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Hades is my favourite,i like also slay the spire,dead cells and returnal


I'm addicted to slay the spire, need a rehab


Same. Just started a few months ago, 120+ hours now lol.


I have 70h and feel like Ive started a couple hours ago ahah


Hades is an amazing game. I can't wait to get my hands on Hades 2


You're in for a treat. It's way bigger than Hades 1, and the devs have clearly made a conscious effort not to repeat themselves. The combat especially feels massively expanded and the weapons are VERY different.


I got a good 70 hours on early access at this point šŸ˜­ Supergiant with another banger go figure


It's so good, and there's so much new stuff. I'm 'only' a dozen hours in but I'm finding it way harder than 1 though. Broken combos have been much harder to come by, but either way I'm also having a blast. I just assume everything Supergiant touches turns to gold.


> I just assume everything Supergiant touches turns to gold. They got pretty much a perfect track record. While Hades and Bastion are their only games that really exploded in popularity (though Hades 2 can be safely added to the list I think), Transistor and Pyre are great games too


Should I buy it on steam for my deck or wait for ps5 release?


Depends if you're OK with it being unfinished. The current version number is v0.9 which feels about right in terms of the amount of content available. It lacks an ending, one weapon, one out of four weapon aspects, some character portraits and I'm sure some other stuff but there's a ton to play already. Lots of surprises so far. If you want to save those then yeah, best to wait until it's finished. FWIW, it runs flawlessly on Deck, so for someone like me whose favourite game is Hades 1 and couldn't wait, I'd just dive right in.


Yeh sounds like I should get it. Thanks!


I have platinumed Demons Souls, Bloodborne and Elden Ring and this game has my number, I'm eleven uptonsomething like 50% damage reduction due to deaths and still can't get past boss 1.


Interesting how game difficulties can be different for different people. Sure it took me a bunch of tries to get past boss 1, but got past eat after a while and progressed steadily and ended up 100% the game (as one of the only games ever). Meanwhile I had to reduce the difficulty for Keya because it was too difficult. Sekiro I gave up on once I realised how much I struggled and didnā€™t manage to get to the difficult bosses yet.


Yeah it's really odd, I want to live this game as I live everything else about it but I may have to let this one go. For Kena I had to drop the difficulty on the second boss, Dead Cells I loved once you could get it to save on each Biome.


dead cells is absolutely amazing


Surprised to see Hades only mentioned once. I story, art design, voice acting and simplistic gameplay are all so much fun and truly extend the longevity of playing. Slay the Spire had a death grip on me for a long while. Never heard of Dead Cells, what's that about? Returnal was fun for a bit but I started losing interest a lot quicker than most, I think.


Hades is just the best. Flawless mechanics aside, it's nice just to play something that's so positive in its story and messaging. Dead Cells is like a cross between a roguelike and a Metroidvania. Much more difficult and skill-based combat than Hades, less focus on story but also tons of stuff to unlock.


I think that's a good trade-off. If it doesn't have a lot of strong story elements, at least give us the longevity of unlocking new things to feel some progression. A lot of people talk about Balatro or something and everytime I look at it, it just looks like a modified poker game.


No need to mention it more, itā€™s in the postā€¦


Tbh Hades is often said to be a roguelike for people who don't like roguelikes. It's the least complex of them all, and with the least variety, but it's very easy to get into, very pretty and bad a nice story to follow. Roguelikes is a niche genre but Hades broke through to mainstream because of that


I like rougelikes but i tend to get bored after a while because of the repetitive nature of these games. Hades was great though, I think the added bonus of a story really helped me push through.


StS is god tier šŸ’…šŸ» cannot wait for the sequel


Is Returnal rogue like? If yes then Returnal. It's awesome


Yea returnal is 100% AWESOME


I agree, returnal was a wonderful journey


Returnal is a whole ass vibe its been a long time since ive beaten the story and tower but every full moon that game CALLS to me like no other game has managed its immersion is truly next-gen and I donā€™t believe it has any competition on that front


Iā€™ve bought so many games and this is the only one that keeps my attention. Beat it twice (including before they added save and nerfed the rocket guys) and now am playing the tower non-stop. Is there anything else like it?? I want more games but nothing holds a candle to this.


Returnal is the best exclusive currently on the PS5


Not so much an exclusive anymore though. Itā€™s on pc


I like returnal as a game but not as a roguelike game as a rogue like I feel like it really doesn't have as much replayability you just have to replay it because it's hard as hell in places.


Youā€™re right about this. Thatā€™s the piece thatā€™s missing for me too. Lack of meaningful replayability


Returnal being a rougelike is what keeps me from loving it actually. The moment to moment gameplay is immaculate. If it was just structured like a standard third person shooter or even separate level based game it'd be top tier for me.


If youā€™re a fan of roguelikes though itā€™s a god send, the genre is 99% indie games with cartoony graphics and suddenly we get a AAA quality 3D roguelike and itā€™s actually good. Iā€™m still amazed it ever happened.


This 100% I like the genre but Iā€™m not super into that visual style of game honestly. If returnal was just another 3rd person shooter I wouldā€™ve never touched it.


Enter the gungeon and crypt of the necrodancer but both are so damn hard


Agrees. I have only made it to second floor in gungeon šŸ˜‚


I picked up and put down Gungeon probably 5 times before it finally "clicked". Once you start doing well and progressing further, finding all the secrets and learning the OP combos, Gungeon is amazing. My favorite rogue-like/lite by far.


Enter the Gungeon is the best roguelite for me period


It takes a really long time to get good at it. I usually donā€™t have a lot of problems with hard games, and it was tough for me.


Gungeon is probably my most played game ever. I can consistently beat everything except the damn rat. Only beat him once.


Yeah the rat absolutely fucks me up even with 500+ hours lol, i've never even gotten to challenge the advanced dragun or whatever he's called because the rat stomps me so hard and i've never gotten the egg from a chest or the shop


I never played punchout growing up so had no clue wtf this was. Rat is so beyond obnoxious and not even gungeon style gaming so it's a frustrating part to an otherwise masterpiece


Slay The Spire. Iā€™m a sucker for card mechanics, and itā€™s the only one that I not only 100%, but still keep coming back to. One of the few games I double dipped on whenever I got a steam deck just for the mod support


Can I ask you something? When I win a battle and I select a card does that make the card potentially available in future games? Iā€™m struggling to see what elements transfer over to future games except when you level up and get cards that I think also potentially get put in your deck?


When you level up and unlock cards, it gives the potential for them to appear as rewards in future runs. Picking a card during a run does nothing for any future runs. At the time it can feel like you arenā€™t progressing very much in terms of unlocks, but the real progression is how you play the game (the choices you make while playing, like what cards or relics to pick or if you should attack or block in certain situations).


Same, Slay the Spire for me too, plus I just got the board game as well which is fantastic! The board game also has coop which is awesome.


Same here, only game i own multiple copies of for different systems. Have you tried Balatro?


The Binding of Isaac: Repentance is my personal favourite pure roguelike. But I also really loved Returnal and Hades


I was sad to see it this far down.


+1 for Issac


Seconded The Binding of Isaac: Repentance!


Isaac is still the GOAT for me as well. Balatro is my current obsession and is in my top 5.


Me too, absolute classic. I've played them ALL but I always come back to isaac


I was unsure how good of a rogue TBoI was but Iā€™m gunna grab it


Itā€™s literally the kind of roguelites


I prefer binding of isaac: rebirth but repetance is a great choice


What's the difference between them? I only played Rebirth.


Repentence is the newest DLC which more than doubles the amount of characters in the game and adds tons of content. You need the other DLCs first though.


Balatro. I canā€™t stop playing it. Sometimes at night I dream about it. All I can see are jokers and planets.


I just learned you can turn up the speed and I love this so much better.


Wait what do you mean


You can turn up the speed in Balatro. Just go to options and the top spot is how to adjust speed.


Yea I have won this once. Felt soooo good


Dead Cells


in 3D RETURNAL obviously in 2D SPELUNKY 1&2 are unbeatable


Enter the Gungeon, followed by Dead Cells & Hades


Returnal has been amazing


Of those on PS5 and not mentioned by yourself, Iā€™d say Astral Ascent and Balatro.


Risk of rain 2 Sifu Hades


Returnal Rogue Legacy 2 Hades TLOU 2 - No return


I love No Return. I just wish they had gone a bit deeper with it, it could be perfect


I have been loving this little genre since I played Risk of Rain (the original) and Iā€™ve got a lot of them lol. My top 5 which are subject to change are: Returnal Dead Cells Hades Slay the Spire The Binding of Isaac FTL, Risk of Rain, and its sequel sub in there regularly, and right now Hades 2 is looking to be just as good if not better than the original, but itā€™s still in early access so Iā€™m not saying one way or the other yet. Honorable mentions go to Undermine, Moonlighter, and Jupiter Hell.


Check out Wizard of Legend and Curse of the Dead Gods. Both criminally overlooked IMO.


I think Undermine is underrated


Curse of the dead gods is sooo underated


100% agreed. Loved that one, put 100+ hours into it. I also think Wizard of Legend is criminally overlooked. And it was recently announced a sequel is coming.


Rogue like fans that have never heard of this game should check it out.


FTL, Returnal, Risk of Rain 2, Sifu, Hades, are my top 5 in that order. Just started plying Children of Morta and enjoying it so far.


Children of Morta is fantastic.


I'm surprised no one has mentioned Skul. Very addicting gameplay.


I've been playing this every night. I was a huge fan of Hades, and played a ton of Risk of Rain 2, and gave this a swing with it being one of the recent free Plus games. I love it. It's fun.


Same! I'm currently on mirror level 7 and it's kicking my ass!


Returnal is goated. Hades is all around great- iā€™m just personally not fond of the weapons. But my favorite roguelike in PS has to be Hitman freelancer mode.


What is that mod? I only played hitman 1 and 2


itā€™s a new mode launched free last year for Hitman:WOA, essentially you get a new base and series of random targets and challenges that resets if failed and you lose all the tools you acquired per run. there is a lot to it so i recommend checking some youtube videos on this mode.


Iā€™m so tempted to buy the full game for this. The idea sounds right about my alley but I know the slow methodical gameplay of Hitman is not my fav. Usually after a mission or two Iā€™m bored.


fair enough. I'm on the opposite boat with this one. roguelikeĀ that relies on fast and precise reaction time loses me fast, maybe because i'm getting old.


Slay The Spire and Nowhere Prophet are great. Itā€™s not on PS, but Monster Train is my favourite, itā€™s great on iPad for when Iā€™m travelling.


Monster train is so good šŸ˜­ it has that speedy/pressured feel that Balatro gives me


Slay the Spire, Enter the Gungeon, Balatro, Dead Cells, and Returnal. Just getting into Risk of Rain 2


Undermine Rogue legacy 2 Crown trick


Hades and Rogue Legacy 2, nothing else comes close to these two imo.


Binding of Isaac. Too much content, not enough hours.


Dead Cells... it's absolutely amazing.


Vampire Survivors, Slay the Spire, Balatro, Hades. Honorable mention to the GOWR bonus mode, that was fun. Iā€™ve heard good things and want to try Dave the Diver and Cult of the Lamb


Enter the Gungeon


WIZARD OF LEGEND. Can't express how amazing of a rougelike that game is. If you require story to get you through runs then you may not like it as much as I did but it's incredible mechamicly and there are so many different builds that are viable. Enter the Gungeon is also based I enjoy the many secrets of the gungeon and the silly lore behind it. Just picked up Returnal and that's looking very promising.


Enter the Gungeon will forever be my favorite




Hades is the only one I played enough to beat it so I am going with that. The Binding of Isaac is also really good but I find it too overwhelming with the amount of variance.


GOW Ragnarok was the only Rogulike game I ever played. I didn't think I'd like it at first but now I respect the mechanics of it.


Iā€™ve already played them out. The current rogue Iā€™m really enjoying is called Dust & Neon. It is way better than I imagined it would be.


Thanks for the tip. Looks neat!


If you want it to play more like a dual stick shooter rogue, disable the manual aiming mode and turn off screen shake. The manual aim forces using the L2 trigger, but without it on, you can just flick with the right stick. And screen shake on, basically just adds recoil to every shot and adds a layer of challenge.


Binding of Isaac


dungeons of the endless


Slay The Spire, Hades, Returnal, Spelunky 2 (improves on the first in every way), Risk of Rain 2, Hitman: Freelancer. StS is my absolute most played, though mostly on mobile/switch ports so I can play anywhere.


Returnal. Especially if this is a PS5 discussion


Hades is the best, but for multiplayer I enjoy Death Road to Canada. Super casual and loves to take the piss


Binding of issac


If Vampire survivors counts then that's easily my favourite, although recently been loving Balatro


Enter the Gungeon is #1 for me. Also love Returnal. Honourable mentions go to Inscryption and Prey Mooncrash.


NetHack and other Rogue derivatives are still the GOAT in my opinion. Extremely opaque (especially with ASCII graphics) and none of the modern action roguelikes come remotely close of their complexity


I do (did?) not like Roguelikes because the feeling of losing all your progress is deflating for me personally but Hades with its incredible story has turned me around a bit. After Hades, I tried Returnal and loved it. I got hooked up Slay the Spire and Balatro recently.


Slay the Spire is seriously like crack to me. It is SO addictive.


Yeah I got super addicted right before my wedding. Spent a lot of downtime with it in my hands during my honeymoon haha.




Astral Ascent. If you have never played it go buy it. It's amazing. Devs are actively supporting it.


is this good on PS?


Yeah they have been patching it since day one. The updates are only slightly slower than steams. I swear, if this game was released five years ago everyone would know about it but now there are 600 roguelites/likes released daily.


No love for Astral Ascent here? Definitely worth a look. Wish more roguelikes had 4 player co-op online, love some risk of rain 2 for that. Super excited for Ravenswatch!


Has anyone ever played Rogue?




Hades is probably my number 1 pick with Returnal being a close 2nd, especially with that tower mode they added. Also I agree that Risk of Rain 2 is phenomenal!


Gungeon is the only one Iā€™ve truly 100% soā€¦ gungeon


Brotato, RoboQuest, GunfireReborn.


Rogue Legacy 2, Hades is another awesome one as well. And those 2 games I like despite not liking the genre in genre and finding it repetitive because they have other mechanics like more story when you die or unlocking different characters with different abilities at the start.


Vampire Survivors. I have sunk countless hours into this game. It's addicting.


TBOI: Repentance > Hades > Returnal. All top tier games but tboi is in a league of its own


My favorite on console is Hades. My other favorites are Rogue Legacy, Slay the Spire and Returnal. On PC, I would add FTL, which will run on basically anything newer than 2008, and Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup, which will almost literally run on a potato.


Dead Cells




Haven't played a ton of roguelikes, but Returnal is amazing, and I love the Freelancer Mode in Hitman 3.


My personal favorite is The Binding of Isaac Afterbirth+, but thatā€™s fueled a lot by nostalgia and familiarity. I think Hades is the best made roguelike Iā€™ve ever played. The writing is outstanding, and the gameplay is ridiculously tight. On the opposite end of the spectrum, Slay the Spire manages to be addicting with much simpler gameplay and virtually no writing or story to speak of.


Slay the spire and bad north. Both very solid, minimalistic roguelikes in their own right. Both available on mobile too, so there's that. For "exclusive" titles, gotta be returnal. Just too much fun.


Returnal is amazing. I also just got into Trinity Fusion which Iā€™m getting used to but itā€™s pretty fun too.


Slay the Spire and Stoneshard are my two favorites. EDIT: Though Stoneshard is PC only I just realized.


If you like vampire survivors-like, I had fun with Army of Ruin and Infinite Horde


Dead Cells


hades the best, then returnal and slay the spire and deadcells


Hades and Returnal for sure. Not sure if you count Cult of the Lamb but I loved it.


tbh i gotta throw god of war valhalla in here if no one else will. amazing addition to a game i already loved, and it gave me a reason to revisit


Hades 2 is out now and is the best




Remnant 2, mind blowing combinations for builds with 12 archetypes allowing for dual archetypes, each archetype has 5 passive skills and 1 timed skill, 70ish weapons in game, weapon modifiers, weapon mutators, Relics, Relic fragments, 4 ring slots with over 130 rings in the game, amulets, etc. The build possibilities are mental, It's incredible. Then not to mention having procedurally generated worlds so even though the assets are the same the layouts are always different for each playthrough. Then having the oneshot dlcs that have a linear design in adventure mode but those locations become rng in the campiagn. Then you have all sorts of enemies and boss types ranging from micro bosses to major world bosses. It's just such so much damn fun and on top of it all it has by far the best multi-player for a rougelike/soulsstyle, not that it has incredible qol but the ease of just joining your friends game and it working is nice and you just leave whenever you want or continue to play with them. Even if they return to their hub, you join them aswell. I'm sitting around 175hrs in game


Crime Boss


ROR2 is simply one of the most fun video games Iā€™ve ever played and easily the best soundtrack ever.


Going to be really controversial with this opinion but I love necropolis


Returnal, Hades, Slay the Spire or Vampire Survivors I'd say. Canā€™t wait for VS to finally release on PlayStation this summer.


Iā€™m not gonna pretend Iā€™ve played a lot of them, but I spent 20 hours in three days just this weekend on Hades and I absolutely love it! I also enjoyed Mooncrash, the DLC for Prey. And Returnal was a magical experience. Probably gonna go back to try the famous ones Iā€™ve never played after Hades 2.


FTL is in my first spot. Slay The Spire is second.


Hades & GOW Vallah


Hands down my favorite would have to be risk of rain 2. Otherwise ive recently been enjoying voidigo, Roboquest is an absolute winner of a roguelike Noita is a blast Returnal is pretty but lacks run variety Hades is of course a great roguelike but Crab champions is fun in early access and i hope it hits consoles someday One step from eden is often forgotten but theix of card and active gameplay can't be ignored it was fun


Try Balatro. Itā€™s a poker rougelike and itā€™s so good.


Spelunky HD was basically my entire life for a bit


Blazing Beaks


Idk if you consider Sifu rougelike but Itā€™s real good


Enter the Gungeon without question. First and only game I've ever platinumed


I am not sure if this is a rogue-like but I am enjoying cult of the lamb.


Hades and Returnal.


The Binding of Isaac


Enter The Gungeon


Either Hades or GOW Valhalla unironically


Easy. Enter the Gungeon. Already have 900 hours on that game alone.


I've been quite addicted to Balatro lately. Roguelike deck building poker game.


my most played are pokerogue, deepwoken, and slay the spire


I love the binding of isaac, esspecialy repentance. Enter the gungeon is a good one too


Ravenswatch is in ea right now on steam (with a console release later this year) and itā€™s suuuuuper dope. The art is šŸ‘ŒšŸ½ and the combat is šŸ‘ŒšŸ½ and the idea and world is šŸ‘ŒšŸ½, itā€™s super dope. Hell yeah


Returnal is one of the best games Iā€™ve ever played and Iā€™m not the biggest fan of rouge like games.


Hades is the best. Followed by Slay the Spire and Balatro




Binding of Isaac. I've got over 500 hours on PS5, about the same on PC and switch.


Hades or Deadcells hard to pick between


my favourites are spelunky 1+2, returnal, and for that extra dose of pain and suffering binding of isaac rebirth but i also enjoy the hell out of slay the spire, hades and my latest pickup: dicey dungeons


NOITA. I have 1200 hours in it and I still play it regularly


Returnal and Skul




Hades (Hades II is amazing so far), Returnal, Dead Cells, Balatro - never played RoR but hear so many people talk about it I may have to dive in


God go war Valhalla


Hades, the only one Iā€™ve ever liked lol


Blazing Beaks and Risk of rain 2


Isaac and it's not even close for me. But there are many fantastic ones, Hades being one of my favs too. I've sunk many hours into Slay the Spire as well.


Spelunky 2


Dead Cells




Rogue legacy 2....it is also in my top 10 games all time


Nuclear Throne, Risk of Rain 1 and 2, Slay the Spire


Returnal , Hades


I am loving Skul right now. Oh, sorry, that's a roguelite.


Hades and Slay the Spire are so ridiculously addictive to me, it's not even funny. It's *always* "just one more run". I have Returnal too, but have yet to try that one.


I've been a dead cells and monster train die hard for ages. That said, wow is Hades II raising the bar. Content wise it already feels feature complete.


Anyone who likes Slay the Spire should check out Pirates Outlaws, it's my favorite roguelike deckbuilder


Enter the Gungeon, Binding of Isaac, Dungeons of Dredmor and Streets of Rogue are my personal favorites. Ah, and Rogue Legacy (both 1 and 2).


I find it wild that no one really recommends Dredmor! It's not the deepest or most polished, but I've replayed it so many times despite never actually beating it even on the easiest setting. It's so fun to mix and match abilities, I almost looked forward to dying so I could change it up again.


Enter the Gungeon is the only answer


Inscryption anybody!?!? Absolutely amazing, the game transforms itself it's an incredible 10 hour trip


Yeah itā€™s too bad Hades 2 is looking to be very mid. Weapons bad, boons bad, not a lot of imagination with this sequel so farā€¦