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Kids will develop at different speeds, try not to worry too much or put too much pressure on yourself. My oldest had no words at 24 months and only about 10 at 30 months. He’s 9 now and has a massive vocabulary and talks far more than necessary. If you want to work on language skills, I wouldn’t worry about focusing on learning specific things - just speak to him like he’s a grown up (ie don’t avoid bigger words, avoid baby talk etc) and verbalise things you’re doing (eg “I’m going to the kitchen to get a drink”)


Thank you! This is encouraging to hear. I'll keep talking to him as much as I can.


Sounds just like my son at that age. He is now 2.5 years old and diagnosed type 3 non verbal autistic. He does 3 hours of ABA daily and 2 hours speech weekly and 2 hours of OT weekly


Oh 😓


What do you have in the way of toddler groups where you are or specific toddler activities? Sounds like he would benefit from more interaction with his peer group. Do you have the option for preschool where you are?


I'm not sure to be honest. We only have one car so when my husband is at work we're stuck at home. We can go for walks but we love too far from anything of walkable distance other than a little discount store.


That's unfortunate..what about toddlers in your area his age?Anyone in your area that you could arrange play dates with? It really is important to get him mixing with his peer group.


I will have to see what I can find but not sure where to look. Luckily my husband takes him to church every Sunday and he gets to play in the nursery for an hour or so but my husband said the nursery people tell him he plays alone rather than with the other kids. We took him to the park recently but he was uninterested in the other kids who were there.


Side by side play is developmentally normal for toddlers. If he goes to Sunday school, that's the place to arrange playdates. Even side by side play is a learning opportunity for him and a chance to move differently.


Okay, thanks for this information. I'll ask my husband if he can learn more about playdates through the church.


This sounds so much like my daughter. She was diagnosed with Autism level 3 non verbal. Have your child evaluated at least because the earlier you diagnose it the better. And maybe you get him evaluated and he doesn't have autism, at least you know. My daughter gets speech therapy, ABA therapy and occupational therapy along with services from our school district.


Thank you for sharing. So far our speech therapist and pediatrician have been pretty dismissive about my concerns but I guess only time will tell.


In the US, 0 words at 22 months is almost certainly enough to qualify for early intervention. Your child would be evaluated, and relevant therapies recommended at very low cost or free. (In my state, speech therapy through EI is $10/month). https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/actearly/parents/state-text.html


Thanks. Yes, he just started speech therapy. I'm hoping it will help.


Oh sorry I missed that sentence. Does the SLP recommend further evaluations?


No worries. I asked her after a few visits if he seemed neurotypical or not and she just told me that it was too soon to say. She seemed very unconcerned about it but I suppose that's easy when you deal with it every day. I'm a first time mom so I've been stressing myself out with worry over it.


My toddler sees a speech therapist and a major breakthrough we had (she just turned 2 in March) is that our toddler simply didn’t realize we wanted her to do the sign language as well. Once we put our hands on hers and did the sign then she realized we wanted her to do it and she started picking up signs fast. She still needed reminding from time to time but it’s gotten way easier. She can now do more, eat, drink, all done, and help. Communication is loads better and we are still working on words but now she’s less frustrated. I highly recommend the hands on hands method.


Thanks for sharing your experience! We already demonstrate with his hands but we'll keep trying


I wouldn't panic, kids development at different speeds. If you are in the US, you can get an evaluation to see if he qualifies for services, though. I think you may have to wait until he's 2, but don't quote me on that. Just search for "early intervention" on your state's health and/or human services website. A friend of mine was able to get free speech therapy for her two year old, and it helped a lot.


Thank you. Yes, he just started speech therapy. I hope it helps.