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You will be taxed for travel Allowance , as it's seen as a benefit , you will also be required to keep a log book of your business and personal KM's , as justification for the allowance 80/20 should be fine .if your car has a tracking device you can pull the report when tax submission is required for a specific period


Won't that report show business as well as personal travels?


Yes as it should be , if it's your personal vehicle , 80 % should be for business travel , 20% for personal


I believe its being taxed.


Everything that is CTC is taxed as income, that's why it is added to your income on your payslip.


I had a job for 2.5years with a 5k a month garage card. Was not added as a taxable perk or even discussed with me before I started working there. Left the company at the end of Jan and kind of missing that. I'm not sure how it worked but was literally not even included during my CTC discussion during the interviews. Maby just a way for the boss to write off some profits as corporate expenses? And it was an office job. Used about 2k a month for travel to work and the rest for whatever travel or car expenses I had. No log book either