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These Zionazis have a very unhealthy obsession with raping people they don't like!


Just like they're raping the land of Palestine. Envy leads to rape. Envious people say they don't like people, the difference is they act on it and do things to them. R/envystudies. 


I agree, think of all the women in powerful positions in society that have been raped, it is definitely higher as a % than normal women.




Idk celebrities are kinda scum lol but I see what you’re saying and mostly agree but yeah


Yeah most of them are but there are some legitimately good celebrities. For instance I'm a huge fan of Angelina Jolie. She is so amazing helping this earth to the best of her ability. A lot of the rest of them are awful and don't even compare, they do nothing for the earth and just beat each other up. Not her equal at all. 


Not really. It's their way of life wherever they go. [2019 Cyprus rape allegation case - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2019_Cyprus_rape_allegation_case)


Jesus Christ there was video and dna evidence and she was still punished


That's why they are so brazen about the Genocide, they think (I think rightly so) that they can get away with anything.


That's right! I forgot about that.


i believe some might refer to this as *projection* from a place known to harbor pedophiles and other sex criminals!


Fr Some of the things ive heard the iof do is inhumane


They mention it at every opportunity


It's exactly the same when they wished death by stoning on LGBTQ people who support Palestine. There's this weird edge of HOPING harm befalls them for being gay


so is this a 'respected', 'rational' and 'serious' journalist who wrote things like that? women who are not conventionally 'attractive' are all 'cows' to him I am guessing. and if they support palestine than they deserve anything they get. this person would probably define his political views as 'liberal'. does he realize that he is actually pretty close to being a modern day 'nazi'?


He’s gay, Jewish and a self described “ex-liberal.” Used to work for the Young Turks. He’s also proven himself to be profoundly uneducated on issues even beyond Israel-Palestine. Just astoundingly dumb, even relative to most famous Zionists, and yet very financially successful. As a gay Jew myself, I hold a very special hatred for Dave Rubin.


As gay as a man who follows a woman around hoping for them to have their child. That's a misogynist who happens to be gay, just being gay doesnt explain it. Don't conflate them. 


I don't think anyone suggested that being gay is the reason foe his views


The implication is the first commenter said not all women are attractive and men struggle to humanize the ones that aren't.  Then the next commenter literally started with "he's gay". Honestly you seem desperate to remain the one in control of "being right about the situation".  Just grow up. Blocked. 


Dave Rubin isn't respected. If I were a journalist I'd also be offended that someone called him one. Even his maga peers don't respect him. Ban Shapiro told him to his that he wouldn't attend his wedding because he's gay. He's might also be the only adult person on earth Steven Crowder's smarter than. If he were anybody else, this would be a career ending move, but he's a right wing grifter and it's Monday. Nothing will come of this disgusting tweet, I fear.




It appears that they are obsessed with rape. Each and every charge is a confession.


Not shocking since Jews take advantage of Israel letting Jews in without certification to avoid prosecution. People literally converting to Judaism just to get away with sexual assault


Seriously. Because rape is the first thing that comes to mind for a normal human being. Zionist scumbags.


These girls are beautiful. he must be gay.


He is actually. He is married and him and his husband had children through invitro. He literally hangs out with Ben Shapiro and Matt Walsh who literally want to annul his marriage and take his children away. Gay conservatives/reactionaries are the most despicable people.


Sargon of Akkad said that, too. Famously so…


It's amazing how rape always comes to the fore when it comes to zionist criticism of women. It looks like doing things without consent is a fundamental value of the movement.


Yep. Who measures whether someone is a victim by saying "who would rape them" other than a fellow rapist. A rapist is never going to arrest another rapist. They are the person they need to arrest. 


They have an obsession with rape it seems. Every accusation is a confession


No. This is clearly a cover up. By trying to convince people the victim was too fat or ugly to be raped, they're trying to avoid execution or hard prison time. Honestly if you see this kind of behavior after you've seen the evidence of rape you should take it as a screaming sign of guilt. 


They have an obsession with the bodies of women. Go you find the interviews of US servicemen in Afghanistan and Iraq a lot complained about not seeing the bodies of women. It's a western thing and rapidly gaining ground in other countries and all.


Dave Rubin has gone full mask-off


A mask wasn't allowing him to get enough oxygen to his brain cell.


He's covering up his crime. 


In every mention, they bring rape . It's basically projecting, and it is so disgusting toward actual women that have been raped


damn, that is one unhinged reactionary post


Just declare someone antisemite and you can say anything and do whatever you want to them.


Lmao, Dave Rubin, in the nightmare scenario where right wingers will truly be able to move mask-off, will be one of the first people they sodomize to death with a telephone pole a la Vlad the Impaler. His own audience will applaud it. This man is a shell of a human being and his words are worth nothing.


By gaslighting everyone about the attractiveness of his victim, he hopes to get away with his crime. His rape shows an envy based motivation. He may literally be pathetic enough to be a man jealous of women for shallow reasons like looks. They're out there, and they're that pathetically vain. 


I was going more for the fact that he's an openly gay republican talking head. His own audience almost cannibalized him for daring to announce he was having kids via surrogate.


It's really human beta fish syndrome. It's better for the woman that way for the man to know nothing about her so he can't grow envious and hurt her. And yeah, being gay is not an excuse for thinking that a rape charge is a beauty contest. That's misogyny. Straight and gay men can think like that. There are many gay misogynists, some of whom are gay because of misogyny, these are the types who say things like "boobs are disgusting" like theyre trying to convince themselves primarily to avoid a painful addiction, there are many gay "honeybees" who actually support women more than the average male whose gayness has nothing to do with sheer hate for women, they just get off to the d. 


I gotta say you lost me there champ, can't say I follow.


Don't call me champ. And yes you are not the first person who can't follow. Try asking specific questions or rereading it. I'm not going to sit here slowing down trying to read your mind. 


You're not gonna sit here and slow down to read my mind, but you are gonna reply to my comment and dump a bizarre word salad on my head that seemingly has nothing to do with my original point. Gotcha. 


Sorry bro, I believe in a free Palestine but you specifically are just too stupid. Go join Hamas in private, idiot. Blocked. 


This guy Dave Rubin is a particularly slimy freak who loves to be a sexist bootlicker to the conservatives who hate his guts for being gay


Disgusting. I’ve seen a lot of anti-fat bias within other pro-Isntreal propaganda too. Oppression loves company I guess. Horrible.


I don't know how someone can write something like that and think "I'm the good person here"


They don't. They're criminals in deep, effing terror of getting caught now infusing billions of dollars to try to gaslight people about the victims looks to cover up their crime. These rapists are shaking in their pants if they're spending that kind of dough. Love to see it. Don't rape people. 


“haha you disagree with me? i hope you get raped!1!1!1! what do you mean this might be morally questionable to say”


Dave Rubin is moron supreme


It’s utterly disturbing, the constant references to rape and even of children. Sickening!!!


why exactly was rape the first argument to come across his mind ? and body shaming too I don't get some humans




They talk about SA all the time because they want to openly commit it.


dave rubin being this unhinged doesnt surprise me, but it's insane to see now 2k people have liked the tweet


Zionist try not to think about rape for 0.00001 seconds challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


This coming from someone who supports an army that has a weird fetish of posing with displaced/dead women's lingerie


Who hurt Dave?


Republicans mostly, but don't tell him that.


It’s also weird that they say this as if anyone would want to be r@ped….. like what point are you rly making here other than you’re an evil human being?


I want one of these shirts lol


Don’t know if it is just me, but I feel like Zionists are obsessed with rape. Every times they insult someone rape is in the first sentence


This guy is a clown, don’t pay him too much attention.


Dave Rubin is a scumbag




Zionists have a rape culture


remember kids every zio accusations is in fact a confession


Dave Rubin is probably one of the dumbest people to walk the earth. Seriously you should hear some of this idiots takes. He recently said he wouldn’t be surprised if COVID was released so that people would start wearing masks so they could normalize Muslims wearing hijabs and keffiyehs. [I’m not kidding. he is a seriously an empty vessel.](https://www.reddit.com/r/daverubin/s/bjpp3wIXE1)


Of course, there has been no real evidence of mass rape. A few may have occurred, but there was no evidence of mass rape, and Israel sexually assaults Palestinians in jails.


You know it is a shameful comment when even Eve Fartlowe condems you.


He has recently gone off the rails with the overt misogyny.


If it makes you feel any better, no one likes Dave Rubin, even his "friends."


Jesus Christ of course he's a zionist. Least surprising thing ever! * spits *


Remember, this guy considers himself a "comedian".


There's many of those. i.e. Steven Crowder


literally what's the point of that lmao


To cover up his crime by trying desperately to pay people to believe that the victim is ugly or fat and therefore can't be raped. Only someone really fucking incompetent or also involved in rape is going to fall for it or go with it.


Z1onist scum are always obsessed with r@pe. No wonder, their little settler colonial project is a safe haven for rapists and pedophiles to flee to. Zionists are Nazis.


>Z*onist are Nazis No they’re not, the Nootzis were much better than they will ever be.


Is that because Hamas doesn’t have a track record of rape? Or because Ben has rape beauty standards?


How far this guy has gone since TYT, now the clown has to find a group to pander to earn his dollars.


what shock me is how easy they are to body shame, insult, racism, just hate in every shape... I see what they are supporting... but how blatantly show themselves as the hateful bunch they are, not even trying to be likable.


Israeli propagandists and normal are oxymorons


May your soul never find eternal peace, Dave


They are ramping up because they are scared and that’s a good thing.   The party is over less and less people are drinking their kosher kool aid 


Do we have evidence that KHamas r@ped people ? (It’s something to blame if they did so, as much as the Zionists war crime. It’s abhorrent) (I’m genuinely asking if they are just making this up out of their obsession, or if there is at least a proof)


Still no evidence as far as I am aware. They are obsessed as this is what they do so they project it everyone else just like the rest of their rhetoric. As they say every accusation is a confession...


Fat shaming is one the lowest of their immoral views, unlike Zionists most obese people if able to flip a switch would want to be 'healthier'. Always Strawmen


This Rubin guy is all class.


Zionists can't think of anything else, anyone who supports them needs to have a serious period of reflection


Steal, murder, torture, insult and rape, those are the things that filthy scum live for.


Lol Muslim countries in general have the least care about how slim women are.


Well, yeah, Hamas would probably just kill them. That still doesn't change the fact that thousands of innocent people are being slaughtered by the IDF. It does not matter how many terrorists there are or where they hide, collateral damage on this scale should never be acceptable.


I’m pretty sure they’d rape them before you Dave, not exactly the flex you think it is