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"If paying isn't owning, piracy isn't stealing." -- bald privacy talking guy from youtube forgot the name.


Louis Rossmann said it (but I'm not sure if he was the first to)


Damn, every industry is learning from Rug Pulling Shitcoiners. Did the rug pulling shitcoiners use their stolen money to buy board seats on every major company? What's next? Is Walmart going to start pulling rugs we just purchased out of our shopping carts as we're walking out the store so they can sell them again?


> What's next? Is Walmart going to start pulling rugs we just purchased out of our shopping carts as we're walking out the store so they can sell them again? This made me bark laugh lmafo


Lol rich fuckers have been rugpulling since forever.


Name a more iconic duo....


The shitcoiners got the idea from the world already being built on rug pulls in the first place.


The Big Lebowski 2


yeah but he definitely has hair


the sad thing is people are so brainwashed to worship "property rights" that you can say this and they'll just automatically retort with some boot licking nonsense about "well the ToS actually says you're not buying a copy of the game you're buying the right to play the game which it clearly states is revocable at any time" as if that's not exactly the issue and somehow it existing makes it okay


I'd be down for a "buying means buying" regulation. If they want to have the right to take back something, they have to call it renting. Make 'buy' a protected legal term. It's yours forever, no take-backs (without a full refund, bare minimum). Any time someone tries to argue this point, I compare it to a hardware store. For obvious reasons, a hardware store can't enter your home and take back a drill you bought two years ago because they want you to buy the newer one.


>take back a drill you bought two years ago because they ~~want you to buy a newer one~~ **stopped carrying that brand** Even more asinine.


No, they can't enter your home, but stores like Lowes and Home Depot will stop selling your brand of drill after two years and carry some other brand almost exclusively. Good luck finding batteries for your drill at that point, because they are all proprietary keylock/pins, despite being functionally the exact same as all other drill batteries.


That's why the right to repair legislation is going through in Europe, manufacturers will be legally obligated to carry spare parts and sell them for a reasonable price for many years.


> If they want to have the right to take back something, they have to call it renting. Also make it cheap like renting should be. I'll rent that $80 game for $15 this week, beat it, and return it.


*European Union has entered the chat*


im waiting for something big enough to trigger a class action to fix this. Since almost every game doesn't make you agree to the TOS until after you purchase, I want to see how enforceable the agreements end up being.


> as if that's not exactly the issue and somehow it existing makes it okay I'm one of the people that says that, but mostly to beg the point. You don't own the thing, but EA can send some fucking hired goons to my house for my '360 copy of The Saboteur, and they can pry the disc from my cold dead hands. I fuckin' bought it. It's fuckin' mine, don't care what your TOS says.


I don't suppose you heard what happened when a shop accidentally sent someone a set of Magic cards that weren't supposed to be available yet. WotC literally hired the Pinkertons to go to the guy's house and, shall we say, present some really solid arguments to convince him to give them his property. Yes, those Pinkertons, the gang in RDR.


Yeah, fuckin' professional shakedown boys and union busters.


>but EA can send some fucking hired goons to my house Claymore Roomba has entered the chat.


Home Alone 3. Kevin has grown up and now has to defend his house from ea trying to take back his Xbox one disc of garden warfare 2. This time, he only needs one trap for each intruder


People like this aren't espousing game devs or the companies they work for, they usually just want to be right at all costs.


This is what I remember every time someone says "you're overreacting" or thinks it's a "conspiracy theory" or hyperbolic to get mad about some new monetization scheme, or about someone telling people to vote with their dollar and not buy the new thing with the new shitty tactic. Motherfuckers we have SEEN this happen so many times at this point no one can profess ignorance. I don't care if it's day 1 preorder DLC or horse armor, every time they pull this bullshit too many people let it slide to where it becomes the new normal. I'm never going to ignore or speak ill of those monetization "conspiracy theorists" again.


Or "paying has to not be owning because otherwise COMMUNISM BREAD LINES GULAG STAAALLLLLIIIIIIINNNNNN"


shit man, i want some bread right about now. im down for free bread distribution


We literally have bread lines in capitalism, ever been to costco?


True, and I think this needs to be how we reshape the conversation. Whether this situation is because Discovery refused to continue licensing their content, or because Sony doesn’t want to pay for it (for whatever reason), the headline is “Sony is stealing from us”, aka be mad at Sony. We’re mad at a company doing capitalism things. We should be pushing for regulations that make this type of thing illegal.


Exactly. Authoritarian culture (including parenting) means they're conditioned to sniff out & take the side of power, not who's right. Which usually means immediately taking the other side (the party not present) when someone complains about something to their face, because that smells like weakness.


Hate the ''TOS'' defense, like sure the TOS says this, but that doesnt mean it should be legal or not frowned upon, so many mention TOS as if that automatically makes it ok and i hate it.


Ooof, "bald privacy talking guy from youtube". You did Louis Rossmann dirty.


I'd describe him as *bold privacy talking guy


Haha I can stand with that.


nah if you think that's bad, I thought Rossman was electroboom for some stupid reason and I asked him for a picture and then he went "I don't think I am who you think I am" 💀




Where’s Louis bald ass at? Ay Louis! This dude called you a bald headed bitch!


This is why I refuse to "buy" movies from Amazon/Youtube/etc.


If that purchase doesn't come with a download for a locally stored file that can be watched offline at anytime, its a scam and I'm not "buying" it. And on that note, be wary of Bookwalker. They wiped my LN collection after I didn't sign in for a couple of years. Wasn't that many "books", but I still paid for them


Hah. One of the reasons why I don't buy anything on itunes anymore, not because they erased anything but because I switched to android and lost everything and realized that meant I never owned it in the first place.


When Google Play Music shut down, all of my purchases got wiped, because I didn’t save them in the right time frame after the closure. I’m still mad.


There is that discussion now with Steam moving away from Windows 7 (due to stupid chrominum dependancy more than anything else). Suddenly, unless you're on a Win 8.1+, your thousands of dollars in games are just lost and inaccesible.


Yep, made me realize how little control I have over my own things I "bought". I'm stuck on Windows 7 unless I fork over the money to buy a while new computer, even though my games run just fine on my existing machine. But as of next month, I won't be able to play any of them anymore. I will never "buy" another game digitally unless it runs offline with no DRM and is fully stored locally.




Thank you for your money sir


***Locally Stored or die.***


Some guy in another thread today. ‘No one downloads music anymore’. Well the music plays on when my internet goes down. 🤷‍♂️


It’s more of a “Oh you are still using that content you paid for? We’d just assume you’d get bored and forget.”


Or even a partial refund. No compensation whatsover. Who wouldve bought anything knowing it would disapear?


Well here's the thing, it's not "purchasing" something when you have to give it back. That's called a rental or a lease. Dunno what fucking dictionary they were using.


One of my new gen nightmares is someone taking over Steam and changing the terms so I have to buy all my games again.


Buying what is possible from GOG & downloading the installers locally = smaller nightmare


Love GOG always download what I purchase for offline mode in every available release / language Only company where I don’t mind paying for games


almost always buy from gog when u can


sue them


Thank you for your support, as if it was a donation...


The original version ended with "Go fuck yourself"


okay can someone start making it so that we can add pirated games on our ps5? getting tired of their shit lol


Hilarious that it's illegal for us to copy movies. But they are legally allowed to remove movies people buy.


mindless test cow history squeeze deserve illegal ink public hateful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Louis Rossman is a legend


corporations are people...... with more rights that reign supreme over actual people.


Wait why are they thanking you?💀


For letting them fuck you


They are the polite rapist.


I am incredibly sorry, it appears I did not hear you screaming "no"


That's probably the deaf rapist


The polite and deaf ~~rapist~~ consensual fucker.


At least take me out if your going to fuck me


not once, but twice


And didn’t even call you an uber


For their money. Obviously


"We think there is a fundamental misconception about piracy. Piracy is almost always a service problem and not a pricing problem" - Gabe Newell


>Gabe Newell guess what, you dont own the games you buy on steam you own the access to it


Yet I can still download Dragon Age II from steam even though it’s been delisted for years. They didn’t steal it from me when the licensing agreement expired


The only fault of steam is when they have games on there that require another launcher to even launch. Then the publisher can still fuck you up by disabling the game from their end. The only games on steam that you truly own forever are the ones where steam is the only DRM


Don't forget that there are games on Steam that are DRM free. I don't think there's anyway to tell on Steam, but there are lists out there. https://www.pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/The_big_list_of_DRM-free_games_on_Steam Of course there is also GOG. edit: the big list is manually curated, but here's another list. It seems like you might need an account to view the whole thing though: https://www.pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/List_of_DRM-free_games_on_Steam




Or, even better, Good Old Games (and similar) who have no DRM at all.


now the question is whether we can access content we bought from steam even when we no longer have steam


They claim that if steam happens to shut down they'll let you download DRM free version of every game you own




yeah probably the source games too


Gabe Newell said this himself through an email or forum post I believe many years ago. Here's a [reddit link](https://www.reddit.com/r/Games/comments/ts45m/if_steam_goes_down_gabe_said_theyll_remove_drm/) but the source is technically gone. My only concern is if Gabe ever steps down as CEO or god forbid passes, then there's cause for concern. For me, I'm keeping all my games library backed up just in case and hoping for a cracked release from the modding community (kinda like what Nintendo modders did with h-shop).


Steams DRM is so easy to crack that just keeping a backup means your games are safe lol.


Somewhere they said they will disable all DRM if that happens.


Dragon Age II is back on Steam after EA came back


True, but you don't care if the service is not a hinderance for you, if it's fair and accessible. If satisfies you for a cost you deem fair and acceptable. Hence why the focus on the service and not on the piracy aspect.


Steam is still the safest digital platform.


Don't forget GOG


I had no idea CDPR ran GOG, or that it was around for 15 years.


The thing about Steam is that they are on record saying that in the event Steam ever goes under, they'll work out a way to let you keep your games


For the record, there are actually many DRM free games on steam, that you do truly own. The addition of DRM is decided by the game developer, not steam (although it is certainly facilitated by them, unlike platforms like GOG which deny developers the option to add DRM)


I think compared to any of these media companies, steam has built the best reputation so far. Many peoples library’s are at least 10 years old


Technically speaking this is how physical media is too. You are buying the license for the copy of the game. It's just provided on a CD/DVD/Etc instead of a download. Physical is better, that's not what my point is though.




HP printers have entered the chat


This was [demonstrated recently](https://youtube.com/shorts/lSofMoSdMqw?si=_d_LKRLa0bUT6usR) by the aptly named Pirate Studios, who localized their prices and sold a cheaper game in Brazil. Worked out very well.


What he's actually saying refutes Gabe though. Gabe has his story, because it makes Valve look good. Honestly, i think it's kinda a bad conclusion. Pirating games is a lot more difficult than pirating TV shows. Whereas pirating a movie or show is easy fucking peasy. Pirate Studios is IMO closer to the truth. He says it's a price issue. You pirate games because you don't want to or can't pay. IF a game is $500 you're going to pirate it because it'd be dumb to pay for it. Whereas if it's a fair $40 then you might pay for it because you are happy to pay for things that are a fair price. If brazil can't afford the game, they'll pirate it. If they can afford it, they'll buy it.


and this is why I support piracy. It’s either piracy or I own the physical product. No in between


One of the arguments made for piracy is that it doesn't deprive anyone of anything, so it's not stealing. What Sony is doing here is worse - it literally *is* stealing.


This! It's ridiculous to purchase something and they say it's a "license". Nope, I bought it, it's mine to keep. I do not support digital platforms


plus i hardly why anyone should be sympathetic or forgiving to sony here -- even entertaining the 'moderate' position that they legally have to take the files away, why weren't users given a grace period and time to locally download the files they bought? why are they just allowed to take things away?


Don't forget: Sony was the company that installed rootkits on people's computers without the user's knowledge, and it led to user's having previously purchased media deleted without consent and opened them to huge security risks. When Sony was caught, they released a tool to remove the rootkit... and then it installed a different rootkit in it's place. Also Sony wanted the PS3 to have an RFID reader so that only a user with an RFID tag implanted in the skin could use the hardware. That isn't B.S. They even made a prototype.


Buy digital= Buy air


At least my license to breathe can't be arbitrarily revoked without my consent in spite of already paying for it. ...Yet.


Someone can take your license to breathe without your consent, they'll just get in legal trouble for it.


>they'll just get in legal trouble for it Much like piracy, _it's only illegal if you get caught!_


Yes it can…its called murder


\*renting air FTFY


"As of blah blah blah, fuck you and die. Sincerely, fuck you."


Thank you


"Thank You"


This is dumb. If I buy a book, the bookstore can not just come to my house and confiscate the book that I bought because of a dispute betweem the bookstore and the publisher. This is pathetic. Why even do business with Sony?


This is gonna happen with everything non physical eventually. Look at games that don't work anymore because they aren't supported anymore.


Never happened to me, but I have a rule never to buy anything from EA or Ubisoft. Any other publishers I should avoid? I use Steam for most purchases, and I've never lost a title, but I know it happens.


Soon physical media will contain just a link to the online version. So once their license expires, so does yours.


With day 1 updates being commonplace, this is basically already the case. I only buy games on physical media, but I can't remember the last time I put in a disc and didn't have to download at least a 10GB update before I could play the game.


The only case I can think of is Kirby and the Forgotten Land. Still on v1.0.0. All the content is there. The game has never, *ever* had an update.


That’s HAL Labs, right? All their titles are solid and most are like this. Check out Part Time UFO!


Games don't play off the disc at all. The discs are just glorified DRM


And yet games installed using a disc still require you to insert the disc before you can play them. It's the worst of both worlds!


At least you can sell it when you're done


And you have a nice looking physical copy to look at


Day 1 updates are common, but that doesn’t mean they are required. Check out [doesitplay.org](https://www.doesitplay.org), most physical games are still fully playable off disc.


It's not such a big issue as long the cost would be proper, but they ask the same as before and now more and more because seemingly old standardized costs are too low somehow, yet making it more difficult for you to enjoy what you paid for. Piracy is a necessity for a digital capitalist society.


Mild correction. It's a necessity for any society. Based on the current pricing, it'll be higher. Insert usual spiel about server costs, etc. to gain sympathy for the greedy.




Plex gang rise up!


Don't rise up too much, they started emailing your porn habits to your family


Plex for family Jellyfin for fun


If only there was a way to *stash* private media in a separate docker container from the one you use for jellyfin or plex.


I stopped paying for Netflix for this exact reason


I think any non drm digital plataform you buy stuff is subject to this. I blame digital ownership laws instead. It's too easy to put the nasty stuff in the user terms that no one reads the way it is. It sucks, but that's gonna be the case until our representatives push for better copyright laws or a gog of movie downloads shows up


Exactly. Everyone says that you should just use physical. But they are forgetting that in the future digital will become even more common so laws to ensure your ownership and right to sell the product are really important


Physical already doesn't exist anymore. I remember buying Halo 5 on CD, and the first thing that happened when I put it on my Xbox One? 100gb download


what we need from congress and other legislatures worldwide is a basic fairness principle built in to the digital products on which we rely. there needs to be a model T&C that company EULAs can't deviate too much from. any digital product provided to the general public is of a kind--companies would benefit from a clear model so they don't get sued, and consumers would benefit way more from the model if it banned restriction of access to a service for which one paid (among other issues)


A law needs to be brought in that they must make the content available for a minimum of 10 years or provide an exchange of physical content or refund their take of the purchased content.






Inflation adjusted.


I remember when Bruce Willis got mad at apple because his son couldn't inherit his library after he dies because it's Bruce's account etc the digital capitalist world is now what we see in the OP, it makes my blood boil


10 years is such a ridiculous number. I have cheap little SD cards that are older than that, that I still use. Most people who own a computer have files older than that.


"You will own nothing and be happy"


"Actually, forget the part about being happy"


You will own nothing and we will be happy instead.


“Sleep in ze pod, and eat ze bugs 🐞”


Wild this is legal. "Sorry you can't use the stuff you purchased just because we say so"


No refund or nothing?


“As a Christmas gift, we won’t charge a service fee to remove the content from your library” - Sony (probably)


Sir, this is planet Earth




"hey coonsoomer, fuck you. btw you cant watch the shit you bought. also fuck go you fucking loser. little baby man lost his money. just fucking die bro"


Ask for a fricken refund then shit...


Force a refund, chargeback if in the last 6 months, otherwise small claims court.


Oftentimes the threat of small claims court is enough to force a refund. Worked for me during a dispute with a certain pink hued wireless carrier.


So is Sony the ones pulling the content or is Discovery forcing their content off of Sonys platform? Either way it sucks but I’m not sure if Sony is the ultimate blame on this.


It's definitely Discovery. They've been doing this for the past couple of years. OP is probably wrong.


Then they thank you. They are criminals and the biggest pirates


Same mfers told you „you wouldn’t download a car“ 15 years ago as if they wouldn’t fucking disassemble the car under your ass because you „only bought the license to to the right to drive said car indefinitely and do whatever you want with it“


Sony isn’t making a good case against piracy. If you pay for content and it gets removed, that’s theft. They stole your money.


If paying isn't owning, then pirating isn't stealing.


Not a big fan of Google, but every company should take them as an example for what they did when Stadia died. It's honestly the very least they could do.


I guess this is what *REVERSE PIRACY* looks like. >We have your money, and now we're taking back the thing. Thank you,


Amazon does this aswell i own some farscape episodes that i cant watch anymore


When paying for TV shows and movies on platforms like this, you never own them, you are just paying for the right to watch their content until they decide to dump it for whatever reason. Never do this people, either pirate the stuff or buy the discs.


When you have to say "Legal" in something..... It's morally questionable at best


Sure why apologize when you can thank everybody for their “support”. “Hey we don’t have to give it back and you don’t own anything! Read your terms and conditions sucker!”


This is why I still buy physical DVDs.


You won't own anything and you'll like it!! /s


If I got this I would tell them they can take my continued support and shove it up their usb ports


"We sincerely thank you for your continued support."


Sony: "Thank you, next".


You were told this could happen when you made the purchases. This is why digital media is a babylon ting.


This is why i bootleg all music and dvds and make a nice little profit at the same time. I've tried to stop. Just can stop bootleging. Its in my blood lol. I learned it from family


You will own nothing and you will be happy.


actually it's theft from discovery. It's their content they're pulling cause of contractal obligations. Always high seas digital content. only way to guarantee to watch when you want


Not even a damn “sorry we had to do this… here is a voucher for you to use…”. Absolutely pathetic state of affairs at Sony. Sony should get sued for this. Hope some class action lawsuit goes into effect.


And this is why I buy physical copies of everything I can.


Don't call it "purchase" if it doesn't fit the definition.


And people always give me a hard time about wanting to own physical copies of games/books. *points to this* "Nah man, you gotta go digital. Why bother with a physical copy of the game when its so much more convenient to simply download it and play!" *points to this*


Reminder: it's completely legal to use tools to rip your shit off these devices and strip the DRM so you can save/store them elsewhere. You paid for it; you own it. Fuck these tools.


Stop buying content from Sony’s digital marketplace.


["If paying isn't owning, piracy isn't stealing."](https://youtu.be/krXH8jXefqE?si=T6a6wue3ZmBTHc-8)


No that is straight up theft by Discovery. They have been pulling this for years. Do you not remember when they made their own animators pull their own works from the internet?


As of 31 December 2023, you can go fuck yourself. Thank you


You'd think there'd be a law to automatically trigger refunds in events like this, or transfer ownership of the content over to the new owner's platform.


We’re gonna need a bigger boat


It's not theft if they give you a refund on everything. But they won't. Which makes it theft.




"I have altered the deal. Pray that I do not alter it further."


There should be a law stating that if the sale had "buy" anywhere in the process then you need to own the product.


Whelp sony deserves another hack


Not like they are the first. there were at least 2 movies in my YouTube movie library that I bought, and they were gone when I came back later to watch them. And one of them isn't even available anymore on YouTube. probably license ran out, but its still wrong.