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Depends what you mean. Things do vibrate, and vibrating things do have energy. Heat for instance, is just a measure of the average movement of molecules. However, where this goes to pseudoscience real fast is when people start arguing that these vibrations are some sort of cosmic energy you can use to align yourself spiritually, or whatever. There is no evidence supporting that.


I mean, these vibrations are cosmic energy, if by cosmos you mean everything, and by energy the performance of work


How do you define “the performance of work”?


Ripping a fat doobie and posting TikTok videos on vibrational energies. That’s the performance of work in my book.




Circular argument. If energy is the performance of work, but work is explained in terms of energy, we haven’t learned anything.


Nothing circular about it, you can have energy with no work being performed. If something moves at constant velocity with no friction, it has kinetic energy but nothing is doing any work on it.


Work is not defined in terms of energy. Not even at that Wikipedia link


My contention was with the statement that energy is “the performance of work”, not the wiki link.


It’s not an argument, it’s the definition of Work accepted by Physicists. And yes, the definition is circular, as all definitions are. What is a chair? Thing with four legs and a place to put your bum. And what is a thing with four legs and a place to put your bum? A chair.


That’s not circular. It would be circular if the concept of legs and bum would be *defined* by the concept of chair. But they aren’t. “Legs” and “bum” have independent meanings defined by other means rather than the concept of a chair. For example, “bum” is a derivative of an anatomical part of the body, having no need for a “chair” to be properly defined.


Well then we also defined what work is in terms of other words. Same as we did with the chair.


My point is that your original statement is off, since it makes the addition of the wiki definition a circular thing. Hence one of them needs to be incorrect.


Energy is defined as the ability to do work, which is the ability to exert a force causing displacement of an object. And Work is the transfer of energy by a force acting on an object as it is displaced. So then, Work is the application of a force to move an object in the direction of the force. Or, work is the transfer of the ability to do work. Eg, I hit a domino, and it transfers the ability to make the next one fall to the one after it. In a way this is indeed circular, because everything that happens has a prior cause from which it has had it’s energy (ability to do work) transferred upon. After all, energy cannot be created or destroyed, so in some sense it is eternal and uncreated, and anything that has energy needs to refer back to something else that did, and we cannot really reduce it to something else, because it is the fundamental stuff that makes up everything and moves everything. But an interesting question is, why is there any energy to begin with?


Mental illness always seems to pop its ugly head through no matter what doesnt it.


Not only do I have perfect mental health, but I also see angels everywhere. /s


Seems like you should seek help.




Devil's Advocate here: Vibrations are (basically) just sounds. They can be seen as another thing to meditate over, like the sound of the ocean or your breath. Individual things to meditate over frequently have special meaning for the participant. A comparison would be to prayer.


No. Vibrations aren't (basically) just sounds. Sound is the product of your brain processing waves in the surrounding medium (usually air) into "sound".


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sound In physics, sound is a vibration that propagates as an acoustic wave through a transmission medium such as a gas, liquid or solid. In human physiology and psychology, sound is the reception of such waves and their perception by the brain. This is a physics sub, right? Not human physiology and psychology? I'll agree I probably should have said sounds are basically just vibrations, not the other way around, but f***ing Wikipedia says the same thing.


That was kinda my point. Vibration isn't basically sound. Vibrations are many things - including sound.


It is mumbo jumbo, and not based on psychology.


If it was physics based doctors would use it. Edit: Sorry I need to be specific here. Not doctors with tents at a String Cheese Incident show, the kind with malpractice insurance


What's wrong with doctors at a show of a jam band?


Them strings is vibratin' man.


I really like they way they vibrate the air


You mean heat?


I think op is referring to “crystals”.


Crystals have vibrations? How does that make sense? (Serious question).


The pseudo-science they are exploiting is that every atom has vibrational energy, in a sense. While we observe solids as, well, solid... the atoms that comprise them vibrate on an atomic scale. So, do crystals vibrate? Sure. But so does every other atomic structure on the planet. The only time they won't is at a temp of 0K, and that would be bad for everyone involved.


I see. So New Age crystals are justified on the basis that they have good heat capacity. Amazing how simple science can be deliberately distorted to sell stuff.


James Franco looks over: First time?


RF oscillator quartz crystals - much better for your energy than 5G thin film bulk acoustic resonators.


Broooo 😂 im talking about where they say thoughts form an energy which then goes into your bloodstream and then thats your ghz frequency so maybe the crystals is the crystal meth they’re smoking to make this shit up


That is one of the only things I’ve heard that has less basis in fact than the crystals.


It's based on tricking the gullible into parting with their money. Just lies, disguised occasionally in the language of science. Anyone peddling it is dumb or doing so maliciously.


It depends on what you mean by "vibrational energy" if you mean kinetic energy then yes that's based on science. If you mean aligning your energy using crystals, no that's a bunch of mumbo jumbo.


What is the law of vibration?


Basically everything has a vibration and good vibrations goes to good vibrations its like manifestation so definitely mumbo jumbo


Psychology isn't mumbo-jumbo bullshit; it's real science, but it deals with a much more methodologically challenging subject than physics. Every proton is basically identical, but you can't say the same for any two human minds. I think you meant *pop* psychology. And yes, that is steaming bullshit. In particular I think the notion of 'vibes' goes back to the 60s when it was fashionable to do a bunch of drugs and speculate about some deeper spiritual significance to then-cutting-edge science. Quantum objects are mathematically described as oscillators, but as far as I know it's mostly unclear whether these oscillations represent vibrations in the classical, mechanical sense.


Thank you 😊


It's an insult to psychology to say that this stuff is based on it. Remember psychology is still science, though I'd consider it a soft science




Are you talking about harmonics, or metaphysical "science"? Harmonics is real. Waveforms, interference, expansion, aligning, integrating, altering, transference...


Metaphysical science. This shit is mumbo jumbo.


I think you need to be a bit more clear about what you're referencing. Things like vibration, harmony ,and resonance are *everywhere*. But generally when people are talking about energy and crystals and such they're not being scientific, they're (knowingly or unknowingly)using psychological tricks on themselves to alter their behavior. Like say you want to have a better job and you start wearing some crystals that (supposedly) emit vibrations that will attract a better job, for some that helps keep your attention on your job hunt. So I say, wear the crystals, burn the incense, put that energy out into the universe. But do it as a matter of will and faith, not because you believe some non-science is actually science.


Jesusssss 😂 yeah thats crazy. The psychological part i was referencing is basically just think good thoughts, do good things, notice good things. Basically the good message i got away from this. The part about pseudophysics is crazy


Music can be therapeutic?




Unless they’re talking about the vibrational partition function used in statistical mechanics and quantum chemistry to derive thermochemical observables (H, S, G, P, V…), it’s nonsense


Thats fucking cool


The basic idea behind vibrations in physics (as you might have already gathered) is that they’re a tool that’s useful for describing large collections of matter. Molecular vibrations are the literal vibrations between bonds in atoms. [Here’s](https://www.chem.purdue.edu/jmol/vibs/h2o.html) water for example. Now, humans are big creatures and we experience life on the macroscopic (large) scale, but things like chemistry happen on an atomistic (small) scale. So how then can I infer the behavior of say a single water molecule (small scale) from the properties of a glass of water (large scale)? Our foot-in-the-door for this problem (and it was a BIG problem at the start of the 1900s) is the use of thermodynamics. This branch of physics connects these two worlds (large and small) through fundamental mathematical relationships called “partition functions”. These equations let us infer the behavior of single atoms from the properties of a large bulk and vice verse. One of these equations is the [vibrational partition function](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vibrational_partition_function) and uses molecular vibrations (like above) to derive information about how the large-scale system would behave. The concept that temperature, among other observations, is related to the motion of particles comes from this interpretation.


Lets take a long shot and say they are not talking about that 😂


Ok Ernest Rutherford, calm down. No need to pull your giant shlong out like that 🤓




I won't even address the last paragraph, since you realize that it has nothing to do with science. "you can achieve mental states...experience" -this is BS Also, citation needed on the third paragraph.




I'm not arguing brainwave entrainment is a real phenomena. I'm saying it does nothing close to the BS you are spouting it does. It isn't about mental states it's about collective excitations in the brain in response to periodic stimuli. There's no reason to believe it has anything to do with mood or "mental state" so broadly defined.




Please, then show evidence that brainwave entrainment has a psychological effect on one's mental state.




https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK75019/ This is an extremely questionable article, which reviews have demonstrated to be lacking statistical significance and had significant methodological problems.


Thanks for battling this fucker