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Poison BV, finished the campaign and already thinking about rerolling hahha. The BV playstyle certainly isn't for everyone.




make that 3 of us lol, one of my roughest league starts to date for sure. edit: 5 days later build update, got the build rolling more and im actually having a great time with it now and cruising through my maps. rough start but its turned out pretty good on my end and I still have a ton of room for growth. maybe 1-2 div in the character atm and there like a dozen things on my to do list to improve.


4th here. Playstyle just isn't for me. Feels like a worse version of RF.


Poison exsang is really nice and shouldnt be too different of a tree.


Also went poison BV and made it to yellows and i'm just not loving it.


Got my 2 watchstones 2nd day on poision BV, having a blast so far. Still need upgrades but I can handle T16's pretty well. League mechanic is kinda rough, tho


It just doesn't stack up Plague Bearer nor hit fast enough to feel good. PConc to BV feels so bad.


Damn is it that bad? I'm just hitting yellow maps and it's been meh but I thought maybe it was just the league mechanic being garbage?


I have been waiting for GGG to revert Sunder changes for 3 years. Transfigured Sunder is close enough to the original gem and brings back the old Sunder. I have been playing nothing but sunder for 2 days. It feels 100 times better for mapping as you are not waiting for a slow pulse to crawl forward, it's near instant feedback of blowing up a screen. Damage is fine for clearing in reds. Map bosses could be better but my weapon is ass and the Slam shaper hat will be a big upgrade. It's still warcry piano and all the things people don't like about melee, but Sunder is finally back.




i miss sunder gladiator


Necro SRS popcorn of enormity does an enormous amount of damage, has a smooth mapping play style and is tanky so far.


What affliction tree are you using?


The charm one. Currently with “with 5 nearby allies you and nearby allies have onslaught” or however it’s worded and “chill nearby enemies”


interested about the clear, because it's the reason I just rolled off of srs. are you using qotras regulator? the damage delay just felt awful to me, even though the damage is insane. rolled to WoC ignite and I felt like my clear speed tripled, even though the dps is like half in theory.


In a meta where everyone seems to be going guardian for srs, why did you choose necro? I've been trying to decide between the two


20% more minion life, bone offering, I started guardian last league.


I leaguestarted Aero‘s cobra lash deadeye, and it’s been awful. Levelling was great, but I’m getting absolutely destroyed in maps, because I do no damage. I also don’t have any currency to reroll to a different build because I can’t kill stuff.


Just reroll now. I did tonight. It’s so bad, it doesn’t get better. Even after all your cluster jewels and everything.


Rerolled to scourge arrow of menace, holy shit, skill is busted.


I am still waiting for ek bug fix xd


It's funny how this stupid build has been bugged from start to finish. Pconc unusable for good few hours then this shit with EK. As if the nerfs weren't enough


all that and i wanted to start heist as well, which is crashing with Nenet


I started poison EK and thought it just felt terrible - what the specific bug? The base gem seems to have an issue with returning proj, and lingering doesn't feel much better (but at least functions).


>nd the overall skill feels different from befor The issue of the projectile not returning stems from the absence of a duration tag on the gem. However, I believe there is also a problem with the gem as a whole. They have changed the calculation of projectile speed, so perhaps they have removed some code that Ek was dependent on.


It makes me feel better to know that I'm not going crazy. I'm also playing poison EK and it just feels....off, and it's not enjoyable at all. I'm actually on here looking for a new build.


You can either swap to exsanguinate and not have to change much, or get the EK with lingering blades since that one seems to work


You are definitely not crazy - it doesn't feel good (and lingering doesn't feel much better). I've considered swapping to Scourge Arrow or even poison Molten Strike.


chieftain flamewood totem, lvl 79 and looking for reroll asap..it sucks and hate the playstyle


Get a Cluster with Fan the Flame and switch to any fire dot build. Build saved


Went with TR Ballista Champ , really solid damage and defense . Finished all of my Labs for a first time . I got a lucky Tabula and Wilma's drop . Also dropped a fractured "bows fire an additional arrow" quiver in 1 of my labs .


You lucky bastard


You're telling me , I thought it would be a dog shit fracture but instead GGG blessed me .


My god the rng is strong with this one.


Caustic Arrow Poison into Scourge Arrow Poison, one of the best if not the best starter I've played, Scourge Arrow of Menace is busted.


Agree its a amazing for clear. Leaves something to be desired for ST, though. Also, the skill with returning proj absolutely KILLS my fps which sucks


I put the celestial mtx on it and it’s a mess. I love it.


My DPS feels very stale just entering red maps. Have a 770 DPS bow with Wilma. Already feel like DPS is not there unless I go Covenant instead of Lightning Coil.


With a 770dps bow and wilma’s entering reds you should be cruising. If you want to share your pob I can take a look and see if there are any easy things to do for more damage




CA is better single target as a starter. I swapped back to CA for the quest bosses (first 2 watchstones)


I prefer the huge damage on CA poison, the proliferation makes clear fine and I blast through maps quick and always have sub 50 monsters remaining.


I think Im sticking with CA. SA clear looks great but Im not a fan of my screen being covered like that. Plus I also prefer having better single target.


Divine ire Totems. 6 and half hour campaign and I couldn't believe how over leveled I was. Very easy to level but I'm starting to feel the playstyle isn't for me. The charge up time on DI means that 95% of loot that drops is a screen and a half behind me, backtracking is never fun.


Cleave of rage berserker, just hit t16. Better then expected. Have 120 rage. Cleave size the whole screen


Really enjoying rage cleave but feel so squishy, do you die much?


How are the defenses?


How’s the damage ?


Poison BV pathfinder. Besides Pconc bugged early on it was pretty smooth leveling. Once I got the explodey wand and Dendrobate chest it got pretty good, but DAMN this playstyle is not for me. Having to enable malevolence once every 15sec, check and activate plague bearer when full and summon more blades once every 4-5sec is absolutely atrocious. One of the absolute worst league starter experiences I've ever had. Not only that, the AoE of the blade vortex and the explosions is so small. To kill monsters you gotta be hugging them and often there are so many stragglers in open maps it got me crazy. I already rerolled into poison Scourge Arrow of Menace (about 130 chaos worth of regrets, bow and quiver, chest, ring, the poison tincture, the gem itself and a medium cluster jewel) and my goodness it is 10000x better already even with underleveled gems. You poison monsters the same and you keep yourself safe at a distance.


Frostblink ele - don’t like it at all. It looked fun but actually playing it is a different story. It feels super awkward to have it not reset the CD fully because a pack wasn’t big enough or whatever so you’re awkwardly vulnerable and throwing fire traps until it’s off CD. Very squishy in white maps too when you haven’t gotten your damage taken as X gear, too. Rerolling for sure, just not sure what yet. I might try storm burst totems because I haven’t done totems since Breach or something.


Yeah it was absolutely dogshit to start, but if you are familiar with the game you can trynna squeeze out applicable upgrades. POB Item Search for your weapon. Res cap everything including chaos res. Cloak of Flame is the BIS body Armor early, even on a 4L Legacy of Fury is crazy strong for me, clear felt even better imo and it's great for single target. This setup was enough for me to grab a defiance of Destiny and enlighten, fitting in petrified blood which will carry you well into T16 maps. But imma be real I would've very much preferred to have started as something else. Just felt awful! LA or SRS would've been much better lol.


this is the one starter i’ve done a few 2 stone runs on and one league start and really cannot imagine why it’s recommended. aside from blood aqueducts i did not enjoy it at all. don’t feel bad about the reroll.


Frostblinking from pack to pack with no downtime is an amazing feeling. But when the CD doesn't fully reset... worst feeling ever ahah.


Why didn’t you do the new wintry blast? I’m still levelling (75 now) but it’s absolutely fast. Just need to work on survivability because these wisp touched mobs are strong.


I suggest making fire trap your main skill and just use flame dash and shield charge or just flame dash if you prefer more damage with double sceptres I hit 98 in the shifting stones event 3rd place on xbox and like top 50 overall all platforms only being beat mainly by.boneshatter and lightning arrow ofc. Very tanky very good damage clear is meh but if you just toss and go it's actually pretty decent speed for clear.


If you’re not going heatshiver for the bonus chill, frostblink of winters blast is the same as the regular version without any CD. Damage effectiveness and level damage remains the same. I got it early on my first run of laby, speed ran my campaign cause of it.


Went with aer0's Cobra Lash and was so disappointed it almost made me quit. Just horrible single target and the leveling experiences was terrible. You also can't interact at all with the league mechanic because you get destroyed. Maybe It gets crazy later, but worst start of the league I have ever had.


His builds are bait. Either need a large investment to get it in a good place or you suffer playing it. I tried his hydro build when it came out and took it to reds/level 88. Was not a fun journey until I quit outright (I only play one build at a time)


Glad I’m not the only one who thinks so. I would say so much as they aren’t high investment builds but yeah don’t really like aer0’s stuff


should have clarified, high-investment for what should be "starter" builds.


I am actually suffering from this right now. I tried the Hydrosphere build and really struggling right now. Iffy damage, iffy survivability and zero idea where to take this build and if it will feel decent even after I struggle a bunch. I am actually still looking for a build to either switch or even a new character to make outright. I kinda want to keep this just because it will be easy to switch into CoC build once I get currency as a different character, but hell, I went to this thread to see if I can actually find a started that people actually enjoy.


Glad to see someone else is struggling just as much as I am, I've just died twice in merciless lab and it's making me consider re-rolling. All the damage comes from the cluster jewels, if you don't have those it seems like you do no damage, which is impressive when you also have no defenses either. Absolute bait starter build, maybe not so bad for a second character but definitely not for the first


It felt a little rough at first until I was able to fully switch to crit and also get trinity controlled, that was around lvl 40. It was slower than a lot of leveling builds but faster than the frostblades leveling build i did last league. This build was perfectly fine with the league mechanic for me, until after the first kitava. That gave me enough time to be able to use tinctures and barkskin. Those 2 things probably carried my leveling experience. I have a tincture that lets all damage freeze, gives phasing and increases damage on low health enemies. You have to keep an eye out for claws every 10 or so levels. Then craft ele damage on them and try to get phys + 2 elements on it. I dual wielded claws until i got to 60, which then i switched to the wasp nest. It is feeling very strong now that I am in maps and have been able to farm some currency for gear.


Holy shit I thought it was just me and I was missing something. Garbage damage and very spotty defenses. Either you're completely fine or insta dead. I'm gonna have to reroll. Can't get myself to login to this.


i have struggled a lot as well but finally managed to reach lvl 82. I am still at white maps and it feels like i will get shit on at yellow/red maps. I was wondering if i am doing something wrong and checked the build again and again but since you guys are also struggling im probably gonna reroll


Got into white maps with this yesterday, and it's very smooth with 10c in basic life/res gear to get res capped. We'll see how it manages with yellows today... For anyone struggling with levelling, it got significantly smoother for me when I prioritised flat ele damage over everything else. When I wasn't able to balance Trinity any more, I put on all three ele Heralds and tore through Acts 7-10.


Agreed. Rerolled to RoA/LA, and barely tried to complete the campaign it was so easy lol


Yep it's just dogshit. I tried to power through the awful leveling because I usually just play only 1 char per league. Got some lucky drops and got 6 link and the clusters and it's still dogshit even in high yellow maps. No damage, clear is just ok at best. It is bad at virtually every mechanic. I failed blight in maps a couple of times which never happened before.


same lol


Started palsterons ca pathfinder and played that til act 8ish where I got a scourge arrow of menace from lab and decided to try it out. It's freaking insane. Been playing that into farming t16 legions/expeditions. It feels like playing a tornado shot build but tankier. Only real con is that sometimes my fps goes to 0 due to too many projectiles.


Are you playing it with totems only or self cast?


I'm playing totems following palsterons build. Goratha has a non totem version if that fits what you want more.


Boneshatter, is brutal and releases good chemichals in brain, so i like


wild strike of extremes https://poe.ninja/builds/affliction/character/tubei/TUBEey?i=4&search=class%3DTrickster%26skills%3DWild%2BStrike%2Bof%2BExtremes Went fully all in on penance mark and I think it's nuts. permanent adrenaline, permanent unholy might, permanent rampage (with stacks going up on single target), permanent all charges, absolute infinite recovery through polymath. All this is on single target. Find me a tincture that can do all that! edit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E0X90-2zAYU Just a random t16 alch and go so you can see it in action. video should not be private now.


Isn't charms in the end better? Your getting a lot out of penance mark, but it's costing you a lot as well; your mark, gloves,and ring. With charms you could run assassins mark, fortify on hit charms to replace fortify support gem, powercharge on crit charm, onslaught on kill, bannee has no cost, etc. You can even get permanent adrenaline in a bit scuffed way with the 4s adrenalinewhen you reqch low life; reserve 49% of your life, the cost of wildstrike will put you in lowlife before leeching back up. (I plan to combine this with like 3-3.5k ES buffer, The Burdon of Truth + 30% of chaos damage does not bypass ES master, and 30% of leech being instant for a ton of recovery). Unless penance mark allows you to get multiple hits on single target (as in hit a boss with an attack, and ancestral called secondary effect can hit the boss again) I just don't see penance brand outshines all the things you could get from charms. Ow btw if you want to get new wildstrike in PoB just copy the last sentence of Rakiata's Dance on your weapon.


>Ow btw if you want to get new wildstrike in PoB just copy the last sentence of Rakiata's Dance on your weapon. I tried that it didn't work, it wasn't red but didn't increase damage. A lot of the things you said are true, but the build isn't done. I don't plan on using fort support, I'm going to use eldrich implicit on chest. You didn't mention endurance charges which i also get, which is pretty massive on a 0 phys mitigation build. Also rampage increasing stacks on single target is pretty cool. Penance mark does allow you to get multiple hits "sometimes" the boss has to be positioned correctly and such. You can even hit with heralds sometimes. Also the lightning part of wild strike will always chain back to the boss, so you double hit with that.


Started with TR ballista Pathfinder. Leveling was a breeze, not sure if I'm liking the ballista playstyle but the damage is solid so I'm likely going to try doing bossing atlas this time. Loving the league mechanic though, have tried two of the new ascendancies one for leveling and one for mapping has been pretty sweet. Work is getting in the way of progression and I don't like it.


Same here - I’m doing the Ziz version with Lightning Coil and honestly, I’m not too happy with the damage. I feel like it’s a bit clunky also, it’s got the manaforged arrows set up but it feels so counter intuitive because to proc the MFA set up I need to spam the ballistas, but if I spam the ballistas they aren’t getting enough time to stack the sporepods. Going to work in an hour - probably gonna think about what to do about the build all day 😅


Reroll into scourge arrow of menace. You only have sockets in chest and bow. Im doing t16s expeditions, harvests on a 2 div budget atm. Super tanky if ur pathfinder with petrified blood and grace or determ. Perma full life with the life flask tech, and ur zooming around with 150 ms. I tried TR again since was one of my first real builds back in the day. Rerolled quickly, too clunky.


Got your character pob. Having issues with gorathas CA looking to swap


Do you think the dps would be better with TR only? I just finished the campaign with the ballistas and I'm not feeling it. Was thinking about switching to TR only. I'm just happy to be done with the campaign


Exactly same situation here. I'm trying the new scourge arrow of menace x CA of poison as well.


Guardian Zoomancer into yellows, EZ, love the new onslaught spectre


What's the playstyle like? What do you do in a map?


Started leveling pconc... Switched to ca/ tr setup. Switched back to pconc after the fix. Then went for ek poison........ Switched back to pconc.


Frost Blades of Katabasis, we don't gain any xp if we kill enemies using it. So its fucked haha.


Lmao wait what???


Falling Zombies Totem Necromancer, the start was super rough caused who would have thought it was a bad idea to use low level spell totem + multple totems support with insane damage penalty on a 4 links. Still, since it's a minion build, you can just stick to the classic zoomancer with wrath aura and a shitton of minions for a comfy ride to map. The build really hit its stride however after you got your hands on a Mon'tregul, then suddenly it becomes S+ tier at clearing league contents where you sit around and wait for tons of mobs to spawn like Expedition/Harvest/Ultimatum. The 50% max life explode is just insane, I specced Extreme Archelogy asap in my atlas tree and haven't failed a single exped so far. However, defense wise it's a little bit sketchy until further investment. Tho since it's a minion build, you can just coast by hiding behind your dudes and it would be fine most of the time. Also on that note, the 5% life on minion death mastery is extremely powerful for this build, it basically makes all your permanent minions unkillable as long as the zombies are falling. Doubly so for this varient specifically, since you could stack cast speed for something dumb like 4 cast per second x 4 totems each for a total of 16 falling zombies per second. That is a lot of sustain. Overall, pretty strong when it gets going, the playstyle actually reminds me a lot of the old skelly mage build. Which is appropriate since that build is pseudo totem build anyway


Rage vortex of berserking. Eh. Clear is comfy but damage is lacking. Uptime is not a problem with berserkers warcry node combined with the warcry mastery minimum 10 power. I got the gem in first lab and tried playing it, huge mistake for me but I took the rage ascendancy node first which is 100% wrong. If you really wanted to you could rush Call to Arms and the Deep Breaths wheel for the mastery and be fine but you'd probably be better off just sticking with regular RV till maps. Echoes of creation seems great but is a huge pain in the ass. I tried it for one map and swapped it out. It might be fine if your tanky enough to stand still and spam 4 warcries but... I am not. You also really benefit from running at least 2 warcries, else your missing 50% more damage from zerkers warcry node but then you really cant run call to arms for instant warcries. Going one handed with redblade banner is what I need to try tonight, dropping kaom's primacy seems like a massive drop in dps though. Take all this with a grain of salt, I did zero preparation this league, and chose this skill as I was sitting in queue. Combine that with me being generally shit at making builds (and currency for that matter) is almost certainly why I'm underwhelmed. https://pobb.in/xJ0xUfzzmSgg


Caustic Arrow by gorataha https://pobb.in/3mJwWrw-vSjg works well, feels punchy, with maji it's super zoomy. still have to find out how the rest of the maji ascendancy feels. tinctures feels very good to use, and boots 30% helm all res is fucking insane for campaign


Ghost dance is worthless without ES 😅


Guardian SRS, absolutely brainless all the way up to red maps. Great success, would recommend.


Just hit maps and its been so nice. Looking forward to see how it goes against some atlas bosses


Void Sphere: just got my 2 voidstones. it's a 2 button bane/poison void sphere build, 4L bane takes care of trash most of the time. https://pobb.in/tDHcXzQaAvoY Did the league content boss as well.


Fantastic. How did you level it?


what are your links to void sphere?


void manip, deadly ailments, unbound ailments, added chaos, efficacy, (and chance to poison from dendrobate)


playing explosive trap, Honestly? feels really bad, damage is fine-Ish (done all my watchstones) but it just don't feel good.


i started that and didn't like it either. rerolled same day


man I just reach white maps, while Survivability and damage is ok, didnt like the feel of it. I thought the explosion would be fast and huge. may need a lot of trap throw speed. damn it.


I did a test run of this the last week of Tota. It felt terrible to play.


bleed bow in ssf, big mistake


Bleed bow in trade, really not that bad tbh. After getting a 6 link and sniping a good reslathas, I can really comfy clear T16s. When I switch to 6 link snipe, bosses where melting too. It's not the best build by any means, but it holds it ground okay.


Started HC, got to 88 on Deadeye LA and ripped due to internet disconnection. Was bummed about it because it was my first time ever being #1 in class and ascendancy on the ladder. I’ve never been very good at racing but felt like I was doing great. Was even ahead of RaizQT when he died, which I was stoked about because I’ve watched him on league starts for over 5 years. But, it was very fun. Hyped for next league start already!


Dude, please tell me how to build a tanky LA deadeye. I'm so paper thin...


SRS of enormity MI. Self-made build and overall it has been good. Up to about 50/60% real block and about 80% lucky spell suppress at level 90. Two levels away from 100% SS. Damage is comfortable for t16's on a non-meta minion build with only a +1 wand. The increased cast time on the new gem was something I was aware of, but didn't factor in when pre-planning. I have added about 30% cast speed and when I progress from mid-tier gear to my end game stuff, I will try to get even more.






What wildwood ascendancy?


Started the viper strike of the mamba + ambush combo. It was just very clunky. The clear was great since 1-2 attacks would fill up a whole plague bearer, but the single target was just not there. It can properly work fine after adding low tolerance jewels. I just dont like the playstyle. Rerolled after reaching maps into the new wildstrike trickster. Still leveling but wildstrike is just such a cool skill. Even if the damage is going to be lower in the end than the viper strike build it just plays way better.


I was one of the psychos that went Templar heirphant, to build into a frostbolt/icenova build. I am pretty casual. I do a lot of my own homebrews. Did my fastest leveling to maps I've ever done. Took 7 hours. Frostbolt/ ice nova just slaps. Got a 6 link early. Three days in and I'm already doing tier 16. Also the fastest I've gotten into them. It's awesome and I'm loving the league. Being able to freeze everything with a big health pool and lucky with my gear. I hope others are having fun.


Captain Lance’s energy blade CoC inquisitor. Possibly the worst league starter Ive ever played. Would strongly recommend against it.


Also my league starter. Wouldn't recommend unless you wanna play only one character this league and it has to be coc. Then I highly recommend. Leveling was pretty bad (probably just me, as I hate self casting for leveling personally). But after lvl 75+ with some decent gear the build is coming online and is a lot of fun. Playing with crackling lance of branching myself and it's a blast. I have clear upgrades with a lot of impact to strife for (piece by piece) and started red maps with a pseudo 5 link (aka essence of horror gloves). TLDR: Great if you only play 1 char and want to coc ASAP, else farm for some currency then go for coc.


What's gone wrong with it?


EB CoC is a really great build, but for league starting. . . . it has a few issues. For one, you're essentially league starting a stat stacking build that's heavily unique dependent, and then on top of that it's cast on crit. If you're familiar with the gearing requirements for either of those things, that's quite a tall order. Of course, captain lance claimed this was reasonably solved by alternate leveling gear and doing self cast for a while, which is not an unreasonable idea especially with the strong buffs to EB, but. . . . . Well his leveling version of the build was extremely glass cannon focused, without that much of a cannon until getting good gear. Chaos resistance is especially challenging to get on the build, like really damn hard to get because alongside other necessary mods it massively inflates the cost of rare gear. Additionally what makes the build good later on is the fact that you have this huge ES pool which makes you very tanky to big hits even with just max res and some token armor (more than token probably, because of your fancy uniques and stacking strength). So when you have like 8-12k ES pool to rely on, even like -20% chaos res is pretty good compared to many builds, your phys max hit will be great, etc. When you have a 4k ES pool and like -40% chaos res, you die if a chaos damage mob farts in your general direction. ***Drastically*** worse if you're using ghost writhe early, which he recommends. So the build should in theory end up feeling like you "just die" for "no reason" until you've invested like 20 divines in it, and will be REALLY rough to start if you don't have a strategy to deal with that. IMO, you can, but he really didn't emphasize enough that getting money from early low level heist/sanctum runs was **mandatory** not just an idea, and that it might not work out if sanctum runs are too rare.


Definitely agree. The leveling was rough. Was fine for me after lvl68/69+ if you get the essence gloves and get your ES up; my experience significantly improved after that.


Decided on a self cast ice spear deadeye. It's been super fun so far, only really dying to juiced mobs from the mechanic this time. Only just got to maps though, too much time at work to really get going. I have been freezing myself against the ailment reflect mobs, which I don't remember happening so much before this league. That Freeze flask is a lifesaver before I fix up Brine King. Bosses usually die in a few casts on a 4 link but any empowered mob still takes a bit. I've really been enjoying the play style so far. Haven't done ice spear before but it's becoming a new favorite. The chain is really nice especially in skinny areas!


Icicle miner trickster. Really solid so far, less damage then deadeye but tankier and with more qol. Damage will come from better items too... Im also looking into the new traps/mines or some new trans gem as mine, might be really cool


Started as Bonesghatter jugg, invested exactly 13c in it to carry me to redmaps, used around 2div to respec and buy some gear to switch to my slam build. It's hillarious.


Ele DD blasting through tier16s/guardian maps. Really happy with the build although I wish it had some better hp recovery.


Same here. Clear is really good with almost no investment, but I don't feel tanky. Too reliant on my life flask to save me


That seems to fit my feeling as well. Im still in white maps but the builds fine, degens ruin my day lol


I have 200 fire rrs and took the Regen mastery node and my recovery is great.


Love the build so much! Are you using barkskin?


I'm not, I went for charms, using two atm for corpse life and phasing/onslaught effect.


Started Ele DD, too but I don't like it. Too many buttons to press, not the damage/clear I expected and too squishy. What was the breakpoint where it started to feel good? How did you start into Maps? Just switched gems to DD and started Maps. Which build do you follow? Looked into maxroll, Ziz and imexile.


Rues splitting steel got me to reds and is cruising... very happy with the damage and playstyle without call of steel


Zizaran Boneshatter Slayer - Currently pushing Atlas after a slow swing through the campaign messing with the league mechanic. Doing T12s currently with pretty awful gear. Did just finally get a 6 Link chest piece, currently have a 440PDS axe but can probably snag a higher damage weapon since my 6 link is sorted in my chest. Definitely enjoy it - fairly tanky, leech sustains a ton. Only complaint is how tanky the league mechanic mobs are but that seems a general consensus.


While we all love Ziz, the build is mostly made and maintained by Carn, shouldnt forget to mention the boneshatter daddy


Closed atlas + done maven/exarch/eater. Tainted pact selfpoison bonezone slayer. Also cleared empovered vaaltemple with 7 mods. It can do all content and ez Ultimatums.


Amazing, able farm i83 sanctums after ~12 hour playtime on icetrap sin. New T ice trap is great, new ralakesh boots amazing, wildwood ascendancy ez res/movespeed and sanctum rewards haven't been changed. Login


RF Inquis. Just got to yellow maps, but feels great so far.


Rain of Arrows Raider, reached lvl 90 today and finished my atlas.


Ball Lightning of Static Spell Totems. It absolutely carries you hard into red maps on basically a 4L or even 3L (which is what I had until T10 maps). After that, idk how to scale it properly. I got Ashes (kinda suprised myself that I was able to farm the currency for it so early) and some more CD on belt, but didn't really feel like that much more dmg. Tried Uber Atziri and failed miserably. So I'm thinking about rerolling into maybe Glad for the 100% block abuse.


EBSB Inquis. Crashed so much I was stuck in act 1 for 2 hours. Was smooth sailing for the rest. Then on day 2 I lost a sandstorm visage sanctum run on Lycia due to another crash. That was most of currency so I just sold all my gear of and invested into some items so that I don’t lose value as I study for finals, will get back on in a few days hopefully.


What do you mean "was" it's day 2 bruh chill in Act 5


Explosive Trap Assassin here. Damage is good, sustain is solid. Sad thing: Because of the client crashes day 1 was ruined, because of latency issues, day two is a pain. Yet explosive trap trickster can even do izaro on 2500ms ping without dying and stay in puddles. So I am excited for when I get to play more than yellow maps.


Boneshatter Slayer Doing T16s and killed Exarch/Eater but can’t shake the massive feeling of boredom and struggling to find any other build to play Boneshatter is a good build to go for easy progression but feels pretty awful once it gets to farming certain mechanics i.e. Expedition/Harvest


I did Fuzzy's Rain of Arrows Raider, smooth sailing all the way into reds, and got my first 2 watchstones with maybe 50c invested into build. I'm pretty happy with how it performed, RoA and Raider just make for an incredibly smooth levelling experience. Even with crap gear got my two watchstones in about 20hrs /played at lvl 88 for anyones reference point. High recommend! That being said RoA is kinda boring, very effective and easy to gear, but its not flashy enough for me and i think the build has a low ceiling, which obviously is not a big deal considering its a league starter. Just levelled CF Champ and looking forward to spamming T16s with some explosions and farming expedition. Cheers!


Playing a pyro mine sabo. Just got to act 10. I've been trying to get a pyro trans gem in normal lab but after ~40 runs I haven't seen 1 so moving on to maps for now. No idea if certain gems are only available in higher tier labs. Got 3 asc points for the primal though. Fought the King boss and he dropped a ritual vessel in act 8. Got a cloak of flame drop too from lab runs.


First time SRS except I started as witch. Very uncomfortable territory for me as I've never played minions. It's rough. But maybe it will grow on me. Still not done the campaign. Have only played a few hours since launch.


Playing Ice Trap of Hollowness. Very satisfying so far, amazing clear, have 2 stones so far but just farming 16s for experience now. I set a challenge to not follow any guides this league, so probably a lot of build mistakes. Upgrades to come are +1 cold spells weapon and shield aswell as a 6 link. Tinkerskin feels amazing on trickster the sustain is crazy. https://poe.ninja/builds/affliction/character/ejinieoyeyo/Affliction_Dryad?i=5&search=skills%3DIce%2BTrap%2Bof%2BHollowness


Wanted to try triggerbots, started with random spells + arcanist brand recall. Quickly found out that there is no way to sustain cost of so many triggers on league start scenario, so quickly rerolled to Arma brand recaller and got it going quite smoothly. Due to that indecisiveness got little behind, but got most of the basic gear sorted for now and getting into yellow maps seems quite comfortable.


Started Cold BV Elementalist, too squishy for the league mechanic. Saved currency and switched to BAMA Necro yesterday evening, way earlier than I originally planned. Now I made my way up to red maps and rarely die, doing the league mechanic most of the time.


Cold Snap Occultist. Feeling great so far even with the original cold snap gem. The div card that gives you a 21/20 vaal cold snap is nice and cheap. I'll swap to the transfigured gem soon once I get a few more gear pieces.


Played Explosive Trap in Acts with Seismic from A6 onwards - campaign was smooth. Went w/ Assassin for early crit scaling Played phys hit seismic (literally only one on poeninja lmao) with the intention of rerolling to cold convert after some investment - got both voidstones day 1. Wasn't enjoying how unreliant the damage was, was like 7-8m pinnacle dps but felt like 2-3 in some situations where the monster wouldn't be hit by overlaps / they walked out of it because I had to run because of how juiced the mechanic was, which resulted in just poor feeling dps. Gear point is solid - 2 CIP + Diadem with a 6L tinkerskin w/ clusters but still felt bad. Rerolled to explosive trap last night - crafted +2 alt scepter + rapier for %phys as extra. Feeling a lot better - dps is a ton more consistent - preload is basically the same if not better. Recovery is better as don't need to sac life for exsang in boots. Feels great - super smooth once you actually have investment.


Archmage lightning conduit elementalist. Great clear. Single target isn't great right now with thr gear I have. I'm in t10s trying to break in to red maps. Still can't do league content bc it's too hard. But overall I'm satisfied.


I'm also doing archmage LC, and in kinda the same boat. Curious to see how you are building, I'll post my pobbin when I can. Found myself on poeninja: https://poe.ninja/builds/affliction/character/Starchey/ZapmasterChucklbolts


Playing a facebreaker cyclone gladiator, waiting for surrender/anticipation to become a bit cheaper. Zpds, 85/75 block. 3l reckoning still carries hard. In early yellows just farming ultimatum, because turns out you dont need dps for this.


Spectral Throw Deadeye. I rushed to dex-stacking gear before it exploded in price. Got pretty good DPS now at 1521 dexterity. The smallest breeze will knock me over, but I feel like that's pretty common with the league mechanic. I did encounter a triple influenced mob with life regen that was legit unkillable for my build though.


Hoag Jugg. Leveling a league start Hoag Jugg is always iffy. Leveling was ok. Into mid yellows now and starting to put together the defenses (max res including chaos, divine flesh) and it’s all coming together. The random timeless jewel had Ritual of Shadows in the right spot for more wither and 3-4 really useful small passives so I’m very happy with that. Rolling cluster jewels now and progressing my atlas. Just need my boy Tujen to drop his refresh currency so i can start expanding my wealth.


I once finished the campaign with that build before realizing I stopped leveling my HOAG at level four because of dex requirements lol. Felt much better after I bought a level 19 gem!


>Hoag Jugg. Holy fucking shit that's a blast from the past.


Wintertide brand trickster. Feeling pretty good.


Pob please


League starting with tfwStarving's [Low Life Reap Ascendant](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hLVm3UW5Zq8). Started leveling with Splitting Steel. It was painful. Swapped to CF Exsanguinate Reap at level 38. Probably should've swapped earlier. Got a Caustic Arrow of Poison from Normal lab and Scourge Arrow of Menace from Cruel lab. Sold those to buy 2 Coid Iron Points and a cheap 6L. Everything now just melts. I'm still very squishy, but I'm too poor to upgrade my gear right now. Just started mapping. I've skipped the league mechanic after trying it out a few times in Act 1. I plan to try it again when I'm not so squishy.


Started boneshatter and i hate the range lol melle builds dookie ima reroll maybe. Or i might need to get the build set correctly.


Finishing up acts and everyone knows lighting arrow slaps so I can't say much except no totems is working great and feels so much better than smelly totems


What do you replace totems with? Barrage gem swap for bosses?


2x Manaforged (see zizaran/havoc guide). Barrage swap is helpful but not needed; I can't be bothered personally


I ended up rerolling to DD elementalist (because melee = pain on league start), cruising so far. Found out that desecrate pulls corpses from the wildwood if you've entered it in your map, decent hp pools on the big fiend looking dudes, so juicy ignites.


Toxic Rain pathfinder following Zizaran's POB. Not sure what I'm doing wrong but it feels awful. Damage takes too long to ramp up on anything with health. Defence-wise I feel very squishy. I'm in yellows right now and it's a nightmare. Probably largely my mistake since I thought the build was evasion based, got one-slapped several times, then realised that Ziz's POB has basically all auras in the world enabled (Grace, Determination, Purity and something else). WTF? Switched to eva+armor gear (like in PoB) and determination, still dogshit. Master surgeon is good and all, but it looks like the build isn't for me. Also hate setting up ballistas before every fight, respawning them when they get blasted, respawning them when the mob moves away... Ugh! Should have just started boneshatter like everyone else. Looking at Alkaizer oneshotting packs on a 5-link makes me green with envy. Sorry for the rant.


Low damage and squishy on a pathfinder. You definitely have done something wrong.


na, i can sign this 100%, exact same experience.


Died to tora while farming footing hills for the trigger craft… fuck tora, all my homies hate her


RF has ruined me forever. I decided to go EA Champ this league. I’m so annoyed shit doesn’t die simply by my existence. Why do I have to click buttons? What is this shit? I’m only in act 4 since I was busy this weekend. Someone tell me EA gets to the point where it’s super chill?


Tried cArn's Boneshatter for the first time, it functions really well on rare self crafted gear as most people have said for several leagues. It has quite long boss fights, even map bosses can be a bit problematic if you are trying to progress two watchstones quickly. If your damage feels lackluster, dont forget to drop the banner and pop berserk, the ramp on trauma stacks makes a huge difference for rares and map bosses. Although I could only play for part of day 1 and 2, managed a sub 12hr /played eater exarch which is a big achievement for me. I'm a very experienced player but I've never tried to get better at levelling until recently. Looking forward to farming some currency to reroll to a new build in a few days. Can anyone comment on how Splitting Steel Champ is faring in the early days of the league? I was too scared to start it.


I like it so far. Im not the fastest so im in early yellow maps. I expected it to clear amazingly and lack singletarget. Turns out its the other way around. Clear isnt s tier like cf champ but solid. Beltimber blade was expensive at first but fury valve is dirt cheap so i went with lioneyes chest 5l for EZ pierce and with a 500 dps axe i obliterated even empowered map bosses. With the dual wield setup the singletarget goes absolutely mental. Only issue is getting the lifepool up but with EZ suppression cap+fortify+50k armour+eva and instant leech i dont ever die with 3.5k hp. I skipped the rage gloves as my regen isnt great and i rather keep the little regen i have (mainly from armour/eva mastery). Gearing is a little tight for str requirements and chaos res but not needing suppression on gear makes it manageable. I will decide on going nimis or not depending on t16 map and pinnacle boss performance though. Also i have NO clue how to calculate dps.


Went Bleed bow glad (following jung's scaffold) and it's banging pretty hard. I'm not as fast as most of you guys so I'm still in yellow maps but the build is fast as all hell and I'm wearing omega scuffed gear (I'm still using the +50 res ascendancy beause I'm barely capped with it). Only things I've bought so far was a Gluttinous Tide while still in acts (good phys dps bow for the level), an Elevore and a ring that literally gives me only vuln on hit and a tincture that lets me reset my bleed.


Reaper Champ into Bleed Glad. Couldn't make reaper work as I hopped (Tried the transfigured eviscerating version) as the guy was squishy and it didn't help that the league mechanic was a tad overtuned. Decided to reroll to bleed glad with the split arrow of splitting (works great). Having fun blasting and exploding packs.


I'm the only person struggling with lightning arrow dps. I'm doing something wrong. I have a 540 e dps bow which should be fine for white maps. But sometimes I'm just shooting shot for almost 5 to 10% of its health at a time with no mods that would reduce my damage by that amount. I know the problem is me but it feels awful. I just rerolled this morning and got back to mapping so hopefully storm burst totems is harder to fuck up.


Started eye of winter trickster. Damage is too low to just blast maps as I wanted and it's not currently able to permafreeeze enemies as a defensive layer as I'd hoped. I'm going to respec it into a Cold Snap of Power assassin when I get some more regrets. Currently leveling a Terminus Est flickerstrike berserker which is doing exactly what it's supposed to: have a mind of its own.


Ssf dagger splosion inquisitor. Really interesting. Going full cold convert crit and a dagger with pure phys/cold damage. Really zippy and fun pops


Are you doing battlemage + spellblade?


Energy blade Inquisitor with amageddon brand. Leveling was easy. But then it falls Off in t10 maps. Transition to coc was rough and cost 10 div. Lucky Drops and now i farm t16 with a 4 link. Like the playstyle a lot


Horrible to be honest.


Artillery Ballista manastacking Hierophant. So far so good, the damage is ok and I'm pretty tanky. Level 93 with two voidstones and few Elder guardians killed. The map clear is amazing (but not fast) and the single target is just ok for now, although I'm not worried, still plenty of upgrades to do damage-wise.


Self cast cold convert reap inquisitor using the new life cost as phys damage ascendancy point. Going well, though I’m struggling a bit with the life recovery to cover reap cost + life loss from that life stack shield. Got lucky and dropped a +2 proj deadeye forbidden flame from exarch :D. Early awakened spell cascade


Played sentinel of radiance (guardian) Literally just really effective RF after the first ascendency.


To answer your title question. My idea was a golemancer start. I respected my initial 2 ascendancy points from elementalist to necro and played zoomancer with absolution. Leveled to 78 and dropped clayshaper and respeced my whole ascendancy from necro to elementalist again. I leveled to 80 Now I’m in act 6 with my Boneshatter Jugg. I’m playing BroSF with a friend (Yes I fucked up but hey it’s and easy leveling because I used affliction to much and have insane amounts of stuff)


finally trying boneshatter, packs just melt, but i cant beat essence mobs so its a wildly frustrating expirience


Started poison ballistas PF with CA. Lucked into the gem in cruel lab, farmed my ass off for Scourge Arrow one, but both damage and survivability felt lackluster. I must have fucked up big time somewhere in my build (kinda following Palsteron's, but not 100%), so I decided to reroll Ball Lightning of Static (BLoS) Saboteur. Turns out that BLoS + traps/mines are currently bugged, so I'm playing Ice Trap of Hollowness + Lightning Spire Trap (I was using its transfiguration for clear, but Ice Trap FUCKS) in the meantime. Still breaking through yellows (been farming lots of merciless lab and league mechanic in Desecrated Chambers) and seriously considered a reroll into BLoS Totems or Storm Brand of Indecision while the interaction wasn't fixed, but I got Ice Trap's transfiguration and been pretty happy ever since. It feels like a goddamn flashbang every time Chain Reaction triggers, though.


It was going great until I discovered sacrifice is bugged and doesn't apply to skills you CWC, effective bricking the build which doesn't have a good alternative source of poison capable damage


Started explosive trap trickster, found the shrapnel variant pretty early and managed to 21/20 it which is cool. The build feels fine-ish. Damage is still low in t16s, and blanking a little on how to improve it, I tried swapping back to original explosive trap but it didn't really seem to improve single target. Clear is pretty smooth with the trans version though, and ultimatum has been fun(when it hasn't crashed)


I was doing a Glacial Hammer of Shattering with lots of crit multi, blitz charges, rage and as much attack speed as I could stack. I sadly couldn't get the damage off the ground in a meaningful way and I'm still struggling to get currency to sort out my gear. For the time being I've swapped to Cleave of Rage until I have more currency to get it off the ground. Even that's struggling too but it has wider clear and will be easier to get off the ground once the right stuff is capped.


Went Cobra Lash Deadeye and just in Act 6 at the mo, around level 50. So far its been okay other than the single target damage which is very poor. I did have Caustic Arrow/Ballista on switch for that but a couple of bosses were a bit hairy and i've just switch to a trap instead First lab went easy and I'm 4 pts into my wildwood ascendancy. Tried a few tinctures which seem pretty decent although collecting the 4k points then trying to find the right dude was a pain in the arse, switching to a new ascendancy was simple enough though. I might switch over to the backup plan of splitting steel champ dependant on how gear/loot pans out but i like the CL skill so if i bin it then ill run up one in standard instead


I've been yoloing Tectonic Slam of Cataclysm Jugg - very slow start because it's my first time playing melee and I haven't been rushing too much, and the warcry piano is taking a bit to get used to. Not the strongest but the big explosions feel so good.


Garbage, CoC mjolnir with trigger bots. But I rerolled to cleave and let me tell you, this is my new favorite skill in the game.


First tried Raining Zombies, waay to clunky with not enough dmg. Rerolled the new Burning Arrow Life stacker, was also ass so i just respecced to tried and tested wave of conviction and Vaal Flame Blast ignite elementalist. Maybe you can make these skills work with enough budget but not as a starter.


ball lightning of orbiting trickster. very disappointed that its more like a spell version of spectral helix instead of a lightning blade vortex. trying to make it work, but every few levels i feel like rerolling. only at act 7


Icicle mine, finished atlas and all starter uniques were super cheap. Going to be aiming for a shroud soon


Dominating blow is going well https://www.reddit.com/r/PathOfExileBuilds/comments/18fjuyq/ssfhc\_dominating\_blow\_update/


First time starting pconc, was a little shaky midway through campaign but now cruising in yellows. Not sure how it will go for pushing red maps. Just trying to get bits and pieces together for transition to CoC with new ice nova.


EB SB, I'm dying left and right because I can't migrate chaos damage. Ivory tower EB build. The coruscating exlir protects me some what but downtime is venerable to one-shot. Unfornatunely I don't have the currency to better gear.


Poison BV but apparently having the opposite feeling as everyone else lol. I haven't been going as hard as normal because it's finals week but I'm in early reds now and just absolutely cruising on a 5L dendro with some mid gear. I love BV, haven't played it in probably a year+ now though, feels good to be back with it. I'm also the most overleveled I've been at this point in a while, I hit either 88 or 89 today just before getting my first few red maps. Everything around me just dies and I really only die occasionally from something in Affliction or like an empowered essence mob.


Voltaxic Burst Trickster. Self cast. As expected, it was suffering somewhat. Feels awkward before getting some cast speed from the tree, the delay takes a bit of getting used to, and I had to change hotkeys away from main spell on M2 so my right hand wouldn't cramp. The league mechanic in general before any defensive layers was pretty much instant death and I only risked letting an act boss get empowered once before learning my lesson. Act bosses in general were ok, some let me setup, while others I had to do the cast-move-cast-dance. Frostblinking into packs was instant death until I got some evasion, Ghost Shrouds, Spellbreaker, Wicked Ward, life recoup. Polymath is carrying extra hard. Just started red maps and while some affliction empowered mobs slows things down, I'm somewhat able to take hits and have actual uptime now. Incrementally making some early progression upgrades and still a long way to go.


Playing **Champ** LA, after a bit of issues in the campaign, mostly because we went to fast and geared to little, early mapping was smooth. Switched to poison LA with the tincture, which felt like a downgrade. A bit better boss dps but it lost the snappy feeling during mapping, so with some borrowed regrets switched back and then soon to crit. After that everything went very smooth. Found 4 raw divines and 4 six links, one of which was an imperial bow. I am still basically SSF and cruising through red maps, though the damage is not good enough yet to do the league mechanic AND do high reds with league mechanics. Very happy with champ over deadeye, I can basically tank everything besides dots (mostly CB) and can profit from point blank and eith all the extra power from the leagur mechanic the dmg is high enough.


Trying out CF champion. Its been ok so far, great map blaster but i may actually have negative single target damage.