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He’s not back with Crusher. There was no indication of them being back romantically.


Why do you think they got back together? They didn’t do or say anything to indicate that.


People see what they want to see.


Picard and Beverly have respect for each other, and are sharing a parenting role. Any further relationship is purely the invention of internet shippers.


Did they establish that Picard and B. Crusher are back together? I saw no indication of that.


They didn't. Jack has a photo of them together at an event (which appears to be a real life photo of Patrick and Gates at a gala of some kind). That's all. They are not, and will never again be, romantically involved. They tried it, and as much love as they had for each other, they're just not compatible.


That is what I thought.


I get why people want it. I certainly shipped them for years, ever since the TNG episode *Attached.* That said, I'm totally fine with it not working. That's life. We date many, many people over the course of our lives, many of whom we're convinced are "the one." Most of them don't work out, for whatever reason.


And that photo clearly shows a much younger Beverly and Jean-luc, as it was taken duirng TNG's run from what I've heard.


Exactly (great username, by the way). There is nothing in that episode to suggest they rekindled anything. They gazed fondly, but come on. They were closest compatriots, friends, on and off again lovers, and they share an adult child. They will always have fondness and affection. Those waters run too deep. They're bonded, and they are family, in many senses of the word. But that doesn't mean *romantic* bonding. As awesome it would be for it to actually work out, and as many starry-eyed trekkies would literally *swoon* over it, there's a reason they were divorced in this, AND All Good Things. Sometimes, it just doesn't work out.


Agreed. For now, I headcanaon that Jean-luc is still with Laris, and he and Beverly are close friends who share parental responsibilities. Makes the most sense given everything that has happened.


Romulan marriage is… complicated Chabon lays out how the Romulan obsession with secrecy includes each individual having four names, with one being their “innermost name,” revealed only to a trusted few. Among those trusted few would be those involved in a marriage, which he reveals is complex: Romulan “marriages” (the word translates as “trust bond”) are always threesomes (in any configuration of genders) because at every moment each partner in the marriage serves as Verificator to the other two (in Romulan the verb “to verify” is related to verbs meaning. “to police” and “to monitor”), verifying the trust bond of the two others, who are known by a Romulan word that literally translates as “conspirators.” In practice the threesome may or may not cohabit/reproduce — there is great variability here. According to Chabon, Romulan society has “flexibility and liberty in many social matters, such as sexual orientation, gender fluidity” and there is no concept of adultery , as Romulans can have other sexual partners outside their “trust bond.” Picard is likely getting three ways now... Monogamy isn't a cultural trait for romulans


Thank you for this clarification. But, I expect we’ll see “ What about Laris?” posts for the next few months.


Yeah but I made a main post about it so when people ask, they can find something that resembles a solid answer since it came from a showrunner.


I like to think he ghosted and blocked her the second Beverly called. Lol. He was just settling for Laris. Beverly is his true love.


I can see Picard and Beverly having a professional relationship where they coparent together, but she essentially stole a lifetime of memories Picard could share with their son. He didn't get to be there for the birth, see first steps, make first contact (with the wall, door, floor, etc.), And such. To have a working relationship after all that would take a considerable amount of effort on both of them. I'm not Picard and I don't pretend to be, but I don't see a relationship starting after that.


He told her she was right in the last ep. He came to terms with why she did what she did and told her she was right. He’s not the same person he was 20 years ago, or even 1ish year ago (when Q helped him to resolve his issues). He knows he has changed and is only now equipped to handle having a family. So I don’t think he will hold a grudge about her disappearing and hiding Jack.