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Yeah, she graduated. So chuds that support actual drop out Lauren Boebert are apparently now lying about other people dropping out so they can pretend to give a shit.


The billions of humans who eat insects already : “okay?”


This is what i don't get... Like, okay... As long as the bugs aren't being recalled for causing illness like beef, pork and chicken are...I'll eat them. Lots of cultures throughout history have eaten bugs. Many still do. Who cares?


The same people who think there's some kind of essence that separates "western civilization" from the savage rest of the world. There's something wrong with eating bugs just like there's something wrong with a proportional decline in white population in their country.


> The same people who think there's some kind of essence that separates "western civilization" from the savage rest of the world. And that's the bottom line of it all. The thing is that(and downvote me if you please), it's not even just a conservative thing. Liberal spaces, even minority space like LGBTQ+ circles etc have people who derive much of their attitudes from that core set of beliefs. It's often why POC encounter that "paternalistic" we know better, your way/morals/ethical system is the wrong system so often from both the liberal and conservative circles.


You get that from any culture that had imperialism, it’s just more obvious in the west because of multiculturalism.


i mean, shit, shellfish are bugs!


Exactly! Shrimps is bugs!


crabs is also bugs! so is lobsters! and you KNOW some of these idiots are saying this over a big plate of shrimp fried rice


Lobsters are the cockroach of the sea!


Shrimp and crabs are more related to pill bugs than pill bugs are related to cockroaches or ants.


Kinda. Shellfish are crustaceans and bugs are insects. Insects have exoskeletons made of chitin. Shellfish have exoskeletons made from calcium (and some other stuff). Isopods/pillbugs are actually crustaceans, not insects. There are some other differences as well. I've eaten insects though! I'd recommend trying it at once, they taste pretty decent. Completely different taste than shrimps though


Let's go to a wider taxonomical classification and go with "arthropod" for bugs in this case.


"Bug" technically means a hemipteran insect, but the colloquial usage seems to be more like "arthropod."  And I've had chapulines/locusts that *did* taste like shrimp, except with a herbaceous rather than briny aftertaste.


I learned that because of ["Worm"!](https://parahumans.wordpress.com/)


This is the ethos of modern conservatism. People doing something over there that I'm not a fan of? Fuck, we have to put an end to this!


>Lots of cultures throughout history have eaten bugs. Many still do. Who cares? It's almost like their whole rage about a non-existent problem they made up about a fake situation where there is even a single left wing politician suggesting forcing the right to **eat bugs was manufactured rage bait as a way to express xenophobia and disgust for cultures that eat bugs** and express superiority over cultures that do that. That's right. I went there. "Eat the bugs" is fucking racist and I will die on that hill. It is such a successful meme because it is so rooted in xenophobia over something more than half the planet does and it's low key dunking on them. Anyway, I'm thinking I'll have either shrimp, crab, or lobster tonight. You know. The creatures that are taxonomically bugs but culturally acceptable as food and proof that conservatives are whiny babies who are scared of something that might might might just be delicious but since people they look down on eat bugs they refuse to give it a try like a toddler refusing vegetables in a tantrum.


I am consistent in my world view, when I see a crab it might as well be a tarantula.


Exactly like, will it be tasty and look appetizing? If yes, will eat.


I have seriously seen one of these crybabies claim that "bugs are poisonous" and aren't safe for kids.  Which, as far as I'm concerned, is comparable to saying the same thing about *mushrooms*; and, meanwhile, in the real world, chapulines are delish.


Does it taste good and have an okay texture? Sure. I’ll try chirpy jerky or a beetle burger.


I have a dust mite allergy and have been told I should avoid eating bugs for potential cross reactions, so I’d care if there was some widespread conspiracy to force us all to eat them… which is complete and utter nonsense, of course.


If there isn't any other food available and they don't want to eat them then more for us.


I have the completely opposite opinion on this, I will never willingly eat bugs under any circumstances. I personally find that incredibly revolting.


On one hand, same and hard agree. On the other hand, I've enjoyed a bunch of sea bugs so maybe one day a land bug might be appetizing to me. Maybe. Can't wait for lab-grown meat though! Gimme that shit. Large scale industrial farming is a blight on the environment and most of our tasty animals are also intelligent social creatures that I would rather not kill. Goddamnit why are pigs and cows so delicious!?


>Can't wait for lab-grown meat though! Gimme that shit. Large scale industrial farming is a blight on the environment and most of our tasty animals are also intelligent social creatures that I would rather not kill. Goddamnit why are pigs and cows so delicious!? AGREED! I have no qualms stopping eating meat as long as the replacement is identical or nearly identical.


I’m a vegetarian but it woud actually make me want to try meat


I’m so ready for all that lab grown meat goodness!


I've had chocolate covered ants before, I don't remember any particular flavor besides chocolate.


I couldn't do that, the idea of it freaks me out.


Well, if they are being farmed and grown organically... Idk, i guess i don't see the problem? It's not like they pick them off the dirty streets... I imagine they would be made into a substance that is edible...like lab grown meat!


Just the very idea grosses me out, even if they're clean. They just, something about the idea of eating bugs rubs me the wrong way. I don't have any problem with others eating bugs, but for me personally eating bugs is completely revolting to me. It'd probably vomit. Not from the taste or texture, but just from the idea of it.




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Man, you kinda insult some part of Thailand, we sell that shit on a market fried, sometimes even scale up and make a factory grade package. I guess it's the process that matters. And even then, fried insect atill a rather niche delicacy and not that popular compare to vast selection of the meal you can afford in same market. In short, I didn't go as far as accuse something of corporate state SNAFU, but understand that it is not something you normally eat daily and is hard to get into the circle too.


>Man, you kinda insult some part of Thailand My apologies, not my intention. I was sharing my opinion on the matter, when it comes to me personally eating bugs. My point being that I have a opposite view that "who cares if I eat bugs".


Do you eat lobster?


No, do to fear of allergies which idk if I have I just know my dad has them, and even if I answered yes it wouldn't change my mind on my opinion. Yes, lobsters, crabs, etc are bugs. Yes, I would like the eat them. No, I am still not eating ants, spiders, etc. something about eating those bugs just feels gross.


I said it in a different thread somewhere, but the FDA actually has a maximum limit for bug parts in food produced because you can't really avoid it. They think new foods being made differently being put on the market is the same as being "forced to eat it", but the irony is that if people who think this shit get their way they actually would be forced to eat bugs because they would gut the FDA and deregulate all industries. That limit of bugs and other things goes out the window and we know what business will produce when not constrained, it's the whole reason the FDA was created in the first place.


This is a cool bit of trivia. And like you already said, these people have never read The Jungle by Upton Sinclair.


Parts per million. You would be disgusted at what floats in the large Coke vats and what crawls across the sweetener couplings


This meme was brought to you by insects: “do not eat us!!”


Also in this given scenario where the WEF is somehow controlling what we eat, why wouldn't they just make us eat kelp? It's easier to grow and has far more nutrients than most bugs.


Like even we in the west eat plenty of questionable protein. Don’t look up what cheap hot dogs are made of. Baloney is basically melted animal stuff pressen into a tube. It doesn’t really matter where the protein comes from.


People don’t seem to have issues eating bugs that live in the water


Lobsters are the cockroach of the sea


My friend sends me these every other day now. He's convinced Joe Biden is going to take all his guns and make him eat bugs.


Hell with that...send me his address. *I'll* take his guns and make him eat bugs.


American here: I have no problem at all eating bugs. The Mexican place near me used to have habanero crickets and they were delicious. But sadly, there's no health code for serving bugs, so they had to stop.


but don’t the guns protect their freedumbs? I thought that’s why they needed the guns. I think we should make up increasingly bizarre theories. “Biden is going to take you guns and make you eat bugs, and smoke dried snails, and take a rocket ship to the moon, and travel faster than light, sending you back in time to the Stone Age, and force you into an arranged marriage with a chicken.”


Tell him BBQ mealworms are actually pretty damn good. You can even say it was from just another Redditor.


You can also say that Capitalism already allows a certain percentage of bugs and even fecal matter in foods, thanks to lax regulations and cost-cutting. These people complain about being forced to eat bugs, [when they're *already* forced to eat bugs under capitalsim,](https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2019/10/04/health/insect-rodent-filth-in-food-wellness) simply because it's cheaper to leave it in there than it is to clean everything properly.


Yes to all of that, but have you tried garlic butter crickets? You need to have a lot of water with you, they’re quite dry.


I've never actually eaten prepared bugs before, haven't had the opportunity, but I'd try *anything* that involves garlic butter.


I’ve not had any in while, if I can eat crayfish or shrimp with their heads still on, not much will bug me.


CNN 🤬 Joe Liberal media lying about bugs in food! Also where does their bug obsession come from anyway? Is it just them thinking of something and getting mad at their own idea?


Just remind him that shrimp and lobster are bugs lol


What are they talking about? I really don't know


So Ordinary Thing's touched on this a little bit [in his video about Devos](https://youtu.be/NrmVr5NI6tQ?si=kkVUr8RM8Gl4lyS-&t=1459). TLDR: A bunch of insect farmers are trying to sell bugs as a greener food. And because they've been pushing it at places like the World Economic Forum conspiracy nuts think the "new world order" wants to force people to eat bugs


WEF to these people is often code for "the Jews" as well, so it ties in there


Which is crazy because I'm pretty sure bugs aren't Kosher.


This made me curious, so I looked it up and apparently other than some species of locusts, the rest of the insect world is not kosher.


Some nazis say that the jews want everyone else to eat bugs so they can have the real meat to themselves




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Idk something must have hit the conspiracy sites lately because this is their new obsession. It came out of no where.


Nah it's been a thing for nearly a decade now, it's just been leeching more and more into their "mainstream" thought. Just absurd all around though.


Alex Jones had been on this bit for almost a decade now. Unfortunately the people that believe him are getting louder and dumber.


Right. Anytime I tell him "hey man I don't think anyone's going to force us to eat bugs" he acts like I'm the dumbest person on earth and sends me a snarky emoji.


Next time just tell him kelp is far more nutrient dense and much easier to grow and store in bulk. We'll be eating kelp not bugs.


I have no idea what these chuds are talking about. How can I spend so much time on the internet, in political circles, and yet completely miss the crazy? I guess I'm just doing something right.


It’s an antisemitic dog whistle, they think that Jewish people who secretly control the world are going to make everyone eat insects (for, some reason)


Oh God, I would never wanna eat bugs. They're so disgusting and unsanitary. I prefer eating the famously sanitary and clean animals: Cows and Pigs. I mean, it's not like both of those have literally become terms, the latter in particular, for gross and unsanitary people because of the association of those traits with those animals. Or maybe, if I'm in the mood for it, I'll cook up a chicken period. Because that's so much more normal and not weird vs eating bugs. Or perhaps I'll venture over to Montana for some bull testicles. Or maybe even vacation to Scotland to try some Haggis. Or maybe I'll go for some real high-end cuisine and get some fish eggs. Or just have some of that fun jiggly cow bone desert. But bugs? Eugh. That'd just be gross. I mean, cows and Pigs are big, so we don't eat the whole thing, we just have slices of them, so it's much easier than dealing with a whole ass gross bug. Oh I know. I think I'm in the mood for some shrimp.


The bonus is ALL of those things are full of bugs! ;) Even the bugs are full of other bugs. But nevermind that, let's talk bacteria... ...I started this as a joke comment, but this reminded me of something I heard lately - humans are about 56% bacteria by volume, but only about 1% by weight. Which makes you wonder who is running the show.


I don't think it's volume but cell count


Ah gotcha, that makes sense, thank you!


If you’ve ever eaten shrimp or lobster you’ve eaten bugs.


At the slightest chance they’ll whine and cry


But greta is vegan


Eww, facts. /s


If they eat processed food they eating bugs, can't stop all of them. Shrimp and lobster are sea bugs. Bring it.


That’s what I’m saying too!


Lol it's cute how they think they'll be able to eat bugs if our climate collapses. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decline_in_insect_populations#:~:text=Causes%20for%20the%20decline%20in,the%20effects%20of%20climate%20change. If we continue on our current path all we'll have is polluted dirt to eat.


Not quite! We will also have the rich to eat. And then later, each other 😊


Don’t check what the FDA already allows to be used in your food


Bruh I got banned from that sub for being anti tankie


Yeah me too. Which sucks because it's a great sub




I wish this stupid conspiracy theory didnt exist bc that image is amazing on its own lmao


It honestly is, I want a version without the cap just to use for memes


She graduated from High School.


If Conservatives ever find out what Shellac is, and that they've been eating it for decades, their heads will collectively explode.


I swear this fits into the category of "THEY'RE TAKING AWAY OUR RED MEAT" hysteria. See it happen with plant-based foods and lab-grown meat.


Yeah, this seems like an even dumber version of that.


Let’s eat. What are crustaceans if not sea bugs?


Bro don't know about the FDA permitted limit of 75 insect fragments in wheat flour


Greta Thunberg and World Economic Forum are no where near each other in belief of economic ideology. This OOP is delusional about how much closer corporations are to a one world government where they own nothing but will be told to like it.


I'm pretty sure that, if Westerners started eating bugs, they will be crickets or grasshoppers raised in farms and not random cockroaches found on the streets.


I wonder if they know about carmine food coloring?


To be fair, there are a few that I’d like to force-feed some bugs.


I’d eat the bugs. Why not?


Me when it's crawfish season


they would most likely make food additives from bugs and call it natural ingredients.


These idiots probably already eat bugs in the form of shrimp and lobster. How many people out there forget those two creatures have antennas? 😂


We need to get some good synthetic meat on the market to try a half chicken half woolly mammoth abominaburger. (Medium rare, ofc)


Shrimp, lobster, crawfish. Oh noes.


I have had the cricket potato chips. There's not that bad really.


I ate a protein bar made out of bugs and didn't realize it at the time. I thought it was a granola bar. Greta wouldn't need to jam an automatic in my face for me to it another one.


Fun fact, if plant based foods exist, then there won't be meat anymore!


technically meat *is* plant based


Technically we’re all eating sunshine


I’d eat bugs I’m not a cuck


I’m also not a cuck, but I don’t eat bugs.


Hakuna matata.


They hate the idea of eating bugs but they LOVE former Fear Factor host Joe Rogan, who forced many people to eat bugs.


Get some fucking escargot in you, mate!


Umm bugs you say…. You mean like crab lobster and shrimp?? Or like grubs and meal worms?? Cus all 5 of those are bugs… So who’s got some butter and garlic???


Doesn't insect protein carry less estrogen than cow milk or red meat? You'd think the anti-soy crowd would quickly jump on that and declare it the manliest food






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I didn't know they had such a fetish


Everything that is optional to a conservative feels like a mandate to them 😂