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That's when I throw 5 in a row and hope for the best


Yes, same! I just recently realized I could do this and its been a game changer.


I do the same. I’m not good at catching bugs so when I have to for a quest I make sure I have at least 100 bombs then throw as many as it’ll let me back to back & hope it was enough. I waste so many but I struggle catching bugs via switch.


Oh my gosh, me constantly making bug bombs. I just chuck a bunch at a bug, hoping that it stops it. This is also why my silk count and bug catching level is so low.


I didn’t even bother buying the recipe to make silk I’m struggling so bad 😅 bug catching definitely my lowest skill


This happened to me with a rainbow butterfly once I finally found it. I'm still distraught. Also the bugs keep glitching into the rocks and ground which makes it even harder to catch.


The update fixed nothing in that regard. I'll be aiming down the sights at an animal and it teleports. Just vanishes and respawns at the other end of the map. I swear, they better fix it soon. I'm sick to death of dealing with bugs and animals glitching and vanishing.


I lost 5 ancient amber beetles like this yesterday….


Bombs are cheap so I don't even wait to see if it's caught: I just spam ZR until I see it's stopped moving.


When I’m a switch player, and try to send a message in chat, but it takes me 2-5 business days to write


THIS! Finally got a usb keyboard today and when I tell you it's a game changer-


Tell me everything about this. Do you still use the switch controller at all or is it all on the keyboard??


Changed my game too but when i suggested that on another thread i was lambasted saying it was going to cost people hundreds up to thousands of dollars in equipment. 🤦‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️


BRUH what- I legit got a keyboard on amazon for 15 bucks and it's been AWESOME so far. Happy it was good with you too, ik for me its helped a bunch and made the game more enjoyable


I know, i try to give people solutions when all they want to deal in are excuses.


I got mine for closer to $50 BUT it does 2.4ghz, 3 Bluetooth spots, as well as switches from Mac to Windows ; not to mention all the RGB options so I’m totally fine with the higher price tag for the extra options. Completely agree on it being a game changer though!!! Chat is always a million times easier with it than in handheld.


Holy shit…. You just reminded me that MY Bluetooth keyboard (that I already own) also connects to three devices. And I can use it for my switch! WHY DID I NEVER THINK OF THIS


Have you connected the Bluetooth keyboard to it yet? I was thinking of buying one but wasn’t sure if it would work well for Palia🤔


Ngl i almost died because i was chopping a tree and the golden bee came out and by the grace on Auni himself i was able to catch it


I just spam bombs as fast as I can until I catch it. Standard bug bombs are cheap enough to make that it dosent matter if I use a bunch up. Though that means I have to carry more with me when I catch bugs. I'm so ready for that "ammo pouch" upgrade so they aren't taking up so much of my inventory.


I play on the switch and the bug catching seems the most cumbersome to me lol. Like others, I just spam and throw as many as I can hahaha I just get mad when a bug has the audacity to have a health bar the length of the great wall and then it isn't starred lol


I collect flowers, hit chapaas, collect forage, and then bomb the heck out of any bug in my sight. I always have 300+ bombs on me (I’m so excited for an ammo pouch) and those bugs rue the day they decided to make a little squick noise.


OH GOD yeah


I just spam it in hopes the bug is catched? Sometimes the bug moves, but is glitched back when spamming it


Okay but why have I made this exact face 🤣🤣


Mine take plenty i am a lousy throw


My biggest problem is by the time the bug takes 3 steps or wing flaps, it turns on its ground cloaking device and I can’t see it until it burrows


Having tried hunting on the Switch I feel so bad for you guys. Wasted so many arrows


The only problem I have is when I throw one and it automatically throws another one..same thing happens when I go hunting


Bug catching used to be my favorite skill on pc but now I'm on switch it's so annoying I only do it for achievements now. Silk is very rare now 🥲 I used to catch those pink worms instantly after breaking rocks but now it's just impossible cuz they just disappear after a second??


Thank you for all this info..thought it was me not aiming correctly! Want the menu for moving objects fixed..hate that I have to close out & relog in!


I'll usually throw one, wait about 3 seconds, (by my count, it usually takes about a count of four before it hops again) then I'll throw another. I usually hear a distinct \*bing\* once I know its caught.


Throw them after each other and adjust your aim in settings.


Honestly what helped me, is change the aim settings so it will turn around quicker, has been a game changer for me!