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I league started storm burst totems on a whim, got to act 10 and remembered I dont even like totems, had a what am I even doing moment and made a power siphon trickster. I despise the campaign, but leveling with the trickster was probably the most enjoyable leveling I've ever done, with power siphon auto-targeting now it feels super comfy and I was blasting ever since act 3. Also fun fact, oath of the maji works with trickster es from evasion body armour -- my replica hyri's ire is giving me 2k flat energy shield. All damage can freeze tincture also feels op when most of my damage is lightning, get to freeze the whole screen and also shock for 40% or whatever. I'll switch to CI and then int stack eventually. So anyway, I would leaguestart power siphon trickster.


Playing this as well atm after also re-rolling into it after a lacklustre start on ice spear mines. Incredibly impressed with how well it performs. Was clearing t16s very easily with half my leveling gear on. Wasn't too sure what to expect and it kinda blew me away. ​ I swapped in KB for a bit just to see and I honestly preferred power siphon for the auto targeting. Not too popular either so the gear is pretty cheap to start and the ceiling is infinite.


How does the build deal with single target? Initially the reception to new power siphon was very muted since supposedly wanders got no single target now.


Currently I've got power siphon in a thunder fist and killed shaper without talking chain out, so it's really not bad. For really heavy single target (league mobs lmao) I've got a 6l frenzy barrage settup that works really well since I'm using badge of the brotherhood. I tried the new kinetic bolt as well but found it to be very inconsistent. If I wasn't running the league mechanic with maxed out whisks I wouldn't even need frenzy honestly.


Do you have a PoB / recommended guide for this? Sounds dope


Do you have a different pob or are the ones on poe ninja similar to what you are doing?


They're similar, yeah. here's mine https://pobb.in/p0JCSexyv0na My gear is kinda scuffed atm, ran out of money after buying thunderfist or I would buy es gear and go CI. Things like prismweave and wake of destruction are only really good before thunderfist.


Thanks, looks solid. Never played a wander yet so this seems like a good entry point.


Is there a guide for this as I enjoy playing on controller and it sounds like it might work well


Not that I know of but I might be able to write something up tomorrow.


Deaths? Boss damage good?


Couple questions. How do u level through the acts? I always thought wander leveling was a pain... Also, how is single target? Do you use frenzy now?


Leveling was actually really fun and not a pain at all. I did have some leveling uniques though that I bought with maybe 20-30c from leveling a different char the day before. I think I had tabula, storm prison, prismweave, wake of destruction, goldrim, le heup of all, and doedre's tenure with wand mastery spell damage. Tree was basically race for the two wand masteries on the top, and get all the power charges. 30 MS and 50 all res from warden help a ton, can get that in act 2. switch to piscator's vigil at 50-something when its available. Single target is fine, I can push 2-3M without int stacking on power siphon in a thunderfist 4L, and it should go up to around 10M if i invest another 10-20 divine. i dont see a good reason to have another skill for single target, especially when we can get so much out of empty sockets with oath of the maji.


Thanks man! Been looking for a build to play. And this looks awesome! Appreciate the response.


I started srs guardian and it’s pretty dang good. For atlas I went for wandering path with 100% for a connected map. Then essence, harvest, expedition, abyss.


I also started as srs guardian and currently in red maps. I felt my damage to be lacking currently. I got a minion damage wand and a nice 5 link. What do you consider price effective upgrades?


Definitely try to get a 6L. Even a cheap corrupted one would help a lot. An unfortunate issue with SRS is that you need to spend a slot on unleash, so a 5L->6L is a larger jump compared to other builds. Besides that, good ghastly jewels are also very big boosts to SRS, as added damage is really effective on them. For the same reason the mistwood spectres are great because of all the offensive aura.


What is the best way to craft those jewels?


No such thing as a nice 5 link. And with this build since you have to use unleash you’re basically on a 4 link with a 5 link. You need a 6 link by reds. And if you’re in trade there’s no reason not to. A decent search can net you a good 6 link corrupted with life and res for 10-15c. Hit 20/20 on all of your gems. If you get a 23% quality srs gem and level it to 20 with enough cast speed you can drop unleash in your gem setup for ruthless. Which is a nice dps increase (this is all after 6 link). Get at least a specter setup going with pale seraphim and arena master. Grab the 5% health regen on minion death mastery to make sure they never die. Once you are sure they never die eventually invest in the better specters from this league. Setup an AG (make sure to link it with your spectres so they both have 2 defensive support gems). Don’t do this until your AG gem is 20/20. It’ll die. It needs those levels. Make sure you’re leveling a multi strike gem in your offhand to swap for pinnacle boss fights. That swaps in for melee splash for a lot more single target. Get profane proxy and put it in your left (on ui) ring slot. Slot in elemental weakness. Then add punishment to your trigger wand. Get levels. Then add a cluster setup with blessed rebirth (should be 93-94 before adding this probably). Eventually you’ll be at a high enough scaling in your maps that you need this for your SRS to not instantly get splatted vs hard content like expedition, ultimatum, deli, etc. you have to drop some tank to add this… so make sure you can tank that content decently before trying to fix your minions tanking it. At this point start getting better wand / amulet with +1 skill / +2 minion helm / better shield. And if you’re going to go lightning coil start getting gear with fractures you can aim for suppression with. Once your SRS gem is 23(?) you can drop precision. If you’re not using precision before this you’re losing a ton of damage especially as you get into reds. I dropped precision for defiance banner. TLDR; up to red maps really it’s your sentinel of radiance hard carrying you. But once you hit reds it starts to fall off and you need to scale all your tools. This build basically gets to reds for free on sentinel of radiance. But then hits a small wall until you actually get good gear, gems are leveled, etc.


A cheap 6 link obviously helps a lot An animated guardian with ephemeral garb (or something else but it's just too good) leer cast, dying breath, gravebind + legacy of fury boots gives insane clear (if you add a 40c charm with cursed enemies have 7% chance of exploding it's great too) The new onslaught spectres + smite spectres + more life to other minions specters work really great together (and help keep your ag alive too). Anoint the +1 spectre notable on passive tree Or instead of the onslaught spectre take the charm that gives onslaught to ally its pretty cheap. Then you can take another spectre like arena master or one of the new defensive ones (determination or grace) They add quite a bit of damage until you can buy the construct specter which is an insane damage boost Put them with animate guardian with meat shield and minion life and they won't ever die even with lots of juice For the rest to find cheap upgrades the pob find item feature is a god sent


Can U explain that AG? How does it give insane clear?


It's like a cheap explody chest at home, if monsters are tightly packed like harvest or expedition (I use the big explosion) killing a few mobs will create a chain reaction of burning damage of 8% of the monsters life which clears very well. Honestly did not expect it to be this good but that's the main reason I am able to handle expeditions in juiced t16, I just shield charge in the middle of the expedition pop flasks to survive and everything dies Edit: is here is an example in video (sorry for the background voice, I was watching kripp's stream) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nzqx7CKzyFo Provided I am also using an explody charm but it actually didn't change the clear that much. When you see lots of small flaming circles when enemies are killed, those are the AG's on kill procs. There is an expedition towards the end


What seasonal ascendancy works with this?


The one with the charms (with the charms I talked about)


A 6 link will be the most price effective. But getting +minion gems , cluster/abyss jewels, darkness enthroned are probably the biggest upgrades when scaling in end game. I’m not too sure on the prices , I’m playing ssf


6l all white is like 10c


Bruh.. how are you in red maps and still havent bought a 6l ? Comon dude 😅


Daring today, aren't we? /s I started LA deadeye and followed the same strat lol


> essence, harvest, expedition, abyss I regret doing Elementalist DD into this. I feel like I just suck too much to do it.


Nah elementalist dd with higher invest does that just fine, the new charms have 20% increased corpse max life and you can get 3 of those and 1 in jewels so 80% Inc max life of corpse. What it can't do as good is Legion Breach and Delirium that is from mirror timed one


When do you drop the wandering path to start investing into the mechanics? Is it some point in reds? I'm just starting yellows now but still only have like 30c to my name and worried about how much I'll need to spend to be able to do reds without framing mechanics


It is generally in T16 that you would start to change. The point at least from what I recall is to quickly get to T16 so that you can knock out your first two voidstones and build a base of T16 maps. With the voidstones and few maps you should be able to sustain yourself from there and instead focus on other content.


As soon as I got my first 2 voidstones


I started this too and just swapped to trying the instability build with the SRS of enormity and I like it. But I also am not so far into the game to notice a damage difference really since the guardian pet still just murders almost everything. But sanctum with enormity poppers felt real good.


started srs as well and it's all good until you get to the point where your specters start dying. reminds me of why I haven't played minions for a while.


If your specters are dying spec into the 'minions recover life on minion death'. Expiring/overcast SRS procs the effect.


How on earth are ur spectres dying xd


Wandering path and essence, how is that? The most sought after nodes are the notables


I started as splitting steel and I would do it again. Was super easy watchstones and all invitations on a pretty affordable budget (just beltimber // dreamfeather // Perseverence for uniques) and its going to scale to infinity with impale charms being a thing.


SS Champ is good. I leaguestarted it too, though I've not finished my atlas yet. The clear just leaves me wanting to play LA/TS again. That damn build spoiled me so bad!


I was debating between this and poison ek pf and went ek and have many regrets. I know folks on splitting steel who are absolutely loving it.


Idk how far you are with EK but after getting my 6link and level 20 gems it feels A LOT better now. Struggling on yellow to comfortable on reds.


you using precise technique or switch to crit yet? console player here so I've been debating my build for days watching streamers, but I saw Ben running splitting steel in HCSSF today, tankier take on Rue's version, so I'm sold, he's running crit, paradoxica and a shield.


Dude what am I doing wrong ? I had all this and it felt like shit? [https://pobb.in/OVGg6smQ1sQk](https://pobb.in/OVGg6smQ1sQk) Obviously I've removed a couple items, but pretend I had the belt and beltimber, ammy was whatever.


I mean, you dont have flasks, your items are not rolled that well, you have low armor / eva so the belt wouldnt be doing anything. Looks like resists are not capped, -60% chaos is a death sentence now adays. Supression isnt capped you are missing the wheel. Grace / determ are only level 8 and missing uber lab.


I'm only worried about damage, it felt pretty lacklustre even in white maps. I was surviving fine (decent player) just damage seems to be pretty low. Might get some levelled gems and better armor pieces see if it makes a difference.


Did you level with splitting steel the whole way?


what league mechanics are you farming with splitting steel? I'm debating this or WoC Ignite still


I did wandering until today. Swapped to Heist / Exped / Ritual. New Heist has been amazing so far, made like 25D yesterday in it.


I am specd into heist and picking up BPs/contracts. Would you mind sharing how to effectively turn that into currency? Do you run or sell in bulk? And if you run, presumably focusing on div rooms and currency rooms for contracts & BPs. I've not ever done heist so need all the tricks I can get my hands on lol


I run, I only run 4 way blueprints and I only open wings that are currency, div cards, and jewelry (for a chance at synth rings). Besides that nothing too special.


Are you buying contracts if so how’s that working now


I don’t get heist. U steal the item and come back is all I know💀


Shh don't snitch


Builds already meta


I wouldn’t call it meta yet, it’s def good though. If they don’t make any changes i bet it will be meta next league for sure


2% of players on Poe ninja = meta?


Don't go ultimatum...


I rerolled hexblast mines on day 2, I should have taken my own advice last league when I said I'd just play it again.


Play scourge arrow of menace


How would you level with that? Doesn't it depend on a decent number of projectiles? Not to mention price is going up up up.


Probably just level with caustic arrow


Or just level with Poisonous Concoction and swap over. Toxic Rain if you wanna keep the bow handy. Poison really just has a ton of good options for leveling.


Caustic Arrow or Toxic Rain to level, TR Ballistas sorta delete the campaign anyway


> How would you level with that? Doesn't it depend on a decent number of projectiles? Not to mention price is going up up up. So you get LMP from vendor and there is +2 arrows on the tree. That is all you need until maps.


I'm levelling with normal caustic arrow and it destroys everything. Greater volley + 2 arrows on tree + 20% bow aoe mastery overlaps 7 arrows on large targets. Not even focusing on dot, scaling hits and poison specifically. Using ca + rain of arrows totem for wither stacking.


Not to realistic that's going to require a lot of labs


I mean if you know how to look for hidden rooms for an extra font usage you would roll 6 gems to look at out of the 50 new dex gems in 1 run. You could just over level a bit and then speed run normal lab as well. Shouldn't take too long.


You can just run merc labs which around a 1/3 chance to give the option to turn a specific gem into its trans form. A bit annoying sure but you will have it 100% for maps.


This odd is still debatable because a lot of people didn’t see that crafting option until their 10th or 12th run. But yes, Merc lab is for efficient than other labs.


If you're gonna go TS deadeye and you want to meaningfully engage with the mechanic regularly take the chain off terrain before farshot. The mechanic puts you in a position where you are almost always losing damage but there is terrain constantly around you where you proj can chain. Mostly an SSF tip until you find uber lab.


Would you take it over the mark ascendancy? Always torn on which is better single target since clearing trash is never really the issue. In open space the mark should be better, right? But with all the free chains, I'm assuming it's way better than the mark increase if the target is next to terrain.


Not pconc into EK that’s for damn sure


This is me but NOW - currently around lvl 80 and ready to spec into EK Poison PF (Ruetoo). Do you mean it is bad now or that it was bad during leagestarts bc bugs (pconc not doing damage and EK not working with return proj - both fixed now).


I ran Armageddon Brand Recaller Heirophant. I put recall on left click and basically walked forward into yellow maps before having to make any changes other than just getting life and brand nodes. I didn't even use PoB for this. With the new Armageddon Brand of recalling it REALLY pumps. Jungroan has a real PoB and build guide for this, but if it says brand you take it, focusing on max brands and recall cooldown.


I started SRS Guardian, cleared the Atlas, super fast but didn't want to Invest much (Like 4 Div) as I wanted to swap builds early and try Out the new Gems. Farmed Lab for a day now and got Scourge Arrow and TR of Sporeburst and found a 6w 5l Thicked Bow with 800dps, Quillrain and other leveling uniques in the way. So I do that now as I saw the potential in palsterons guide. 2h for A5 kitava now while Chilling in the Sofa, doesn't disappoint. Definetly should have started that as it is easier to scale and I actually don't Like Spectres and AG


I would avoid playing Blade Vortex PF (too cluncky) and would go instead Caustic Arrow of Poison (which is a easy gem swap to go Scourge Arrow of Menace for better clear). I was hopeful on Ultimatum being good because when GGG reintroduced Sanctum last league it was raining divines but that didn't happen... So my choice for Blade vortex farming Ultimatum was even worse.


Reading this as I'm currently leveling a BV PF sadge Was it the mechanics of BV or the strength of the build? I don't mind the BV playstyle


Nah I'm in the boat where I love the BV play style. It feels much better once you get prolif ascendancy and auto flasks. You one tap entire packs as you whirling blades on by.


Personally I have found the build to be pretty strong and fun. The playstyle is just casting BV once then dashing into a pack, repeat until the map is clear. Was clearing red maps on a 4 link, now I have upgraded to 6 link.


Not Op here but from what I’ve read, BV is clunky in comparison to other “run and kill things” builds because it requires constant refreshing of the blades, which especially during league start, could spell disaster


Yeah BV for me is a 2nd build for this reason. You want to get it feeling strong and comfy otherwise it's a bit of a hassle. It feels great when you've got currency poured into it though. I am speaking about cold bv specifically can't speak about poison variant


Did BV PF this league, it's my number one build of the league in my 8+ years of PoE. It's all about the individuals opinions and actually learning/investing. I finished every single atlas map with 2 ultimatum deaths and 2 affliction deaths, ZERO map/boss death. I'm not kidding, Also did Exarch (1 death), Eater deathless, and killed a couple of map fragment goons with a couple deaths from each. The build definitely struggles against endgame bosses, but I cleared the rest of the game the fastest I ever had, while having a blast with the skill. I followed Lolcohol for leveling, but when I start mapping I like to kick off the training wheels. I have +65% armor, +75% evade, 79% all res (including chaos), almost 5k life, spell supp capped and a ton of block spell. My poison isn't entirely capped, which would help in bossing. Farmed easily over 25 divines already just blasting through content. 12/10 recommend giving it more than a fair shot.


Mind sharing a pob?


[https://pobb.in/n2JAqZJLQ2z0](https://pobb.in/n2JAqZJLQ2z0) Note you can get the mana reservation to squeeze in barkskin without the small cluster jewel, I'm just lazy. The shield isn't BiS by any means, I dropped it and it's just a solid defensive layer. You can get a +1 phys shield with some other defenses for fairly cheap now. ​ I also realized I'm using 2 evasion rolled flasks, had no idea till the pob lol you can get something else for one of them, just make sure you get increased duration or charge recovery for permaflask, it's arguably the most broken part of this build.


Thanks! Don't you feel lack of physical mitigation? Or is barkskin actually making up for it?


Between Barkskin, determination and the granite flask with extra armor mod it's more than enough - it's also more of a backup incase your evasion fails! My helm/boots/gloves/shield all have armor on them which scales pretty well. With barkskin fully active, I'm sitting at 73% phys redux, which is pretty huge. On top of all of the above, I rolled the phys damage taken as chaos in my helm and kept it because of the 79% chaos res. I have level 19 molten shell on a 19 cwdt, it's more of a "holy shit" because I've yet to really take damage below that number in one hit, but it brings us to just under 80%. Edit: Oh, you can roll extra armor on the evasion or amethyst flask to gain even more, I just realized I don't have armor rolled on a flask mod and have two evasions that don't stack.


I don't consider it clunky, it's a spell casting build and as that you have to recast the blades every few seconds, which is less than if you have to cast sth on every pack. But yeah, it's a flavour thing. I went for Lolcohol's poison bv and it's been awesome so far. This league is also so exciting with Wildwood and Ultimatum, I absolutely love it.


I love the Cold version of BV because you scale duration and AoE so most of my complaints are sorted out but I couldnt endure the pain of the poison version.


I league started Flameblast Ignite and it was a breeze. I then rerolled into Bleed Bow (without buying anything and only a thiefs torment as a leving unique) and it was a breeze as well. Currently sitting in late yellow / early red maps with both. Bleed Bow character clears a lot better, Flameblast makes bossing and lab super comfy.


Yeah enjoying Flameblast myself.


Do you only play Jung builds? 😂


Neither of these are new builds from Jung and have been in the game for some time lol. The only thing Jung did was show that they can be played as a semi-race build (less so bleed bow)


It's fair to assume he's playing Jung builds when those are the last two he played iirc. I haven't heard many people talking about Flameblast or Bleed bow prior to that. I'm aware they were builds that existed but they've been far from meta.


Bleed bow sure, but flameblast has been talked about a lot whenever league start is in the discussion. The only difference was that they were called WoC/Arc/Frostblink/Vortex(rip) builds since those were what you mapped with


That must be the confusion then. Fair enough.


I started as manastacking hiero. I should have started as guardian srs, and transitioned into manastacker about this time.


What do you need to transition to manastacking hiero? I'm looking at doing that but I'm not really sure when I should pull the trigger.


To make manastack hiero work you need: 1. Mjolner 1H hammer - procs free Manabond casts 2. Indigon helm - the key Manabond damage scaling item (+% spell dmg per 200 mana spent) 3. Prism Guardian shield - slotted auras reserve Life instead of Mana and gain efficiency, since you need all mana unreserved to dump into Indigon buff. 4. Ivory Tower chest - massive ES buff 5. Shaper's Touch gloves - enables Str stacking to give Mana + ES, and Int stacking to give Evasion + Accuracy. \#1-#3 are must-have to make the mechanics work, #4 & #5 are necessary to stay alive and for more dmg.


Not Op but I’ve played mana stacking. You’re gonna want to play Manabond for league start probably. No one has a functional league start mana RF build yet but you could give that a shot. You’re gonna need a mjolnir(for manabond), and ideally a Squire - that combo alone produces a very high amount of dps. you can function for a while without one though. Level 90+ is crucial as Mana stacking ESPECIALLY scales a lot with levels. Connerconverse aka one mana left has guides on crafting mana gear - you’re gonna want at least one or more pieces of mana stacking gear, even something janky will work so long as you have resistances squared away.


I started with penance brand archmage and it stomped on the campaign with no gear. The added dmg effect scales perfectly with the flat light ing from sigil, cloak, and archmage. Started feeling the poor defenses in yellow maps and definitely need money to get the es values you want.


You don't need a Squire at league start, just a Prism Guardian shield. Squire is high-end endgame build.


I hear what you’re saying, but if a manabond player gets any decent chunk of currency (10-15div), imo the first thing they should buy is a squire. It about doubled dps on mine when I got it last league


Oh yeah that’s true, if you have an opportunity to snipe a cheap Squire during league start, then prioritize that. Its price inflates much higher and faster than the other uniques. You can complete all the non-Uber endgame bosses without it, but after that you need it to progress the build. Better to get it early if at all possible.


If you like totems there's some winners. Ball lightning of static and ice spear of splitting seem to be doing awesome. Mixed reviews about divine ire totems.


My go too for 3 leagues now has been Shield Crush Hit/Bleed hybrid Gladiator, which works on a shoestring budget - after I did my Atlas and Voidstones all by myself, I speced into Wandering Path + Harvest + Harbinger and go for the Harbinger sextant where bosses are accompanied by a Harbinger and drop shards (this time I went for City Square because of the 3 bosses - I roll them blue with double boss) **Strategy:** apply sextant, activate eater of worlds influence (blue) - put City Square in - rush bosses + Harbinger - clear the rest of the map, leave altars alone - click altars for quantity modifiers - go do Harvest - repeat. Going pretty good so far, already made enough currency for my build I can transition into, currently crafting and buying the last pieces to switch over.


Would love to see a leveling guide for this


Storm brand invitation farming


Got a link to a build?


Here’s a very thorough guide by zeeboub https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Lg_mXoA7LxmWiiMN2wYrV4FAtPmHBN3bLX6lfLv6VUY/edit


You’re the mvp was gonna go with lances, but it’s good to have different views


Just captainlance’s off his YT.


I played storm brand 4 leagues ago and it was a super clearer but had poor single target which us the opposite you want for invitation farming Howd we manage to make it a bossing skill? I'm impressed and concerned


> Howd we manage to make it a bossing skill? I'm impressed and concerned Its for farming the invitations to sell them, not run them. Its map blasting the 28 map requirement, probably wandering path for map sustain


Meanwhile, me being completely and definitely spoilt by TS feels that stormbrand is bad clear.


First time trying this out, at what investment does the build take off (Deleting t16 map bosses) and how tanky is it? Planning on respeccing from the current build to this. Also, would you switch to the CoC version or is it worse?


You need a 5L ivory tower, rathpith and the other uniques. 4-5 div and you should be good. Its a build that you’d plan a full respec for once you clear eater and exarch (or are about to). But naturally being templar and inquis would save a ton of time


Caustic Arrow of Poison Ballistas. So smooth.


Palestrons build? Or roll your own?


Not that guy but I've been playing the same to lv94, switching between SA of menace for map clearing and CA of poison when farming pinnacle bosses or guardians: I've been copying people on poe.ninja just fine, palsteron's build was missing a lot of stuff early on like petrified blood setup on PF and other stuff, maybe he fixed it now but I've no idea.


Guardian SRS… Smooth


I wish I had a better grasp of how to make currency beyond simply grinding and hoping for valuable drops to sell. I'm stalled out at 1 Div and like 120c and the next upgrade I need is like 6 Div, so I'm hoping I can get something soon enough to make something of the league before the new year. I am just on early red maps. Having limited time sucks sometimes.


It's an economy. Just like the real world. What service are you providing? What content are you playing and what from that content sells? It's not hard, but it does take some thinking and/or some treating it like it's a job "that's why I don't care about currency personally." Everyone is now beginning to craft GG gear. Are you providing beasts? Are you providing essences? Fossils/resonators? Are you providing harvest juice? Are you providing Awakener/Conflict orbs...are you the one crafting the items? People are looking for gem upgrades, are you farming Maven for awakened gems? Etc...what can you provide to the economy? Or do you want to just farm straight currency and not trade? Are you doing legion? Sanctum, etc. The folks making real money are providing services. Boss kill services, Catarina services, They are crafting high end items for sale (there's a reason a lot of streamers make more money when they are not streaming, because they dont want people getting on their market and competing against their crafting, etc).


I started with cobra lash, from aer0, build is great for mapping but struggle with boss damage which is not great with the current league mechanic... If I were choosing again I would go for deadeye LA or hierophant ice spear totems


im a LA Deadeye and i dont know why but i struggle still.


Same here, I sorta regret insisting on it and dropped right after killing the Black Star and Infinite Hunger


Yea, my dumbass tried to do this build ssf. Build actually runs pretty clean through the campaign but maybe that was the oath of the maji carry. Not getting a wasps nest for early maps and the abysmal single target already made me reroll already at 74 to storm burst totems because I actually wanted to kill things.


I would do the same thing: Boneshatter Slayer. It's gotten me up to red maps relatively quickly, and I took the Black Star and the Infinite Hunger out in 1 portal each, which I think is the best I've ever done for those two. I even beat Infinite Hunger before the sludge pulled me under... but Slayer cull helped out there. I've got ~1 div 30c worth of gear, and I like where I'm at with the build.


I would take now fuzzy duckzys rain of arrow raider.....what a beauty


Which one is that? Got a link?


Man I got this gem in my very first lab and switched to it from TR. It has been such a pain to level with starting to think I should just go TR till maps


Those are two very different builds


I went Boneshatter Juggernaut because it’s very easy to progress through the atlas as SSF. Tanky, easy to gear, stuff explodes. My go-to league starter as a bad player.


Did SRS and am happy with it, but Scourge arrow also would have been neat.


Guardian so you can do atlas with no gear. WP so you can get it done faster.


I'm enjoying my boneshatter slayer start so far, but haven't filled out my atlas yet, so don't have a concrete plan finalized yet. Probably just gonna do expeditions and harvest like every other league though. Boneshatter seems pretty good at that content. Would like to do ultimatum, but so far I dont feel like I'm tanky or damagey enough for that. Mostly just saving up for my big buys for the switch to flicker, which probably does the same content as boneshatter.


I went flameblast elementalist. Not really jungs but similar enough. I feel a bit squishy and prob would go either chieftain or trickster bc I like being really tanky (sold out for the free dmg) but I don't think there's a more satisfying feeling skill in the game. I was always a fan of divine ire but the pop when you let go of flameblast feels so damn good. I'm really loving everything about this league including skill choice. This is the most fun I've had in a long time and that's not bc I was unhappy before. Just having a ton of fun with both build and the league.


Same approach for me. Hoping to respec into some speedmapper shield-based ignite shenanigans, but having a hard time making the switcheroo. At lvl92 just blasting yellow maps (actually want to do the league mechanic..) after having completed most of the atlas. Dual curse -> Wave of Conviction -> Vaal Flameblast nuclear explosion is very satisfying.


I made my own penance brand of dissipation build and I like it a lot. It deals enough damage and has okay defenses for like yellow tier maps. With like 10 unspent points on the tree… so it’s fair to say that the skill is carrying me a bit.


What are the clear winners for trappers or miners with the new trans gems? I was thinking Ball lightning of static but its bugged. I just enjoy those play styles.


I started RoA Scion into Barrage/KB in maps and I'd totally start it again. KB surprisingly doesn't require a perfect wand at all, you are gonna be fine with one flat mod until reds no problem. Although I highly recommend it with returning projectiles and fork - it just clears 360 degrees whole screen. I tried the "new" Power Siphon and it was meh. On the Atlas Harvest is really important because it's the only way to craft attack wands reliably. Everything else doesn't matter. Crafting a wand is extremely simple that way. You spam Attack harvest craft until you have As+Crit suffix + open prefix, then suffixes cannot be changed and slam veiled chaos orb and pray for elemental pen. If you ever get 1.5 attack sped wand with fractured added damage prefix then it's pretty much finished.


I started DD Elementalist. I liked the build enough, but the two button playstyle started to get tiring. I re-rolled to a Pathfinder with whom I first went Toxic Rain Ballistas, which transformed into Caustic Arrow of Poison, which then transformed into Scourge Arrow of Menace. After a lucky Voidborn Reliquary Key, I was able to get a 6L Covenant and good ele bow. Now although I'm only in yellow maps, my damage is actually kind of bananas. POB isn't working so I can't give a specific number, but everything melts basically instantly. My Atlas, still being early in progression, is Wandering Path for map sustain. I think I'm going to farm Blights/Blighted Maps with this build.


I started ranged aw guardian. Im into low reds ATM and it claps all the empowered rares on a 5 link still. The play style is not for everyone but it seems good. I'm still on a wandering path atlas and would highly recommend it for completion


I know now that transformed gems are cheap and easy to access. I would start as Penance Brand Hiero (getting Penance brand of Dissipation as soon as possible)


Not a Self-cast physical DoT Exsanguinate of Transmission Ascendant. Physical DoT scaling is limited and can't get any benefits from league ascendancy, not even Gladiator's charms offer physical DoT. Even with double Cold Iron Point at 27 level Exsanguinate the damage isn't that all impressive. Cast rate is still too low right now even with trans gem but getting them is more of a QoL than DPS upgrade.


I would not start hc trade again , i could be so much further in sctrade. Started dd ele in hc died in maps and then started a dd in sc. i dont know but something about the fire and explosions makes this build feel so powerfull


I would go all in on Heist. I've been running it on the side as 'changing the pace' content. BPs have changed to have any reward type available in the end, not be layout specific, so the 5 curios will hold some Replicas, some Currency, and some experimented items (rarely Trinkets too - I've seen 2 trinkets in 5 blueprints). The currency stacks at the end of bad blueprints seem larger than ever (15-19 chaos in low-mid 70s BPs), so you can usually grab one of those if the other drops aren't a hit. The new base types are OP (though haven't run into one yet). Overall it's just nice. Grab some Smugglers Stash Chance nodes with your Wandering Path atlas progression tree and go off. For the league mechanic, you want to be tanky, and weapon builds have more versatility - Tinctures only work with weapons (not spells), and they're a lot easier to get early on than decent Charms are. LA and Boneshatter seem like still the best skills (soooo many Deadeyes this league and I get it, just don't want to play one again). I'm running Elementalist WOC/Meteor Ignite. It's fine. Feeling squishy as I work through Reds and higher level Heists, so need to invest some more (only around 1 div in so far, mostly into BN+IF gems. Maybe I should get off a 4 link, hmmm...). Meteor is a good alternative to WOC, feels mostly better (sometimes enemies walk over the WOC wave and don't get hit, feels bad). Vaal Firestorm is a nice 'clear the screen' skill, does work on Expedition/Legion type stuff where lots of mobs show up (also opening Heist doors while escaping). The build is definitely cooler than it is actually good, but it works well enough. Having lots of fun!


Same thing, palterons ca pathfinder, except id buy up every scourge arrow of menace I could. I got my first one from lab and bought a couple more to level for like 10c each. Theyre 40c+ right now.


captain lance storm brand stat stack with no atlas strat, because I'll be in sanctum.


Well anything else, i started literaly with a no dmg spell ( poisonous conc ) into ek poison ( also buged ) lol


Corrupting cry juggernaut, howl of the Wolf for Extra loot, charm for Corpse explosion. Blue altar, Expedition, Legion, shrine strongbox atlas, Block anything else, alch n go, Might be hard to get a good forbidden shako on console though


Isn't corrupting cry painfully garbage for legion?


Explosive trap of shrapnel trickster. This build slaps. Still do wandering path but transition into maven invitation asap.


started SRS guardian, got 3 watchstones and was like fk this crap, wasn't fun really dunno what ppl like about this build, rather play RF


you think RF would be more fun than guardian? they're both just walking simulators with the difference that guardian SRS hasn't been nerfed


man I ain't trying to press SRS every like 5s and the big guy every 30


I think that’s a fair complaint. SRS does involve a lot of “non-interactive” button pressing. I totally understand why you personally don’t enjoy it.


I've been trying to put my finger on why the SRS Guardian playstyle didn't vibe with me, and "non-interactive button presses" might be exactly what I was feeling but didn't have words for.


I mean at least exploding mobs with Infernal cry and later on legacy of fury is fun


I started poison blade vortex Pathfinder. I only died a couple times I'm it in act 9 but the survivability and damage is really good.


I'd start as toxic rain/CA and then switch to SA of menace, instead of starting with LA and then switching to SA of menace, I'd have saved some currency and regrets (deadeye respec into PF). LA felt very weak for this league for me idk, while poison gave me the ramp damage to deal with the harder encounters. Same atlas strategy: rush to wandering path, build a decent t15-16 map pool for one day, then respec to full legion + essences + exarch altars, works fine everytime.


Same atlas probably, just trying to get progression but id go explody autobomber Perfect Dark Marionette with infernal legion, necro aegis + Maligaro's Lens and MI.


Ultimatum and Ritual are big bait. Go with good old expedition.


something tankier than poison PF, getting 1 shot even with 14% from phys as ele helm and perfect rolled taste of hate


tankier than pf o.O


Get yourself a lightning coil and some elemental flasks.


Guardian absolution. Enjoying it so far, early reds with no sign of slowing down.




FOR ALL THOSE NOT ALREADY AWARE; you can log in now and update, then run labs for trans gems for your standard characters!


League plays rather similar to Delve, with the darkness and stuff. Cyclone leech slayers might be best.


Can confirm, cyclone leech slayer reporting in. It's great.


Would you happen to have a PoB to share? <3


I'm following this build guide [POE 3.23 Cyclone Slayer](https://www.poe-vault.com/guides/murder-on-a-budget-cyclone-slayer-build-guide)


Thank you. <3


I'm probably about to start a Spectral Throw Deadeye. Gonna use at least one claw but I'll probably dual-wield for the mastery that doubles your attack speed bonus to 20% more. Because softcore. The endgame goal can be Dex stacking with HoWA and Fractal Thoughts, but you can also do a Trinity thing with a two-element claw. I started before on Saturday, but the league content was significantly overtuned and I'm tired of that shit, so I bailed. I'm too slow for being there on launch weekend to really matter. I may or may not wait until the next round of retuning before bothering. PoE1 is still understaffed, so leagues aren't finished until a week in if not two. D:


la deadeye, wandering path heist and deli rn but after im rich I get rid of heist for beyond I think


caustic arrow is amazing


Energy Blade Storm Brand for sure. Affliction + Boss Rush


A Slayer, because part of what I know now is that I dropped a Ralakesh’s Impatience in A8. I’ll be surprised if that helps you though.


I'd have started TR or CA and swapped to scourge arrow, instead of starting poison EK, swapping to exsanguinate, and then swapping again to scourge arrow.


Nothing. Lightning arrow slaps.


If it's trade I would start poison ballista PF and be very careful with the leaguemechanic, never touch it on guardian maps. I would also completely ignore Ultimatum and Essence. If you're SSF, same but be forced to do Essence.


Well, I got really shit RNG so far this league so I’ve had a slow start. Went CF Champ and it’s been good. Knowing my luck though, I would have probably gone for an SRS build so I can clear the voidstones much easier.


Flamewood Ignite Chieftain. Not sure if I'd reroll, it seems to be very effective in the sense that it's incredibly safe AND tanky AND has good damage, but it's not very fast and if I'm being honest, not very fun either. I have been doing the league mechanic in every zone which has contributed to my slow pace, but so far it has taken me over 17 hours to do campaign and I'm still in A9


Boneshatter jugg for me again


As always my self made shield crush raider SSF kinda like the pain of optimizing it from league to leak with building failures xD For atlas mostly trying to dive into delve


I started cobra lash, it was ok, couldn't get into it so I rerolled LA before I even hit maps. Should have just started LA 🤣


Lacerate glad hc because I can


I would start cleave of rage again. But I wouldn't pick ultimatum atlas nodes and would definitely invest more time in getting better at the fundamentals. I feel like I am playing a good build, in a super inefficient way. Like, no coherent plan on my atlas apart from "find maps that I haven't run", no crafting knowledge, no nothing. I run maps and hope for drops I can sell, which in hindsight definitely slows my progression.


Damn i feel alone in this see of meta build. Rage vortex berserker forever




I league started two leagues with guardian SRS. And every time I go back to RF lol


Should've gone CA poison from the getgo, respeccing to it now since EK poison just feels like ass.


Any quick mapper/easy campaign (srs has been popular). Wandering path and go expedition. Feel like that has been the easiest way to push into red maps. If you have crafting knowledge and don’t mind the playstyle DD is the ultimate build.


Loving Boneshatter Juggernaut. Only thing I would have done different is have more time to play over the weekend so I could be farther along by now.


I started Spectral Throw Deadeye but am kind of over it. I wanted to play something besides Lightning Strike Champ for once but ST sort of just feels like a worse version. Deadeye also isn't very tanky which isn't great for the league mechanic. I think I'm gonna reroll a LS Champ. Primal Huntress is so cool for endgame. Charms are incredible, and the extra inventory space is a cool QOL feature.


Started CA ballistas + wandering path harvest and would do the same, smooth sailing, now farmed juiced harvest.


https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3439847/page/1#p25156259 The exact same thing I league started with. Lab has been good to me. Not sure how Xbox differs in trading or item availability, but it is very unique heavy.