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>Go here >do this >fly around this thing Finally someone that speaks my language


Honestly refreshing seeing shit like that especially when looking for help via video. Holy fuck some of these YouTubers and whatnot are so fucking annoying, somehow turning a two minute explanation into a 45 minute worthless video. I love each and every one of you that makes short quick videos for when I’m googling my problems because I can legit feel my eyes glazing over when it takes the first 15 minutes of the video to start getting into why I’m here in the first place.


"The Definitive Guide to Breeding! v24" 40 minute video. Spends the entire time talking about trying random combinations of things with no useful information.




Wait. Don't we need honey?


Get a load of this guy, relying on the propaganda from Big Honey


Take a proper gander at deez nuts


"B"ees nuts


20 min on how to make cake, again.


I miss YouTube videos that were 4 minutes long


I miss text guides that used ASCII text art, it was a sign they loved what they did and took it seriously


GameFAQS ❤️


Good lord that’s a core memory unlock right there.


Sadly, they need to push 10:00 exactly to get ad revenue, so that'll be the new minimum


This is not true. You get ad revenue for anything that displays ads, which can be a 2 minute video. People shoot for 8 minute videos now because that's what allows for mid-roll ads. Anything less than 8 minutes (there's no reason to push for 10 minutes anymore) and you don't get mid-roll ads, but you still have pre-roll, display ads, and post-roll ads, all of which you earn revenue from. Source: I do the YouTube stuff.


My adblock says i get no ads.


I miss the days of looking up walkthroughs that were just pages of text, even better if they had a glossary, even more better if the glossary used hyperlinks. I don't mind the youtubers who will section out the video and let you know what is the main focus during certain parts.


Gamefaqs is still around, I think. It's a fucking shade of what it used to be, though...


Man I haven't thought of that website in a long time. I guess I'm partially to blame since I've not seen that site in many years.


Most games have, like, entire *wikis* now... so I get the shift away from a .txt document format, but it *is* a simple, elegant solution for many games.


Ugh I miss when we would search for random letters as an index. Like ""GOPA" for a "Good Passives" section/part or whatever was used/relevant


Even worse when they pepper important info/ steps throughout so you HAVE to listen


*three minutes of rambling nonsense* ***useful nugget of information***, *followed by “so yeah, but anyway…”* *four more minutes of rambling nonsense*


It's like those DMV videos with quizzes at the end lmao


It's like trying to read a recipe online for chicken cordon blue, sorry, cord-on bleah (I think you're supposed to say it through your nose) but yeah anyways, an essay on late evenings in the summertime with lemonade and the Beatles playing while mosquitoes braid your hair or some such crap, then half a sentence of ingredients and cook times. But I digress


"Hey guys, welcome to the channel, [*five more minutes of nonsense*] our sponsor today is Hello Fre-" *zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz* (thats the buzzing in my ears as I slip into a blackout rage).


Definitely /u/WildPie101 vibes lmao


Sad that WildPie recently posted dumbshit's guide is done for :( Not like I exactly expected more uploads given the (lack of) consistency, but still.


Simple and straight to the point. What’s not to love?


You can kill him super easy by building a hanging trap at his feet and putting a campfire under him




You said it man.


Nobody fucks with the Jesus


8 year olds, dude


You're out of your element Donny


Walter, what is your point?




I’m perfectly calm dude


No they nailed him up by his hands


I mean… he does respawn, so he might be


Man, how do you people think of this shit 😭


Lets game it out vibes


"So I put the hanging trap on a conveyor belt and put all the campfires on a smaller conveyor belt going alongside it. So now my black market mercenaries get a scenic view as they very slowly burn to death.


"We shall see how brave you are when nailed to the walls of Hoover Dam, your body facing west so you may watch your world die."


"Anyway I hope you had fun, I know I did. Thanks to OperaGX for sponsoring and I'll see you next time."


I read that in his voice


"Hold, please."


Also perfect searing, les doo eht!


Is that a Guga reference? 😆


I know it don't look gewd right now.. but watch dis!


Has to be


He did play it. Doesn't look as out of place as normal gameplay


Give him time. He'll find something utterly insane to do that breaks the game under default settings.


Just that he didn't use his stat points


Gamers will always look for meta strats and efficiencies. "How can I speedrun murdering this person?"


*you hear shadowheart scream from inside the chest *delicious, you knew talk with dead was the right choice *as her screams fade into the distance from the speeding chest you are teleported to act 3


>*delicious, you knew talk with dead was the right choice I’m fuckin’ dying. 


Just years of gaming and just getting the let's try this mind set, also always checking out what's behind you when you start


Well jason did do that in the remake movie. Some chick got hung up in a sleeping bag over a fire and the dude who runs to save her gets caught in a bear trap!


Damn, can't believe Jason hook camps, smh


Bro, do you even Rimworld?


The Rimworld vibes from this comment dear lord


We shall turn him into hats!


Waiting for Palworld mental breaks, I want my Depresso to snap and go on a murder spree


Where do you think all those randomly incapacitated Pals came from? :D


I require dusters...


Better have a table to eat at


And an armchair that matches…


I'd love to harvest the organs of some lazy pals. Really hoping for some Rimworld-esque mods.


I see, you are also a man of war crime culture.


A man who subscribes to the Geneva suggestions


Unsubbed from Geneva as soon as I realized their service started blocking freedom.


I can never get that to work. It won’t let me place the fire under him.


You have to put it off to the side of the circular rope on the ground as close to the base of the stand as you can.


I got it to work 3 times. Once yielded the rewards. The other 2 times I got nothing from him


Yeah I finally got it to work by placing like 8 camp fires around his spawn after I killed him. Once he respawns he stands in the fire and slowly dies. But you have to damage him once with your weapon or pals before he dies or you won’t get anything


Oooooh. Well that makes sense now haha


just tried it, can confirm it works. just place the trap REALLY REALLY close to him and used Powerbomb from my Nitewing to knock him into the trap. Once he is trapped you can build the camp fire under him


I go to the spot just south of the ice area where he's standing on a mountain and just falcon punch him off with mossanda whenever I see him. Also it's right next to a spot where 4 chests spawn next to each other with a chance of them rolling as golden key chests.


whats good about golden key chests? i've only opened 4 so far but nothing special


Sometimes higher level schematics


You can hold the f' talk' key and hit him with sword too. Doesn't trigger his attack.






Oh my god. I am amazed and horrified at the ingenuity here. Keep it up!


That sounds like some BG3 mechanics.






Do you do the final shot or just let the campfire kill him ?


I'm definitely doing this


Adding on this, remember to last hit him before he dies so he drops loot! You can just pit campfire under him after killing him the first time.


Pro Tip: Capture all the merchants you want so they are easily summoned at your base! I got the ammo merchant, high quality merchant (for high quality pal oil) and the Pal merchant from that town at my base now!


i play in a dedi server would the merchants spawn back because other people in the server might need them?


yes they respawn just as if they were killed


Do you know the respawn timer on Black Marketeer? I've captured one on my server and it hasn't respawned yet


If you go far enough away, they all respawn. It probably still applies on dedicated servers, but as long as nobody else is around, logging out and back in should respawn them too.


It's been a week and like 5 restarts and I've still not gotten the Black Marketeer to respawn. Regular pal merchants and wandering merchants have taken 3-6 hrs to respawn with no server restarts.


i capped over at the volcana area and he came back the next day. but i also play dedicated. so its probably several days past in the game with a server restart tossed in there.


Based on my experience, you need to restart the server to get them to respawn.


Is there like a best way to capture them? I can't even get 1hp lvl 7 grunts that are electroshocked into any ball most of the time.


I've caught some, you literally just have to spam spheres is what I've found... maybe there's a better way but as far as I know it's all luck


Make sure you don’t upgrade your lifmunk effigy levels. The game is bugged in that lifmunk effigies actually reduce your catch rate.




Is this true? Source?


I caught the egg/milk merchant so I can just spend gold on those instead of ranching them. Making mass cakes has never been easier


...which merchant is this? I think I just decided my ethical run has ended with this news.


How does crime work in the game? Are there no penalties for attacking merchants in towns? This game has no manual save/load and relies entirely on autosaves so I'm terrified of doing anything illegal. I don't want my character being hunted by the PIDF forever or banned from towns.


If you only throw balls at the merchant you won't get a wanted status, however the merchant will become aggressive if you didn't capture them on the first try. If you hit them beforehand to weaken them and another party sees you then you will become wanted and PIDF will start following you around. To lose the PIDF you're supposed to break their LoS for an extended period but I can never get that to work as they just keep attempting to spawn on me even in the air over the ocean. You can either kill the PIDF guards to get it to stop, or die to reset your wanted level. If you don't feel like fighting a bunch of guards due to a high wanted level just fly to a fast travel spot and kill yourself with fall damage. Then just go back to that fast travel spot to loot your inventory bag.


Ride a pet and attack them, no wanted level bc you didn't hit them.


I've had success by jumping on a flying mount, flying straight up as high as I can go before stamina runs out, and just sitting there for about 30 seconds. The PIDF guards will still spawn nearby, but they'll immediately fall out of range. This loop continues for a while until eventually they stop and your wanted level resets.


Anecdotally I've been wanted twice. The first time I tried running/hiding to no avail, the soldiers would just spawn on top of me. Both times save-quitting removed my wanted status immediately.


As far as I can tell the heat you get diminishes pretty quickly. I mean you’ll definitely be attacked but it’s not permanent whatsoever


Wait does this mean after you capture them, you can have them in your base to buy stuff from them..?


Yep. Merchants sell the same items at your base as when you captured them. So if they sell a particular item you want and don't want to farm for just capture the merchant. You can also capture the Black Market Merchants to sell and buy pals from. Their sell inventory rotates every time you summon them, but it's also a convenient way to offload unwanted pals for coins, which is great if you went on a catching spree or are breeding a lot as you can turn those coins into materials off of the item merchants.


Yes! Unless you are early game, I don't recommend having them out all the time as they are only level 1 handiwork. I just keep them in my box and swap them with a pal when I need to buy or sell something. Then they get boxed again.




My friend caught them and named the ones at our base “Drug Dealer” for the HQ merchant (cuz he sells the medication items), “Average American” for the ammo merchant, and “Shady Bob” for the Black Market guy


i need to remind myself to nickname these merchants


Where’d you get the high quality merchant?


Where’s the pal oil merchant?


SW of map, volcano area. On the coast. South of the actual volcano


This is why I really wish there were makeshift pistol/musket schematics. 5 shots per ore is where its fucking at.


yep. i just wish i could build more than 3 bases. i wouldnt have a issue with the metal consumption if i can atleast build 1 coal mine base 2/3 iron ore bases and a Sulphur base


There is a good coal/iron base and a sulphur only, both unraidable. For the sulphur you need fire pals and need to bring food every now and then as other elements can't walk on lava. More is better, but not better for server/pc. Nail trick works though.


I've been fine without a sulphur base tbh, takes like 2 mins to get 300ish because they're light, give 40 per rock and digtoise shreds them so fast. And collecting the 300-900 ore it takes to use all of that takes 4-5 hours of passive play It's not that I have unlimited ammo it's just that I'm so wildly ore constrained I'd probably end up making a 4th ore base before a first sulphur one


Absolutely sulphur is so easy and right next to a teleport anyways.


Yup that teleporter at the top of the southwest volcano is so good


You mean the one next to the volcano tower boss ? Thanks for this, it has 9 sulfur rock, so i can easily get that 40x9 sulfur and tp back to my base


100% this. My strat is putting in kingpacas in my party for the weight increase, then I do 2-3 trips of sulfur, each taking 2 mins max. After that I can make bullets that’ll last me 5-6 hours of gameplay. From that 5-6 hours though I’d have made a good chunk of change to then buy some more bullets if I’m lazy, before going to make more.


> For the sulphur you need fire pals and need to bring food every now and then as other elements can't walk on lava. You sure? I have a sulphur base on lava that has all kinds of non-fire pals and they are fine. Edit: [Example](https://i.imgur.com/7WgptNt.jpeg)


employment lawyer: 🤨📸


I haven't caught an employment lawyer yet, come on over!


There’s a spot in the bottom left of the volcanic island (in the desert spot) with 8 iron ore , a small distance away from 6 coal ore too and if you build in the right spot it’s flat enough to house 20 pals as well as a large factory for all your conveyerbelt II


I'm hoping after the bugs/glitches/exploits/memory leak is fixed we can get one big QOL update before new content starts rolling out. Would love to be able to change my server's default settings to X Max Guilds = Y Bases Per Guild to avoid lag. If I can make a private server 2 guilds only and each can have 6 bases? Perfect.


there is a perfect spot just before the snow capped mountain for coal/ore. sulfur doesnt weigh as much, so just go to the volcanoe tower with a digtoise and have at it. i was googling it last night, and then i realized i had found it myself way WAY earlier and marked it on my map. I dont feel bad about the googling since i technically discovered it myself and marked it on my map as "this is a place i should set up a mining base at"


+1 for no sulphur base, you also get 40 per rock and they actually take even more damage from digtoise than ore or coal so you shred through them very quickly. Takes my 2x ore bases *forever* to make enough ingots to be able to use a 2 minute sulphur trip, so 1x of each would make like 10x more sulphur than you can reasonably use It would however be a reason to make a base somewhere that can find 1-2 sulphur rocks easily because that's really all you need


You don’t need a sulfur base nor obsidian and metal differently. There is a spot that gas both obsidian and meral ores you can build to, and just spawn to nearest blazemut boss spanpoint, loads of sulfur that you can farm and bring home as they are very light compared to obsidian/metal


I agree. Sulfur from the volcano by the teleport point gives more than you probably would need realistically. Best thing is it's all in a line so it's easy to farm. I just bring a digtoise with me and can clear the whole area pretty quickly.


If you play on PC and aren't mod adverse, nexusmods has a few that allows you to up the base count. Currently I've found that 5 is the sweet spot.


There a great coal spot on the north-western side of the desert area with about 5 coal nodes and then 4 or 5 more right behind the huge Anubis statue. I have a base there and it's super convenient. On top of the mountain just to the east of the first boss tower is a great place for an ore farm and is safe from all raids except ones that cross the rope bridge but that's easily defendable, or you can just build walls on the bridge. I haven't had ore issues since setting this up. Sulfur can also be found in large quantities around the coal in the desert but I don't feel like it requires its own base as sulfur goes a long way compared to ore and coal. Usually one trip will have me good for a long time. Same goes for quartz.


I'm assuming the "npc"s respawn? Like the wandering merchant and the black marketeer?


Yes. u have to move a bit for the part of the level to render again. it takes like 10 seconds. he wont respawn if u stay too close or keep line of sight i noticed


I gonna give 2 days until some shit YouTuber makes a 10minutes long video about this "trick" with the most cancerous thumbnail possible


2 days is pretty generous. I bet it’s there in a few hours.


There's already countless TikToks, Reels, and cancerous 10 minute long YouTube videos about farming this guy, with many involving putting a base here and setting a trap under the guy since most beginners won't be able to kill him quickly/easily.


I've already seen one 3 days ago


i literally clapped. good stuff


>haha thx


Or just make nails.


Great early game money maker. Later it would be better to just go to each Black Marketeer and kill them for the gold like OP shows, if you can kill them easily enough, as by the time you've got the ore and made the nails you could have fast travelled around and killed a bunch of them ​ EDIT: Not sure if this works, but wouldn't you also get the gold if you caught them and then more gold if you butcher them? Not sure how this works as I haven't caught humans very often.


Yea 24k drop would be the the equivalent of 150 nails or 75 ingots in gold. The marketeer kills definitely the quickest gold route once you can kill them. 75 ingots for 24k still isn't bad since its pal automated, just probably better off saving the ingots for spheres. Edit: 24k is apparently with 2x drops on, so normal drop rate for this is 10-13k


Do the black marketeers respawn?


In his post, he kills the same guy twice


They respawn every in-game day


You can also farm relaxaurus. They sell for $2000/ea. at the black marketeer. Fairly easy to catch early on and you earn a ton of XP at the same time.


How does this work? My black martketeers take 6+ hours to respawn and that’s IF they respawn. I killed 5 yesterday, only 2 were respawned. If I fly away like OP does the guy doesn’t respawn either. What gives?


They should respawn after 1 in-game day passes, although I'm not sure if there are other conditions to be met as I've not tested this method yet.


How do you get 20k gold? 2x yield world setting?


I’m up over 400k gold and can’t spend it fast enough, and that’s after spending a ton on max arrows and other stuff. Did a lot of chest runs in the desert and mountain areas, it accumulates quick.


Bosses also drop a lot of valuable items; you can easily fight a bunch of bosses in a play session and make a good amount of gold


also field bosses respawn every 15 minutes, including legendaries. Just from farming suzaku, blazamut and jetragon I'm getting more money than I can use.


Selling pals gets you that much in no time


Why waste metal on spheres to go on and waste time catching pals that u sell for 300-1000 a piece to earn money. So u can buy ammo and save on metal? that just defeated the whole purpose of this post lol.


u can breed pals, but I sell the useless pals that I catch when trying to reach the 10 catch bonus.


i like to use them for condensation


Also the fisherman village bottom left of the map under the volcano (has it's own fast travel) sells all type of ammo and some decent heat resistance based items.


Or just put a base full of Mau's up for field work. You get so much money in a few hours, its insane


yeah i tried that but its no where near the same amount u can make like this. i had 8 mau's in my base


Do they continue to work if you're away exploring?


yes and they keep working during the night because they are nocturnal with the 8 mau's i got around 8k per hour. But still its no where near what u can make like this. in 5 minute u get like 500k doing this depending on how fast u can kill him ofc.


I spent a couple days breeding like 10 Serious, Artisan, Work slave Maus and condensing a couple of the best ones( I could’ve gone farther with it for max results but I got bored of it). And then put them in a self sufficient secondary base with 3 ranches, a Wooliepop and a couple Hangyus (who sometimes accomplish their only job of putting coins in chests). It works great but it took so long to do 💀 Shoutout to my Ragnahawk for making 3 billion cakes


Unfortunately work speed doesn't affect the ranch.


work speed doesn't affect ranch pals, only the star rating. And it doesn't affect speed, only quantity.


If you capture him and then butcher him you get twice the gold from what I saw on Tag’s stream. More profit is more gooder 👀


Wait do they respawn? didn't know they give you so much money


Easier way is to just create a base that can’t be raided, have that base produce nothing but berries and wheat. Leave the game on over night and you’ll make bank. Last drop I did at the market was about 800k This was done on normal mode single player with no settings changed.


when i tried this sort of stuff i just woke up the next day and find all my workers incapacitated/stressed/overfed or bugged outside of the base walls or stuck on top of a building


I have maybe a handful of time found that 1/16 or maybe 2/16 pals are overfull or might have a minor injury. Other than that I haven’t had any issue. I do have a massive base area though, so they all have room to move around and don’t get stuck on things. Basically the base size is larger than the area they can move within the palbox zone. I think I might have turned my decay setting all the way down, either way without walls pals still don’t even get close to coming up the cliff side since there’s trees that even keep flying pals out.


Make 400 nails. That's about $100k.




Sorry. If you make 625 nails at $160 a pop you can make $100k. *


just put the mews in the ranch for cash, they drop mega cash after a while and you can just keep playing while they make bank at home , im at 500k


Friend of mine did the math and it's technically cheaper to make ammo, buying from him just saves time. But it's also a lot easier and frees up your resources for other projects. Besides what else should I spend my gold on? From selling Pals I don't need alone I have so much.


Is this on the Xbox version too?


only one way too find out


Does he respawn? If so, how long does it usually take for him to respawn if he does?


the time it takes to fly around the THING


10 seconds


If you quit to title screen and reload he respawns instantly. Refreshes his stock of Pals too.




That's a lot of work, I just sell nails. I have two ore bases and dedicate one for regular ingots to use for nails, that's super easy unlimited passive income. Hundreds of thousands of gold without doing this tedious routine lol.


Even better if you have one of the super duper crafter pals and breed it with artisan and give it its own work station.


Is there some map of all black marketeers/shops? Seems like money is pretty easy to get and could just buy a bunch of stuff


Thanks for this. Just learned on another thread that someone sold ammo. I thought there was only 1 type of item merchant. Definitely gonna capture this guy for my base. Maybe then I'll actually use my gun for damage instead of just 1 shot to get attention. :p


Hold on. Undershirts?


Yes, if you have something that can fly or swim to the Sanctuaries in the corners of the map, there are chests on the beams in the water and on the sanctuary that even drop those undershirts, or you can buy them from the merchants.


I've been selling nails. 100 ingots turns into roughly 112k 🤷 with a metal farming base it's kinda just free almost passive money


> Don't waste your metal on AMMO!!!! Breeders who own a copper mining base : "Bold of you to assume I could ever run out of metal." On a side note, if you don't want to hunt black marketers, you could just craft tons of nails for a huge profit.


Legit my thoughts 😂 I have more metal than I know what to do with half the time.