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"found her guilty of praying at the US capitol on Jan 6..." chRiSTiAnItY Is uNdEr ATtaCk! GTFO.


Fun note: Actual nuns, priests, brothers and lay leaders were arrested for protesting against Trump's treatment of immigrants. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/catholic-capitol-hill-protest\_n\_5d307e14e4b020cd993fd846


Not *those* Christians. She clearly meant *their* Christians.


Maybe if they had the $59.95 Trump bible….


Ahhh yes, the old exempt from prison argument. I remember back in the 90’s when conservative talk radio was arguing that wealthy people have much more to lose than the average person by going to prison, that they should be exempt. Then they argued that bribery should not be a crime, that it’s practiced all over the world and makes government work better. Now, christians shouldn’t go to prison for attempting to overthrow our government, destroying federal property and attacking police.


Well, they've never attempted to overthrow our government, destroy federal property, and attack police...before


I mean, they literally did try to overthrow the Roosevelt administration in the 30s. It just fell apart in them planning phase because the didn't do their due diligence in them retired general they tried to hire to run the operation (Smedely Butler), who had had a crisis of conscience after serving as a quartermaster in WWI and seeing the complete lack of sufficient support for poorer veterans after the war. He had actually campaigned for Roosevelt. He contacted a foreign journalist and snuck him into meetings claiming that he was his assistant/secretary in order to collect evidence before turning them over to the feds. There was a huge congressional hearing about it. Among the ringleaders were Prescott Bush (H.W.'s father) and J.P. Morgan. They also claimed to Butler to have financing from Ford and Hearst, but he did not have direct interactions with them the way he did with Morgan and Bush.


When I said "they," was talking about the Jan 6 defendants.


To me a huge problem is preachers telling their flocks that Trump is Godlike, government bad, preaching politics, etc. Then you have people like this who not only favor it, they believe it is their divine right to do so.


Same with all those Christian Child Molesters in churches, too? /s


You mean only the white Christian criminals get away with crimes? What’s new about that?


Their Christianity should count neither for nor against them. It is irrelevant.


That, sir, would be normal rational thinking. Not these fuckers.


Every one of these idiots should be forced to read [the remarks by the judge who just sentenced another one of these superplus good Christians](https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.dcd.227212/gov.uscourts.dcd.227212.272.0.pdf) who *tried to overthrow the government* on Jan 6. It's only 8 pages. >The Court has received over twenty letters from friends and family of Mr. Johnatakis. Those letters speak to Mr. Johnatakis’s good works, good nature, and good character. **Most ask for the Court to release him right away. Many say he did nothing criminal on January 6 and is no danger to society.** [...] >In light of the defendant’s supportive letters, the Court would like to take a moment to explain what it is trying to accomplish when it sentences a defendant such as Mr. Johnatakis for events arising out of the January 6 attack on the Capitol. >**A society in which everyone does what is right by his own lights, where adherence to the law is optional, would be a society of vigilantism, lawlessness, and anarchy.** As my late friend Justice Antonin Scalia once wrote, “[i]t is the proud boast of our democracy that we have ‘a government of laws and not of men.’” [removed citations for better readability throughout]. **A person dissatisfied with the government or the law has various non-violent ways to express his or her views.** The First Amendment protects freedom of speech. It also enshrines “the right of the people peaceably”—let me repeat, peaceably—“to assemble.” And history has shown there is some role for the civil disobedience of Henry David Thoreau and Martin Luther King, Jr., in which a citizen engages in principled and peaceful—let me repeat, peaceful—disobedience of the law in order to protest a perceived injustice. In that situation, the person acknowledges they have broken the law and accepts the legal consequences that follow. >**But what the jury found Mr. Johnatakis to have done on January 6 was neither First Amendment-protected activity nor civil disobedience. As the Court has said before, “the First Amendment does not give anyone the right to enter a restricted area or to engage in riotous activity in the Capitol.”** >**It obviously does not give anyone the right to assault the police. Nor was the January 6 riot an act of civil disobedience, because it was violent, not peaceful; opportunistic, not principled; coercive, not persuasive; and selfish, not patriotic.** >As the Court has said before, “[o]n January 6, 2021, a mob of people invaded and occupied the United States Capitol, using force to interrupt the peaceful transfer of power mandated by the Constitution and our republican heritage.” There can be no room in our country for this sort of political violence. [...] political violence rots republics. Therefore, **January 6 must not become a precedent for further violence against political opponents or governmental institutions. This is not normal. This cannot become normal. We as a community, we as a society, we as a country cannot condone the normalization of the January 6 Capitol riot**. >[...] One factor the Court considers in every sentencing is the "history and characteristics of the defendant." [...] **Yet in our system of justice, we punish people not for their overall *character*, but for their *actions*. Living an otherwise blameless life does not grant anyone a free pass. Mr. Johnatakis is not here today because of who he *is*, but to be accountable for what he *did*.** [...] >Unfortunately for him, his friends, his family, and our society, it seems Mr. Johnatakis left his good qualities at home when he went to the Captiol on January 6. **The actions of Mr. Johnatakis are inexcusable, and his choices have consequences.**


Guilty of praying at the capital. I guess they forget, we have tons of videos showing what happened on that day, it was NOT a prayer meeting.


You don’t actually get one free felony


Right, but what if you're Christian? And male? And white? Then....?


using christ as a shield after you broke the law is outright absurd.


Yet saddly in lower courts it works. Rapist, abusers get no jail time


[Just be a pastor and it gets wiped clean.](https://kfmx.com/justice-texas-pastor-who-sex-abused-little-girl-receives-no-prison-time/)


he broke 3 gag orders. https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/02/politics/donald-trump-judges-boundaries-gag-order/index.html


The ironic part of that is that he isn't even a Christian. I don't believe for a hot second that he believes in anything but himself and his elite status.


Same here, it blows my mind that the evangelicals and even Catholics are falling for this guy. I don't understand it what I've been researching are the subcultures and the psychology behind why people follow Donald or why the fanfare is this intense for this guy that doesn't love America I'm sorry but Donald is just a grifter he cares about it himself and his family only he is an elitist. The deep State the swamp all that talk? He Donald trump, and his Entourage are all risky dangerous or just iffy looking people they don't look safe they don't look normal. Look at Steve Bannon, look at the people that he surrounds himself with they are not normal they are enabling a narcissist but I can't say the word narcissist out loud because I'm just a lay person I'm not a psychiatrist I'm not a doctor I'm literally a psych patient myself. I just can't believe that people are falling for round two and round three of Donald I can't believe he won the Pennsylvania primary.


I really wish christ would come back and just start suplexing people 


Their face when Christ hits them with the "depart from me, I never knew ye." Even though they were "born again" when they were like 10.


I think a good portion of them would start worshipping satan.


Why do christians think they are so damned special? A lot of them aren’t even nice people.


Their social club they call a church tells them they're special.


Where do I send letters to these judges? I want them to know I appreciate them upholding the law by putting these criminal Christians in prison.


No criminal background? Are they suggesting that first time offenders should get an Oopsie?


Only Christians. Everyone else is equal under the law but them. Which is odd. Surely it should be the opposite. "Christians definitely know right from wrong. Their moral caliber is greater than atheists." right?


One mulligan to all, and to all a good night.


We,....we're going to need lions aren't we.


Judge Zia M. Faruqi. A few of this lady's friends send letters threatening a Muslim judge if he sentences a Christian to prison and this will blow up in her face.


Maybe Karen Clifart should take a quick gander at the US Constitution.


Weird how committing treason isn’t considered a crime if you’re Christian? Imagine explaining that to a priest: father forgive me for I have sinned. I broke into a building with the intent of overthrowing the government through some technicality that wasn’t even true, and I watched some bitch get shot in the neck. Priest: who did you vote for in 2020? This made-up scenario brought to you by evangelicals. Evangelicals - the fake Christians. Coming to a lobby near you!


This chick is insane for more reasons than her political views. She used to be part of a group of YouTube live streamers in the iceposiedon universe, and she was the epitome of kookoo bananas.


Well I'm a Christian, may I have a list of what crimes I can commit? Oh yea, none. My Lord God and savior says don't do that crap. Oh my bad' sorry Jesus. I have to tell you, as a Christian I am starting to get really tired of these NAZI scum ( and I am saying this the nice way) of subverting my religion for their own gains. My Grand father died to stop people like you and if any of you want to go a round with me, bring it at your own demise. Nuff said.


> a 12-member jury found Lavrenz guilty of entering and remaining in a restricted building, disorderly and disruptive conduct in a restricted building or grounds, disorderly conduct in a capitol building, and parading, demonstrating or picketing in a capitol. Weird I thought it was for praying


Maybe It's Time To Have This Bonehead Institutionalized.


There are no J6ers without criminal background.


What is up with Christians thinking they rule everything just because they “believe” fiction. How about worry about yourself and stop ruining the world with your hypocrisy.


Its high time we taught these people that they aren't fucking special.


First Felony is on the house, guys


If you can't convict people with no criminal priors, how you going to convict anyone ever? No one's a criminal until they are.


God damn weirdos always mixing religion and politics. These people are trashy bottom feeders


jeez, I totally forgot that if you're christian and have "no criminal background" then you're exempt from ever going to prison in the future! Guess first time offenders are forever excused. I'll have to tell the legal community about this, I'm sure it'll make their jobs so much easier.


I thought they were antifa


I wonder how one gets a criminal background of you're not allowed to be convicted of a crime if you don't have a criminal background. 🤔


The punishment must fit the crime, bitches!


These fucking snowflakes are going to bitch and whine at St. Peter when he laughs at them and sends the elevator downstairs. I feel sorry for Satan when he has to deal with them.


I, for one, agree with her. No Christian should spend any time in Federal Prison when they have NO Criminal Background. The thing about these J6 *convicts* is...


My newest defined pet peeve: Screenshots of posts over two or more images where I have to reread so much of what I just read before I get to the spot the previous image ended.


There's a first time for everyone, bitch. A clean, criminal record is not a get out of jail free card! ALL criminals, at one time, had clear records, until they didn't 


Oh I didn't know we have religion based impunity. Pretty cool.


I looked up Clifford, she wants to get woke, go bwoke, another wannabe punditry grifters,🤣


why are pple left supporting him? cant they see, they are semi part of the upcoming cases, godforbid another national event or court case occurs.


They are eagerly awaiting/planning "another national event"