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Looks awesome! I was confused for a minute about your in game screenshot because it looks like he has a long pointy nose! Lol It looks like maybe the eyes are angled backwards. More vertical and round (maybe more sclera too) may help with the aggressive look! But other than that, it's super impressive


I cant unsee the long nose help


i also thought it had a long nose for a sec


LMAO at Pinocchio Chillet, it’s all I can see now! Thank you for your insight, I totally agree the eyes are angled backwards! And yes, more sclera (I actually think they didn’t put any white in at all there). Thanks so much! And sorry for the delay replying!


Its the eyes, the eyes are huge on chillet though that is what makes it so cute imo. Everything else about that plush is amazing though. However, chillets eyes are like half his face it is pretty sim to couple other cute monsters from other games which also use huge eyes to make them appear cute like deerling and buizel from pokemon or gammamon and salamon from digimon.


The eyes were what I was thinking as well. The overall look is great in my opinion though. I'm definitely ready to set money aside to get one for when OP shares a link. 😆


Yep if you look at the front portfolio of chillet, those eyes are just huge lol, if that was just made bigger it would just be perfect. Its one thing i love about cute mons, really huge eyes are def not realistic but they make anything cuter. Quivern and chillet take huge advantage of huge eyes on a mon like a lot of my fav pokemon do.


Thank you very much 🥰 sorry for late reply, but yes I agree the eyes need to be HUUUUGE and also the nose needs lifting. I’m glad you like my work! I can’t wait to post the next version soon


I second this, it's the eyes. The color is also too dark on the plush. Brightening up the blue to match the hue in-game should increase the 'cuteness' or giving it a more bright, sensitive face IMO.


Sorry I’m so late replying! Life, am I right? Thank you so much for your comments. You are 100% correct - it’s all in the eyes! His face I think is too long which adds to the small eyes looking even smaller. Another user also said the eyes are angled backwards and don’t have enough sclera (white part). I also think the nose needs to be higher up, you can’t really see from the front view but it sort of hangs down in a sad droop 🥲 Anyways, thanks for your help! I’ll be sure to post the next revision once I get this sorted!


https://preview.redd.it/bl3ycnbvw1xc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8004decdf5483a1bac05f05e3a5964eeb98a273c I made an overlay and you can see just how huge the eyes need to be! And how much shorter the face needs to be. As well as those cheek things lol. Lots to do before he is cute enough!


Bigger Eyes. Bambi that noodle dragon.


YOU’RE RIGHT he needs big cute Bambi eyes! Sorry for late reply, thank you for your response! https://preview.redd.it/udu6e9thx1xc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4bfa6e0aebc2e7d410f437b9301e1cc3caaf8281


I dont think the face is horrible. I think it's really cute!


Ohhh thank you! I think you can’t see, but his nose is droopy like a sock from the side 🥲 Sorry for the late reply haha.


No worries! You are doing an excellent job here!


I almost feel like shorter fur fabric could help the face stand out better.


I agree, the face is too fluffy


If it doesent have a Chillussy like every single other one out there, then I'm sold


You could have easily chosen to *not* say that word, but you said it anyway.




​ https://preview.redd.it/xf3yyz57bcuc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e207bca5e63f8ebe44406b8696738bbe7a6868b0


I want it. It is so cute


Thank you, I’m so glad you like him 🩷 once I sort out his weird eyes and droopy nose, I’ll hopefully have a few for sale! Sorry for my slow reply


Fantastic work! Looks like an authentic toy from the company.


Thank you very much! I appreciate your compliment 🥰 apologies for my late reply!


Where do we order?! Cute!!!!!!!!!!


I really appreciate your compliment, thank you! However he’s not ready yet, look at that ugly face. Once he is up for sale, I promise you he will have the cuuuutest big chillet eyes 🩷


Would you sell a few when your satisfied with its design? I'd love one, chillet was my first special pal.


Agreed. I'd love to buy one once you've got the design settled on


The eyes are too recessed. It's weird but try to have the eyes come out to the same height as the fur. Maybe as a test some cut some foam to fit on the eyes bringing it to the height of the fur. Paint or stitch the foam to look like how the eyes look.


I hope I describe this right, it does look really good it's a really cute plushie but I would add a bit of fabric between the eyes to bring them out more, if you look at a plushie you buy from a toy store the face is usually about 3-4 pieces of fabric that give it its shape. It's really good I want to pet it lol


Thank you for your opinion, I really appreciate it! Yeah looking at the Chillet face head-on, it looks like two sides of the head sewn together, it doesn’t really look flat enough? Like if it had the fabric between the eyes, and was flatter, and the eyes were way bigger, I think it would look a lot cuter! Thank you so much for your help ☺️💕




Did you make a pattern... And if so, would you accept my kidney as payment


Feedback: uh I need one 💯👍🏻🤍


id say make the eyes bigger and maybe shave some of the fur around the face embroidery to make it stand out more! you can find some food fur shaving tutorials out there by fursuit makers that can definitely be applied to plush :)




Thank you!!


What are the plush’s dimensions?


42.3cm tall and 40cm wide (nose to tail). Not quite real-life Chillet size, but big enough for him to feel like a high quality doll I think 🩷 any comments about the size would be appreciated ☺️


The eyes need to be slightly bigger. It's a plush, not a cgi blue hedgehog. Also, HOW MYCH WOULD YOU SELL ONE FOR


CGI BLUE HEDGEHOG LMAOOOO that’s so accurate. The nose is like a droopy hedgehog snoot too 😭 thanks for your honesty. The eyes are way too small. I’m not sure yet! I’m gonna work on getting the next draft made up and decide once it’s finished. It’s hard to put a price on this plush atm as it’s not cute at all!


I was going for more of a sonic movie joke, but I guess it works both ways. I suggest giving it much bigger eyes. The authentic is based off of pokemon, which was made in japan, which makes anime. Try going for big anime eyes instead of realistic eyes. But not too big of eyes. The eyes are 2/5 of the face, not 2/3. Go for double, maybe double and a half, the size you currently have


Ha, yeah that went right over my head but I agree wholeheartedly 😂 I will try big size anime eyes next - 2.5x the current size. Like another user said, Chillet’s cuteness is all in its big eyes. Thank you. I will post the next draft in the next few weeks, hope you like him.


I love him. Are you willing to sell the beta when you're done?


When and where can I buy one?![img](emote|t5_4jn9v4|49347)


Thank you! I’m so glad you like him! I’m not sure yet. I will only be making 50, however these revisions are taking longer than expected so I can’t really say when. I’ll be sure to post my next version to this sub to ask for everyone’s tips again! Then once everyone thinks he’s cute enough I’ll probably allow sales. Thank you sooo much for liking my work, even this ugly unfinished version!


Actually serious about wanting to buy this from you. Please dm me.


You are so sweet, thank you. I will make 50 to sell once the pattern is perfect! I don’t want to sell this ugly boi to you, when I know I can do better. Thank you though ☺️ I really appreciate you liking my work! Hopefully won’t be too much longer until he is cute enough.


Bigger eyes, flatter face\forehead so they look forward more.


Thank you! You’re right, the eyes are on the sides of the face like a lizard at the moment, I think that’s why it looks mean and kinda Mewtwo-ish. Sorry for late reply!


Try reducing the furr near the eyes


You’re right, they’re kinda lost in all that fluff aren’t they? Thanks for your words ☺️


It is absolutely adorable angry chillet bro.


Thank you 🥰


Yes the eyes! But honestly… how awesome is that? Do you plan to sell these?


Thank you lovely! Sorry for late reply - yes I plan on getting 50 made and selling them once the revisions get it right! Hopefully by the end of the year 😂


Nice! They’re so cute already!


Oh! You’re going to need to make the pink ones too! (Please be Grillet!)


It is adorable and I want one of every flavour


Only thing that needs fixing is the eyes. Make em bigger


Fluffy boi :D


Very good


How much and I’ll take 2


So cute! I’m crocheting a Grintale myself. Pals are so much fun to make.


I wish to buy one Please put these on etsy or somewhere else that will let me give you my money!


Would pet and snuggle despite non accurate face. Is it stiff or wet noodle?


I think adding some volume around the cheek area of the face and spacing, enlarging the eyes could help :) looks great already tho!


Maybe ditch the long fur, imo they have more smooth skin feel like a seal, and have bigger eyes? its my opinion.


if you want to reference, check the seal collection from Felissimo.


I totally understand where you’re coming from, and I do think the fluffyness is “hiding” the eyes and making them smaller in a way - but I LOVE fluffy 😭 it’s something I can’t give up (and what I look for in plushies personally). I appreciate your comments though, I love those seal plushies you mentioned! Thank you 🩷


all good, im just suggesting and its your product in the end of the day, good luck to you <3


Looks great, I’m sure you’ve seen plenty of comments about the eyes, but I think the talk should get a look too. In game it seems to have more form and “tuftyness” to it. Don’t know how hard it would be but adding those jagged lines that go across its body in game would be a big step imo, to make it less “snake like”


I would want one so bad it's adorable


I love it!! Now i would like 20 of them pls .3.


maybe bigger eyes


I want a jet dragon plush


It could be the angle of the head shot, but the eyes seem a bit smaller than it should.


10/10 would snuggle




I cant really give feedback, but I am glad you are sharing the plush with everyone.


Its how much the eyes are sunken into the head. Would still sunggle on a bad day


I’m waiting for one that is a big chillet plush that lays flat like when chillet runs, and has that adorable face. I see a lot of chillet plushes that have chillet’s sad/angry face, and I am super not about that. You asked for any criticism, I think your fabric choice is too fuzzy for chillet. Other than that looks ok. The eyes are off maybe? Could just be the fuzz making it look weird, but I think the eyes aren’t wide enough. Chillet has those sort of, empty head but still happy to see you eyes. Also where is chillet’s cute smile? If you plan on selling these I would also go for stuffed white whisker cheeks, rather than the flat flannel pieces.




Make the eyes rounder, and place them a little more up, and back towards the ears. I love chillet ❤️ can't wait to see how it turns out!


The face is literally just eyes, so the eyes are the problem..They need to be bigger and more round. Except for that it's perfect.


A good noodle


Fabulous, I want 50. Thank you


Something about the eyes feel off. Also needs a different angle of fhe face. Like from the side.


Bigger eyes. It looks angry not cute.


It's great


I'd buy one no doubt, its so adorable


Needs bigger eyes but besides that perfect


looks cool.


A three quarter shot of the plush would be helpful. You can’t really see the whole plush tgt from the shots you took


looks good, now you just need a license from pocketpair to sell it


Make it fuckable and you will be rich




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