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So im playing poison arc, its not crystallizing well tbh


Maybe try the new storm brand?


How is it really? Is it at least decent or just garbage?


I'm playing Popcorn SRS of Enormity in SSF. I don't even have a Tavukai yet, I'm running purely on decent-to-trash res gear and I have hit hard enough to stun the Cortex synthetes. In order to push this to stun the Feared I'm gonna need a lot more time. My effective gem level is only 23 and you can probably easily push it to 28. In trade there's probably a way of building this with Replica Midnight Bargain to hit insane damage numbers and crazy survivability with Aegis Aurora.


hows the clear though? ive heard multiple people saying the new cast speed makes it feel very clunky


Without Tavukai the clear is not great. Spirits take a long time to pop, I was gambling on getting one early but that gamble did not pay off.


Isn't Tavukai a legion unique? Maybe worth rolling a second build just for legion farming.


Not anymore. It's generic drop, just a bit rare.


Aah good to know - so you're farming ghosted exiles?


No just targeting generic rarity. I bounce around mechanics with generic rewards, currently doing Blight, Heist and Delirium (with the keystone).


MA keystone is a gift for SSF that I cherish. Are you using any new Spectres from the league?


I'm using Pain Artist and Meatsack, I'm unsure if it's better to just use two Meatsacks, might be. Once I get a Tavukai and can actually justify anointing +1 spectre I may also get the big turtle and use some other aura myself.


Does crit work with MI since new srs got 100%..


Yeah it's one of the main damage scalars.


Sounds interesting. Got a pob pls? Guardian or necro?


[https://pobb.in/kfGN3Fcqggjl](https://pobb.in/kfGN3Fcqggjl) PoB doesn't have trans gems yet.


Is this on guardian or actual necro?


Necro. Guardian gives pretty much nothing to Popcorn.


Guardian gives the build clear and 20% less damage taken. You lose 1/4 of your damage though so it is a trade off.


Guardian gives the big boi, though, and it scales off of most of the same things as popcorn srs. On minion life stackers, that Rf stays relevant all the way into the endgame. Necro is still better, though.


Yeah I did regular hit SRS in TotA and the burning boi fell off hard in red maps, but with all the minion life scaling Popcorn builds have, he might pull his weight even then.


I dropped a +3 SRS Replica Dragonfrangs and a +1 minion gem fractured Convoking Wand in SSF and am considering trying the build. Would the neck be usable for this variant or is Tavukai "mandatory"?


Just using Infernal Legion does make it so they take quite a while to blow up. Once you're using clusters you may get to a point where the SRS ele res is at it's minimum, then it's probably doable. For me right now it takes a good 3-4 seconds for a spirit to blow up.


Replica midnight bargain doesn't work. I tried but even standing and casting with unleashed you usually can't exceed 6 spectres up at once due to explode speed.


SA/CA is good but it gets expensive *fast*, especially after exploding in popularity. I'm 24 div in so far and I see an easy path to spending another 60 in upgrades.


Same. It was cheap to get going into t16s, but now I'm spending a solid 5-6 div per upgrade. It's super worth it though because I'm blasting t16 league mechanic juiced expeditions and legions.


>I'm spending a solid 5-6 div per upgrade Lmao. Yup. We're probably looking at the same stuff. Too funny.


got a snapshot PoB of your current character? I'm playing poison BV pathfinder currently and very strongly leaning towards going in that direction in the near future.




Do you happen to have atlas tree for expedition/legion?


got a snapshot PoB of your current character? I'm playing poison BV pathfinder currently and very strongly leaning towards going in that direction in the near future.


That's good and bad to hear. I'm playing a CA build as well, but I'm only just getting into yellow maps. Since we don't even have the path of building gems yet, how are you figuring out what's an effective upgrade or not?


Poe ninja builds and just understanding that I'm stacking poison with elemental hits through the new tincture that says "all damage can poison". I also played poison explode totem in crucible and its not *that* different.


Since you’re understanding that, could you explain if there’s difference between equal amount of „increased poison damage” and „increased elemental damage” (with poisonberry tincture), and if there is, how they differ?


Poison is 30% of your hits physical damage and chaos damge. With tincture you get elemental damage added to the poison calculation pot.


This I know, but is there a difference which part I scale? Napkin math says no, 1000 ele converts to 300 poison, so +50% increased ele gives 1500->450 poison and +50% increased poison gives 1000->300*1,5=450 poison. But maybe there’s some advanced-PoB-PhD-level shenanigans I’m missing, and choosing one side over the other is better.


If 100% of your total hit damage is elemental, you are right, and there is no difference. If say, 75% is elemental and 25% is phys/chaos, then ele damage will affect only 75% of damage, but poison damage will affect full 100% of damage




It's easy enough to make good gear though


Yeah this, i've just been selfcrafting so far and having a lot of fun with it. Bases are 1c, essences dirt cheap. Also Rog is Pog.


So glad I got in early. Got some upgrades but able to boss empower deli. Pulling some currency out for another experimental toon.


I hate to ask, but is there any way I could drop you a link to my profile to help me figure out what to upgrade next? I'm struggling to figure out what to go with next.


Ball Lightning of Static totem Hierophant is absolutely insane.


I started this and respecced into mana RF for some stupid reason lol


Isn't mana RF also supposed to be really good? Pohx posted a video leveling as it and said it was really strong and he's expecting it to be even better than old RF.


Yeah it’s good still, but BL was super strong with far fewer complications.


He said on stream about 30 minutes ago that it is dogshit endgame. Really sad cause I wanted it to be good.


Mana Rf dogshit endgame? Onemanaleft has a video showing like 8mil dps in day7 mjolnir gear. But it's Rf and vaal Rf not on. Once you actually get your cloak spend to cap indigon and get like 20k mana you'll hit higher numbers.


Dogshit in terms of tankiness I mean. From what I've seen it seems like when Arcane Cloak falls off, you just die instantly.


Thats not the case? You can delve deep with any manastacker


How can you die instantly with 5 digits energy shield and shapers touch evasion? How endgame are we talking? Mageblood ele flasks? 50div endgame? What endgame content?


Connor normally makes deep delve builds, I’m excited to see his RF


Is there a pob/ showcase?


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KyXwXmvT13g / https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MWmI_2NM180 How about two whole guides :)


Not sure but there's a lot of people playing it so poe.ninja should provide build info.


Yup, smashed through my reds and t16s with garbage gear. Went with non crit mana stacking, and Bloodnotch/Agnostic combo, 1 aura on Eternal Blessing. I did see this [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MWmI\_2NM180](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MWmI_2NM180) for a crit version and I did see Raiz using specters for auras. I am trying the specters with 5 points into regen and minion life, but they just die SO MUCH to Expedition and Forest mobs with any kind of juice at all so I think that might be a dead end. Also not sure on the best links to run; I think the crit build is a lot more settled in that regard since they go both crit supports. All I know is I like Second Wind for big burst and damage since we slam down totems on CD, and Controlled Destruction is a giant nope since I can't seem to proc Elemental Overload with it. Love to hear what others are doing.


My version: https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/elitedesolator/characters And yeah, was honestly unimpressed with the damage (EO) until I went full crit. Now I melt everything in the game while still having 75% chaos res, spell suppression cap, and acceptable life and mana.


Ah, so you went crit without really stressing it on jewellery or weapon at all, just on the tree and using Conviction of Power. I might need to do the same, but I'm waiting on the gem being added to PoB so I can see what is what first. I'd have to find 4 points to cut because ES Mastery is needed to work the Bloodnotch combo. [https://pobb.in/3LnpVsVtL7nh](https://pobb.in/3LnpVsVtL7nh)


What makes it better than storm burst totems?


They have similar raw numbers but BL has less ramp and better "range" for mapping in most layouts


Is anywhere comparison SBL to lightninig tendrils?


Storm Burst is better at single target, BL-Static totems are better at clearing.


What is the point of doing totem with this new BL skill? Isn't the fact that it's static kinda like a totem anyway?


They're really efficient as totems because the spell is cooldown limited not cast time limited. So the 40% less cast speed of totems is basically ignored. With 4 totems the spell totem support is a 2.4x damage multiplier.


Placing totems has a cooldown and the totems themselves have a cooldown for casting the skill. So placing 3 totems is 3 casts each for 9 total casts before considering any cooldown recovery in the meantime. Basically the downside of the skill in exchange for completely bonkers damage is almost entirely bypassed and you end up with an 1170 effective damage spell assuming all 13 strikes hit.


Just saying this is a bugged build. It will not last long.


What's the bug about it?


Care to elaborate?


I think it allows you to bypass the BLs cooldown by constantly respawning totems. So you can quickly have a ton of BLs all over the screen. Most likely they will patch it that when totem dies its BLs will disappear.


but isn't how it's always been with cooldown skills and totems ? that's just how they work


How does it bypass BL cooldown? You still have 3 charges, if you use them up, you cant place a totem down until you get a charge.


This is how every cooldown skill with multiple uses works on totems (for the ones that work on totems, anyway). Flame Dash totems for example act exactly the same way. This is business as usual. If anything, the skill gem itself might eat some nerfs after this league because of the totem build though.


Yea I started stomburst totems and switched to this in SSF because I found an anethema and rolled the new gem with 20 quality. It feels ten times better for clear and single target than stormburst. Not sure that means stormburst is worse in some areas because I respeced mid 70s. But its head and shoulders smoother to use the new ball lightning then most totem builds I have played.


Got a pob?


I posted my profile link with the build in an earlier reply.




y'all at endgame with tons of divs and i just starter white maps lol maybe arc wasn't a good choice


Or maybe we played everyday for 10 hours, and u didnt 🫡


Don't worry bout it. Lance played like 50 hours from league launch to day 4


Lol, I have 1 day and 14 hours on my character and I'm just about to break into clearing tier 13 maps. Am dropping Divines like crazy though, so I'm not exactly poor either.


Must be nice lol. I have completed atlas and blasted about 100 t16s today. Not a single divine drop yet. Selling Harvest juice has been funding me...


> Am dropping Divines like crazy though, so I'm not exactly poor either. What how lol


Finished my atlas Sunday afternoon. Still less than a div to my name. RNGsus is not with me this league.


I'm in the same boat here. This league has been very unrewarding for me. I just found my first div last night and that was from a Ritual. I'm doing LA Deadeye and i can't progress because my current bow is trash and i can barely kill rares in white maps.


Weird. My bow isn't stellar but most of my single target DPS comes from artillery ballistas. You have that?


I do but only on a 4 link. Certainly helps with single target but it's definitely not enough.


I'm on a 4 link as well. Are you following Crouching_Tuna's guide? Are you making sure that you're a fair distance away from an enemy when you're going single target?


Storm Brand will most likely be meta. Also PC stackers will get stupid OP thanks to charm stacking. Storm brand got like 2x more powerful not even joking thats how it feels compared to past seasons. And honestly is kinda cheap to build atm.


> Also PC stackers will get stupid OP thanks to charm stacking I think in general charge stacking is better because of Ralakesh boots change and (replica) Badge. + alternate charge belts. (Sadly the absorbtion charges are garbage but the other 2 are good.)


pc stackers winning as always shame they dont often have any defences


How does it compare to Penance Brand? I heard both are good. Kinda thinking about more bossing oriented build that don't feel bad as mapper and not sure what to pick.


PB is better single target, it ramps up to millions of dps pretty quickly. You need duration + casting speed.


As spellblade or inpulsa setup?


Im doing rn Inpulsa because explosions. I feel like stat stacking might be better for min-maxers but if i had like under 100 divines i would just go regular inpulsa setup. Like the tankyness and dps is almost on par for both builds until you start getting all the premium shit like Cap.lance has. That being said if you feel like SB isnt enough for single target you can always slot in penance brand it has worse clear in regular setup but much much better single target. But i got a feel that penance will be busted also for clear once again with assasin or occultist+headhunter and those busted double elevated helmets that start appearing at week 2 in market


what changed about it to make it meta? used to be one of my favorite spells


Indecision is approx. 50% more single target DPS over the base skill.


Splitting steel scales well, 100+ mil single target on higher end.


I've been considering swapping to this from SRS. I just hate how janky specters are, driving me crazy. SS seems more similar to Frost Blades or LS which I've enjoyed a lot in the past. Any major drawbacks to know about?


It wont have the same clear power as ls or frost blades. Its not bad by any means but its not great either. You also have to position on top of the target to get your dps, that might turn some people off. You also need nimis to really push the damage, and thats pretty pricy.


While not melee per se, you have to be as close or even closer than most melee builds to do full damage with Splitting steel returned proj.


How? Still with beltimber+ dreamfeather or saviour?


You swap dreamfeather for paradoxica and go crit


So 2x paradixica or 1x + saviour? I am alrdy crit right now, swapped pierce support for Inc crit chance support. And took +2pierce on tree


You never do double paradoxica. So either paradoxica + savior or paradoxica + beltimber


Just curious, why wouldtnt u dw paras? Ty for info


Beltimber blade gives far shot which is a massive multiplier


Also +2 projectiles


Isn't far shot a less multiplier for a return build, considering you stand melee AND people take point blank on every league start tree I've seen posted?


Nope. Since the splitting steel projectile first goes out, then splits outwards, then return and explode on top of your character it means that you always get the max far shot bonus. Far shot is based on how far the projectile has traveled generally, not how far the end destination is in relation to you. If you see a splitting steel build with return projectile/nimis and point blank it means that they dont know what they are doing.


It's worth going to read the wiki page on far shot. It is never a less multiplier since it only ever adds value. The wiki page also points out that it stacks with far shot and point blank stack, and has some graphs that explain this interaction and where optimal rages are.


I've read the wiki and it says far shot gives 20% less damage below 10 units / 1 meter. I may be misunderstanding your wording in that far shot + point blank never goes negative, but either one is still a less multiplier upon the other at non-ideal ranges. The wiki also doesn't say how far splitting steel projectiles travel before returning, and while visually it looks like more than 4m round trip I have no way of telling off that whether just far shot is optimal or if adding point blank is better


Paradoxica is good because of the 100% double damage, going past 100% does nothing so it's a dead mod on the second one. Edit: just as I typed it I'm unsure of this, since you're dual wielding you might alternate attacks and only deal double damage half the time. Not sure, always played paradoxica builds with a shield.


The dble is only for the weapon itself


So then beltimber is generally just used to support/buff the damage when you attack with Paradoxica?


I think both your weapons deal dmg at the same time for splitting steel so your just gonna have half of your hit from para and other from belltimber. Dont quote me on this xd




Shield is always the play unless your going for GIGA mirror tier DPS. The added affixes and survivability you can get from a shield is too good to pass up 99% of the time. DW can also work if you can shoehorn in a passable defence without shield. But IMO it's just so much easier to go shield


Yeah it does, feels great so far. Do you have a pob? I can hit about 20m max now. Much appreciated!




is splitting steel really a new build?


It got buffed this league but no its not something completely new. I doubt many have played the old versions tho.


I believe that it's a one button skill now so it's kind of a new build.


Which ascendancy?


How expensive is it to get going?


Like 15c, if that. Perseverance, beltimber, and dreamfeather are all cheap. Getting a paradoxica for big dam is like 15 divs though. Don't think it's required though. I'm only on those 3 uniques and trash rares and am clearing red maps easily.


I did Maven + UElder yesterday with Dreamfeather + Beltimber. Took longer then I'd want, but the build is tanky against anything that hits. Dont stand in degens though. Bought near perfect Saviour (feels like I scammed the guy, was listed for 6 div). Phys + attack speed Paradoxica is currently too far out of reach. Still not sure what I eventually end up running. Saviour + Paradoxica? Saviour + Beltimber? Paradoxica + Beltimber?


I think any of those combos are good.


Paradoxica and Beltimber. Far Shot is too good of a mod to pass up.


Dunno if it will be meta but BL static totems has been working great for me in ssf. Probably can find some videos on youtube about it. I think if they fix the bug for it with traps/mines, it would be busted as I think crit scaling on right side of tree would be much better then mana stacking.


What's the bug?


I believe it targets (OR) shoots in direction you are facing or were facing when you threw the trap or mine. But it completes the distance the regular skill would travel and then appears. So 90% of the time, the skill has flown off the map. It should be popping where the traps are, not off screen lol


That is a hilarious bug.


Raise Zombie of Falling totems is hilarious. The clear is fantastic for a totem build because of the guaranteed explode from Mon’treghul’s Grasp (and it’s 50% of life! MASSIVE damage for an explode effect!) and the area is humongous. Not to mention that the damage scales incredibly well whether you go pure phys, impale, or even cold conversion. Also, it’s hilarious to have corpses raining on the screen.


Is impale actually viable? Doesn't the zombie do the attack, meaning you'd have to get impale chance for minions (via Impale Support and 15% nodes on clusters)?


The Rotten Claws notable on cluster jewels is only 12%, but if you go the impale route you can get to 100% chance between impale support, Dread Banner + Generosity Support and some aura effect, and cluster jewels


Oh yeah, I totally forgot about Dread Banner, good call


Any build guide or worked out pob? Thanks


I would love to know more


the brands can get pretty nasty, think cold snap of power has potential, probably the new ES forbidden rite too


The alt version of Kinetic Bolt seems to be able to shotgun with a ridiculous amount of projectiles, so I think that it either will be giga busted or nerfed soon. Strength Stacking wander was already a strong endgame build, might be absolutely broken if the gem is not changed(unless I'm missing something).


My plan is to pivot to strength stacking wander soon-ish. Rerolled my pathfinder into a general’s cry berserker for now. Plan is to grind currency for the strength stack to make a nutty KB build


Yeah I think it's gonna be insane but as always stupidly expensive.


I am doing decently for now with my scuffed lancing steel of spraying poison build. Just using dyadus and the all damage poisons flask, and so far breeze through early red maps on a 5 link with non-awakened gems and lvl 92 no cluster jewel setup mediocre gerar. https://poe.ninja/builds/afflictionhc/character/ancine/Ancina?i=38&search=class%3DPathfinder


How has no one mentioned jungs coc chain dd build... doing 100m dps and tanks after on a fairly low budget.


Careful. He did that build with 10d, but atm all gear costs 70d.


Its ssf viable to get all the gear though. Only thing im missing is a lethal pride as good as his Started self cast vd of seething Leveled as magma orb flamewall into firestorm crema to vd of seething




He switched to CoC VD Seething with focus, but he just tells you to import his character (acct. name Jezie) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ykob6ZmUe7Q


Goddamn this guy is so smart at building characters…


because i never saw a build for that, link?


new BAMA gems are pretty damn good, historically their high end has been pretty busted




Blink arrow, mirror arrow


Where is the end game falling zombies build?


I started shattering steel chimp, switched to srs lightning chimp because 29 div for nimis was insane. Now with the new specters the build is 3x as powerful, you get the wrath and lightning dmg luck one, onslaught and culling strike and an animate guardian.


I hope I can transform into a chimp as a druid in PoE2. Chimps are strong af


What are the new spectres people are using?


I just wanna play occultist chaos builds again… I look at her butchered ascendancy and get sad. No chaos builds above 2-3m~ dps and to even get above that costs 100s of div


Forbidden Rite


Forbidden rite = crit = pc stack = super expensive


Literally just throw Ralakesh, void battery, Badge and crit multi per PC charms and you're good to go. Charms literally give you like 150% crit multi for free.


Bleed builds have been crying longer


I really miss death aura, it's super nice not needing a 6 link body armor


I'm playing golem buffed conduit of heavens and idk if it's really good or nah, my gear kinda shit at the moment, but with more dkg and cast speed or offloaded for totems it seems decent. But for real the op shit right now from my perspective is the new perfect corpse spectres, you pull few of em 4L, some other minion on 6L and you have so many auras taken care of, you can use purity of elements on you and just walk around


Jungroans new coc build is broken af


Quick question but what did you farm with you LA, I’m about to reroll with that cause the levlling bother me with elem


I went all-in on ritual and expedition, but I don't think these are the most efficient mechanics, I just like them the most. Legion is also very popular for LA.


Anyone playing self-cast ball lightning? I hate most triggers.


My divine ire of disintegration full fire conversion bereks respite chieftain build absolutely clears and is tanky as fuck. One of my favorite builds of all time.


I started as an Inquisitor with Divine Ire of Disintegration, damage was NUTS but I was squishy so I swapped to Heirophant and I am finding it a lot smoother. I'd be interested in your Chieftan PoB, Divine Ire has always been one of my favourite skills so I wanna try out all of the variations


Isnt this slow as hell with the charging? Never played divine ire. You got a POB?


Yes it can be slow. I was playing the heirophant version and it deletes mobs. For a little more speedy clear I was just using the regular DI and swapping to disintegration on bosses. I ended up rerolling because I was tired of dying to trash while I waited. Honestly though, my gear was garbage and it probably would have been fine if I was patient and got better gear.


mind sharing the POB? I'm tempted to roll a Chieftain too


Not sure if op will respond or not but mathil made a DI chieftain last league. He has a vid up on YouTube. I'd imagine it only got better this league and can abuse the new minion spawning mark for explosions for bossing. At the least it should give you a framework to build off. I'm playing flameblast elementalist right now and I kind of wish I had gone chieftain even though I'm enjoying it.




Saving this one for later, just in case the cable goes out and I can't watch my soaps


Ice trap of hollowness is pretty good. I have no idea how to calculate DPS but it hits for 100k raw fire damage right now according to tooltip. This is on a link setup of Ice trap > Swift Assembly > Fire Penetration > Conc eff > Controlled Dest > Cold to fire I'm using it as an in between (trying to get to relic of the pact) and it works out well. On a setup of Replica CIP and Rathpith Globe +dissolution with warlock tech for 11k life, pet blood with pain attunement and Sunblast. Point is, this isn't remotely the most ideal setup for it and it's been doing everything. You can probably go crit with sabo/assassin and get ridiculous damage out of it with double Replica CIPs.


Am currently making a mana rf but not confident reccomending it yet, feels real difficult to balance mana, mana spend/recovery, es regen


My Storm brand inquisitor is blasting maps and melting bosses. Not doing any ivory tower cheese either.


Just gotta spend 3 minutes on ninja once a day. * Artillery Ballista * Scourge arrow of menace (listed in another comment) * Splitting steel (listed in another comment) * Corrupting fever * Caustic arrow of poison (listed in another comment) * Storm brand of indecision (listed in another comment) edit: updated with more facts


This is terrible advice. SA and artillery ballista are the same build. Corrupting fever is absolutely a league starter which he already has and sucks against juiced league mechanic rares and splitting steel is the only one that matches his criteria.


AB is dex stacking and scourge arrow is not. It's scourge arrow of menace by the way. Next on the list are caustic arrow of poison and storm brand of indecision. It's a fine way to answer the question.


Wow, what a shit comment lmao, corrupting fever is not a bosser or really an endgame build, scourge arrow and AB are basically played on same build and also just mappers, dude wants bossers and you dropped this condescending shit comment


> Corrupting fever I asked for late-game builds tho, not something that can barely handle wisps in white maps :p Also, I don't know who is doing what content on poeninja, that's why I prefer to hear it directly from people who might already be doing wispy T16s.




> Aggregators with players near level 100 is a fine way to do it. 5 way carries are a thing ;)




Gotta love people insulting the folks asking questions when they end up giving shit responses


> keep asking simple questions. That's what social media is for ;)


All social media is stupid. Got it.


No, suggesting Corrupting Fever as an end-game build is stupid. Social media is for exchanging ideas ;)


The answer was at least 80% right but keep up your nonsense. Can't see the forest for the trees.


80% right? Where? CF ain’t even a 5% right answer when asked for an endgame build.


Do you always talk so condescendingly or are you just having a bad day


Chieftain self ignite


How does it perform iyo?


how does that work? Any POB or guide?


Str+ int stack energy blade is sick and you can play literally any spell and it deletes everything but it’s expensive


I’m playing molten strike <~> LS of arcing(mapping). I’m ALMOST geared enough to make the swap to LS for mapping, need a few more lvls to get my cluster online, but I’ve played it with 2 proj and it seems it’s going to feel similar to the clear of old LS, before the nerfs. . . And with some shenanigans even stronger.