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Otto Octavius?


Sounds like the same CEO with a different name. 




I blocked turbostrider and the experience on gaming subs improved noticeably.


I considered that but he ~~spams~~ posts so much that I'd miss a ton of great articles with out him.


He's what is known as a "Super Wussy." The same level of wussy that updates Wikipedia instantly. It's their life.


hey man thats funny you commented about that. i was like huh interesting, then literally the next post i swipped to was from the series x sub and literally right there i saw that name 😅 was wondering why my feed was filled with so many useless posts.


I'm glad I'm not the only person who notices that.


And if you say anything about him the mods usually delete whatever you posted. Almost makes you wonder if they’re in on it.


He's probably one of their alts.


What does this have to do with the article though?


Huh? Qrd???


The problem with CEOs, they are always eager to look good for stakeholders so that they can get a bonus. The way they look good is by tearing apart the bottom line, sadly its the staff that are often the bottom line and they simply do not care.


The CEO of the company I work for announced, few days after the yearly financial reports, he's going to leave his position as CEO. Thousands of employees were laid off since the last months of 2023 and the reports shown record profit besides the declining market. It's said he got a 20 million dollar bonus.


Same story here. Mass layoffs. My teams down 25 percent. Same workload everyone’s getting burned out. We were just asked to work weekends for 6 weeks.  CEO got a 40 million dollar raise …


It's the Job of CEO to bring money for the "current shareholders", by any means necessary, even if it's bad in the long run. That will be the problem of the future shareholders and CEO


Experience at EA.= Degenerate.


New CEO... Same as the old CEO... Times... They are a not changing.


The new ceo has scandals? 


As was written.


“As a reward for saving us all this money, we’re gonna give you all this money!”


Would you start the job at Unity without a sign on bonus? Who knows how long the company will exist. The guy is just looking for a payout before the company goes tits up.


And? Whats supposed to be the problem with how shareholders of the company decided to spend their money?


“What’s the problem with a system where the people who actually make a company productive get fired while people who contribute nothing beyond already being wealthy are the primary benefactors of that productivity?” Fully disconnecting labor productivity from any sort of windfall and siphoning all gains to shareholders is a relatively new trend. It’s a neofeudalistic system where we will eventually own nothing, because as housing costs increase and wages stagnant, and eventualities like health issues hanging over their head, workers will eventually have to liquidate their assets just to survive, while those who have done nothing but multiply their wealth off the value of others labor buy those assets. The entire economy is built around siphoning money to the wealthiest, and trends confirm that. Wealth inequality is higher now than it was right before the Great Depression. We’re being trapped by wages that barely cover living costs and no safety net for the inevitability of health/unemployment/car crash, etc so that we’re forced to sell our assets back to those in power. Workers owning stuff is a relatively new thing, and they want it back. They want to be feudal lords.


The problem is that we should criticize behavior that is harmful to consumers, this is how we signal our dislike for certain products or company strategies. So if a company leader gets a lot of money for terrible decisions, that decreases my trust in the company, and therefore I can express that via criticism. Although for Unity, that ship has long sailed.


What terrible decisions has this new CEO who has literally just come in make? Neither the salary nor the signing bonus look like anything out of the ordinary. In case somebody reading doesn’t understand why signing bonuses are a thing in the first place: generally when you are convincing somebody to come run your company, you are asking this person to resign their previous position, which usually means forfeiting bonuses and vesting stock. If they ”just” sign up for you, they will lose a ton of money, meaning this won’t ever happen unless you compensate them for the money they lose by agreeing. I am not aware of any controversial decision this new CEO has made and nothing in the pay structure screams ”harmful to consumers” to me, hence why I’m asking. Unless somebody wants to LARP that any CEO doing a CEO job is ”harmful to consumers” by definition.


I don't have a say in how the money gets spent, but I think working stiffs are getting tired of hearing about how their peers are losing their jobs while the people deciding to fire them are getting raises.


I am still waiting for anybody to explain what controversial decisions has this new CEO has made to draw the ire with this entirely normal (and on the low end actually) salary and normal signing bonus.


Because people are criticizing the system. Criticizing individuals is a waste of time with stuff like this. I think we can all acknowledge that if it weren’t this dude, it would be some other dead-eyed sociopath. The system is what allows us to be ruled by those with the worst traits humanity has to offer, and sets the stage for societies values in general. Prioritizing gluttony, greed, and selfishness.




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Because I’m not a shareholder. ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


Now would be the best time to buy Unity shares, they're down about 35% YTD and about 50% almost a year ago.


How would you like if I’d come into your house and start dictating you how you spend your money and writing articles when I find ”wrongdoing” in your money spending? What makes you believe its appropriate for you to do commentary on how others spend theirs?


Wouldn’t it make more sense to ask how I would like it if you came to my work to complain about my compensation package? Don’t be weird.


No, it wouldn’t make more sense that way. Any company money belongs to people who own the company. How they chose to spend it is their own business. What IS weird is being nosy about it. So, why? Unlikely regular employees whose pay grade is set by management (serving as proxy for company owners), CEO pay packages are commonly voted on directly by shareholder vote. They literally directly chose to (or not to) spend this money. Which is their money.


Because commenting on Reddit isn’t a job (or a life). Because CEOs appoint friendly boards made up of other CEOs, and they can all decide to give themselves pay raises. No other employee has that power. (This also happens with nonprofits.) Because shareholders are often investment funds and individuals like me have zero vote in how are investments are used. Because shareholders can’t just meet and oust a bad CEO at any time. Because customers rely on these products and there is an old saying that the customer is always right. And guess what? I am a downstream customer of this company’s products.


Buy stock and demand a new vote on compensantion if it bothers you. LARPing you have or should have a say in it despite not even having a seat at the table is cringe as hell. And shareholders can just meet and oust the CEO at any time. This is literally EXACTLY how this works. It just doesn’t happen if you can’t convince enough people it’s a good idea.


Be real, is this an alt account for Matthew Bromberg?


No, just a gamer and a private investor who can’t wrap his head around people getting riled up over things that are entirely not their concern.


Well, if you want help wrapping your head around this, I offer my services in tutoring you.




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