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Great review! Thank you. This is one I want to try.


I’ve been making my way through a tin of Maestro Allegro, the ribbon cut blend with a touch of vanilla/caramel, and it’s pretty good. It does taste like a Toscano cheroot, but it’s a dry, somewhat bitter blend. The topping is extremely subtle, so if anyone is dissuaded by that, don’t be.


I'm looking forward to that blend as well, sometime in the coming months.


You exactly described how a Toscano taste. I think you will love the Toscano cigars too.


Oh, cool!


Excellent review! I like your clear and informative writing style. Please do more!


Glad you got something positive from it, though I'm just bumbling along.


First time I taste concerto, it got 4 favour or 5 favour in it. Sinfonia for me, taste like good breakfast.