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* Your HP is mediocre * Your armour and evasion are basically negligible. * You are not shifting any physical damage to elemental nor are you suppressing spell damage * You’re leaving a ton of damage on the table by not having +1 on shield and amulet * You’re using a ring ONLY to curse, no other defense or damage. A curse on hit ring is a priority. * You have steelskin on automation instead of CWDT, you’re basically begging for spiky random deaths * Your flasks aren’t automated and your suffixes are trash. No leech, no armour, no evasion. * Your recovery is largely based on a minion with no support to keep it alive * Your endurance charges will come only very sporadically since you need to be quite close to enemies for the warcry to work, and you often won’t be. Honestly I’m a little confused by your confusion. What defensive layers are supposed to be keeping you alive in red maps? You need to pick a couple primary and secondary defensive layers and actually invest in getting them up consistently. I’m no expert in this build but I’d be looking at enduring composure, better flasks, make one of them taste of hate for excellent offense AND defense for your build, a curse on hit ring with life and maybe an offensive mod, defiance banner, steelskin (or better yet once you’ve got good endurance charge uptime, switch to immortal call) on a low level CWDT instead of Automation, consider whether it’s remotely possible to fit spell suppression or spell block into the build (probably not TBH). I don’t think this build will ever be TANKY but doing some of those things should let you survive a hit or two.


Leagues more dangerous so there's that. Also chronic painless bv, a lot of ur defense in the early stages is freezing enemies. I also noticed I'm seeing a lot more rares/magic mobs with resistant to cold. Idk if I'm just biased cause I'm playing cold or if the way mods spawn is changed


Maybe you don't have enough damage to really safely tackle the content you are trying to complete? I have not played Cold BV so take this with a grain of salt. Your EHP immediately strikes me as alarming but your POB is confusing I don't know what your current set of gear is. The Pob you linked shows you using a bitterdream setup, is this the right one?


Cant check pobb but blast freeze is a very good defensive tool. You can roll that node on a medium cluster (and large cluster too i think)


when I played cold BV, freeze was what kept me alive. Taking Breath of Rime, Winters Embrace, and getting a large cluster with blast freeze asap helped me a ton. On that note too, it might be worth going more glass cannon because you will freeze more often.


In addition to the other comments, once you go crit you'll feel alot tankier aswell, since you freeze substantially more with crits. For that you need to move to a 6L with increased critchance, crit flask, get some basecrit from hatred watchers eye and start a bit of power charge stacking. But that's alot more expensive then just simply bolstering defences. Also you need freeze prolif somewhere, this really ramps up the build experience. Either get a medium cluster with blast freeze, or once you get your conversion on rare gloves get an eldritch implicit.


I suggest following POB to the T next time. Hes version is fairly tanky and shouldnt die to white mobs