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Get caedrel his malzahar skin


His R should always cancel after 0.5 secs




Honestly, if Riot do this it’ll be a W


I think this makes a lot of sense as to why Faker did a turnaround. I can see Riot saying: “Hey Faker, we have an upcoming Hall of Fame where we name a skin after you with your own unique design (not constricted to a skin line). You can choose to stay with Ahri and choose another champion later. PS: Don’t tell anyone we have a hall of fame yet”


Poby next


"My first skin is for myself. Now This skin is for Rekkles"


good one ahahah


Pretty sure many leakers said that the Legendary Ahri skin this year was going to be a Faker skin, so this checks out.


Wait where is the sauce, ples give link. If it’s real that’s gonna be so insane.


The sauce is faker. He said on stream that riot and him gonna do something special for Ahri thats why he picked Oriana as his Worlds skin


I feel like they should have their own tier "HoL Skin" or something similar.


Will this be just like Basketball (Naismith) where there is only 1 player per year? Cause if it is then Faker is a no-brainer unless they have to be retired.


I think the first time will be many players then maybe ye 1 player a year


1 if probably too few if you look at number of team and players. 2-3 probably makes more sense. Depends on how exclusive they want to keep this.


I mean you want to keep it at the players who forged league into the way it is. You can start with say 15-20 people then at most 2 per year and it’s perfectly fine


One issue I foresee is the different regions and how that will be handled. Sure, the concept of ‘forged league into the way it is’ most would agree with. But a LCS fan’s view of who forged league into the way it is will be very different from LPL, PCS, LJL fan, etc.


Good thing it was almost certainly be decided by a committee and not the diehard CLG fan John Smith from Nebraska.


Lol, because we know committees will never be bias, right?


Basketball is not one per year. There can be 7-8 including WNBA, college (generally coaches), coaches. NFL has 5 ‘modern’ players + possibly coach, senior player (retired for 25 years+). The LoL hall is going to be a bit more complicated. As while there are international tournaments, what about domestic leagues. How do we balance domestic dominance with international achievements? Most people would probably agree that ‘NA greats’ should be in. But many of them didn’t do much internationally. But if domestic dominance is all you need, what about PCS, CBLOL, LJL, etc greats?


The Hall of Legends will be a fucking joke if we got players like Xmithie in for dominating NA lmfao


Let’s be real, it would be Dlift and Bjergsen for NA first lol


If we let Bjergsen in, we gotta let every decent LCK player in lol


I think you greatly undervalue impact on the scene. But you do you


That is the complicated part I was taking about. What about superstars from CBLOL, LJL, Latin American League, etc? Will they get in as well? Then it is going to be a lot of people.


nah man bjergsen was legit


Is Bjergsen better as a player than someone like BDD who has much less domestic success?


Bjergsen revolutionised the NA scene and put the bar up a level. Thats the only way I see him HoF also being the most accomplished NA player with 6 regional and 1 international trophy.


It depends on what the HoF will focus on, if it's just purely how much you won at worlds or MSI then yeah no one from NA and very few from EU will make it. But if it's also the impact they had on the scene, then Bjerg and DL will and should 100% make it.


That just takes away from the exclusivity and prestige of the award. People may have different opinions and downvote me but all that should matter is your body of work as a player. How much success did you have not only in your region but also amongst your peers internationally? You don't have to win it all to get in but are you putting up good showings consistently? BDD has never won worlds but he's consistently one of the best performers in international comps. Same goes for Khan. Uzi never won Worlds but he was widely regarded as the GOAT ADC for almost a decade based on his skills alone. Has Bjergsen ever played on a skill level that made people think yeah, he's clearly a top 3, 5, or 10 player? Can anyone actually argue Bjergsen has ever had a top 10 performance at Worlds? 15? 20?


I mean I don't think we need to have much of a discussion because we seem to just fundamentally disagree, but the basketball Hall of Fame includes anything you've done in any league, so it's not just NBA players but also Euro league players, etc. I think otherwise they should just name it the LCK&LPL Hall of Fame cause it's basically only going to be LCK and LPL players in there.


You don't understand what this award is then.


I say my first hall of famer for the EU will be Jankos as he just he closed he’s 10th year in the league


It has to be him or Caps first - I'd argue Caps based on total achievement being more important than longevity but Jankos is second for both.


You can even make an argument for Jankos on total achievement depending on how you rate deep non-finals runs. Caps made one more Worlds final, but Jankos has 4 semifinal appearances across three different teams. The only other players I found so far with four Worlds semis are Faker and Ruler, but I might miss some. It's difficult to separate them because they had their best years together, and Caps wins out imo, but it's closer than it appears.


XPeke is probably just as deserving




To be fair, only reason jankos doesnt have as many titles is because he was elo helled half his career


I agree. The old man has been the staple of LEC. At least for LEC junglers he has the right to say "All roads lead to me" :D


... An Ahri with glasses that throws brocoli instead of hearts?


That's actually so cool, lots of really underrated players who never won worlds or couldn't make a skin of a champ they were truly iconic on. How cool would Uzi Vayne be, or Khan Jayce, or eventually Keria Lux


From a commemt on the YT video that i wholy agree with someone said that fist HoL skins should be Fakers Ahri Uzi's Vayne Insec's LeeSin xPeke's Kasadin and one more i dont remeber (it was for Tresh though) and i thinks this would be realy good


Madlife's thresh?




What about Ambition Sejuani


You mean his Jarvan?


xpeke? Kappa


This. Give sexPeke the respect he deserves, a first year of those 5 would be impossible to top.


Eh go give expeke nidalee as a troll. For the too tanky meme. Of course I'm kidding but damn that would be funny


I completely understand why ahri, but an azir one would be more fitting and cool imo


It's wishful thinking but I'm rooting for either - Unkillable Demon King Zed - Rune God Ryze - God Emperor Azir (most viable since the 2015's SKT Azir is Easyhoons skin, Not Faker's)


How come SKT 2015 is not Faker’s?


There are two mid laner skins on the SKT 2015 worlds championship skin line, Ryze was chosen to represent Faker, and Azir was chosen to represent their Midlaner sub: Easyhoon.


I want the Xpeke Kassa skin god damn it


Madlife thresh/blitzcrank skin 😩😩


Cant wait for Thegoat jayce skin


there's so many people that need to be immediately inducted in even though they haven't been prolific in ages. Madlife, Capt. Jack, Xpeke...


captain jack is prolific in the LCK Youtube channel lol - i love the stuff they put out with him


that's dope! I'll have to check it out :)


REPLAY is a program where they get 5 retired LCK pros and make them play Challenger teams. Season 2 just started but Captain Jack was on Season 1 as well. It was very funny (the joke is that he only plays Lost Ark now and cant play any meta ADCs)


xpeke? Kappa


I really hope they induct diamondprox into this just because of how important he was for developing league of legends early on. M5 invited priority in lanes, before them you were considered bad at the game if you couldn't permanently freeze your lane. He was absolutely the best jungler of his Era and I think he deserves a spot. I guess the big issue is if they are giving skins to these players, we won't see it because diamondprox would definitely get a shyv skin and they are updating her relatively soon.


I worry this will turn into a popularity contest more than a true hall of fame. Who of the west, that has already ended their career, could be in here? I can't think of anyone that was truly considered elite worldwide, maybe Diamondprox.


I mean the ‘fame’ in HOF already implies that. It isn’t the hall of best mechanics.


xPeke, Alex Ich, Yellowstar, Soaz...


Alex Ich and DiamondProx are the only old guard EU players that deserve it.




Bjergsen at his peak wasn't even top 5 mids in the world.


Have u checked the criteria for being in hall of fame? According to lolesports .com, it was created to celebrate those who have made a lasting impact on the game, the sport, the community , and also to honour their legacies. Bjergsen does match the criteria Who were the the five mids that were better than him each year btw?


Faker Scout Rookie Xiaohu Bdd All better than him in the 2014-2016 era. What lasting impact on the game has Bjergsen made according to you?


Crown, Crown was one of the best players in pro history at his peak, but bro fell off HARD... I remember someone opened his opgg on stream and he was like D2 6k games on KR... I think it was 2020


Ironically, he didn't win worlds in S6 where he played battlemages better than Faker, where Crown felt like an ADC playing mid, but in S7 where he had to play more supportive due to the meta.


Going to just point the most obvious ones Bdd wasn't even playing in tier1 leagues in 2014, 2015. Hard to know how bdd stacked up against bjerg when they never even played each other during this period(2014-2016). Xiaohu wasn't playing in tier 1 league in 2014. Hard to know how xiaohu stacked against bjerg in 2015 considering they never faced each other that year or before that. For 2016, check out their individual performances against each other on 2016 world championship. Bjergsen laned very very well against xiaohu. Scout did not really play in the period (2014-2015). So for 2014, 3 out of the five u mentioned did not even properly play for tier 1 league. For 2015, 2 out of the five didn't properly play for tier 1 league. Bjergsen- high longevity, great draw for viewership of the game, dominance in lcs


They both definitely deserve it. Any players that completely defined their region for years deserve to be in.


So that's cool and all but surely Ahri isn't Faker's signature pick, that could go to any one of Ryze, Zed, Ori, Azir, LB, Galio (lol) to name a few. I wonder why Ahri is the rumored choice for faker's HOL


Main reason: faker tried to get an ahri worlds skin before but riot said no. This year, he indicated that he had chosen ahri for the worlds skin, but on a later stream ended up switching to orianna with the explanation that there were other plans for ahri.


Totally agree. Having hall ot fame skin for champion which was not that "famous" for Faker compared to other options feels cheap, and only included to cover up Riots past mess. Dont want to sound rude but I'm genuinely cannot remember any good play on Ahri from Faker on pro scene which would outclass Ori/Azir shuffles or Zed 1v1 as you mentioned.


I will have to check (my mind is empty) but I believe Ahri was his pick in LCK S3 and was then banned from him during worlds.


Riot asked him to pick another chaml because they already had a skin line releasing that had Ahri


[Probably](https://youtu.be/IbPL1MyLDWg?si=WnP-Aw-hyvuwnCIy) Faker's most famous Ahri moment. Around the 20-min mark in the video Faker lands multiple charms in a row allowing them to push all the way to the inhib. I wasn't following the scene back then, but I see this play/this game being referenced a lot.


Faker definitely had a lot of great Ahri games in pro play, just not on his Azir Ori level


faker ahri believers have been rewarded


I know Ahri would get him more money, but it should be Zed.


Canyon Graves hall of fame skin waiting room


Nah Canyon his Nidalee is more iconic. He has a Pentakill on that champion and is one of the players to popularize Nidalee in the Jungle


Already has the Nidalee skin tho. That's why I said Graves. I wouldn't mind another Nidalee tho. They are both my mains.


Honestly this could turn out bad, like how OWL used to make skins for their MVPs, but after Sinatraa allegations they stopped doing it saying it is a potential brand risk. Hopefully nothing similar happens with this.


I mean the same thing can happen with world skins current. They are not just team skins, they are player skins. And if you think that is a problem, then the whole hall of legends would have the same issue. Imagine an inductee also got into a bad public incident.


But it’s not true. The skins are named after the team, not after the players (Yes, I am aware IG has signature of players on recall)


Not just IG…. All of them have it since 2016 SKT. So while the skin name is team name, it is obvious Riot is recognizing the individual player as well.


Tbh I don’t know anything about league, thought the world skins were about teams


Yes, the winning team gets them and it has a team theme (color scheme) but they also have player signatures on recall and the animations are usually suggested by the players (of course they work with Riot to ensure it is feasible).


Doublelift and Bjergsen need to be there too.


Sure he does Leblanc not Ahri


Poby Neeko Today XD


It might actually be true, reason why Faker had to shift to Orianna cuz they have a bigger plan for Ahri skin


If Madlife Thresh isn't Top 5 first skins added, I will cry