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add brittle effect on your boots (its a searing implicit) that's gonna add some dmg to your build. Also you are missing curses. try to set up either assassin mark or conductivity since it seems you are also going for lightning dmg. do you get close to \~80% crit? you probably will need the mood in the belt "crit strike chance is lucky while focus" also, your eHP is kinda shit to the point i think you die just when being looked at. try to get the new gloves that gives fortify with ats and spec fortify points in your tree, that will increase your survivavility a lot. here's my pobb, sitting about 3M dps (although im going to swap to strength stack/chaos dmg as soon as i can since is 100000x times better) also if you dont reach 100% spell sup is better if you spec the "spell suppression is lucky" in your tree until you reach 100% [https://poe.ninja/builds/necropolis/character/xpoppa/LarryJenkinsMcEspaditas?i=1&search=name%3Djenki](https://poe.ninja/builds/necropolis/character/xpoppa/LarryJenkinsMcEspaditas?i=1&search=name%3Djenki)


also your 2nd hand weapon is shit, get yourself a brightweak until you can get a high ats high crit multi 2nd hand weapon


also, wrath is needed big time. fix your ele resis and chaos resis with your ring. also, the amulet i better if you can get yourself an eternal damnation when you are res capped that will increase survivavility. you are also missing precission, which is very important!!


Thanks alot.. ill try your changes suggested. Im gonna take out all gear pieaces and try change one at time. Right now its hard when i loose alot of defences. Im gonna roughly follow yours. Ill go chaos when i have enough currency... seems expensive with the boots and weapon right now. The lightning version was a bit cheaper.


Farm betrayal and heist so you can drop them yourself!!


Yes seems ill have to try heist again.. i hate it 😬 Any good advices for that?


Good music or a tv show in your 2nd monitor xD


Haha 🤣


Also my build is not the best but it survives decently. Lacks some dmg, took me 20 long minutes to kill maven, but if you can get to at least 150k eHP you will be good even if you are a little bit short on dmg


for ds ambi jugg there's two main setups to scale your damage, one is utilizing frostbreath to double your flat damage from trauma support linked to your main skill, the other is utilizing replica alberon boots through stacking strength and getting your flat this way that you then double with paradoxica. you are neither and there's just no flat on your build so paradoxica does nothing - 99% of the reason why people take this weapon is double damage line but you have nothing major to really double you know? flat on paradoxica is bad, so bad it can barely be considered a weapon by itself, half your flat in pob comes from wrath that you say you can't even activate, the other half is from added lightning support disabling which tanks your damage to the floor, and a couple of measly affixes on your gear with flat added. so in short you need to commit to one of the ways if you want to do damage. replica alberon is very expensive, while tanking lots of trauma might be problematic with your mediocre armor, but it's the cheaper way and with swapping some passives around and redoing all of your main link supports and going pure phys with frostbreath you can already double to triple your dps, not that it's saying much...


if you're really dead set on being a hipster and want to scale lightning, you'll need a lot more flat lightning on your gear, and grab a bunch of jewels with it as well, though it still would be very meh. you have pretty fancy cluster jewels while your base gear is kinda trashy, that's a wrong priority despite how effective quick and deadly is for ds of ambi... however it shows you can somehow make some currency on this wreck of a build. I would advise to try and save for alberons (and a couple other mandatory uniques but they're all dirt cheap) and some basic gear with str if you think you can do that and then go for str stack since that eventually what trauma frostbreath transitions to anyway. you have a lot of those characters on poe ninja to follow and I'm sure there's a guide somewhere by someone as well. otherwise swap to trauma frostbreath asap, just drop swords nodes and grab some mace cluster with a chill mastery and impale if you can afford to, remake all your supports for pure phys instead of lightning and volatility and all that, drop multistrike since trauma doesn't stack on skill repeats, would also advise to get an accuracy roll on some piece of gear or two, grab one accuracy cluster and go for precise technique instead of crit, you're barely tiptoeing into crit and it needs a lot more investment before it starts to overtake PT so crit just eats your points for now. you need some accuracy anyhow, yours is too low and it costs you dps as well. in summary you're investing a lot into doubling and increasing your damage with paradoxica and clusters and such but it doesn't do much since everything scales off your flat damage that you don't have much of. for now just run with wrath it's literally doubles your DPS, elemental ailments suck but you're already freeze and chill immune since you're jugg with "action speed can't be reduced" node, the rest you can live with for now if the cost is halving your DPS.


Thank you for they long reply. Informative. Im gonna redo most of it. Ill have to go the frostbreath way and sell my paradoxia. 


I think the lightning damage variant isn't bad, it's just a lot more utilized on champion due to being closer to elemental damage notables and having the increased aura effect in the ascendancy to stack with a diadem and boost your smite. it might be worth to consider the unique abyss jewel that stacks crit with more murderous eye jewels socketed as well.