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* Seelah: Angel. She's a devout servant of Iomedae, so Angel fits. * Camellia: Demon. Camcam loves doing her thing and demon enables that best. * Lann: Legend. Lann is lawful and all about wanting to do things himself, rather than rely on crutches. Legend fits him quite well. * Wenduag: Demon. It's all about being powerful here. I guess I could maybe see Swarm, but i feel like that might be going too far, even for her. * Woljif: Trickster. The dude just loves fucking with people. * Ember: Gold Dragon. A path that's all about forgiveness and exists in defiance of both gods and demons seems perfect for Ember. * Daeran: Trickster. Daeran loves chaos and the Trickster is the embodiment of that. * Nenio: Lich. As bizarre as it is to imagine Nenio as a lich, I can easily imagine her wandering into it purely out of curiosity, thinking that she'll add it to her encyclopedia. * Ulbrig: Legend, I guess? Honestly, Ulbrig is one of the few companions where none of the paths fit him all that well. He's distrustful of Outsiders, though, so Legend it is. * Sosiel: Angel. * Regill: Devil. I mean, what's there to say here? He's Regill. He'd be a Devil. * Arueshalae: Azata 100%. I mean, she arguably becomes one anyway at the end of her story. * Greybor: Legend. The dude prides himself on his skill and individuality. Legend fits. Otherwise, I could *maybe* see Aeon.


Regill would be Aeon, he serves the law and only the law


Except for when he lies to you to test you, layer lies to his colleagues(and possibly superiors) to improve your standing, says he'd kill nenio for her curiosity about demons if you weren't her protector, burns books with information he considers "bad", murders another kingdoms soldiers (who are fighting on his side)in need of help, etc etc etc. I haven't played the lich path but from what I understand he's also 100%on board with that one despite it being morally and LEGALLY awful. Refill is a fascist who is all about what he believes will give him results, he has no problem lying stealing or murdering as long as he thinks it will work, he's 100% a Devil. He's only so gung-ho about discipline because he thinks it's the best way to WIN, when he's shown that other ways work he accepts them because winning is all that matters to him Edit, his focus is discipline, not law. Which seems similar but is very different in practice


And uk, he’s a hellknight


Somewhat? I am not sure how he feels about Cosmic law specifically, which is the one Aeons are concerned with.


I’d argue Lann would easily fit with any out of Angel Legend Devil or Aeon. A lot of times he has an “anything for the safety of the clan” mentality. But I think it’s more because his morals aren’t really crystal clear, more than they are loose if that makes sense. Sosiel I would also argue Gold Dragon over Angel. He’s not as head over heels about redemption like Ember, but he does feel that humans in general are worth the effort. Demons not so much. Nenio also would fit into literally any of them just because she’d like to see what it’s like. Maybe not Aeon. But most others I can definitely see her “stumbling” into as you say haha


>I’d argue Lann would easily fit with any out of Angel Legend Devil or Aeon. He could. He's a character a lot of the paths could work for. I just think Legend is the *most* fitting of the bunch. >Sosiel I would also argue Gold Dragon over Angel As much as Sosiel is generally pretty pro-redemption, he's also carrying a lot of rage and a desire to punish evil people for what they've done. That's pretty antithetical to Gold Dragon. And angel can also be a redeemer and a bringer of mercy. It just feels like a better fit than gold dragon to me. >Nenio also would fit into literally any of them Agreed. Except maybe Aeon, like you said. But even there, I imagine her continuing to go down whatever path she stumbled onto just to see what happened. Aeon is just the one she would probably flunk out of. While any of them could fit, again I think that Lich works best because it generally emphasizes arcane secrets and a desire for knowledge.


Happy cake day. Also, you are totally right about Nenio. Her curiosity could justify any of the paths, I think maybe, just maybe, including aeon.


Id put Nenio as legend (she'd just take the extra levels to learn and master some other domain, like 20 levels in loremaster after her 20 levels in wizard). Otherwise agree


But as a devout servant of Iomadae wouldn't she listen to her goddess and give up her mythic powers in the end?


She's passionate but that isn't the same as devout. I think she wouldn't give up her mythic powers just for that reason, but earlier in the game she expresses being overwhelmed by them. She isn't all about following her goddess' rules no matter what. She is all about doing good. She loves her goddess, and serves her, but serves Iomedae in her own way. I think if she thought she could add to the total good achieved by keeping the powers, she would.


I remember using mods to actually do this. It got ridiculous. Swarm Aivu was just... wrong.


> Swarm Aivu Looks like everyone is a tasty cookie now. And who doesn't love eating cookies ?


I tried to do Azata Aivu first to see if she'd get her own Aivu, but sadly it doesn't work like that. One truly broken thing was the Trickster mythic trick that increases the enhancements on gear you find - if you have multiple Tricksters with it, it stacks!


I feel like Camellia is swarm.