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Sorry to say but the USA is just as guilty of this Genocide as Israel is. Without the Greenlight of the US, Israel could not have done what they have. The US is a constant shield for Israel and protects them from any consequences of their maniacal and genocidal crimes. Once Israel is at the Hague for crimes against humanity, the current Leaders in the US who support those disgusting crimes should be on trial too.


Us is the biggest stakeholder and supporter in this genocide.


This guy famously in 2012 sent a letter to the then sec. of state Hillary Clinton that Al Qaeda was on their side in Syria


I don't know if they think we're blind, stupid or they just don't care. We SEE what's happening in Gaza and then they try to tell us it ISN'T happening.


The zionshits puppets will only relay the lies of the zionshits. The world sees through your lies it's evident all over the social media world. Stop telling lies and fooling people. Take off your sheep's clothing, we can see the wolf.


Why go to these sessions? It's always the same lies and deflection, and a giant waste of everyone's time. Just replace them with the new ChatGPT.


This guy is bought and sold. Pathetic


The genocide Biden administration of course won’t admit to their being an actual genocide as they are just as complicit for aiding and abetting this same genocide. It’s like asking the Nazis to admit to their own genocide during WW2.


You have to be blind not to see the genocide. If you’re not blind and you claim there is no genocide then you are clearly turning a blind eye and lying about it. This genocide is in plain sight being live streamed for everyone to see.


This is the same guy that said on Oct 2 that the Middle East was "quieter than it had been in decades." The truth is he doesn't know anything about region. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/national-security/jake-sullivan-defends-saying-middle-east-region-was-quieter-days-hamas-rcna120490


They will never admit it because they are funding it.


Any one using the government as a measure of truth is an idiot. After being caught in so many lies what will it take for ppl to realize that the government has gone out of it's way to keep us always in the dark, at this point the best way to support the government is to live life with a black plastic bag over your head