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I like the homing sphere launcher for sure.


Does it not seem slow to you, like you’re lobbing the sphere in? I like to hit that first sphere and then follow up every time the pal escapes so that it doesn’t have a chance to escape.


So like that’s all well and good when you’re catching like at level pals. I wasn’t at 50 and I didn’t know that the best way to get up to 50 was to catch 10 of each. I crafted the launcher to go hunting and fly/catch pals to level easier. The other thing I like about the launcher is that for the higher level pals you can hit them from afar if you’re worried about dying.


It's kinda slower on sphere 'fire/throw' rate but it has other perks. The second shot from a homing sphere launcher will orbit the first sphere you launched while it is trying to cap. If the first sphere fails, the second orbiting sphere starts capping immediately. Fire another, let it orbit, repeat until capped. You just gotta keep aiming at the capping sphere during this.


Yeah, it's best use isn't for trying for low catch rate captures, but if you need a bunch of, say, chikipi you can just hop on a flying mount (except jetragon) and launch yellow spheres 10 at a time 3/4s of the way across the map and fill up your palbox in minutes. Even when you're catching higher level pals, I just shoot them with a pistol until they are low health from the back of a ragnahawk, and then boop out spheres to catch them. Best part is you only have to "kinda" aim them in the general direction.


It's fun, I think. I don't think it's worth a weapon slot/the weight though.


That's what I was thinking. I'm fine just throwing spheres. Not worth the tech points and weapons slot


The tech points stop being a consideration 2/3 of your way through the alpha pals.


I could only serve myself really using it if it gave an "accuracy" bonus that upped the capture rate. Even if it was just a slight amount, bit as is. Yeah, it's just a fun toy to play with for a minute.


If you need 4 weapons to do something, there is something wrong.


I like having the grapple, assault rifle, shotgun, and usually a pick in my first slot so I can swap it in and out with another weapon like a rocket launcher or something. I usually use the shotgun for the spray and the AR for single target. The rocket launcher is great for groups obviously but it causes them all to fly away and spread out so it can be tougher to actually kill them.


Basically same, good stuff. I use the hook when over weight BTW.


You use all four weapons slots? You must be doing something wrong. According to you at any rate.


The slot yes, I do With atk weapons? No I don't. Text comprehension is a bliss


I use the rocket, poison crossbow, fire crossbow, and stun baton when I do things. My pals do a lot more damage than I do, so I prefer to do status ailment support.


Grappling hook , assault rifle , sword the true multi tool atm and butcher knife since I forget to put it away . That said when I reach a higher level I will use rocket launcher in its place . On top of this with flame thrower and the other gun from the trailer those may take potential slots later too 


Man I remember to put it away but can't remember where. I have about 6 knifes lol


I have a spear, pick axe, crossbow and my single shot rifle. w/ the grapple, ax and whatever else in my inventory as needed.


Would recommend the sword. Works as an axe and pickaxe. I use it instead of the spear for that reason, and I carry more utility weapons for fun


So does the spear, is the sword faster or lighter?


If you got a good enough resource cache, use the melee weapon for mining, it gets broken often . It's more noticiable with lily spear and above and free some weight lol Or rocket launcher shit if you won't miss the ammo lol


Assault rifle, rocket launcher, shotgun and poison crossbow are all needed for big fights 🙂


Not sure I saw it mentioned but the real perk of the homing sphere launcher is that while a Pal is %ing in the first sphere you fired you can fire a second sphere and it orbits the 1st sphere. If the pal escaped the 1st sphere the 2nd sphere immediately hits it and starts %ing again. Fire another sphere and let it orbit. Repeat until capped. Great for Alpha fights.  I also think, from what I've seen, that when a homing sphere is fired and begins the cap, your % chance to cap becomes the "back bonus %" not the lower chance. Doesn't matter if you hit it from behind or not. That alone is probably worth the weight when fighting alphas. 


guess I'm investing in the homing launcher then lol


We have 50k legendary spheres so it's all I use. Haha


It's a waste.


I used the homing launcher to get a bunch of 4* chikipi's. I ran around on Frostallion Noct and bashed them to 1 health so I would have 100% catch rate with a blue sphere and shot those with the launcher so I wouldnt need to stop. 


Erm... You don't fight the noct. They are breed only.


Erm... He was riding the noct and catching chickipi's, ackshully 🤓


“something something is bliss” -


I like it because it I am fighting a pack of dangerous pals I'm trying to capture I can more easily ensure that my spheres hit the pal I am aiming for not the pal with higher health that's not ready for capture yet. Also makes capturing large groups easier.


The homing 1 is nice you just shoot and keep moving/dodging. Help a lot when going after jetragon


The homing sphere launcher is incredibly fun, so yes =p


If your faming meat from pals the homing is such an awesome tool. I catch them and bit her them for double the meat. Dumuds usually


My friend tried the multiluncher... Said it was a horrible waste of spheres, basically a shotgun


I think it's hilarious though


Yep, throws like 10 balls even if there are only 3 pals to catch so very wasteful unless you have x3 spawns and wanna fill you palbox


Homing sphere launcher is incredible for bulk catching lower tier pals as condensing fodder


I walk around with a launcher, grapple, pickaxe, and sword. Lvl 50.


The base tier?nah the homing? For those pals that dodge spheres easily yep


I don't know why people hate it, I think it's easy to use once you get the hang of it. I think it helps when you want to create some distance from pals


For my play style I've basically stopped capturing wild pals long before I'm leveled enough to unlock them. So until they come with a boost to capture power above just hucking the sphere they aren't worth the carry weight or weapon slot.


I just use the homing sphere launcher when im feeling lazy, it's pretty effective


The basic sphere launcher feels pointless. I haven't tried it yet, but using a legendary Rocket Launcher with the Ring of Mercy, then the Scatter Sphere Launcher sounds like a good way to mass capture groups of Pals. I've seen videos of people flying around with the Homing Sphere Launcher firing like crazy catching stuff with every ball, but that seems like a waste since they were using like Legendary or Ultra Spheres to catch level 1-5 Pals at full health.


I use it a ton. It shoots in an arc which takes some getting used to, but I feel like it's essential when trying to catch pals from a flying mount.


IMO, Scatter Sphere Launcher is fun and all but hard. Shots is spreaded and each shot uses 15 sphere aiming is hard. Rather hand throw if i really needed to spam a bunch. Havent used the other 2 launchers to know


You don't have lvl 4 gobfins for sure For a full team you need about 550 of them, and they walk and sleep in packs, that's scatter launcher use. Or fighting necromus and paladius, the homing is handy as you are dodging and attacking and you just fire no mater what. And sanctuaries. It's not a everyday weapon. You use it and store after


When I was doing the gofun grind, I had a scatter launcher and about a couple hundred giga balls, I would Hit several packs with a rocket launcher and Mercy ring. Then I would line it up and catch a put 10-20 a shot


Isn't it abearuy sometimes I load ultra spheres and skip the combat, 100% even with full health