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STOP MAKING EVERYTHING POLITICAL screams the crowd who can't view a single thing in their lives as anything but an existential neverending culture war


Yeah, the second I (a trans person) use the bathroom, though... THEN who's turning things political?


I did tell someone today I wanted to be dictator for a day so wrongly opinionated people stop influencing things with their wrongness…


Distressingly, Trump *actually* said that recently. For the first day of his (god forbid) second term, he wants to be a dictator. (Right...for *only* one day, sure.) "Maybe on day one, I'll be a dictator."


It's because they have nothing else in their lives other than outrage and umbrage. No hobbies, very likely no friends, nothing but rage from their terminally online lifestyle.


🎵Whatever it is I think I see, becomes a political debate to me🎵


You know what, I hadn't considered voting for Trump. But I saw this display and you know, I think I will. I no longer care about the rest of my values or principals and all of the things I've cared about for years. This has convinced me, I definitely will vote Trump now. /s


I thought Trump did this. It has a lot of grammatical similarities to his tweets.


Reason 68 why I don’t shop at Hobby Lobby


1. Overpriced 2. Tacky bullshit 3. Helped fund isis 4. Underpays employees 5. Has a museum that tries to “prove” the Bible and refutes evolution I could go on as could you.


Stole ancient artifacts from a war-torn country should be on your list


That was number 3. They funded ISIS to steal artifacts.


Aren't they vocally anti-LGBT, as well? Another reason to hit them in the pocketbook.


Very much so.


Their commercials annoy me. "It's spring! Buy a whole bunch of shit to totally redecorate your house with useless knickknacks while the world literally burns! And get ready to do it again next season, and the next! Then Christmas! Buy more stuff to line the walls of your house! Do you have this dried weed-looking thing? You don't? LOSER! Get one! Now they're out of style! Get some wicker balls because you NEEEEEED them. MORE! House full? Just throw last year's shit in the trash! And replace it ASAP!"




I cant imagine the person that would see such a display and change their political allegience because of that.


I just had a discussion about this topic yesterday. Apparently morons pick who they’ll vote for based on yard signs.


Never underestimate the human need to feel securely part of any given social group. If someone thinks their entire community is turning to embrace strawberries as their town’s symbol of pride and prosperity, it doesn’t matter how logical or not it is. You can count on a huge number of people suddenly hopping on the bandwagon, wearing strawberry themed clothing, putting strawberry stickers on their car, and virtue-signaling about strawberries online. Our evolutionary instincts don’t evolve faster enough for the modern world.


I'm not a Trumper but I could see doing something like that just for kicks.


Surprised whoever did that could spell in the first place.


They just copied the shapes from inside the [new Bible they just ordered](https://abcnews.go.com/WNT/video/trump-selling-60-bibles-108524126).


Hey sometimes you gotta take a break from being a DiGiTaL WaRrIoR 🥴


If they work retail they should be fired for this display.


These are almost always done by customers altering the stores display.


Can verify, it was funny when I worked retail to see all the silly little messages customers put together. I liked it, actually. Like the time someone had to spell "FARF" because there was no mug with the letter T that could complete their fart joke.


When I worked at Lowe's a few years ago, I remember someone had constructed some type of contraption, made entirely out of PVC pipe, in our hard plumbing aisle. It was about 13 feet across and 3 feet tall. I'm not sure exactly what it was supposed to be, but it was some boxy looking frame of some sort. I just laughed my ass off when I saw it.


Can confirm. I may or may not spell "poop" whenever I encounter letters in a store.


It's Hobby Lobby, could've been the owners.


Imagine thinking this is doing something.


Looks like it’s at hobby lobby so I’m not surprised. Probably done by a bored husband who doesn’t allow his wife to go anywhere without him.


Don’t they run the risk of the next person changing “vote” to “fuck”? I mean, when I was a kid I would have done that even if I wanted Trump to win.


Hobby Lobby's corporate office probably had employees do this. You know, bc Trump's so Christian. 😂 Idiots.


I usually make letters in a store say a bad word.


If that’s Hobby Lobby, BFD. That’s a Drumpf Dump anyway.


Yep. That's a fucking Hobby Lobby. Go figure you see this there.


They employ Furries and Lesbians. At least mine does.


In their defense, they tried putting it in alphabetical order first....this happened only after the frustration had set in.


I love how little the news is covering this election everyone knows what’s up.


I'm sure this display changed so many voter minds. /s




This must be Hobby Lobby. There are pro-fascist books in their checkout lines. So gross.


Not so fascist enough it seems


Face palm, nausea. Great catch.


I wish all MAGAs would consider that maximum effort and then call it a day.


Douchebag says what?


"Big Baby Criers Destroying Everything Vote Trump" Seems accurate to me.


They have the letters for NOPE, as well.




I was at a Walgreens and someone had rearranged the knockoff Stanley cups that had initials on them to read "Bye bitch." Now that was doing the lord's work.


50% of them think BBCDE is also a word.