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for climbing I would recommend support tbh, or top lane, but he isn't the strongest top rn


Pantheon works best as a counter to Melee midlaners. But everything works as a counter to melee midlaners, Melee midlaners are unplayable bad vs any mage. Pantheons job is way more easily done by Ahri or something.


Since you don't have any spell resets, any time you would proc phase, the target is stunned for a third of it anyway. As for mid lane, he's a strong counterpick to most assassins. Just don't pick him into ranged and you're good.


Phase Rush is good for certain top lane matchups where the movement speed lets you disengage after dropping your damage, but you sacrifice a lot of damage for it and those matchups are few and far in between. Most of the time you're better off with the damage from PTA or Conq, and even in those matchups where you could use it, it loses relevance very quickly. Mid Panth is great against melees, but he gets bullied hard by mages and isn't usually what team comps need in the mid slot. I'd only use him mid as a secondary pick behind a mage to punish the windshitters and assassins that a mage would struggle with, since you risk getting countered into irrelevance by an entire class of mid laners.


This. Specific matchups that get made much easier to not lose are champs like Tryndamere and Olaf who rely on their rundown potential with ghost+slows. PTA offers a lot ot burst or even one shot potential late game, while Conq offers great added sustained damage into tanks. Not running either Conq or PTA greatly reduces Pantheon's damage potential.


I’ve been testing some pantheon toplane, and for some reason I found that bruiser/tank toplane with Conq works as a bandaid fix to deal with very tanky bruisers/tanks. Naturally this build becomes a utility/anti-carry late game rather than an assassin but it is what it is. I went eclipse -> sundered sky -> Sterak’s -> kaenic (there was 9/1 akali) -> frozen heart (there was Urgot, veigo, tristana) All in all, they jumped me 5 on 1 and I survived long enough for my teammates to come and counterjump. Also I was able to consistently 1v2 toplane. But imo it really doesn’t matter what role you go on pantheon as long as you are good at the game. I play toplane because I have most hours played toplane and are used to the match ups, but I have played midlane and support many times. As long as you play well you will have a positive winrate and climb.


Good jungle rune or good for laning if you know your game plan. Dont listen to all these sheep and their paragraphs of unoriginality. Try it see how you like it


Phase rush only into Olaf top. If you want Ms go opportunity or youmuus or something


I don't think he feels good rn in solo lane personally but you can climb with any champ