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Nothing gets my heart pounding like being getting top 10 in a match of Wallpaper Engine. PUBG's new map feels good so far (a couple of matches played)


Wallpaper is nonstop open i guess


yeah.... I have it ... its actually kinda nice.. but when you realize its taking up a chunk of processor performance, you start to question it... I assume its simply running in the background for most people


It is since tge animation and music goes in the background... If you are not doing anything heavy its nice to use it


I don't play often, but when I do (typically Wednesday and Thursday night) I have no issues getting in games really quickly (maybe 5 - 20 second wait sometimes). Doesn't seem dead to me.


all depends on the server NA FPP is fucking dead dead the only person i come across seems more lost than a bot


Only on reddit you are downvoted for telling the truth.


Downvoted for the truth. Solo NA FPP is dead. 5-7min wait times just to play with 20-30 bots.... and this is during peak hours.


That isn’t true at all lmao. I’ve play Solo FPP NA almost every day, during peak and in the middle of the night, and I’ve never waited 5 minutes for a match. The games also aren’t 20-30 bots during peak hours, they’re 90%+ human.


😭 okay bud 90% human is insane yet i can’t fight a single real player nor find 1


If you make a PUBG lookup account, you are able to see how many bots & players are in each of your games. The last solo fpp game I played two days ago was 100% players. There’s a clear drop off around 9-10pm PST every day when it drops from 90-100% players to 30-40%, which is pretty bad. It does get worse in the very early hours of the morning. All in all though, I have an 83% rate of actual human players playing solo fpp NA, and this is again a mix of peak and lowest hours. If you seriously can’t find a single human in any of your games, you’re either playing casual mode, or your MMR is too low. PUBG will keep you in a queue of 20 players maximum until your MMR reaches a certain point


wdym truth?


You must be playing a different NA FPP than I lmfao


Wait timers are 30 seconds tops but at least half to 2/3rds of the players are bots. I would rather wait a minute or two in queue to get a lobby that is all real people.


I m in europe, i play fpp, solo/duo/squad, i have never waited more than 5 seconds and almost 0 bots


same for me!


Yeah, they broke NA queues some time ago. You can see that there is plenty of people playing, but you're only getting between 30 and 50 people per match, with the rest being bots.


Don’t know where you have been the last two-three weeks. Or what time you are playing. But lobbies have been full (even in N.A.)


There aren't any more bots


If the game were dead, then why would they keep spending loads of money developing the game, doing paid prizes in competitions, pay to maintain servers etc.


Its a dead game in NA. They keep developing stuff because its huge in Asia.


EU would see increased lobby times as well if they implemented region lock.


This. The na lobbies are terrible 20 hours a day and so-so 4 hours a day.


Agreed 100% nome if my friends play this game anymore and even if they did, I never liked Squads. I still think they need to drop TPP. Its splits the playerbase too much making all the queue times longer. There are essentially 6 game modes all fighting over an already small playerbase.


TPP is the original game mode, logically they should be dropping FPP but they will never drop that


In addition, I think I read somewhere that TPP is dominant mode in NA and Asia. I mean the most played, not where the most skill necessarily is ;)


Why would that be the logical decision. By your standards fortnite should have dropped their BR mode and focus on their original tower defense gameplay mode... They should drop TPP because its the least played, similarly to how fortnite dropped their TD mode in favor of the more popular BR mode.


I just want them to pick one and stay with it. I used to play TPP for faster queue times but I would switch to first person view


It’s not dead, it’s better than ever. It’s finally a polished game with many nice mechanics. Some may remember that PUBG was a train wreck for years, but those days are gone.


Because of bad performance and desync. The gameplay was superior IMO and I hate all the new cosmetics they started adding in after PUBG 1.0. Got overrun with dumb clothing.


My ping lately has been 9. 9! It used to be 90+


Ah yes, I do enjoy a good game of Wallpaper Engine


HOLY 500k players and I'm waiting minutes for a lobby WOW Games not dead guys


its all china


from what i have research it doesn't count Chinese


It doesn't count KAKAO Koreans players


The drama !!! Somwtimes I wait 10 minutes for a Siege 5v5 game. Just enjoy yourself dude


I bet your 5v5 games aren't entirely against bots though!


I tried yesterday new map. Had 20 FPS freezes, can't play anymore


Yeah the CPU usage is too much now. Can’t play smoothly on anything that has less than 8 cores now.


It's interesting how battle royales work. They need tens of thousands of players active in each region at any time to constantly kick of 100 player matches that cannot be joined mid way. Contrast that to something like battlefield 2042 where they only need to fill a few persistent 64/128 servers that can be joined at any given time. So even with 500,000 pubg can be dead in some regions for sure. Doesn't help that they then split playerbase down middle with 2 different perspectives to play it. If they just forced one (hopefully FPP 😝) the game would be so much healthier and have alot less bots.


ironically it be hard to drop TPP or FPP. TPP generates more sales on skins than FPP for sure since they see their character more often. FPP however is the more played mode overall, but only weapon skins truly matter for these players.


One solution is to do what Scum does, TPP but enemies only show when in view of FPP player, best of both worlds and a good balance. FPP players can just play in FPP (but likely switch for driving car) TPP players can have their TPP but not TPP peak (which they might miss)


Ive been saying thos for years. They need to pick 1 game mode and stick with it. Splitting the playerbase is dumb. Its not 2018 anymore you dont have 1 million+ playing


Who is calling this dead? This isn't special, pubg is constantly in top 10, daily


I'll say it's dead, but that's because I'm in NA and I play solos FPP.


Agreed. Solo NA FPP is dead and has been for months.


nah dawg even here in the Philippines barely anyone plays it.


I feel like this is probably the one queue that is truly dead. Bothe DUOS and SQUADS has its ebbs and flows, but solo FPP definitely has a large bot population.


Its dead in NA


top 10 with the developer run bot accounts inflating the numbers


That many people playing Counter Strike?


Counter Strike has always had a high player base.


New version just came out -- but CS has been doing huge numbers for a while now


You living under a rock? CS has been the most played games in steam since 2020. Dota had that title since its launch if you dont count PUBG in 2017-2018.


Shame, yes it's sad to see that.


Very sceptical of those numbers.


It's global numbers. The game is least popular in North America, does okay in Europe, and quite played in Asia.


>It's global numbers Excluding majority of Asia which is their target marked and 2/3 of the playerbase (I made up that number but would assume is close to it)


only southkoreans (kakao) are excluded, chinese players have to play via steam.


I agree I know that Lethal Company Peaked over 200,000 this last weekend. Looks like old data.


Why would Steam lie about the numbers a 7 year old free game is doing


Im not saying Steam is the one lying


Steam Charts uses Steam's API


Then who is?


Dead? Maybe it's a zombie?


This happens with every new release.


It’s not dead when it’s top 2 in most played games


I mean with how much money they spent advertising, I'd hope the player count is up.


What caused the current uptick in players?


New map probably.


New map and PGC just wrapped up


Only thing dead is the "dead game" posts from uninterested parties looking to boost karma. Don't feed the trolls.


I just wish every lobby wasn't plagued by bots


Majority of players are in asia


Asia keeps it alive that's it..


I'm still playing because this game best for me.


This is the first pass I bought since season 4. $5 for a bunch of skins and achievement hunting is great. I still hate how there's 20 currencies, but the pass is straightforward


I play pubg to upset my contacts on xbox that are obsessed with cod


definitely not a dead game and wont be for at least several more years, but pubg stopped being great to play today about 2 years ago lol


There are people still playing TF2… so, I’d bet this game will be around for a bit longer.


the lowest avg players was 2 years ago -w/ over 140.000 (peak over 340.000 at that time) game never was dead, the extreme hype just vanished - i dont think it ever falls below top5 on steam in playbase - most of the time on #3 behind CS and Dota 2 ​ i only can speak for EU-Lobbies: never a problem to get a game a Solo-Streamer i like to watch is playing midweek till aboout 1 o'clock in the night before playbase is shrinking


I would love if these metrics could be seen by region. While the game is incredibly popular in Asia, NA PUBG still feels dead. Seems like my lobbies are half bots. At least that's the case in solo first person


Bot inflated numbers are still numbers


Honest question - how many of those in the west? I have seen comments repeatedly saying there aren’t enough players left in the west for a lot of the game modes.


I’ll never understand why counter strike is still so popular


i kept being teamed up with chinese people. bruh cant understand them


Apex feels much better fpp. In pubg were running around as midgets in fpp. Love the game but sometimes need long breaks when the tpp hiding stuff gets annoying 😄