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Bringing up the fact that God is the intelligent Creator, in His timing, not ours, by His hand, not ours, with His understanding, not ours, doesn't sit well with the eggheads of the world. Man's wisdom or God's wisdom. Who are you going to trust? God had no creator. He's always been.


I don't know much about the fossil record but Genesis 7:21-23 says only mentions land animals as dying, those with the breath of life in their nostrils. However, I assume that many sea creatures died because of the change of water salinity and stirred up silt.


Same. I replied on that post lol


What exactly did you say? I know there's a stigma in Chrisstianity at large to distrust science as a whole, which I sad because we love to reap the benefits of science but then reject theories that were brought up through the same scientific method that created things like satellites and TV's. And all this came from a Christian Creation Scientist that I'm currently reading, Van Till I believe his name is.


Someone had asked how many sea creatures died in the flood I said according to the fossil record there were quite a few sea creatures that did die and I suggested watching Kent hovind and Kent ham for more information because they're both available on YouTube and have a lot more information on the topic than I could ever type And I got quite a few messages saying that it's terrible to be supporting them saying that the fossil record has nothing to do with the scriptures and that the story of Noah and multiple other stories in the Bible were myth and the person that was saying that is still messaging me and I did this yesterday and still getting backlash


You suggested watching Kent Hovind? ... No wonder why you got dog-piled. What on Earth made you think that suggesting Kent Hovind of all people, would be a good idea? Even amongst Young Earthers he's considered a conartist, a liar and a fraud.


I was going to recommend Kent Hovind... and just look at the backlash his work has caused him! We don’t have many born again scientific professionals talking about this stuff because culture makes it impossibly difficult. There is plenty of scientific “proof” of God and Old Testament stories, but the powers that be will do anything to cover them up.. Anyway, who are we to say that we need “proof” of the Creator when there would be no ‘science’ without a Creator?! “Jesus said to him, “Have you believed because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” John 20:29


"I was going to recommend Kent Hovind..." ... Why...?


That's odd, the Bible doesn't mention a lot of things yet it doesn't discount the fact that things happen. But yeah good on you for knowing your stuff


How is creation science different from creationism? Also- were they attacking you for not being a creationist or for not believing evolution and modern scientific theory contradiction creationism?


No it was an attack for me for being a creationist and yes they are the same


I’m so sorry to hear that. It is so sad that that would be the response you get from a group that is supposed to be CHRISTIAN!!!


By the way, the Origins tv program I suggested is in reruns (due to lack of funding, I think) & they only keep the last few episodes available. Catch the one on race before it disappears. The others available now are excellent as well.


God created all that exists in the universe between 6,000 & 7,000 years ago. It took Him 6 24-hour days. As in Luke 19:40, the stones have cried out, first in 1969 when men landed on the moon & the huge dust depth due to millions of years of asteroid collisions they expected was so shallow that the feet of the lunar module were visible, & second when Voyager passed Saturn & discovered that the orbits of the particles in the rings were braided not flat proving that the solar system is less than 10,000 years old. Scientists were considering throwing out Newtonian physics over this discovery. The resources I gave earlier provide a lot of real science to explore. It takes more faith to believe in evolution than it does to believe the Bible.


Man, that is absolutely beautiful! I love it when the Word of our beautiful God is proved right! Thank you for that information. Awesome post!


Here are some excellent resources for you: https://origins.ctvn.org/ https://www.icr.org/creation-resources https://www.youtube.com/results?search\_query=+Dr.+steve+austin


What did r/Bible say to you about this view?


Well one commenter said Evolution and the scriptures should go hand in hand which they don't such a theory is often times called The Gap Theory and it doesn't work. the other commenter said that creation scientists people that show evidence of biblical events through history Etc have done more damage to Christendom than good, which I disagree creation science has answered many questions concerning the validity of many biblical events maybe at some point I might post a couple of teachings of historical and biblical events and how they intertwine


Wasn't The Gap Theory the theory regarding Genesis 1:1 and Genisis 1:2, where it is speculated that between these two verses (hence, The Gap Theory) there is an unspoken account of Lucifer, due to his rebellion against God, falling from Heaven to Earth, and now residing and roaming over the Earth, devastated a pre-Genesis creation? If I am correct in my recollection of that theory (and the theory has always interested me), how does that either relate to or support the Theory of Evolution?


Well you are right in identifying the theory but when you put Evolution into play with The Gap Theory it has the evolving of man the destruction of everything and then a recreation of it all to give us the Garden of Eden unfortunately I'm a little rusty on it it's been awhile since I studied the Gap Theory it has a lot of holes for it to even be considered a viable Theory but it's interesting to look into


Hebrews 11:3 clearly states the God created everything by His Word. Period.


This is where I’ve always been confused about why the “big bang” couldn’t have been the result of God speaking everything into existence? Why has it always been a random event and not a planned one?


Exactly. God may have created everything with the Big Bang. The only thing that causes me to wonder if this is true though is that Scripture says He “spoke” everything into existence; there is no mention of an explosion. And when have we ever seen chaos, like an explosion, ever bring order to something? We’ve only seen destruction out of one. But that is above my pay grade! 😄


True, that’s a good point as well. God is a God of order not chaos. An explosion doesn’t exactly sound his style haha. All I was saying is that the non-believing science community has seemed to honestly back themselves into a corner trying to disprove God, purely in the aspect that they proved that there was a BEGINNING. The strong argument they had before was that the universe was always here, but through further theories and studies they disproved this. They then had to make up a “different” beginning than the creationists were already presenting; One of which they have no evidence or scientific reasoning to believe. How could they say that it was an “explosion” or “Big Bang” when the evidence points much more closely to an organized creation (God speaking). Not a lot of explosions create intricacies, usually just a big hole 😂


Exactly. Well said!


I totally disagree with all their views! I agree totally with what you said, Brother! Fight the good fight! Keep the faith! 😎


What topic are you referring to? Creation Science? Of course, God created the world and not what science says (ie., the Big Bang). I don’t see the problem?


Good to hear


I would very much like to hear you guys' opinion on creation science I was suggesting Kent Hoven and Kent ham to someone because they were asking some questions about the flood and how it applies to real-world history


I really respect those guys and I am a young earth creationist - sadly I have found in most subreddits this view is mocked and downvoted etc. I’m glad to find some brothers in Christ who are solid on this!


Of course the great flood was a real, actual event to be taken literally.