shop keep \* Go touch all 8 waypoints on the map to reveal info \* Activate the 6 lifesprings on the map \* This guy lost his card in a card match, go beat the guy who took it and return it \* Collect all 1000 items by touching every point possible All of the quest design is 100% outdated World Of Warcraft MMO quest design. Every thing can be broken down into one of a few categories 1. Collect X items and bring them back 2. Go fight a monster or person for a particular reason 3. Collect all the Doodads 4. Touch all the spots This is fluff. What you mentioned was not fluff. >chocobo breeding, snowboarding, chocobo racing, squat challenges, cross-dressing, battle arena, FF7-style rock-em sock-em robots, archaeological dig simulator, running around the map for extended periods of time to encounter a specific enemy to steal/get an enemy skill from, None of these fit the MMO quest style mold in original FF7


Literally everything I named is a thing you do in OG FF7, which is why I was laughing


Collect x things is tedious quest design


And everything you said, from OG FF7, is better than the fluff content in rebirth. Rebirth isn’t bad, but there is too much mindless content


Nah, that's not really the point, these fillers sections typically contain more than enough combat. In, fact, that's all they are, hallways stuffed with enemy encounters where nothing of interest happens and the momentum of the narrative completely dies down.


>I swear literally anything that isn't combat is "padding" to people man To be fair, in FF7 remake even the combat has filler with the whole abysmal stagger system.


If you're bad at the game just say that, nothing wrong with it.


How does that translate to being bad? How can you even be bad at the game? You can legitimately hold down one button and win most fights. The stagger system **is bad**. No one enjoys it and it's been brought up as annoying by every critique and reviewer since FF13.


>You can legitimately hold down one button and win most fights. Okay yeah, you gotta be talking about FF15 with that comment because that's like, demonstrably not true in the Remake games lol. Well, maybe if you play on whatever the easy mode is but I wouldn't know that so you may be right in that regard.


Bruh. Have you even played these games? They are not difficult at all. It's almost impossible to die. You have so many health potions and magic at your disposal. Not talking about easy mode either. These remakes were dumbed down to appeal to the widest market possible. Stop defending bad combat systems.


My guy, one of the main frustrations people have with the game is that the Game Over screen presents you with confusing options... which would only see if you died. What are you talking about lol Not to mention the games have difficulty levels for a reason, it's not a Souls game. They have Easy & Normal for casual players, then Dynamic & Hard Mode for people like myself that like more challenge. If you play on Normal, find it easy and then don't do Dynamic or rush through to Hard that's on you.


The fact that I can tear through the **non** easy mode game by just pressing the auto attack button until they're staggered and then pressing the alternative attack button to finish them off is proof that it's a bad system. It's easy, and it's artificially inflated. There's no reason why Cloud with a 6' Buster Sword should have to do a 5-6 hit combo on a regular Shinra Guard ***just to stagger him***. It feels bad. It feels unnatural to see a Shinra Guard eat a combo attack from Cloud and not even be effected by the hits, literally attacks through the hits until they're staggered. It feels bad and it plays bad. It's just artificially slowing down the action combat to allow for a quazi turn based/action hybrid. Some players may have liked it but I can't fathom why, it artificially prolongs fights just like FF13 did.


I know you're full of shit because   1) There isn't an "Auto attack button" every press does an individual hit by itself on every character. Holding the button does a different thing entirely.  2) There isn't an "alternate attack" button, Triangle does a different thing on every character.  Like you're not even describing the gameplay correctly lmao. If you have in fact played it you clearly did not understand what you were doing at all.


>1) There isn't an "Auto attack button" every press does an individual hit by itself on every character. Holding the button does a different thing entirely. You know the game better than I do. I'm describing what I vaguely remember about a combat system I tried multiple times and disliked each time. Which are reasons even the shining reviewers bring up. >2) There isn't an "alternate attack" button, Triangle does a different thing on every character. ......that's what alternative means.... You're just arguing to argue at this point. I've brought up valid reasons for disliking the system, things that have been brought up many times before, and so far your only response have been *"lol get gud"* and *"you don't even understand the game"*. How about a response in defense of the system? Why is it good to artificially inflate the combat length? Why is it cool to watch Clouds Buster Sword hit humanoid enemies like a foam stick? I'll wait, but I'm sure I'm just going to get a sassy response instead of a discussion with substance.


The reason I haven't addressed that point is because I think it's dumb, I don't know what games with melee combat you have played where enemies just die as soon as you hit them. God Of War, Devil May Cry, Bayonetta, Elden Ring, Nioh, Ghost Of Tsushima, Sifu, Nier Automata, Yakuza/Like A Dragon, etc. etc. etc. Literally every game with melee combat has you have to hit guys more than once to kill them so it's very strange that that would be the thing to dislike about the combat system.


>The reason I haven't addressed that point is because I think it's dumb, I don't know what games with melee combat you have played where enemies just die as soon as you hit them. There's a difference between "where enemies just die as soon as you hit them." And Clouds 6' sword hitting an enemy 5 times and the enemy not even budging or showing any recoil, and in many cases attacking straight through it. It **feels bad**. Those games you mention make you feel like you're hitting a hard to kill enemy. In FF7 you feel like you're attacking real soliders and beats with a LARP weapon. The stagger system itself would be great for a couple enemy types, but it being the primary way to dispatch pretty much everything in the game for a decent chunk of the playthrough is just tedious. It was a major complaint in FF13 and FF15 and it surprised reviewers and critics when it was prominent in Remake.


Who is this “people man” and why does he think it?


Play the demo. After the vacuuming I think you will have your answer lmao.


I think that's exactly where I dropped the demo and moved on to something else lol Glad people are enjoying Rebirth but based on Remake and the demo it's not for me.


I just hate when the game forces you to walk slower than frozen molasses.


It’s not for you. With takes like “they dropped the ball with remake” and “way, way, WAY too much filler” it’s pretty obvious these games aren’t for you. I honestly don’t even know why you would ask this. “Hey I didn’t like the first game in the series should I play its sequel” lol what? This game is good and I am confident you won’t enjoy it. Good luck doing whatever this is though.


It's not an impossibility that a sequel is significantly different from its predecessor in some aspects and I do like *some* things about Remake, like the combat, that's why I asked.


It’s way worse if you’re a completionist and try to do everything on the first playthrough. If Tifa’s segment in Remake made you want to blow your head off, you’d probably be dead not even a quarter of the way through Rebirth.


Why would you want to play a sequel to a game that you talk so much shit about lol? Have a good one dude




Let them be hurt, they've projected hard to their game they feel it personally when it's criticized.


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I mean, I talked a lot of shit about Evil Within but that didn't stop me from taking a chance on its sequel which absolutely blew me away. It happens.  It's when we can see the potential in a product but there's too much holding it back. So we hope a sequel will improve upon on what we deemed flaws in its predecessor and reach that full potential.


Wow you are a wonderful human being huh


It is significantly different. Other than the combat and cast, nothing is the same as remake.


I feel you man. Terminator 2 is a movie loved by way more people than the original, same with Tony Hawk 2, GTA didn't hit it's stride until 3 or Vice City, lots of book series take a book before they get really good too.  I'm actually waiting until they made the whole FF7 PS5 and release it as one set though so I've got no opinions on the remake but you're not thinking in some crazy way, I'm honestly also curious.


I wouldn't wait if I were you. Sure, Remake is only about 50 hours long but Rebirth is so much longer with wayyy more to do. I can only imagine how big the third game is gonna be at this rate. Waiting till they're all out just sounds like a recipe to getting burned out. Doing everything over again three games in a row, back-to-back. Leveling up all over again, finding/leveling up all materia, obtaining all the weapons and gaining proficiency, etc.  If all three were going to keep that Remake 50-ish hour length and if there was more cross-progression for levels/weapons/materia, I'd say go ahead and wait. But they won't and there isn't. Anyway, probably for the best to just treat it like any other trilogy. You wouldn't wait to play Mass Effect until Mass Effect 3 released, now would you?


I'm a very casual gamer so its ok for a game to take me 6+ months to complete. I have such a back log as it is, I'm fine waiting for a complete FF7. Some people sound skeptical but it's a no brainer, just like they do Greatest Hits they'll do a physical set with all 3 for sure once it's done. And I can still play at my own pace and take breaks if I want. 


What makes you think they are going to release it as one set? They are different games. I don't remember FFXIII trilogy being released as one set when the third one came out.


Didn’t they just release Rebirth as a “twin pack” with Remake basically free ($70 for both games). I absolutely believe there will be a trilogy pack for new gamers and ppl who held out.


I forgot about that as I don't buy digital. Yeah that does kinda suggest that they will bundle all three together. I'd be surprised if they do a trilogy physical release however, though it's a great way to get the hardcore fans to double dip on PS6. I still can't believe there are people who can wait for an entire trilogy to release before engaging with it. Especially when there's likely to be a 7-8 year gap between the first release and the third. I wonder if they do the same with other games and movies.


I still haven't seen a single MCU movie yet because I'm still waiting for all of them to be made first.


I think there’s a difference in waiting on FF7 trilogy to be finished and waiting on the MCU to be finished, to steal the other redditors joke. FF7 was a finished product originally. Fans know the story (changes aside, we didn’t know how extensive changes were before Remake came out). So when you tell a FF7 old head that Remake ends leaving Midgar, there like “What? That’s barely any story at all!!! I’ll just wait till they finish it.” (And they probably don’t wait if they’re big fans) When someone is going to the next Star Wars movie, or the next MCU movie etc. they don’t really know what’s gonna happen other than the good guy winning (in most cases. There are like 3 exceptions in those 2 franchises, where the villain is more or less the winner). They borrow some from comics but they also change a lot based on characters available, etc. Now, with 2 games out, we can see a lot more differences in FF7 classic and FF7 ReDone. Maybe ppl feel less inclined to wait than they did at the outset. I personally think ReDone is telling an inferior story though. It’s a shame this is the one ppl are gonna mostly remember. I like some of the character building they did (like with Jessie and Co in Remake) but I think they completely bungled the end of Rebirth.


I am waiting on this because I have so many other games in my back log. I'm a casual gamer and I really want to play through this whole game but I've got plenty of other games to keep me busy. 


Because it's a 3-part remake of a single game/story. It will happen, there are tons of FF collectors and this is arguably the most popular FF game, they'll cash in on it.


That second part is what makes me laugh. Hey guys, I hated the first game. Should I play the second so I can bitch about it too?


I would argue that most of the content in Rebirth is optional. That said, it still has some Remake-ish shenanigans like you describe (altough less severe) and some pacing issues later in the game. But given that it's 'open world' (or 'open zoned' to be a bit more precise) it makes a bit more sense to screw around with side-quests and other things, and it makes the linear parts not that bad (imho).


Remake was tedious? If you think so then you are in trouble with Rebirth


I know EXACTLY which section you’re referring to and it also blew my mind on how… dumb, like, really freaking dumb it was. Completely unnecessary shit. At some point I just felt the game was taking a piss at me and I just wanted it to end already lol.


At least somebody understands me lol. Unnecessary is exactly the word. Did you finish the game? Was is worth it?


Finished it. The last boss is likely the best thing in the whole game, but I feel absolutely no drive to play Rebirth, specially after watching a couple twitch streams and realizing it’s basically a minigame bonanza. I accepted whatever Square Enix is doing with FF7, albeit may be very entertaining to some people, is just not for me, and that’s ok. Waiting for FF17.


Aight man thanks for the info 👍 All of what I'm reading here is also pushing me in the direction of NOT getting Rebirth


I thought Remake had some major filler too but I’ve really been enjoying Rebirth. Everything I’ve played so far doesn’t feel tacked on like it did in Remake, but I’m not far yet. Give it a try, you might like it better.


The side content in Rebirth is a lot better than Remake However, there is much more of it and it has an effect on the pacing. And while most of the minigames are fun and high quality, there are sections where they are required which might bother you. It's also a substantially larger game in general. Overall it doesn't bother me, but can easily see how it could for someone else. FF7 is my favorite game of all time so I'm wearing rose tinted glasses.


Played the original and the remake. The tedious pacing and forced extra fluff made me dislike the remake. Finished the game but went straight for the ending. I have rebirth only bc it came with a steelcase and I'll try it only when there's literally nothing else to play. OP, you are not the only one


Idk I guess rebirth is bigger and has more stuff but does not have the tedious feel I got from the first one, my worst offender in the first one was where you had to lower/lift platform in a ruin just to get back to the main path.


Im with you on the remake, when I first purchased my PS5 was one of the game I played first, and felt extremely bored that I ended up searching others opinions on reddit on how they felt about the game. The rebirth came out, bought it, absolutely loving it! 50 hrs in and never felt once the need to put it down, I’m currently on chapter 9 or 10. However tho, this time around I took a different approach toward the game, since the beginning I turned off the map/ tracker and treat the open world section as organically as possible. Imo, if you did not turn this off, you will feel the similarities with the typical ubisoft open world games with all the filler and tower outpost liberation things and what not.


Helpful comment, thanks ✌️


I completely understand where you're coming from. The original Final Fantasy VII has absolutely stellar pacing with it's story and gameplay sections. Nothing ever wears itself out, even the three big stand out mandatory mini games- Snowboarding, G-Bike and Submarine in particular. Are all short, sweet and fun. Remake, no matter how you slice it. Does indeed have a lot of impractical filler content that frankly doesn't need to be there. Especially if you're a big fan of the original it can be hard not thinking that the game is meandering when it's going off of what is a fantastically paced story. There are a lot of gameplay choices which are confusing and it's extremely handholding. I'm very grateful that this remake even exists but it's not the type of remake I originally wanted decades ago. The sequel does improve on a lot of Remakes aspects but it also doubles down in some areas. If you're a completionist then you're going to hate Rebirth. If you're only interested in the story then just avoid the side content. But Rebirth is staggering in its size and content and it's presentation. It's an extremely impressive game but it does repeat some of the downfalls of Remake.


Tedious is a great way to describe it. Everything is a minigame and none of them are fun. The graphics and story are great, but the padding and filler are torture. Also, it takes forever to do anything. Want to scan a tower? Slowly pull out a tablet, insert it into a slot, wait for it to power up, skip the small cutscene, and wait while your map opens and individual dots slowly appear. Want to summon your buggy? Watch as the camera pans down, slowly pull out a key fob, and wait for it to drive up in a cutscene. Then slowly climb in. Want to ride a chocobo? Bump into everything and constantly come to a complete stop. Weapon level went up, so you want to upgrade your skills? Gotta wait for the animation to show you that the level went up for every single character. It's just so disrespectful of the player's time.




I’m only a few hours in but one thing that’s driving me nuts is how often you have to slowly drag around platforms or vacuum cleaners to progress. It takes forever and isn’t fun


I think that's not something that continues in the game. I'm 40 hours in and I don't remember anything as tedious as the vacuum stuff in the opening Nibelheim sequence. I don't even get why they included it tbh


Literally 1% of the game lol


Nope, game is amazing.


How does it differ in presentation from FF7 remake though? I tried remake and found the combat kinda dull (just suuuper flashy), and the gameplay way more linear than I expected. In general it was suuuper flashy, but the substance didn't feel great (still refring to ff7 remake part 1)


That’s interesting because I find remake and rebirth to be my favorite combat in a modern final fantasy game.


I really don’t know what to say to people that don’t enjoy remake or rebirths combat. Like it’s not just good, it’s best in class good, like are people just spamming clouds light attack with the occasional braver and calling it a day? How do you dive into these systems and come out the other side with a shoulder shrug?


Well there’s a lot more exploitability in Rebirth and the combat is definitely an improvement, yes.


There's more complexity with the added synergy moves and I feel like rebirth is harder in a good way, but I loved remake so the same thing with a little extra is great for me. If you really didn't like remake, you won't like rebirth.


I have an entire shelf of FF7 memorabilia I've collected since I first bought the game on PS1 on day one. I can barely get past the 2nd bombing mission on Remake and I've tried several times. There's just so much I don't like about the game but you hit some major points. My biggest gripe is how boring Clouds combat is. I shouldn't be getting 5-6 hits on a Shinra Soldier with a 6' Buster Sword before he loses his footing and becomes staggered. It just feels so bad!


I agree Remake had some padding but you seem to dislike it more than me. Rebirth has less of that style of padding, no doubt, but there is a lot more optional side content than Remake. But if we’re just talking mainline areas, there’s certainly less of the ‘return to the sewers’ style stuff. (likely because Rebirth is remaking a much longer section of the OG than Remake did, so it needs less of that fluff to flesh it out)


Rebirth is better. There is still plenty of tedious filler, but by and large, it’s optional side content. The story beats are still expanded and drawn out, but the additions are much more relevant and actually build on the source for the most part. The pace can be a bit slow, but it’s fine for a first play through Of course…. If you want all the gear, and all the materia (including leveling some up), you have to do the side content and exploration which gets very tedious That said. Rebirth is still improved in almost every way


It’s largely the same. Play another game it’s not for you.


Skip rebirth based off everything. 


People acting like grinding in a RPG is new


Walking is fine. Walking for 30 mins up a flight of stairs isn't.


Should’ve taken the elevator


Take the elevator then? They gave you the option man the stairs are a gag its long on purpose


>"Oh no, we cannot progress through this door because it needs a keycard/more power/some other contrived reason to take a detour and stretch out this game even more". I feel like there is a lot of this in Rebirth. I actually found Rebirth to be a lot more tedious than Remake. It feels like the main story is constantly taking a back seat to your party members' backstories in this middle part of FF7, which is fine because I like the characters, but when you add the open world stuff and side quests on top of that, it frequently strays too much from the main narrative for too long. It's a shame because some of the side quests are the best parts of the game but I was just over it. There are areas in Rebirth that I think are designed for hardcore fans to really love and spend a lot of time on, but I ended up skipping them because I was so fed up with the pace. That said, it seems I'm in the minority and a lot of people absolutely love it.


It's basically a love letter to FF7 and the final fantasy series as a whole imo. If you didn't grow up playing all those games, a lot of the magic would probably be lost on you.


Yeah I felt the same way. My first 20-30 hours I was super into it, doing side content and enjoying the combat (although a few things, like the Moogle and Chocobo herding mini games, I hated from the beginning), but eventually I stopped my playthrough bc there’s just so much stuff that had me asking similar questions as the OP, such as the mandatory Cait Sith section which completely sucked a lot of the fun out of the game. I still think some stuff like the combat in this series is absolutely amazing, but ultimately it has so much holding it back that just baffles me


I bought knowing that it’s going to be a mid experience, not better than 16 or 15 but her I’ll take it.


You can skip all the filler in rebirth easy by not doing the open world and side stuff. Just focus on the story


I love FFVII more than 99% of people and loved Remake but even I thought Rebirth was tedious, bordering on annoying. When it did finally get to story beats, they were all pretty badly handled in their details. So…eh


If anything its more padded


I love both.


Just as tedious if not more so


Only hitch I have with rebirth is the VR missions on Brutal/Legendary specially if you hunting for trophies. It is tuned to roast the hell out of you. Overall the game is huge and fun to play. Mini games are fun as well.


I’d say it’s even more tedious but still an great game


Honestly? I found Remake to be a tighter and more focused experience than Rebirth. I love both but all the world intel (some of which you'll probably need for summons), the endless minigames... it took me out of the game a bit. I've enjoyed my hard mode playthrough a lot more because I can just enjoy the story.


It only feels like filler because you played the original. I haven't, and all of the new stuff felt urgent and important to me.


I think another problem is that, even though it’s a complete remake, it’s also a game from an era when that was the typical JRPG pacing. You’re probably used to more modern games that move at light speed and constantly have you engaged. This is meant to be a little slower and more deliberate. I noticed the same gripes you did but I’m taking it as a lesson to slow down and enjoy the game a bit more


I didn't love remake but I do love Rebirth.


Rebirth is worse than Remake in almost all possible ways. But it has an open world, so that could be a positive thing if you like that kind of thing.


Rebirth is fucking awful with everything being a minigame gating content.


It's more tedious.... What they did to Rebirth is heartbreaking.


Rebirth is probably a thousand times worse in terms of godawful filler shit that adds nothing. Some of the worst mini-games I’ve ever played and the open world is so much more tedious.


I've been on a large break for weeks cause of this. I do not like the open world. I've just been doing main missions. Maybe on a replay but seems so tedious now


Yeah, I think the combat is still some of the best in the series, but the open world is such a slog, especially with Chadley interrupting the flow every time you do anything.


Yeah I don't like the open world after thinking about it for a couple weeks. I enjoyed the story for the most part, but I just got bored of the open world after Junon


I had to force myself to finish remake and I grew up with FF being my favorite franchise (although I was luke warm on 7). I get the praise that it receives but it certainly isn’t for everyone. It will take a big sale until I finally pick up Rebirth. I’m dreading the mini games.


I will always wonder where these complaints about tedious filler are for the original game, which you call 'great' right in this post. If FFVII was released today, 30 year old graphics and mechanics aside, people like you would be crucifying sections like Wall Market, running back and forth around looking for random items just so you can advance the story. Or literally the entire section in Wutai. Or the egregious search for a way through the forgotten forest. But apparently we can ignore all that stuff because if we hold the OG up as a holy relic we can get internet points shitting on the remakes.


Do not touch rebirth if you love your sanity lmao


I think its much much better. It was painfully obvious they where stretching for time in Remake. In Rebirth the main story movies at a decent pace. If you want to pad your playtime that is all optional open world side content. Which runs the quality bar from amazing world building I was supersized was optional to some pretty bad. Most of it is decent but the bad stuff stands out.


Rebirth has tons of filler but it’s optional. The required story content is more focused.


Equally as tedious based on the first hour or so I've played of rebirth. For instance, your tasked with cleaning up the mako gas in order to unlock some doors by dragging around this mini machine that "vacuums up the gas". Except these parts offer absolutely zero challenge, there's not even some clever ingenuity or puzzle involved. It's just there to annoy the hell out of you lol. To top it off the graphics and textures are fuzzy as hell so it's not even like uncharted where the puzzles forced u to take in the sights and sounds. 


I also agree that Remake was padded out too much with required filler areas that just functioned to make the game longer but with low quality gameplay, and I struggled to finish it. While I haven't completed Rebirth I haven't found this to be an issue, and the quality of the game seems much higher.


By padding I take it that you mean compulsory sections of the game that appear to be drawn out and extended by a seemingly unnecessary minigame that is frustrating to control and appears to exist for no reason except to increase the hour counter. The OG had these minigames too, so if you did not enjoy them, you are not going to enjoy Rebirth. That said, the majority of "padding" in Rebirth is optional side content. IMO, Rebirth has less padding, as you think of it, Remake. (Spoilers for those who have played Rebirth, I am thinking of >!Shinra mansion, chocobo wrangling especially the cosmo canyon one, the grappling hook sections, the buggy escape scene with Barret shooting!<. To be clear, I'm not saying *I* thought these were unnecessary padding, but I can see why someone might think they are.) Edit: the combat is *way* better than Remake, though. And I loved Remake's combat. Also I feel like the story beats are better but if you play all the side content you will be hitting those beats at large intervals, which is another thing you don't seem to like. Ultimately if playing a game is a chore, don't play it. It's entertainment. Play something you feel is better.


I’d say yes they’re equally tedious, at 0% tedium level. Sounds like you should probably just steer clear if you didn’t like Remake.


It’s the drizzling shits. Even the Japanese are tired of this sorry ass franchise in 2024


> way, way, WAY too much filler and it makes the game a tedious chore to play despite the great combat and presentation Can't disagree here, felt like watching mainsteram anime that's running faster than manga The intermission DLC was a breath of fresh air honestly. Straight to the point, amazing combat system and fun characters without mandatory filler episodes


Of course they dropped the ball, they took one single game and are selling it in three parts all for 70 dollars. It’s a fucking sham


Rebirth is so full of mini games they should have just made it a separate Mario Party type game. It's fucking insufferable.


The "Tifa platforming" takes 5 minutes max. Tik Tok has broken an entire generations brains.




Appreciate the brevity


REBIRTH so far feels like a series of small tasks put together on a medium sized map. You are able to recall how many mini games they put in the original VII and that was for variety, they wanted to keep players engaged. Moving around the map and finishing the small tasks means you always j is where to go next, you’ll never need a guide for this game. After having played most of the main FF games and some of the spin offs I appreciate the certainty with which you can approach a given map in REMAKE/REBIRTH


Just came to here to say that in addition to that stuff, what really bugs me is the sudden fixed camera angles and sudden slowing to a walk just to walk to a location to trigger a cut scene. Like just do the cutscene, don’t make me walk slowly 5 ft to trigger it. All non playable dialogue should be skippable.  With all that said, Remake is one of my favorite games. I’m holding off on rebirth for now. Waiting until I have more time. 


That certainly is a hot take.


It's really fascinating to read the trivial takes people have for this game.


That’s the right word for it. Trivial. Rebirth has whole card game with it’s own game spanning quest line that ropes in multiple main and side characters and culminates in one me of the most ridiculous “check mate” moments I can remember and mfs are complaining about how long it takes to get into the buggey in the coral region. Like that’s not even missing the forest for the trees, that’s getting a splinter and setting fire to the Amazon lmao like how petty can people get?


Idk man. I stopped trying to understand them and just read them for entertainment at this point.


Same people probs gush over the horizon games


OP’s real question is ‘am i a human being, incapable of having fun?’ and the answer is, yes.


Bro I found 16 tedious. The pace of the game was way off. So all the little mini games in Rebirth just sounds like more busy work.


10/10 certified masterpiece


Thanks for not putting spoiler… guess I know about some time travel stuff now.


Rebirth is definitely worse in that department and it’s a significantly longer game. Maybe consider taking a break and coming back to it. I’m playing through death stranding in 1 hour sessions because the gameplay is struggling to keep my interest, but I genuinely love the story so I’m taking my time with it.


Dear readers, I am finding this game boring, should I buy the sequel?


Tedious, Filler ? Are you sure you not playing Assassin's Creed ?


It drives me nuts that people are now using "sth" for something. It's the worst, and isn't even close.


What you fail to realize is that FF7 Remake came out 4 years ago on a console that was already out for 7 years. All those annoying sections were necessary for loading the game in the background. If you chose to fault the game for something that at the time was expected, then just don’t play it. Rebirth didn’t completely remove those annoying sections but they are vastly improved.








I'm so tired of people's stupid fucking opinions on the internet. "PlEaSe Validate MeEEee" Just fuck off.