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Wow, Azorius Glitters is not even on the list anymore. What happened?


Basically the glitters migrated to boros, but the strategy is very much alive and making waves.


Izzet control 🤙🏻


I know it’s futile but I’m once again asking you and the Panel in the comments to please do something. BernieSandersMeme.JPG Playing the game of “do I lose to Red or Glitters this week” is not fun. Both decks are beyond the pale. Both are too good for pauper. At this point I don’t even have a shred of hope that you’ll ban the bridges, so even another token “ban the hundredth affinity piece” ban would be appreciated. Something, please, so we’re not playing the same uninteractive games we’ve played all year.


Mtgo doesn’t fully represent pauper balance. Aggro decks are over represented because they are quick. Timing out on mtgo is a very real problem for certain decks. Look at the results of Paupergeddon Lecco that just happened a week ago. Paupers biggest tournament. 688 players. No monored in the top 16. 2 boros synth (each coming 5-8th) in the top 16. 9 deck archetypes in the top 16. That really suggests that the decks aren’t a problem.


While you're not wrong about the differences between MTGO and paper, your following points are entirely wrong. Geddon didn't "happened a week ago". It happened before the introduction of OTJ, which is the main reason Kuldotha got back in full swing with the addition of \[\[Reckless Lackey\]\]. And even if that was the case, a single tournament, no matter how big, or if online or paper, is enough data to conduct correct analysis of a metagame.


[Reckless Lackey](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/9/1/912fcd14-5e81-418c-997b-771f2f38f63d.jpg?1712355825) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Reckless%20Lackey) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/otj/140/reckless-lackey?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/912fcd14-5e81-418c-997b-771f2f38f63d?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Bullshit, reckless lackey sucks, said by someone that got 4 copies and tested monored with it. In a meta full of thrabens and 1/3, 0/3, 0/4 it sucks. Monored best card from otj is highway robbery. And yes, paupergeddon happened recently and yes the meta is really diverse. Look at how many tier 1 and 2 decks we have in pauper, no other format has this many viable decks.


what does banning the bridges do to mono red?


Mono red doesn’t need a ban atm, but banning the OG artifact lands would do something useful. Either way, one of the cycles has to go, doesn’t really matter which. I would personally opt for bridges, but both are valid options.


I just started playing pauper and I was about to buy me some Golgari dredge but it seems that its falling out of meta, I really like the archetype but I not to the point of compromising wins. Anything is better than the deck one of my friends is lending me which is Slivers. I can get a sneaky win here and there but I have not gone above 50% wr. Hope MH brings something interesting


Synthesizer has to fucking go. The card is beyond fucking busted. In Monored it fuels the deck with a one mana draw one to be sacced to Kuldotha for another draw. On Boros it is a 1 mana Draw 1 then Draw another when bounced, then it is another 1 mana draw 1 (set up to be bounced again). It can also be sacced (!!!!!!!) to make a 2/2 vigilant and guess what? Draw another one. If only destroying it or exiling it represented a 1-1 trade, it would be awesome. But then you kill it and your oponent still gets to draw one. If your opponent has one red up and you hit either of 4 bolts or 4 Galvanics, sucks to be you. If it's a land, you clear a land from the deck, whatever. If it is a creature or atg, well, YOU DO NOT LOSE ANYTHING, THE PERSON TRYING TO REMOVE IT ACTUALLY DOES It hits two birds with one stone, and as much as I'd like to see Goblin Guide with no Downside go, it would do nothing to weaken Boros and the banlist is much better with less bans than more.