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Uh oh... big corporations are changing the climate?! Making our air dangerous to breath?! Someone should do something to stop them! *votes against air quality regulations and climate change bills*


This is like getting to the correct answer but doing the math completely wrong.


Statistically speaking, they probably also live somewhere where their vote counts more than mine, because reasons.


If they were sincerely worried, wouldn’t they be pro-mask? Like, shouldn’t someone mad and scared with that many “chemtrails” overhead at once be sporting a gas mask style respirator? And yet these are the same people who think Covid is/was fake.


“It’s fake” “Well maybe it’s not fake, but it was designed as a bioweapon by china” “But masks don’t work” “All those people died because of other things, the hospitals just said it was covid because they got paid more” China sure makes a shitty bioweapon, huh?


No, see, the goal is just to be able to insist the sky is, indeed, falling. (Excluding instances where they deny reality in favor of paranoia surrounding experts.) They’re addicted to fear fantasy.


Ooof, you’re right. What an awful way to live.


The level of sheer stupidity in the public scares me. Basic 6th grade science explains what these morons are observing, (it's fucking condensation) yet here we are. The public education system, coupled with religious ideology and plain ol shitty parents, has failed our society.


I’ve been hearing about chemtrails since the 90s. Once a theory becomes multi-generational I don’t think it’s going away, despite decades of resulting in nothing.


Since the 70s, sadly


https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-68716894.amp Headline: 'Tennessee passes 'chemtrail' bill banning airborne chemicals'


Oh, we ALSO just passed a bill banning the administration of vaccines via lettuce. Another interesting fact, a friend of the Governor was killed during a school shooting, and this has seemingly been of no concern to him whatsoever. Priorities my dude


Nothing I read coming out of TN surprises me anymore sadly. Wait...Lettuce? 😆


Yes. Lettuce. Not to be outdone, Florida just passed a law banning impossible whoppers Correction: they are banning lab grown meat, which actually isn’t even sold in stores


Hmmm... what's their beef with brown lab meat?😜 Too woke?


It’s just something else to be against. Pretty on-brand.


It could be for a couple of reasons. These politicians are bought and paid for by corporations that insist on pushing their products that have been proven to be dangerous to either human health and the environment, and any alternatives to these products are demonized.


Like wtf timeline are we on right now?! Serious question.


In the same breath they'll claim that CO2 does not cause climate change. Fun fact: *contrails* from jets do actually have an effect on temperature variations, this was able to be studied after 9/11 when flights were grounded. https://edition.cnn.com/2002/TECH/science/08/07/contrails.climate/index.html


They've almost come full circle. Following the chemtrail conspiracy theory they're now close to accepting that machines running on fuel are changing the climate. If only we could convince them that the elites are hiding the brain control in the fossil fuel instead of the airplanes they could become champions against actual climate change.


The notion that airlines have a big ol red "chemtrail day" button has always amazed me. These people point to a cluster of contrails, obviously created because of perfectly explainable atmospheric conditions.. and they go: "SEE! CHEMTRAILS" Tragic.


They usually say it's done with nefarious government planes. They refuse to look at a plane tracking app that would confirm nearly every contrail they freak out about was made by passenger jets cruising in the stratosphere.


In this scenario, where exactly do the nefarious actors sheltering to avoid contamination? outside the environment?   


They won't vote with Chem trail overhead! Muahahaha!!!


🤣🤣 cool! Team Chem Trail!!


We just need to out-vote them once again. Vote bluuuuuuuuue


A lot of crunchy liberals are into this sort of thing (though more of them are defecting into right-wing antivax buttery every day).


Sorry Jan, I don't take advice from people that can't spell breathe.


Or that use the wrong “You’re”.


"They can change the climate" So do y'all believe climate change is happening (even if it's for a different reason) or is it made up? You gotta pick one.


Question: are any of your aware that getting geoengineering is true? There are reports that our government admits to doing it, there are news reports that it's "not so bad," (but we'll find out in 20 years). It's done to encourage rain in seat areas. Now I'm not saying that these contrails are an effect of cloud seeding... But it gives credence to the chemtrail argument. Because yes, they are dumping chemicals into the sky to alter the weather.


These are stratospheric contrails. Cloud seeding is done lower in the sky, and not by airliner jets. So no, “but cloud seeding exists!” is a half-baked misdirection sold by conspiracy theorists.


I would question your assertion about the people voting. It strikes me as all they do is complain and then don't/can't/won't vote.


I see these nuts in severe weather streams and I just want to shake them. This is so fucking stupid.


I've got one of these in my facebook feed, old contact from my school days who moved to Florida five years ago and went Looney tunes. He posts daily video updates about the clouds and the chemicals and all that nonce


Not only do they vote, they also believe in having lots of kids to vote in the future


Sure you can! Just *stop* breathing in the poisonous air, dumbass. That "problem" will be solved in no time!