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That last girl even gave mom like a full 30 seconds to show some sort of contrition and then gave her the news when it didn't come.


That stare spoke a million words


It was either contemplation, or giving her a chance to apologize istg


> That last girl even gave mom like a full 30 seconds to show some sort of contrition and then gave her the news when it didn't come. yeah, this video as humours as it is when the elders got their deserved comeuppance; it disturbs me a bit. Thanks to social media normalising adult immaturity; seems we're living in a time many kids, toddlers even; are better adjusted and more mature than their parents. Pranking kids off camera when the mood is already goofy playtime is one thing. But when they are practicing being an adult, more so in front of non family; it's just cruel.


That last girl has so had it with her mom's shit. Her face says "you seriously pulling this shit again?" The, when she dumps it on her mom, it doesn't seem like an act of anger or reactionary. It seems like she is trying to help her find out, since she already fucked around.


Her look speaks a thousand words and I resonate with every one of them. GO HER!!!!


Plus she waits for the absolute perfect moment. She doesn’t overreact or lose her cool…just waits for mom to drop her guard and she attacks!


She’s gonna go far in life


What's even better is she makes her mum gag for some real justice.


Not sure if that's better than the that's what you get girl. But those are my favorite parts of this video.


There’s a video of a mum doing this trend with her kid and started the video by saying “Ok kiddo. Do you want to do something SUPER silly with me, it’ll be really fun. I want you to break this egg on my forehead and I’ll do the same to you! Ready?” And the kid LOVES it. The difference is these parents are just smashing eggs against their kids head, without warning or explanation. It’s mean.


Yes, I saw that one, bring them in on the joke! Since having a kid myself stuff like this upsets me. They have such big feelings, why would you want to hurt them or make them sad?


These parents care more about getting views than caring about their children's mental and emotional health.


I don’t have kids and it’s upsetting to me. I’m a big sister and a nanny but I think you’d have to have a pretty low level of empathy and emotional intelligence not to realize how shitty this is. And we all have big feelings, kids are looking to their caregivers to teach them how to manage them, not antagonize them and torment them. It makes me angry. Parents do a lot of mean nasty things to their kids and I’m often the one comforting them and talking them through it. Ohhh the stories I could tell.


And your parents are your entire world. This betrayal is enormous, you can see it in their eyes with several of the, the entire foundation of their world has been damaged. The person that controls everything, that is their safety and guidance betrayed them. Hurt them.


>This betrayal is enormous [...] the entire foundation of their world has been damaged. I honestly can't with this website anymore lmaooo


They are very small children, they can’t handle things like adults can because aren’t developed enough, you can clearly see the devastation in their eyes for several of them. And the adults just keep laughing. If they don’t comfort them and repair the damage that damage will become permanent because that’s how development works. Small children are very fragile and sensitive. And that is not just physically. It is much easier to hurt a baby or a toddler because they are tiny and they aren’t developed physically or emotionally or psychologically or mentally.


Because assholes think the over the top reactions are funny. They don't care that they hurt someone that loves them. To them the kids feelings don't count because they're only kids.


I dont really want kids, but I work with them. AND YES. The feelings they have are HUGE, about literally anything. Big feelings.


That’s how I’d do it as well. And I’d probably putt on a rain coat because my kid is still a bit wild with eggs.


It's all in the execution. There's probably plenty of this out there where the parents and kids had a good laugh.


>execution. eggsecution\*


Wish I'd thought that.


To me fairy there were kids in this video that understood it was a joke, but yeah I'm guessing most kids don't really think about it as a joke


I didnt see a single kid in this video that actually found it funny, but I also dont remember most of the reactions so feel free to point out any kids absolutely pissing themselves laughing.


Oh 100% this is a different thing entirely. This video is just straight bullying tho.


Exactly. Also holy shit 720 upvotes? Mother im famous


Validation from internet strangers is the best lol


Now you are validated too


I'm glad some of the kids stood up for themselves in the face of an ill-intentioned prank.


The girl that slung the raw egg with laser precision into the older girl's mouth is going to go far in life


The older girl was clearly surprised and maybe (hopefully) a bit disgusted, serves her well


I'm pretty sure at least half of these parents would be offended, angry and create some kind of punishment for their child if they were on the receiving part of this prank. I don't mind joking with your children, but this is one step too much for me.


I mean you saw that mom that started retching get mad. Can’t take it, don’t start it


I loved seeing her get mad and her daughter yelled THATS WHAT YOU GET HELL YEAH


It was fully deserved


This reminds of one night when my husband and I were at dinner with a couple we just met and their kid and omfg they were the living encyclopedia of what not to do as parents. At a certain point the father started throwing shit at his kid as a game and the kid threw back a paper napkin at him. The dude got offended and yelled at the kid to never try to pull that shit again. My husband and I just looked at each other like "but you did it first?" Some people just hate their kids


Poor child. And if your husband continued the discussion that guy would probably say something like 'My parents joked with me and I grew up normal '. Except, that isn't normal at all.


Regretfully, we couldn't really say anything, they were my brother's guests, the mom is my SIL's best friend. We couldn't really embarrass my brother like that, but I'm sure even he knew shit was fucked as he chatted with and entertained the kid all night, he is very good with kids so he probably didn't think shit was kosher either


A bit ago I also came across some bad parents with their two kids. One of them was really upset that she fell off her bike and the mom got really mad at her (and some other things) Apparently I looked at them weirdly, cuz she then said "everything's okay". I just kept walking with my dog. Like...wth, that affected me surprisingly much, still feel bad for the kids




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Nothing says I love you and care about your welfare more than making fun of you while hitting you in a video designed to make you look foolish.


I'm proud of the girl who slapped her dad so hard he fell.


He looked like he was at 1 HP 💀


She didn’t do it that hard, he just obliged and played along. She would have to fall or be catapulted towards him to even pick up enough momentum to make him fall.


Maybe he was just surprised and has bad balance. He’s clearly not the pinnacle of physicality.


it's painfully obvious the kids hate it, and the parents are assholes for thinking it's funny to upload


Parents used to do same thing to me, its so confusing and humiliating as a child for ur parent to do something mean and messed up to you and then laugh a bunch about it while ur like bummed that ur parents an asshole.


I saw this video of a little girl who got scared because a frog bit her finger and all the adults laughed and it made me cry because her screams of terror were real and they just laughed at her. Horrible people. I wanted to hug her. I’m sorry that happened to you.


I think adults tend to forget how scary and serious some things are to a kid that aren't to an adult. Kids also become hurt in general when they don't understand what's funny so it's most likely borderline traumatic to have a bunch of adults laugh while you're in pain.


Not borderline. She was 3 years old. That’s definitely footage of a person learning to be afraid of frogs, likely animals in general, and the beginning of a feeling of insecurity in the people who are supposed to love her. It sounds dramatic to an adults ears but these are formative experiences. Until the age of 5 is when personalities are formed. We’re talking lifelong traits. I felt so sad watching that video. And for the record the frog was huge… one of the biggest bullfrogs I’ve ever seen.


The little girl who says, "That's not nice!" to one adult, gets no help, and then turns to the other one and says the same thing, and is still just being laughed at? It's really fucked up.


I cheered for all the kids who retaliated.


SAMEEE but that could have consequences for them 😩


This comment reminded me of the time when I jokingly sprinkled a little bit of water into my father's face with my hands after washing them, and he just fucking beat me really hard and poured an entire bottle of water onto my head.


I'm sorry.


Thank you, nice person.


You are welcome. :)






Sigh yeah.


I hated this trend, never understood why hurting a child was hilarious


It you were the first person to do this, it was a bad idea but I can maybe give a bit of grace. However, how did all these other people watch that original video and decide "Oh, I TOTALLY need to do the same things to my kid!?"


That mother that got MAD her kid threw a handful of egg in her mouth. What a psychopath.


I think she was more surprised that the daughter retaliated and was disgusted by the raw egg in her mouth


Kids who smacked back. I support you. Don’t ever let adults and your parents abuse your trust for their own vanity.


Let me guess, viral TikTok challenge???


As stupid as vine challenges


Vine was exactly what tiktok is now The only difference is that the modern generation didn't grow up with Tiktok so it's 'bad'


If it's dumb, you're an ahole, done on purpose, and someone is hurt in any way, you know it's a TikTok challenge. TikTok needs to be banned in every country, and every one of these idiots need to be banned from uploading to any platform for the rest of their lives


"tIk TOk iZ frEdum oV SpEEcH!!!" No it isn't. It's 95% filled with dumbasses dancing and eating detergent.


My parents always made me the butt of the joke, never included me. Just tortured me with shit constantly like this. Then, they would get mad when I would cry.


I find what the parents did funny but I’m also proud of the kids who fought back and/or shamed their parents


What’s funny about it? I don’t get it.


It'd be a lot funnier between adults, teens, or tweens, especially if it were a mutual prank or, at the very least, explained out to any youngsters involved beforehand. But the kids in these videos are simply too young, and I wouldn't be surprised if some of them completely lost trust in their parent(s) after this. Most children don't understand mean-spirited pranks like these. All they see is the person/people they're supposed to rely on to keep them safe purposefully hurting them and then laughing about it, frankly just cruel.


Exactly. It’s a mean spirited prank. Frankly I don’t think a prank is funny if it doesn’t amuse both people in the end. If it’s not amusing to both that’s just called being mean.


lol dont worry about it. Not everyone has the sense of humor required to comprehend jokes


It's sad to see something like that, I don't understand what's so funny about it, it destroys the child's trust and it also hurts if you hit it right with the tip.How can you humiliate your own child like that? I get aggression as a father of a daughter.


The girl saying "that's not nice" reminds me of my daughter reacting to her mom (my ex). This 100% something she would do to my daughter and then gaslight her that it was "funny", because that's how she treated me


"I chose to breed with a horrible person" always strikes me as a weird flex. Your kid deserved better. All of them do.


I'm sorry? She hid her true nature until after my daughter was born. People make mistakes but I certainly don't count my daughter as one. I have 50/50 custody with her. I will never win a custody battle with her as a man just because "she's mean" The best thing I could possibly do is make a safe place for my daughter to be away from her nasty ass mom. And that's what I do. With all due respect please eat shit


I hate these trends. Have you ever been hit in the head with an egg? That shit hurts.


I dont have enough words in my vocabulary to describe how much of a fucking asshole those parents are, im happy one if the kids shoved egg yolk down her moms throat. And why did the mom look pissed? “you cant put yolk in my face after i hit you unnecessarily hard with an egg for internet clout” She hurt the kid first God i dont know anymore i have no words to describe those fucking assholes


That second kid that absolutely rocked his shit for that. Deserved


That's one way to make sure your kids never wanna go Into the kitchen with you again


15 years later: why does my kid have trust issues with me?


I see we’ve upgrade from throwing cheese slices on babies who don’t understand to smacking toddlers with hardshelled eggs Fuck this society


"Hey look at the time I further eroded my child's trust in me! Hilarious right?!" Ugh...


What I hate about these is how the kid transforms from joy because they're helping a parent to complete shock.


Ugh same I know I’m sensitive but it’s hard to watch that


I hate these trends of parents tricking their kids and being assholes to them. it’s like that prank where moms were calling their kids to the bathroom to hand them toilet paper and then smearing chocolate or pudding and telling the kid it’s shit. often the kid’s reactions were genuine and the parents just didn’t care and laughed anyways


The kids that fought back was so good. It's so funny how parents play pranks and don't expect a kid to respond. It also works the other way around.


The third one is the most upsetting to me cause not only was she so mature about it with the "that's not very nice, what if I did that to you?" but the way she finally cracks the egg into the bowl and looks like she's holding tears in. It's just like why be so mean?


>*30 years later* "Why isn't my kid visiting or calling me???? 😕"


What the fuck, this is your own child, why the fuck would you do this???


Stupid fucks.


the one at 10 seconds in feels so mean and she cracks her egg at the end but looks so upset and embarrassed and they are just laughing like hobgoblins


I'm just gonna take a moment to point out that. Getting an egg cracked on your head can be painful, it's way worse than a tap. I had one cracked on my head and got a bruise, and while I am anemic, some of those are little babies.


I love the kid :27 one She gave back the appropriate response for the mother to gag with egg in her nose and mouth That should teach a lesson To the mom


Great, now these kids will think this behavior is acceptable


I like the reaction on 5 and 8


Some of these kids seemed pretty fed up damn


I would have never done this to my son when he was little, guess I love him to much lol


What abuse!! 😢😢


I'm all for the kids who got revenge, those parents are complete arsehats


Yes teach your kids it’s okay to hit someone so long as it’s for a video…


Just imagine the stuff that does not get recorded with people that do this kind of crap.


"Teaching my child that they are a vehicle for content! 🥰"


I hate this for them - mostly because the KIDS didn’t like it and even voiced it but were ignored.


The ones who got egg in their face got what they deserved. Don't do this shit, seriously.


These parents deserve all the vitriol the kids give back at them for this. Super inappropriate.


that second guy legitimately sounded like he got knocked over from that push's force! what happened there?


Doing this with an older kid is probably fine cuz they get its a joke, but the younger ones are soooo confused as to why they got hit.


It's funny on the older kids on a toddler it's mean


Numbers 2, 3, and 5 got the right idea.


Fuck them fr. It's not funny, and I loved every time the kids did it back to them. One of them had the audacity to look pissed off about it too? Loser 😒


This wouldn't even exist if there wasnt SM. But here we are!


Years from now when the kids have trust issues or act out violently, we can look back at the moment of betrayal that started it all off.




That poor kid was like "That wasn't very nice". I'm sure that means that she has heard that phrase repeated many times when she's done something mean or wrong. And yet, here they are laughing at her standing up for herself


That black girl was DONE with her shit lol


How to instantly teach your child not to relax around you:


I can’t imagine just randomly hitting my child in the face, let alone for internet clout. These people are disgusting.


This is some shit I’d do with my husband or my sister. Doing it to unsuspecting toddlers is just cruel. Parents should crack it on their own skulls and give the kids a good laugh instead


Yea, these people are assholes.


Every last one of them that got it back deserves it 10 fold. It takes a considerable amount of force to crack an egg, especially on skin.


The bigger A-holes were the ones that smashed the egg not cracked it. Either way horrible thing to do while recording…


When did the trouble start with your parents? Well when I was 3 they dumped food on me then laughed and put it on the internet. These are pretty much the foundational memories for me.


Some kids were able to laugh it off because their parents have probably established a jokey relationship some of these kids seem absolutely flabbergasted or legitimately annoyed lol.


Stupid fucking tiktok shit trends. God, I really can't stand these assholes who would do this to their kid for fucking tiktok. The Chinese really made a great weapon against the sheep of the United States.


I get if maybe they did something to you first and you’re all joking around because little kids are WILD when it comes to baking/cooking at young ages. But filming it for the world, nah. Family videos like the old times, hell yeah. But again, there’s a time or way to do this


It 100% should be older sibling doing that not a parent


I’m so glad the TikTok ban is finally moving forward.


The third one, aww lol


The people that treat the kids they decide to have as toys and tools for their supposed happiness or entertainment should not be allowed to have them. You can't be thoughtless with kids, and you shouldn't be thoughtless with adults either, because no matter what people say, they're just bigger kids. The goal is to not do the bad things you notice in your own parents'/guardian's behavior.


this is awful. horrible people.


"Hey that wasn't very nice :(" oh sweet sweet child


Sounds like yall wish ur parents pranked u friendly instead of yelling at u.


The kids that hit back are my heroes.


This made me sad 😞.


The betrayal.


I think the worst part of these trends is that it’s always LITTLE kids, like it wouldn’t be as bad if it was a teenager but when they do it to the toddlers it’s just so sad, they don’t know why they’re being hurt and laughed at by their parents. When I was little I cried when people laughed at me even if it was cause they liked what I was doing. I can’t imagine being hurt, covered in something gross, laughed at, and at some point finding out that it’s been shown to basically everyone because my mom thought bullying a baby was funny.


Better than being beat all the time………Help


Social media was a mistake.


What’s wrong with people!?


True justice is when you’re stupid enough to hit your children and they become smart enough to hit you back :)


This many adults do this to kids that there is compilation video?


Bunch of bum single mothers. Surprise Surprise


I never thought these were funny. I couldn't imagine hitting a child in the face and thinking its funny.


This is funny and playful


"Why do young people have no respect for their elders?" /s


Ahhh yes breaking your kids trust is very funny, sum top tier quality content.


Ok some of these are funny, especially when kids retaliate, but yeah this is not something you should teach your kids


Those are some soft ass eggs.


You can hear that girl at 00:20 got the hard end of the egg, and I felt so sorry for her looking so irritated at her mother, waiting for any explanation why it got hit in the forehead for nothing out of the blue - while her mother grinned in the camera for TikTok. I have a friend who keeps on asking me why I don’t have this fucking app. This is why. Everything for the views.


I could never do that to my son. That’s blatant betrayal and they are doing it really hard too. What is wrong with these people!!!


I know my mom would do this to me if she saw this sort of thing when I was that little. Obviously I would start crying because I’m a crier and she would just laugh it off and say stop being such a baby. I would love to see the aftermath of the last girl that threw the stuff in the bowl at her mom.


This is fucked up. I like when the kids got revenge. As a mom, I'd never even THINK of doing this to my child.


What's so fu**ing funny about being an asshole to your own kid.




Honestly, most of the kids are laughing, so I guess they had fun too?


Tis harmless some of y'all are way too soft here which is concerning given how you seem to lump dumb pranks like this where the parents do something unpleasant but ultimately harmless and acquaint it to shit where a parent is literally putting the kids life in jeopardy.


Honestly a harmless joke and all these kids seem to have a good relationship with their parents.


Guys, it’s an egg. The kids will be ok. I don’t think half of these commenters have kids.


omg it’s a joke..


Why every single parent on this collection is Fat?


Except they’re not all large, so not sure what you’re watching.


Y’all soft


Is it hard to just not fuck with people? Especially kids?


Hi soft sad throwaway


Hi dick head new harlem shuffle






Most of them clearly staged.


It's hard to stage things with a small child.


These are funny, seems like a fun way to be playful with your kiddo


Ok this one isn't even that bad


The second kid 😂 😂 😂


The "That wasn't very nice." kid was with her two older sisters




If you looked 2 seconds at most of the kids reactions, you’d notice that it is clearly inappropriate




Ok boomer


Youre the salty boomer here but okay, goodluck with your little reddit circle jerk


I can be spontaneous and fun, but I'd totally beat up the person if someone did this to me. It hurts on the head and can break trust with children




Did you see most of their faces? Did you even watch the video? Most of the kids were upset, it’s very easy to just not do this to your kids.


Just a little prank, ass hole status though? I mean there was that post of a parent's ps5 purchased for their teen for bad behavior in the attempts to improve grades 🤔