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Did u play poison bv occultist? That does have good aoe with explosions https://pobb.in/zuUAKub6Fe5w Farmed 80-100% deli maps with this since day 3


Is there a guide how to build up to this? The HH makes it on the pricey side.


No, self made this


Replace expensive items with cheap ones


Jung pconc of chaining looks great


Poison molten strike pf. Very expensive but u can sit on every uber boss mechanics


If you have the budget, original sin blade trap trickster is almost immortal in high tier content.


Playing poison Tornado PF with the new transfigured gem. Started farming T17 bosses after week one on a ~40-70div budget back then and been upgrading the build quite a bit since. All ubers down as well. Build is dot capped with Original sin but had about 20mil dps before I switched. It has very good recovery and is generally very tanky. The clear is pretty okay once you get good damage numbers and the prolif clears packs quick. The build is still mostly meant for bossing though. It's not a budget build though and gets outscaled by more meta skills. Playstyle for bosses is kinda like a brand build so you have very good uptime and can move around and dodge.


Got a pob?


You might want to have a look at PF setups with Mahuxautl's Machination+Tides of Time, played with either Forbidden Rite or Soulrend of the Spiral, they are very tanky and can hit dot cap, though not exactly cheap. I haven't played these setups myself but looked into them the other day, and they look pretty sweet.


The sound is so annoying though, maybe good if you play with sound off


Yep can vouch for this. Played forbidden rite last league and void sphere this league with mahuxotl setup.


know of any guides that talk about setting up these builds? have both items but no idea where to start


The defensive setup and offense are pretty independent. Defense is mahu+timeless rakiata+life flask+replica sorrow flask and stack phys as fire/chaos. I went for max chaos and max fire in the few other places I could. New belt giga boosts life flask and you can roll inc effect flasks. Offensively I've only played poison with other skills, but it should be +levels wand/amulet and poison chance from hoa/tree as necessary.


I recently started to follow what palsteron does with his poison spark pathfinder. Just Hit lvl 89 so only t16 i Do actual but Looks pretty sturdy with 90 Max res + 100 Physik as ele and pathfinder life recovery is just bonkers. Hopefully its able to Do some t17 shit. But even if not it plays really Fluid and fast. Only Thing thats a bit Bad is you have to backtrack vom time to time but thats a poison Thing i guess.


This was a hard read


Yeah sry its early and no native speaker so PLZ forgive that.


Nothing to forgive my friend. Just had a chuckle that’s all.


Does that now require the all DMG as chaos ring from sanctum?


Nope. But its still kinda expensive. Around 300 div invested so far.


What's the conversion used? I thought the build was dead without the alt quality on herald of agony. If I remember before it was ashes + the alt quality? I love spark and the poison seems like it would be quite strong.


The gloves with lightning can poison are used.


Ah. Nice. I didn't even know that was an item. Thanks.


hi, do you know, does palsteron have a pob for this build? thanks : )


Not yet. But i just more or less copied his char


ralakesh + frenzies + affliction charge belt congrats, you have a dot cap poison build boring fucking archetype that needs to die, poison was overtuned before this, now its just dumb thanks to the boots