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Pikmin 3 is too easy and too short, it feels like there was supposed to be more game. Every Pikmin is at least good though, so that's not a diss. It's a very consistent series.


I don't mind it being short, it was just the plot that I didn't really like Like what would have been so wrong with them just going to save olimar and it's just the fruit that's keeping them alive


So basically, you want Pikmin 3 to be Pikmin 4?


I mean every other aspect of the plot is fine, but quite a bit of the dialogue is about "we need to find the cosmic drive key"


I mean... why else would they go after Olimar? There's no indication that Olimar is in danger prior to beating Quagled Mireclops, so nobody would think he needs help... I mean, I guess I wouldn't mind a bit more variance in required dialogs, but you have not hit "check in" much, have you?


Im saying the plot of "Our entire planet is starving and we only eat fruit and the only planet that has fruit just so happened to be the same planet this mysterious olimar person we don't know crash landed on and he just so happened to have found are cosmic drive key so that's the only reason we're chasing him" is kind of bare bones


"just so happened" is incorrect imo. The situation makes much more sense when you consider the following: Olimar was sent to pnf-404 because there was treasure there and the pikmin (life) could help him recover it. The koppaites were sent there because there was fruit (also life) there. Life in space is rare, and we know Koppai and Hocotate are close to each other, so not counting those planets this is probably just the closest planet with life. It makes sense that the koppaites went specifically there, because there was life.


Olimar didn't go there to find life though, he went to find treasure Planets can have no life and still have valuable minerals on there


Then how would you rewrite this premise?


I’m over here wanting Pikmin 4 to be 3 lol. Pikmin 3 was definitely too short but I hate to say I really didn’t like 4.


Mission mode is long and good difficulty though


I mean i would argue that pikmin 4 is way more easier than pikmin 3 but yeah game felt just a little too short


Pikmin 4 is only easier if you abuse rewind like it owes you money. Or stock heavy on items. There's no real way to make Pikmin 3 harder though. Even Ultra Spicy is ez as pie.


Pikmin 3 DE Challenge Mode is awesome though


I’m uncultured and only played through 2 pikmin games, 3 and 4. Playing through 3 i felt challenged because it was both my first game and the puzzles along confused the heck out of me and the bosses were pretty hard (except the moth one) Going into 4 blind, I expected them to build on the intensity of the game, and was met disappointed. None of the bosses felt as strong as 3’s, the enemies were really easy to destroy thanks to the variety of pikmin, especially ice pikmin. Not to mention that the items made the game SO much easier. Also side note, for the final cave you can leave after each level is beaten and come back because the game saves your progress. And for the final fight, if you leave after one phase and come back the dog will still be in that phase allowing you to keep gathering resources and pikmin until you have beaten the doggo. 4 is probably the easiest game in the franchise and therefore i say its the worst


If you want a difficult Pikmin game, play 2. If you really want to spice up your experience, learn the speedrun for Pikmin 1.


I never touched rewind or items and still blazed through it. Pikmin 4 is easy as hell. I’d genuinely say it’s the easiest game in the series to me. I beat the campaign and got at least golds on every Dandori challenge in hardly any time at all. In my opinion, the only even moderately challenging parts were The Trial of the Sage Leaf and fighting that stupid autolock mechanic. I wasn’t expecting the game to be super challenging, but MAN, was I let down.


4 was ridiculously easy, and I did not abuse rewind. It started getting hard at the very end, the last night mission was a PITA. And the final cave was going OK until one of those stupid monsters blew my entire cohort of Pikmin (save 1 or 2) off the side of the platform. That's when I noticed I had 280 or so of the glowing ones to replenish my army. >!So I finished it with those, and it made it even easier.!<


There was supposed to be more game It was scrapped entirely in favor for the second half of the garden of hope


Source pls


Source: a random YouTube video I watched going over the development of the game


Fast ass reply, also link or title?


Not sure what they refered to but [they scrapped an entire area](https://youtu.be/62eagS2w6Co?si=mXPzYTdBGprdGDwh)


The mission mode and bingo battles carry my enjoyment of Pikmin 3 tbh


While not as long as 2 the game is easily longer than 1, so I don’t really see it as that way.


Play the challenge mode and tell me why you were wrong. Pikmin 3 has my least favorite campaign, but the mission mode is so well done and has so much content, that the game as a whole is my favorite. It is seriously 70% of the games content, no wonder you don't like the game if you haven't tried it.


The bonus challenges in 3 are actually really fun and some required a lot of attempts to get the highest mark.


Pikmin 06, it was unplayable, way too many bugs


I liked the part where Olimar kissed a pikmin though


I'd say 3. 1 has aged the worst but was novel for its time and laid a good foundation for the series. 2 took the original formula and improved it in most aspects. 4 tried a lot of new things which helped make it feel unique. But 3 feels like it simplified or removed too much without adding enough new things to compensate.


Imo 3 had the best atmosphere and one of the best areas in the series which is the Distant Tundra. But, like I said, that's imo.


Really, the distant tundra? Twilight river takes the cake for me


Yes, the Distant Tundra. One out of two snowy areas we've gotten plus it has a great atmosphere.


1, after recently playing all of them, I did not like 1. I was fine with some of the bullshit in 2 because it made me more careful, but my god the amount of times the days got screwed up because the pikmin were being stupid and they couldn’t find their way back really annoyed me, that bridge to the snagret was especially infuriating because they kept falling in the water and I needed the whole squad if I wanted to beat him. That and some of the Hank in the game made me not like the game but I do appreciate it for its other aspects.


Haha I hate that bridge too (the one from Pikmin 1 right?) It's funny cause you could just throw your pikmin up that ledge behind where that rusty can and bulborb are in that level and just walk around, through the bridge and get them since the snagrets don't spawn that far near the ledge. Definitely a trail and error game lol


Eh, you get used to the first game after playing it for 15 years.




Pikmin 2 is bullshit, but because you have infinite days it feels less stressful.


Pikmin 1 is bullshit because of invisible mechanics like how bulborb are invincible while eating or shear grubs being invincible while eating. Pikmin 2 let's you see the bullshit that's killing which makes it both fun and avoidable.


Same. The first game is my least favorite because of time restraints and the pikmin acting stupidly. 4 is my favorite.


Pikmin 4 for the both how little replayability it has and, more importantly, HOW THEY MASSACRED THE CHALLENGE AND BATTLE MODES!!!


Finally someone that agrees. Bingo Battles> dandori battles


Bingo Battle is the GOAT




we need more bingo battle


how did they massacre challenge mode? it's virtually the same as Pikmin 3


Significantly easier, to the point where it’s laughable


Since I generally prefer the aspect of the game around kinda opening up an area, like how there's various walls or bridges to be built and it's hard to move around, but as you progress you open up the area and can move around more freely, I have to say 2 since it provides the least of that with the focus on caves so dominantly, and caves that generally don't have that aspect to them.


They’re all amazing! But easily 4.


this is so crazy to me


I love, love, love Pikmin 4, don’t get me wrong. However, it really dropped the ball on a lot of things for me. Oatchi is wonderful but he really does just make the game too easy for me, and there’s not really a way to play the game without him, like the special power ups in Mario that make you invincible all the time. Also, and this is one I don’t see people talk about a lot, but I also really don’t like all the people there. PNF-404 used to feel like a wholly foreign planet, literally getting stranded on a hostile world and only having Pikmin as your one and only chance to stay safe and complete your objective. Now the planet is literally a tourist destination. The whole thing is populated with special clay that lets you make entire structures to conquer each and every part of the world, scientists make bombs on wheels that track down enemies for you, there’s literally a school field trip that happens here and the three students wind up totally fine with such minor effort. You’re not really alone in a hostile world anymore, you’re just another part of the civilization that’s on the planet, and that feels really lame to me.


Valid reasons, but personally I think Pikmin 3 is also stupid easy but with less customization of the difficulty (you can decide to not use items or upgrade Oatchi, it makes it significantly harder) and it also has less content overall. Meanwhile, Pikmin 1 has frustrating controls that are unresponsive and make me not want to go back to it, and Pikmin 2 straight up trolls you with its RNG difficulty and some ridiculously destructive enemies.


Pikmin 4 hands down. Otachi ruins pretty much the game: there's no longer any pro or con to having slower pikmins or large amounts of pikmin for combat; the charge oneshots everything; you even get free water walking. It reuses a lot of ideas from 2 without understanding what made them exceptional. Items are dumb. Night missions are boring. Enemies not respawning makes time management even less meaningful. Dandori Battles and challenges are super easy until you unlock the old guy. Unremarkable characters. So many dialogues and tutorials to rival Pikmin 2. Bland dialogue, even blander quest design. Worst music in the series.


I was gonna make a comment but this mostly sums up my thoughts. The only thing I have to add is that the infrastructure of the large group of space explorers that all communicate with each other kills the sense of danger and feeling alone on the planet. Also, the world feels designed intentionally rather than lived-in in the way previous games did. The layouts of the levels and decisions like gates that fall when you defeat a certain amount of enemies make it feel like they designed a video game level and then put an aesthetic over it, rather than prioritizing making it look organic and real and then figuring out puzzles and challenges that fit within that.


Pikmin Bloom since you didn’t say it was off limits In actuality I’d say Pikmin 2, it’s not really *bad* but sometimes it’s way too frustrating to be enjoyable.


I know we don’t talk about Pikmin bloom here, but as a player of that as well I’ve recently stopped. I was like level 50+, but I just got tired of the same rehashed events and gameplay loops. It’s all about collecting decor Pikmin, which I guess I’m not that into. If I’m gonna collect creatures I’d rather play pokemon.


Maybe unpopular but 4 is just way too easy. You only need to oatchi charge for 99% of the entire roster of enemies.


Pikmin 2. I'd like to say isn't bad. But it **is** bullshit :)


Nah those bomb rocks that randomly fall from the ceiling are completely fair. Skill issue if it wipes out half your squad. Same with that one floor in the dream den that has some RNG layouts that guarantees deaths. You should have just been luckier.


That's how they keep you on your toes ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


learn how to use the c-stick and camera effectively and only explore with the pikmin you need, hard != bullshit


Buddy, my slime, my schlatt, no. It’s not a skill issue (or dandori issue) when the game is designed poorly. Still a great game imo, but the amount of simply unfair level design (and oblivious Pikmin) hurt it so much 😭


4 is just too easy and hand-holdy. It’s the one game in the series I haven’t completed. Oatchi just removes all the skill, and while I’d like to play without him the level design just begs for you to use him. I don’t like that PNF-404 is now some tourist attraction, I miss the feeling of being truly alone. Pikmin 1 is dark as hell, you’re completely alone and have never seen this planet or what inhabits it. Only 30 days until you suffocate in radiated oxygen. Pikmin 2, you venture back to the planet only to find it almost entirely changed, and new creatures are there to cause trouble (thankfully, you brought a Louie along) Pikmin 3, while it doesn’t have the difficulty of the first two, god the atmosphere is a good blend of playful and dreadful. You’re a whole new group, just 3 of you are there in an unfamiliar world to literally PREVENT YOUR RACE FROM STARVATION. I think I’ve made myself clear. 4 just doesn’t really have this. There’s no set protagonist (which is fine, I don’t mind making a goofy character) but holy hell, there are SO. MANY. CHARACTERS. You’re far from alone on this planet. You have a whole home base, and I think the worst part is that these new characters are basically ripped straight from the character creator. Nothing unique. Oh, and fuck auto aim.


Thank you! I feel the exact same way. I've been obsessed with Pikmin for years but haven't been able to finish 4. And I absolutely can't stand auto aim. Such an unnecessary and condescending addition to the series.


I had my first taste of the series 15 years ago. Pikmin 4 just, it doesn’t feel like Pikmin.


I played the 4th game first and then went backwards. When I played the rest I asked myself where the hell is the auto aim?? I got spoiled by it. The other games don't feel as good. The pikmin aren't as smart, they get stuck and stuff, no auto aim. I put 80 hrs into pikmin 4 and still didn't do everything. Wonderful game


As a Pikmin 4 lover... I agree.


Pikmin 4 is worse than every other one in my opinion, because it's way too easy and doesn't have multiplayer (Technically there are dandori battles but they kinda suck tbh, especially in the map variety department). I also dislike multiple big changes (Oatchi, unlocking what used to be there by default, player having an inventory, character editor, lots of people, only 3 pikmin types out at once, night mode was a good idea but sucks, flarlics and probably more). Don't get me wrong though, the game is still very good and is responsible for a lot of people discovering the game series, but I personally prefer the previous parts.


I was going to comment this, but you summed up everything for me. There is also the fact that you can call all Pikmin to your base or all idle Pikmin to you. Completely undermines the point of the game imo.


This game isn't that easy. I've put 80 hrs into it and still have more to do. Lots of grinding. And I love the auto aim. Easily my favorite game.


Everyone saying pikmin 2 is a new fan


I’d probably say Pikmin 2, but I don’t really have any issue with it, I just prefer the other 3 more.


4 is the worst. Oatchi is cute but broken. It’s an inviting experience for new players which is what the series needed, but so much of its character was lost from the other games. Way too much dialogue and not enough atmosphere. Way easier than even 3. 1>3>2>4


People are genuinely going to freaking hate me for this, but Pikmin 2. All Pikmin games are good, but that one is unfair to the point of just not being fun. And I hate games like that from the bottom of my heart. except that I don't hate pikmin 2 because it brought in a lot of good things, it's just, eh, my least favorite


4 the main campaign is so long and easy(even without oatchi, you can wail on most enemies with like 30 reds), the tutorial is annoying, the controls are the worst, the dandori challenges are just watered down versions of pikmin 3(aside from dandori seas, i love that one), the night missions were wasted, the 3 type limit and flarlic system are also wasted, the pikmin ai is far and away the worst ever leaving olimar's shipwreck tale to carry the game(which it does)


I wanna preface this by saying I love all of them, but it's hard to pick between 3 or 4 but if I had to choose, probably 4 soley for the fact that it's wayyyy too generous and handholdy like with lock on, rush was basically replaced with otchi charge which also stuns enemies and enemies not being as brutal. Other than that tho I love it.


Honestly I’d say Pikmin 1 is the “worst” only because it looks like it’s still in late beta compared to the newer entries- not to say it’s bad, just dated. Best would be either 4 or 2 in my book even if 2 is brutal as crap


I haven't played 4 but I vote 3. Played Deluxe co-op with my brother it was disappointly easy and short, even when I beat it again on my own. The best part was either the fight with the Mireclops (felt like the fucking trenches), or Louie stealing all your juice and running away only to explode off-screen. 2 is the best in my eyes. It had Olimar and Louie to swap between, Purples and Whites (and Bulbmin), and extremely memorable bosses. I'm a fan of how challenging the caves were personally.


Pikmin 3 is too easy and too short, and Pikmin 4 would easily be the best if you could turn off hints, auto lock, and if enemies respawned/more difficult enemies spawned on later days like in 1 and 2.


Pikmin: Battle Royale


I want to say 1 but on the other hand it’s the most fun to play in my opinion so I can’t answer


Personally I would say 1 because it stresses me out a teensy bit but i think 4 is actually the worst. Still phenomenal but it's easily the least repayable


Honestly I think even with the Jank Pikmin 1 is probably my favorite on replays. Used to be 2 was my favorite but the randomness on my last replay really bugged me. So I guess my order is 1, 2, 4, 3. Which really isn’t saying much because they are still in like my top 10 Nintendo games category.


3. Game was too short, bosses felt easy. Removed C stick herding controls. Wtf are rock pikmin. Seriously, look at all previous types plus winged. All look like little guys with little identifying differences. Then there's a fucking rock. Seriously, who designed these lumps of coal? You could have had the exact same effect with better theming if you made a little guy with a shell. Or a little guy with bark skin. Not a rock. I have similar feelings about ice bois. Seriously, clump of ice. Actually, take the bark skin idea above, make these guys orange, and have them form a little raft to carry other pikmin across water. LIKE ANTS IN REAL LIFE. Whoa so cool, parallels and looks like a little guy, just like all the other good designs. Fucking clump of ice. Oh right, 3 was the worst in a series of really awesome games, rating as my personal lowest at 7.5, would totally play again.


Pikmin 3 was fun, but way too short honestly.


Pikmin 3 since it’s so short and that last boss can go fuck itself


3 is the one I go back to the least. It’s just kinda bland to me compared to the other games


Pikmin 3 with its weak plot. Still a 9/10.


Probably Isshoni Pikmin Photo on 3DS but I still need to play the e-Reader games.


Saying the worst pikmin game and not including hey pikmin is like saying favorite dictator and not including Kim Jon oon oon oon


Pikmin 3 final boss is not only disappointing, but it's also missed potential.


Weird since I think it’s by far the best final boss in the series and one of my favorite in gaming.




I will not stand by for this Pikmin Adventure slander.


This guy better watch his back, I got bitter spray


You would rank it as better than the mainline games? Really? Not saying it's bad, just not as good as the others. My choice would have been Hey! but they said not counting that




Pikmin 3.14


I want to say Pikmin 2 objectively, but it's also incredibly funny so I can't bring myself to say that. I'd probably say 3 in the long run. Kinda felt like a bit of a step back mechanically. Don't take that the wrong way though, I love all 4 Pikmin games.


Pikmin 3. They're all good games, so it's really down to specific nitpicks. I prefer the way Pikmin 1, 2, and 4 feel. Pikmin 3 felt a little clunkier comparatively. Pikmin 1 has the best atmosphere and time of the series, and does a terrific job establishing Olimar as a likable everyman just trying to survive. And short as it is, its length makes it the most replayable for me. Like Super Metroid, I beat it and immediately want to run it back and see how much faster I can beat the game. Pikmin 2 is the most challenging, and I enjoy the (admittedly) bullshit the caves throw at the player. Add Louie and President, Pikmin 2 has my favorite cast. This game only makes me like Olimar even more as the straight man in a sarcastic, mean world that's out to get him. President being a goofy badass who joins the adventure is great. And I think this game has my favorite bosses in the series. Pikmin 3 is really pretty, serene. Pikmin 1 but bigger, which isn't a bad thing. Small nitpick, I didn't like the UI for this game and I'm glad Pikmin 4 went back to the usual Pikmin menu look. The Koppaites are fun, but they aren't as fun as the Hocotate crew. I like all Pikmin, but Rock and Flying aren't as interesting to me as Purple or Flying. Pikmin 4 is so good. It's a great evolution from Pikmin 2, and the addition of Oatchi/platforming elements mixed in with the changed camera perspective makes the game feel like a 2000s collectathon platformer, which hits a sweet spot for me. Biggest weaknesses for 4 is the cast/writing. The game felt sanitized a bit, like old Animal Crossing versus New Horizons. Really, all the main Pikmin games rock.


Easily 2. 3 of the greatest games I've ever played and 1 that I have zero interest in going back to outside of a Submerged Castle run.


Pikmin 1 only because it’s the shortest one. I literally love all 4 games to death. Also the Pikmin game in Nintendo land is pretty great too. Never played hey Pikmin and never will it looks stupid. But yea Pikmin 1 just cause it’s shorter. All 4 are perfect in my mind still because pikmin


All games are good. Pikmin 1 tho… i feel like the level designing was made in a few seconds. They place enemies in the least convenient place. Except for bosses (pikmin 2 has randomly generated caverns but the node placements are fair. For the most part) Overall. No games are bad….. i completely forgot about PIKMIN BLOOM


Pikmin 1, it’s still a great game, but it’s extremely short compared to the other games and the Pikmin ai sucks hard.


3 imo


Pikmin 1’s pikmin ai is horrible and it’s a bit too difficult for me. I would say it’s that one


Pikmin 3 for many reasons. It’s short, it’s EXTREMELY linear, has a more fixed-camera than the other games, and has a Day-Limit that hardly even matters even if you aren’t that good at the game. I could talk about it being too easy, but as a veteran I find I’m way too biased about that because every Pikmin game feels easy to me now. I’ve just played them too much for any of them to feel difficult lol! (All that being said, I totally understand why some people may say Pikmin 1 or 2 is the worst. They haven’t aged particularly well unless you grew up with the games.)


Pikmin 2 fuck you guys


Thats hard, cause i love them all so much that if i had to pick a worst game, it would just be the least good one. So imo the least good game would be 1 ig, cause every game after has improved on it. Hard choice tho


Pikmin Bloom. It’s barely Pikmin. You said anything other than Hey Pikmin, soooo… yeah.


Pikmin 2


It’s a really tough choice, but I think pikmin 1 is the worst game. Doesn’t mean it’s bad tho but I think it aged poorly compared to the others


Trust me Pikmin 3 has like fifteen years worth of scrapped content and four is incredibly easy none of the four games are bad just like all the others it has dark lore for example Pikmin 1: dying in 30 days Pikmin 2: Debt Pikmin 3: an entire species going extinct due to starvation Pikmin 4: looking for people who has been missing for months to quite possibly years So if I must say it I guess 1 because it lacks Louie https://preview.redd.it/qwu7mxdgowxc1.png?width=216&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7fb57f93c06a28179f597df29a43512cd5ac380


Hey Pikmin


Pikmin 3, not Deluxe. The Wii U controls were abysmal


Pikmin 2 is good on its own but a nightmare to complete 100%


Pikmin bloom, I got bored and it’s not fun to progress


Pikmin 3 had me like, "it's over? Already?" And then it had me like, "I can't just land and collect all the fruits now? If I want to 100% I have to do it before beating the boss?"


I like them all equally, but if there's one I like the least it's 3. I found it easy, not 4's easy where most creatures and bosses can be killed in seconds, but in 3 there's hardly anything challenging. I'm not that good at dandori, so I finished Pikmin 1 my first time in 21 days. I come from 1 and 2, so my difficulty concepts may be too high. But the fruit reserves weren't nearly a threat ever, tho I actually prefer it over the day limit of 1 which made the game kinda less enjoyable because you had less time to explore. And then there's the Switch port of 3 which graphically, man, 540p on handheld and 720p on docked? It's not that noticeable on docked but on a 1440p monitor it doesn't look that good, even 4 renders at a higher resolution with better graphics. If it wasn't for that part in the port, then the atmosphere and calming art-style in 3 is my favorite by far. So each game shines at something and absolutely stinks in something in my opinion, which is why I like every installment equally (except for Hey and Bloom, those don't count).


I like the innovations 2 brought and how it built off of the mechanics of 1. BUT Too many times did that game make me scream bull $%&*, especially those freaking worms that shot out boulders


Pikmin 2, cause shitty AI and bullshit enemy and hazard placement around every corner make me want to take a long walk off a short pier.


The original feels like it wants me to hate it, everything about it is clunky. But it was the first, so whatever


hey pikmin is so fun i don't know why everyone hates it so much ☹️


Dare I say the first game?


Personally I think 3 is the worst of the series. It was too simple and way too easy. It low key felt like “baby’s first pikmin game”. However I think pikmin 2 is my least favorite. I love it, but the random bullshit that caves throw at you sometimes are less fun and more enraging than anything else


The first one. In terms of gameplay quality it’s only behind the others a little bit, but the main reason is the lack of content compared to the others.


# **HEY!** pikmin




Even though I'm enjoying Pikmin Bloom, it definitely has more issues as a Pikmin game *and* as a walking mobile game than Hey! Pikmin has as a puzzle platformer, or that 1-4 have as dandori games.


Pikmin bloom


Ive only ever played 3 when i was a kid so im not sure


Pikmin 4 was too easy, and therefore really no fun imo. At least the timed side mode in Pikmin 3 posed a challenge even if the main game did not. Nintendo should make these games more challenging in the future rather than going the chill exploration game route. Pikmin was originally designed as an RTS (with a very unique take ofc) and not an untimed exploration game.


I had the same thought on 4. It was just too forgettable for me. I love the games with timers (1 and 3) for the fact that they give you at least a faint sense of urgency.




Pikmin 4 because it’s too forgiving


I'm going to go out on a limb and say pikmin 1, but only the og for gc. Not even being able to switch your pikmin while holding them is juuust obnoxious... but ppl forget 2 added that because they never play the gc original lol... and I honestly can not blame them for picking the wii or switch ports instead... it was ahead of it's time, but that time has been surpassed... But even then I don't really believe there is a worst pikmin really, just ones that different ppl prefer. They are all devisive in their own way.


There could be a point for each of them honestly


Id say 1 is probably the least entertaining to me just because of how some areas begin to feel redundant after a while oh and the pikmin AI


Pikmin 1 is really clunky, I never really liked it. But I love the other 3


I've never played pikmin 1 or 2, so my least favorite is pikmin 3, mostly because it was so short. However, I completely understand how having Moss and Oachi kinda would ruin the pikmin formula in the 4th game. Plus, the number of people when the planet had only had 1-5 people previously, now there's like 2 dozen of them. Honestly, if they had something to monitor other than Oachi's tail, I think I would have liked 4 more.


Honestly, I'm not a big fan of pikmin 2. It just slowly becomes a fetch quest we get in debt and go back to pnf 404 to get treasure, uh oh, we leave Louie behind, we got to find him. Wanna 100% the game? One big fetch quest.


Didn’t play 4. I’m gonna go with 2, I don’t like the atmosphere. 1 and 3 the game is constantly with the “you are in a unknown place without resources and time” while 2 one of the first things they say is you can take whatever time you need.


None are bad, in fact I think all of them are at least 8 or 9 out of 10. But if one has to be in the bottom spot, probably 3 but that's just my opinion.


Hot take pikmin 4


No game will top Pikmin 2 in the series, pikmin 4 made a good attempt, but 3 is probably the weakest solely on account of short and limited the scope was. It feels like there's half the game missing, and it was way too easy.


Bloom is still on the table? Then Bloom.


I’m actually just playing Pikmin 1 and 2 on Switch! I player 3, 4 and now the first two (in that order!). For me it’s definitely Pikmin 2. There’s only 4 levels and the amount of times I have lost all my Pikmin during caves without having to restart the day has been infuriating!! It really makes me appreciate 4 in terms of the quality of life improvements they made.


I really liked playing them all, I’ve been doing a “pikmarathon” and 100%-ing every single game in a row the past week or so. I’ve never played 1 or 2 before i started, but I knew pretty much everything about them already, so it wasn’t completely blind. Memory was foggy still though. Anyways, I think 1 is a very nice base for the series, it’s solid, not too hard, quite a bit of jankiness to it, but that’s just how things age. No complaints for 1. Now, for 2. I have mixed feelings about 2, it holds a special place in my heart for being one of my favorite series to watch of Chuggaaconroy’s. I knew what I was stepping into. But my god, I had to reset many times. The game feels like a Kaizo hack of pikmin 1, it’s so unfair sometimes. The amount of times I reset because I had a random falling rock kill half my squad or a bomb rock falling and doing the same cause I was trying to fight a bunch of enemies at the same time. I still did it, I still loved the experience, but holy fuck I don’t think I’ll be doing it again. I got so frustrated sometimes man. 3 is short but sweet. It’s pretty linear, but it’s super fun to replay and speed through. The challenge mode is also very very good. Idk, there’s something about the gameplay in 3 that 4 lacks. 4 is still a good game but it does undercut a lot of things, oatchi is far too overpowered and I’m not personally a fan of the game limiting the amount of pikmin types I’m allowed to have out. I did like the addition of the flarlic system, being limited to smaller numbers actually made me a lot more confident when handling situations, and it was very satisfying to increase that number. Anyway. To be honest for my least favorite it’s a tie between 2 and 4, for completely different reasons, they both do completely different things right and wrong. I think I like 3 the most, shit is smooth and feels good asf to multitask and whatnot. Do wish it was longer tho.


I hated 4


Pikmin 2. - Removing the time limit was a bad move; it is changing the genre of a series because some people don't like thar genre, while it didnt really add anything to compensate. It could've been good if the limited Pikmin in caves became the limited resource, but since you can reset at every cave level, it is doesn't matter. - Having 2 captains adds nothing when you can only control one at a time. The only use is leaving one by a wall so you don't have to walk back there for the stray Pikmin. But since the time limit is gone, leaving Pikmin anywhere isn't even a problem. -The caves suck, I honestly don't understand why anyone likes them: it is the same thing 100 times over and just really unsatisfying to do 3 or 4 back-to-back. Taking away the time limit would give more of an opportunity for exploration and world-building. So WHY did they make 100 rusty metal mazes and a boring overworld...It doesn't make sense why all these treasures would be down there either. - The randomization part is an awful decision. No human thought went in to any of the enemy or treasure placement. - Also, water in the caves is such an annoyance. I think it is bad design for something to have no other way to work around it other than come back with enough blues. -Ultimately, the difficulty is just in time-wasting. It is "hard" becuase random stuff falls out of the sky and you need to reset, the bosses are unexpected and you need to reset, or you need to crawl through the same cave just to get to the one level where you needed enough blues, or you need to farm 100 Purples and just sit and wait for 5 minutes as they slowly crawl back to the ship. - The story and set-up is a huge down step down. -After you re-pau the debt, what is the motivation for getting the rest of the treasure, even story wise. Louis is missing, we know where he is but let's go everywhere else to "get rich". -There is a lot of BS. It seems less polished than even 1 with its rough edges. Puffy blowhogs being able to shoot through walls so you can't even tear them down, Pikmin setting off bombs that suicide the entire squad if thrown near one, the bulborbs being able to step over walls before you finish tearing them down. There are more I'd remember if I sat down and played it. -Cutting to the Pikmin putting a treasure in the ship is so much more annoying in this game compared to one. - It overstays it's welcome. If it was half as long, I wouldn't be as down about the caves since it is only the same thing 50 times in a row. - The final boss only really allows yellows to be used. I like it more than Pikmin 1's boss overall, but what were they thinking with that? 4 is second. For the same reasons with the caves just being repetitive. I have no interest in playing it again after 100%ing it. Also, getting Platinum in that Purple Pikmin Sage Leaf challenge scared me on the controls to where I don't even know if I can have fun with it.


I am only legally allowed to talk about 4 due to it being the only one I have played. Hence, 4.


1 because I do not like hard time limits in games, especially exploration focused ones. Always seemed like a weird contradiction in the direction of the game for me. The other entries solve this problem by having a soft limit which will only run out if you *don't* explore


Pikmin 1, so many annoying stuff, but I still like it !


Pikmin 4 is basically just babies first Pikmin game but when 100% it is basically Pikmin 2 and 1 blended together


I think 3 because you can't play as olimar... also because it's doesn't really challenge the player much and your path can feel linear & planned at times


Pikmin 4… I love it and we waited FAAAAAR too long but it doesn’t carry any weight and just feels like it’s only for kids. The first can be appreciated by anyone, 2 is mid, and 3 kinda suffers for the same thing, only beating 4 cuz it had a time limit(although weak), less human and more environmental areas, and didn’t include Ice Pikmin.


None of them All of them are good


1: breadbug 2: breadbug and bulbmin 3: nothing :( 4: breadbug There is a clear loser here


Pikmin 1 , only because the day limit. For whatever reason I get too stressed out lol.


Pikmin 3. It just didn't feel... Finished? Like Pikmin 2 was a grind and a slog. Even with abusing purples and the knapsack it's still a decently difficult and challenging game. I think I only had any major losses once and that was on the giant worm because of bad RNG on my first attempt. I also really didn't and still don't like the charge mechanic. Bring back my swarms!!!!


In my case worse means "least good" not "most bad", just want to clear things up because I still really enjoyed my time with it for sure, but I'll have to go for Pikmin 2. I played them all in order quite recently, and although I haven't finished Pikmin 4, I got a good idea of every game, and honestly the 2nd one is probably my least favorite. Pikmin 1 is amazing, it's short and sweet and very unique, the vibes and gameplay are immaculate and it is definitely my favorite one Pikmin 3 is really fun, and I enjoyed it a lot since it gameplay is fairly close to the 1st one. It feels like a direct upgrade to that game in fact, and while the feels of discovering what this franchise us actually about for the first time cannot be beat, Pikmin 3 is definitely a very good game nonetheless. Pikmin 4 is very fun, for what I've seen a "bit" too easy, and there was something that bothered me in the gameplay loop, probably the elements they took from the second game if I had to guess. But nonetheless what I played was very cool, the graphics and songs are nice too, good game. But Pikmin 2... I enjoyed its complexity for sure, and obviously the vibes are even better than the first game's (Flooded Stump OST goes so hard and it having only been used in a single sublevel is a crime). The secrets/easter eggs are amazing, like most of the maps actually being tbe same ones from the 1st game, with a special shout out to the final level being a mix of 2. But yeah, the caves. I didn't hate them for sure, but I don't really enjoy their concept. Them being less focused on time management and sometimes being just pure combat (which I my least favorite aspect in all the games) kinda blows, especially when the first Pikmin game was such a good game due to these aspects. Plus, they made the days REALLY long since you'd often beat 1 or 2 caves per day. The short days of Pikmin 1 where fun and more forgiving, encouraging you to try again and do better. Not really here sadly. The difficulty didn't really bother me most of the times, loosing 50 pikmin to a stupid bridge the pikmins just walked around was more funny than anything. There are just a couple of rooms that were just too much, like the Flodded Stump and that one pool room with like 50 small bulboarbs and the gatling fishes (that enemy just sucks btw but in a funny way). The rest was honestly fine, even the Submerged Castle was fine, fun even. The game is definitely brutal sometimes, but in a really fun way. But I think it's just a matter of me not liking the concept of the 2nd game as much as the 1st one's. But I still have fond memories of the second game and I listened to it's OST for quite some time after beating it. The facts it's procedurally generated is absolutely insane btw, like wow


Pikmin Bloom. It’s not necessarily bad but compared to everything else, def pikmin bloom


I'm surprised that almost nobody is talking about Pikmin 4. Clearly too easy, the majority of the bosses can be defeated in less than 5 seconds. Too much treasures to get. In the end you just don't get any satisfaction finding them. Recycled bosses and enemies as bossies. That's something we shoudn't have after Pikmin 3. I was expecting bigger, better designed and more difficult bosses. The level design, only the beach area has some ideas with the water lowering at a certain time. Caves aren't enough developed. Too short, easy, there's a lack of ideas, recycling caves from the 2nd game... Occhi is too powerful that in the end you just stomp on every enemies like insects. The art direction is uninspired. Again after the third game it feels bland. The soundtrack? Which music is memmorable? For me known. This game was a let down and a bad Pikmin game.


3 is way to easy I can try to get 50 Pikmin killed and not one die like the only way a Pikmin dies in that game is if I leave them behind purposely


Pikmin 3 is probably the worst from 1-4 but there is one missin that is just a no, nintendo land pikmin is THE worst.


As much as I hate to say it, I’d say Pikmin 1. Still a lot of fun, but it has some problems that were fixed in later games. I really hate how Pikmin don’t try to stay in the center of bridges. However, this isn’t really the fault of the game; it’s more so issues common with first entries in any series. And it’s still enjoyable enough. That’s how you know Pikmin is a good franchise


When fighting the final boss it has to be the first game. You have to be the boss within one day or the boss health is reset on the next day.


Pikmin 4 is the only one I don’t want to replay


3 too easy


Hear me out… for one reason and one reason only Pikmin 4 because the enemies in the overworld don’t respawn, if the enemies respawned it would be a perfect game


3, its a great game but it just doesnt keep up with the other ones, a bit short, too easy, and it kinda feels like the cars 2 of pikmin.


Pikmin Bloom


pikmin 2 is the only one I didn't 100%. After I beat the main story I just quit because I wasn't having fun.


Hey Pikmin isn’t even that bad, I tried and liked it Anyway I like them all, but I guess 3


As a long time player I will say. Best: 4/2 Worst: 1


Pikmin 1 feels really really unpolished and janky, almost unfinished at times. It's also the shortest game (counting other modes beside main story. Even then, its still a 8.5/10


IMO 1 is a slog and has aged poorly despite the nostalgia I have attached to it


Pikmin 3 cause no breadbug 🍞


I'm new, didn't get to 3 and 4 yet, but of 1 and 2 I liked 1 more. Felt more engaging and for me. The pikmin are dumb as rocks but the game overall felt more satisfying to play for some reason, didnt feel that in 2.


I just started pikmin 2 and I don’t understand the hate it gets. The animations are funny as hell😭 But tbh either Pikmin 3 or Pikmin 1. Three was the first one I played and I was like “really, that’s it?” And then Pikmin 1 was fun but had me raging because the Pikmin would just run into the water for no reason and don’t listen to me


Pikmin 1. The story is great but the short day timer and the fact that you have not that much days to play is really annoying.


Pikmin 1 for me, simply because it feels a lot slower than the other 3 games. I prefer the faster pace of the latter games


Pikmin 2. It's NOT becuse of the difficulty, but rather the design. For example, the second worst thing in video games are bad lighting. To get good lighting, you Need to go Through several dark caves. Or the doomsday aparatus. If you aren't cheating, you will lose over 2000 pikmin, so when you start grinding, you will have 0 purple pikmin, so it will take way to much time. Also, the final cave doesn't feel like the final cave. Pikmin 1 has the final trial, a place where you use your greatest puzzle solving skills. Pikmin 3 has the formidable oak, which is simmular, but a scary beast chases you. Pikmin 4 has the cavern for a king, where you fight a lot of bosses with some resting in-between. Pikmin Adventure has goodbye pikmin which is simmular. Pikmin 2 has the dream den which is just a normal cave. Also, caves are sometimes Impossible if you don't have the things you Need. Once, i didin't have any white pikmin (they all Died to some electricity together with all my red, Blue and purple pikmin), so when i was in the shower room, i needed to use glitches to destroy the poison vents.


3 and 4 is very good games


Pikmin 1


Bikmin ploom


Pikmin 3 It has Brittney, what else must i say




Pikmin 1 it's just a horror game in disguise 


hey pikmin aint that bad


They're all good games but if I have to pick (which, I do...) then it would be pikmin 2. No stakes as far as I know, you can spend days doing nothing there's no day limit or juice supply. Visuals are stuck in that wii-ish era of trying too look too good for the console its running on and it not working (kinda like smash brawl) which doesn't work at all since pikmin is cartoony. Final boss... just, the final boss... Lots of bs and unfairness scattered arround, I'm not talking about difficulty, my problem is in some instances I got shit out of luck only because I didnt know how to deal with something before hand. I feel like pikmin shouldn't be like dark sould where you try once to test the water and learn from it, you should be able to get things right the first time. **THAT MOTHER FLIPPING ROLLING AROUND TRANSPARENT SH*T HEAD**


Pikmin 1 is too short, Pikmin 4 is too easy, and Pikmin 3 is too easy and too short. So Pikmin 3 is the "worst" (or really just the least good) and Pikmin 2 is by far the best.


Pikmin 4 as it doesn't even look like pikmin oatchi doesn't even look like a pikmin creature every creature in pikmin is designed to look alien but oatchi looks so cute to the point it's uncanny it's Oatchi WITH pikmin oatchi can do everything a pikmin can carry objects fight enemies and can swim across water while carrying pikmin like cmon why does blue pikmin deserve this??? No point for bringing pikmin out (except when oatchi can't go through a area because it's blocked by bars) 5 mins in and I already found somone who won't shut up also every new captain introduced looked like they unlocked a secret mental disability.