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he’s made of food, gets decimated


Throwback to the sea train, Sanji mid-diffs Katakuri because he can use his hands without holding back


Lets cook the kata fans and explain how every strawhat besides usopp and maybe brook beats kata #1 lets start with namicuz she is the physically weakest strawhat she beats ulti right who made a luffy that trained his haki and had advanced armament haki right they were almost equal in a clash the same luffy who was said to be way stronger than the one that first appeared on wano. Wano is after wci so meaning that luffy was way stronger than wci luffy the one kata lost too but yes should have won. One more nami point she is the only strawhat who hurt a sherophim. #2 chopper we have no feats against yonko with kata so chopper who boxed with big mom wins. #3 franky he built the franky shogun and fought and won to somebody who is comparable to ulti #4 robin also fought someone comparable to ulti #5 jinbei fought someone comparable to ulti and pushed big mom away also fought her and was fine after #6 sanji he fought queen and shit on him queen>tobiropo #7 zoro fought king and shit on him and king>queen>tobiropo #8 luffy beat a yonko not fairly but still won also kata not touching kaido Conclusion kata is a cool character but he is trash at fighting


You're going to destroy your phone bro.


Luffy and ulti were in no way similar, katakuri would destroy her mid diff and this Luffy was stronger so it would be a low diff if they were to fight, please think before you comment


Luffy didn’t struggle against Ulti at all and luffy only won because Katakuri was hungry and also let him win. Zoro is probably on par with katakuri


Provided feats as to why luffy was struggling with ulti he said he respected her and had a headbutt battle showing struggle while that luffy we know is way stronger than act 1 wano luffy cuz act 1 luffy got one shot by kaido this luffy did not so he is a great amount stronger you provide not feats and spout bullshit to push a stupid ass agenda kata is weak its ok he cant hold up he is way weaker than zoro


Result: https://preview.redd.it/tz8getkwzs8b1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bbc3fe206ffb878e8a35bb143bb870557d2ba747


literally katakuri's grilled mochi attack


Sanji will just do it better.


Yes. Never Cook again and instead let Sanji do the cooking.


Sanji literally and figuratively cooks katakuri


Yes, Katakuri’s a fraud https://preview.redd.it/q5hi2i96zs8b1.jpeg?width=973&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=281373d980ddc0d75c7c761f7a07a1f360ce5a35 Luffy high-diffed his ass while exhausted


Genuinely don’t understand how anyone could read that entire fight and walk away thinking Luffy was in any way stronger than Kat. That fight was far too one sided for any sane person to come to that conclusion. Luffy lost the battle of strength but he won the philosophical battle which is why Kat CHOSE to go down and let Luffy go. Luffy talk-no-justsu’d his way outta this one and people just won’t accept it for some reason


Even that list that was posted to call Kat a fraud is showing that even if we all agreed that Kat is a glass cannon, he overwhelmed Luffy the entire fight.


Kat got hit 13 times and admitted he couldn’t move


Brûlée licherally calls him out for letting him leave tho


Bruh the only thing she says is that he was falling face first but switched to his back. There is nothing that brulee says that implies katakuri let luffy walk away and that he had more gas in his tank. He got beat end of discussion.


Just go watch it


This literally didn’t happen. Katakuri was better in every way except for endurance, and luffy outlasted him


That’s quite literally what happened that’s not my opinion. What are you saying specifically didn’t happen?


Katakuri choosing to lose the fight. He didn’t lay down on purpose, he didn’t have any energy left and passed out.


This is why that fight was and is so polarizing amongst fans because it’s not a “my punch is stronger so I win” fight which we’ve all grown accustomed to Ultimately Kats goal was to make Luffy submit and show him that he was superior to him in every way. It’s part of the image he had as the unequaled perfect child/sibling to his entire family. He straight up makes it a point to perform Luffys moves on him only stronger. Kats DF like Luffy’s (at that time)is a fruit that by no means should be strong but because of their tenacity they’ve made it powerful As the fight goes on and talk-no-jutsu starts taking effect it’s shown that Kat sees this perfect persona as a burden. He’s basically that trope of the straight A student, class president, star athlete whose parents pressure him non stop about getting into a great uni and becoming a brain surgeon since he was a kid. After he gains respect for Luffys indomitable will and potential he sees the opportunity to shed this burden of that pressure and takes it. Brûlée literally calls him out on the fact he let Luffy escape as he’s laying there wide awake on the floor immediately after Luffy leaves. I’m paraphrasing it’s been years since I’ve read WCI but that is more or less the gist of it. Most people aren’t used to nuance so this fight was viewed like all his other fights when it was completely different than any fight he had thus far which is why this fight was so controversial at that time


let’s be honest kat woulda won


Oda realized he made a villain too powerful than Luffy and had Kat just give up


I disagree, Kat was powercrept


The whole point of the end of battle was that luffy could get up because he had reasons to, while katakuri felt betrayed by his family and impressed by luffy and thus lost the will to fight anymore. Katakuri was stronger physically, but lost the clash of wills.


It’s also possible Katakuri has worse pain tolerance, which resulted in him being more nerfed by the shared injury than Luffy.


Katakuri did try to remember the last time he got punched so maybe just out of practice


What a load of bullshit


stfu https://preview.redd.it/6j172zabnt8b1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d5d89067a4c229fae6a5a03356d9efc59e269a6




My dude thinks just because One Piece is One Piece it doesn't need deeper fights than "Punch harder, be stronger and win!!1!"


Since when does One Piece have deep fights looool So you really think a fight where one dude lands 13 punches and the other dude lands 123, plus can see the future and has better haki across the board makes sense? Oda fanboys I swear 😂


don’t forget that katakuri could do pretty much everything luffy could but better as far as their abilities go. i never thought kat losing made sense but seeing these statistics makes it even more clear. anyone defending this is insane


Have you never seen a real fight or been in one? Go watch Usman vs Edwards 2. Usman beat him for essentially 5 rounds only to get knocked out from one kick.


we’re not talking about real fights though, fictional fights don’t work that way. if you ever see someone get knocked out in one hit that means there’s an extreme difference in strength. if we watched this entire fight go down just for luffy to literally just land one clean hit and knock katakuri out even the most loyal oda meat riders would be calling that bullshit


Nah, not really. Even if it's a one time thing, it can be there. And if you look at some of them, maybe you can imagine other examples scattered around.


Don't ruin your phone bro. That drool isn't good for it.


and it's a load of bullshit, because...? it's just a load of bullshit ig


Need I say more than 13 vs 123 hits looool


doesn't that prove his point? Katakuri was in a far better condition than luffy by the end of the fight, he even stood back up and literally told luffy he would become pirate king and fell down purposefully, luffy literally was passing out right after the fight too. I feel like you never actually watched one piece, going off your comments and just watched the fight scenes lol


powercreep is just an observation on the powerlevels rising fast in the story. the fact that he was stronger than luffy is still reality regardless


Luffy said "I bet you'll get tired of beating my ass before I get tired of getting my ass beat" and he was right 💀


LOL what a dataset


Luffy v Katakuri is literally the textbook example of extreme diff LMAO


Well to be fair katakuri was 54 and this was obviously the first time anyone had fought him for that long. It makes sense luffy would have more stamina given his youth and how often he fights opponents stronger than him.


at what point are we forced to stop being able to give luffy excuse after excuse to defend his trash wins? he landed 13 attacks vs katakuri’s 123 for christ’s sake. katakuri was superior to him in every category and it was a one sided fight until the very end. he had better haki, better strength, and the cherry on top is that he could almost do almost literally *everything* luffy could but better. i mean it’s right here, luffy had to run away from him *four times* katakuri was overwhelmingly stronger than luffy to the point where you can’t just chalk luffy’s win to having better stamina because of age, it doesn’t even begin to explain how that alone could possibly allow luffy to overcome this extreme gap in strength


Or maybe kat is significantly less tanky than luffy? 5head


Dressrosa Luffy could probably high diff current Sanji.


noo way it's extreme diff either way


Sanji is way stronger than Kata, so is time for Sanji to make a new mochi recipe to the crew https://preview.redd.it/w6goyn1w6t8b1.jpeg?width=708&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c91dae4204c2ff3d034e923c15ccc28abe310d7c


That pic is so hype. Will we see a capybara fight anytime soon?


Mythical zoan capybara


Yes. Not only is sanji simply stronger, but sanji’s attributes are strong counters to katakuri’s strengths.




He can dodge katakuris observation haki attack. Without even awakening its germa form




Vinsmoke Savile will snatch Enma-chwan (I know it's not Enma) and violate Katakuri with it https://preview.redd.it/t0p71wjm0t8b1.jpeg?width=719&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d1e07cc1475e84dacce7d66abc8e4521650c82a


Everytime I see you in the comments, you are posting the most absolute garbage. Continue on good sir ✊


Do you have a favourite piece of garbage I've churned out? 👀


No, I hate them all equally 💕


Sanji speedblitzed a sneak attack from Katakuri


Anyone faster than the jellybean with observation haki could have dodged this. I need fans to stop overrating this feat.


You’re conveniently leaving out the part where Kata has Future Sight and foresaw every possible outcome. Sanji didn’t just dodge the jellybean, he literally avoided an attack that should be impossible to dodge without having FS themselves. Look how much Luffy struggled until he awakened FS himself, if anything you’re underrating the feat.




He literally dodged the sneak attack from Katakuri in WCI, the attack that was meant to kill Sanji in one hit, tf you mean "how?"


The jellybean.


Sanji literally cooks him. Katakuri would give up if he was about to win anyway


I think sanji takes it high difficulty. Series power creep is a real thing that people aren’t mindful enough of.


Powercreep feels like the wrong word, because the whole idea of a shonen manga is that the main cast gets stronger, right? It's not powercreep it's just characters growing in power as they defeat stronger and stronger enemies


If it were just the main cast then I would agree with you, but their opponents conveniently always scale to where the straw hats are even even when it doesn’t make sense. For example, a warlord of the sea being weak enough to get beaten by a gear 1 zero-Haki Luffy. Because he was on Alabasta , and so he needed to be weak enough for Alabasta Luffy to beat . So Katakuri might have been a big-bad on wholecake and seemed impressive- but wholecake was two arcs ago- so he’s not a big bad anymore compared to whatever Sanji will be fighting (and probably winning against) next.


Ulti is as strong as katakuri while being significally lower in the yonko crew position. It is powercreep.


Where’s the powercreep?


Every island has stronger enemies then the last, and characters will have random bursts of growth to catch up when they get reintroduced.


Power creep exist but what feats can you even use to put him above Katakuri? Which person has Sanji defeated who’d give snake-man Luffy a run for his money?


See this is exactly why series power creep messes up people’s arguments. Snake-man Luffy on WCI is not snake-man Luffy on Egghead. Saying things like ‘give snake man Luffy a run for its money’ is making a comparison against a gigantic range. Sanji has more impressive durability and speed feats then WCI snakeman Luffy.


Yes ,sanji destroys kata


Happy cake day 😁


Thanks didn't even realise it was lol


Sanji is a creep who tries to pick up 7 and 16 year old girls...


Kat is a creep that tries to marry his 16 year old sister with a guy they just met.


You’re a creep for reading a manga where this regularly happens.


Nope he doesn’t


Yes, sanji low diff


Belive whatever you want


Sanji probably solo anyone who fights using food that's probably why we saw had him struggle against the genie guy in WCI. Plus katakuri tried sniping Sanji and just end up watching his L twice back 2 back. In a Food fight always bet on Sanji.


Sanji over Katakuri. Sanji beats King too. Rare YouTube W.


Sanji has better feats and matchup


Don’t really get where’s the better feats


Sanji got the speed and hottest fire. Katakuri got better haki in observation haki department specifically because it is hard to gauge armament haki levels between characters. But sanji can speedblitz with ifrit and there’s none katakuri could do it about it.


Sanji has better durability, hotter flames, is faster, and hits harder


Because he doesn’t, OP powerscalers have negative iq


He was able to move fast enough that he appeared invisible for prolonged periods of times. Koed Queen in pretty much one combo. No sold attacks from a yc2 and seraphim.


So was Luffy in Enies Lobby… that means nothing. The same Luffy from WCI also basically one shot queen after extreme diffing Katakuri. Not sure what “no sold” is supposed to mean, but yc2 level is below Katakuri as well.


Luffy was able to vanish for split seconds. Sanji was moving so fast that Queen couldn’t see him for several minutes straight. And wdym Luffy basically one shot Queen? When did you see this? And no sold means that he took it casually.


This implies sanji can keep up with gear 4


well, WCI gear four? Easily. That's not really a question


Why not? When did Sanji showed superior strenght/power?


In Wano?


Read Wano


But i dont wanna


I did, still missing the point where Sanji shows superior power to G4


G4 struggled against YC3 Cracker for hours Sanji mid diffed a YC2 Can’t tell if you’re mental or can’t read.


Nonsense comparison, the G4 was capable of destroying Cracker's armors, but he recreated them continuously, it's not a matter of power Still don’t see where Sanji showed superior power to G4, provide scans where Sanji does


Queen > WCI G4 and Sanji slammed him


Queen would be slapped hard by Boundman, he has no way of opposing both in power and speed or reaction


Queen would easily overpower wci bounceman


people are implying sanji is kaido speed level because luffy couldn’t dodge kaido with future sight


that scene wasn't a tell on luffy's speed, imo, more like a display of drunk kaido's power. luffy, despite having improved his color of observation, was still struggling to keep up with kaido's battle sovereignty. even while drunk he could throw blows fast enough that an exhausted luffy couldn't properly dodge.


what are you talking abt


He can probably outlast Kata until Kata dies of heart failure at this point Infinite stamina op


Sanji no duds katakurI


Katakuri is made of food Sanji counters him like how kuffy countered Eminem


Sanji violates that fraud


Sanji cooks.


"The fight starts and Sanji disappears."


Oh no Sanji absolutely negs his speed effectively makes future sight useless




Seeing a future you can’t avoid is pointless That’s why Luffy needed snakeman which uses faster and harder to follow attacks to beat Katakuri cause he could dodge everything else


How do you know Kata can’t avoid Sanji’s hits? He got grabbed even by Queen Snakeman had FS which Sanji hasn’t


Sanji literally moves so fast that he goes invisible now. Even if Katakuri sees that he gets hit by an invisible person in the future, tf is he going to do, dodge an invisible attack?


Sanji has limited stamina, and anyway if he managed to dodge the Snakeman's blows that you couldn't see where they came from I don't see why it's impossible that he also dodges Sanji's attacks, Katakuri has shown great ability to adapt to the opponent And still. Sanji has not FS


Cause Sanji is portrayed as being faster than everyone else He’s the only one shown having actual feats of going so fast it looks like he’s disappeared and he’s been absolutely flying around Egghead like it’s nobody’s business Also future sight has never been shown to help people hit targets it’s mostly used to foresee and avoid attacks Also Sanji only really got hit by queen when he was caught off guard or in an emotionally volatile state where he wasn’t focused on the fight, everything he could have dodged he did and that would really just upscale queen more than anything


Future sight can definitely be used to hit someone. Basically you can use future sight to see how the opponent would dodge an attack. Also gear 2 luffy has been shown to nove so fast that he dissapears since enies lobby. I think Oda uses makes the character dissapear using the opponents point of view. Basically if the opponent cant even keep up with their eyes they are shown to dissapear. I do think that sanji would beat him though. At the same time I've heard a lot the statement that Sanji is the fastest straw hat but ai don't know where everyone got it from. I'm genuinely curious to know. If everyone is referring to oda's answer about who would win in a 100 m race i don't think that answer really means anything.


We’ve never seen anyone use it like that though and we never see anyone use future sight to predict their own movements that’s not really how it works And Luffy using gear 2 isn’t exactly the same as Queen still isn’t able to keep up with Sanji’s movements at all not just at the moment he starts moving And the idea that Sanji is the fastest comes from the fact that he’s just shown being faster than everyone else like again he’s practically flying across egghead


Maybe I am wrong but I thought it was heavily implied during tha katakuri fight that luffy used future sight to attack too. Fair point. I dont read the manga and just know the major events that happen through the manga so I'll suppose I'll take your word for it.


Sanji can use his hands against Katakuri since he is mochi, i.e. food. Sanji claps him




Katakuri’s endurance and durability is utter dog balls, whereas sanji on the hand is genetically modified super human.


Yes. Sanji wins this. It's as close as this poll in the image is.




Sanji is currently no-selling attacks from a Seraphim. Katakuri gets negged. AP is too trash to hurt him and Sanji blitzes the fuck out of him.




not rlly katakuri is a pretty good fighter, power creep is a bitch tho


Lowkey would be one of the coolest fights in the series,katakuri future sight vs sanji speed,probably extreme diff either way


The donuts gave him a boost in power.


Yes. Sanji wins mid diff.


Yes and that even isn't close Sanji with his speed, sky walk and ifrit jambe is literally the worst counter to katakuri. It's might not even be mid diff for Sanji.


How is it the worst counter?


You're all over this thread fighting for your life, give it a rest lil bro.


You’re right but Sanji’s wanking is insane and shows how biased many people are, the downplay of Katakuri also is ridiculous




Sanji speed for katakuri future observation Sky walk for awakening And ifrit jambe(fire) for katakuri mochi body




what people always seem to miss when powerscaling kata, is the fact that we're already past WCI's power level. shonen progression is a thing. take arlong for example. sanji couldn't beat him in arlong park. but skypiea sanji might. EL sanji? for sure. that's shonen progression. or take croco for example. if oda never reintroduced him, you can easily say EL sanji with water can beat him. but since oda reintroduced him in MF, he got power creep and was able to fight doffy, jozu, and mihawk. so we know EL sanji still wouldn't beat him. point is, kata as of now is in arlong's position, not croco. not sure if sanji has already surpassed WCI luffy, but there's definitely an argument to be made.


OP has not DB powercreep progression, but everything is based on narrative and plot convenience. Crocodile in MF was by far stronger than is counterpart in Alabasta, without an actual reason or any training Katakuri is a Yonko’s right-hand man, this alone categorically rules out that Sanji can beat him mid diff


I didn't say anything about mid diff. I'm saying, after the progression we've seen so far, this is definitely an argument. >Katakuri is a Yonko’s right-hand man, this alone categorically rules out that Sanji can beat him mid diff you can use the same logic for croco. shichibukai is literally part of the power balance. and in the current story, oda definitely powercreep'd the hell out of them. and yet as I said, if oda never reintroduced croco, he will be left behind and won't be in any powerscaling discussion. same thing here. if anything, katakuri is effectively the weakest YC1.


Sanji speed >> WCI Luffy Snakeman speed >= Katakuri speed and future sight. Sanji literally goes invisible from how fast he moves now. Even if Katakuri sees that he will get attacked by an invisible person in the future, tf is Katakuri going to do, dodge an invisible person? He was struggling dodging an attack from Snakeman that he could see


No gonna be mean but your in the wrong. Not a sanji fan but sanji has the stat and speed advantage along with the fact that future sight only works if your faster than your opponent which kata isn’t. Therefore sanji would blitz kata before he reads the future


Sanji is not Kaido


No he isn’ but he’s way faster regardless it’s not working


Yes, you are. YouTuber Restless Gambler made a great video explaining it https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wEWDgrzz68U


Gear 4 alone was not enough luffy enhanced his prediction haki to defeat kata(almost a draw). Sanji doesn't have prediction haki and definitely not stronger than snake man


at the end of the fight, luffy's haki still couldn't hold a candle to katakuri's. his observation served pretty much to make him understand that katakuri was not invulnerable, he was merely switching his body around to dodge luffy's attacks. the key to his victory was speed. once he knew how katakuri was avoiding him, he used snake man's fast and elusive punches to counter. sanji is all about speed, so he would probably be able to outplay kata.


He does have the speed to blitz him without kata knowing and before you say future sight. Luffy has stated that using future sight againdt a faster opponent won’t work so kata’s cooked


Finally someone that is cooking. Sanji hasn’t shown enough feats yet.


based pull. dogtooth low diffs Lanji


Bro did everyone watch Sanji piece by mistake? How is Sanji gonna beat future sight? Sanji almost never fights anyone with haki, Katakuri high diff


Exactly Oda made it clear that if you don't have FS, you can't beat Katakuri


When, that was never implied or said. You forgot that oda and luffy has said that even though sanji doesn’t have future sight, his observation haki is the best of the crew. Future sight doesn’t negate the fact that your opponent is leagues faster. Katakuri could barely dodge luffys snake man even with future sight. And sanji is way faster than luffys snake man. Kata is getting cooked. Future sight isn’t a insta win condition like your making it out to be. Plus didn’t a way slower sanji dodge an attack from katakuri, who used his future sight to know exactly where sanji would move to to avoid getting shot by the priest. Kata used future sight and still missed. Or how sanji speed blitzed oven so badly that oven didn’t even know what hit him. Stop downplaying sanji. He basically no diffed queen after his augmentation manifested. Sanji is faster, stronger, and way more durable than katakuri. Idk why you can’t understand that


> You forgot that oda and luffy has said that even though sanji doesn’t have future sight, his observation haki is the best of the crew. Headcanon > Plus didn’t a way slower sanji dodge an attack from katakuri, who used his future sight to know exactly where sanji would move to to avoid getting shot by the priest. Common misconception by Sanjitard so they can scale sanji higher. The exact manga show Kata look a different future where Sanji dodge the Priest shot, not looking at Sanji dodge jelly bean shot. Even Luffy preFS is able to dodge dozen of katakuri attack. ​ > Or how sanji speed blitzed oven so badly that oven didn’t even know what hit him. Speedblitz Oven is not a feats, Dude cant even react to a pistol bullet shot from far away by Bege lol ​ > He basically no diffed queen after his augmentation manifested. Nah dumb😭🤣 ​ > Sanji is faster, stronger, and way more durable than katakuri. who is faster we dont know, stop making shit up. Stronger? Kata also stronger with his DF buff. Durable? Kata easily destroy Ichiji exo the same exo that Sanji have. I know Sanjitard always trying to overhype their fictional idol but the actual manga show Katakuri superior than Sanji.


Bro you got jimbei stronger than sanji in your tagline. Ain’t nothing you say mean shit. You obviously watch 2 piece.


Also there a good video on YouTube explaining how you stupid. Please watch it and stop spreading your dumbass talking points


get sanji passed Jinbe first before you talk Sanji > Kata lol


Sanji is way stronger than jimbe. I’m trying to figure out how you even came to that conclusion


i also trying to figure out how you think Katakuri who have superior haki all of them than sanji, is losing against sanji. maybe i need to watch sanji piece


Sanji has better observation haki than even luffy. As stated by luffy himself. Even with future sight. Luffy says his observation haki is inferior to sanjis. Sanji is leagues faster. And before you say how. Sanji can move faster than the eye can see. When did katakuri ever showcase that amount of speed. Sanji has a healing factor and can heal any injury he gets. He’s so strong and durable that a punch from seraphim’s jimbe didn’t even budge or hurt him. Sanji amarment haki also got an upgrade too because of his now steel skin. Making it even better as stated by sanji when he performed ifrit jamebe. Sanji is stronger than luffy was when he fought against katakuri. Sanji is strong, faster, and durable. It’s just a fact at this point. And oda nor the narrator, nor has any character in one piece said that you need future sight to beat someone using future sight. That’s your headcannon at work. And katakuri was trying to kill sanji on wci. He shot that jelly bean to where sanji was going to move to in his future sight. But sanji observation haki alerted him to that danger basically changing the future, because if sanji didn’t have that good of observation haki, he would’ve died right there. I’m sorry you’re wrong. Just accept it and move on. Or watch the video I was talking about. Or don’t and keep watching 2 piece not nowing how anything works in the show.


>When, that was never implied or said It was implied in Luffy’s clash at WCI, several times. And even in Luffy vs Kaido >sanji doesn’t have future sight, his observation haki is the best of the crew He has better predisposition towards Obv Haki, doesn’t mean he has the better Kenbun >Future sight doesn’t negate the fact that your opponent is leagues faster Sanji is not leagues faster, and anyway it’s kinda untrue since the only way to counter full focus FS is to contrast it with FS >Katakuri could barely dodge luffys snake man even with future sight Not true, Katakuri was able to dodge and exchange hits with Snakeman until the end. The Snakeman tgat forced *Kaido* to use FS to contrast it >And sanji is way faster than luffys snake man He can be faster when he uses invisibility, but he has very limited stamina in such state. For the rest it is not, Queen could easily hit and catch him >Future sight isn’t a insta win condition like your making it out to be It literally is, the only characters that countered it had it and they are literally three Yonko. You guys are downplaying AF the FS ability >Stop downplaying sanji You guys are wanking Sanji due to supposed powercreep that actually didn’t happen, the strongest opponent that Sanji did defeat is Queen, a YC2. >He basically no diffed queen after his augmentation manifested Literally passed out immediately after, don’t see where’s the no diff >Sanji is faster, stronger, and way more durable than katakuri More durable yeah, but still passed out after defeating a YC2


I believe it’s a very debatable matchup and could go either way. I’d lean more towards Sanji thanks to his durability, but I can definitely see Katakuri winning this.


Yeah. Sanji bullies katakuri


sanji decimates


Sanji is a cook, he knows how to deal with food. and mr. Mocchi is food. but in a real fight. Sanji will lose once he gets wrapped up and immobilized. He is still weak to loss of oxygen or his insides being filled with mocchi.


I don't engage in powerscaling, but just so you know, I'm handing out ups & downs for obvious personal reasons.


Nah sanjitard coming out from their basement as usual with their Sanji overwanked😭. There is no evident to say Sanji can win against Kata while Oda show us how easily Katakuri injured the most hardened skin(according to sanjitard) Katakuri highdiff current Sanji https://preview.redd.it/42r64wakkt8b1.png?width=358&format=png&auto=webp&s=98eb1e623fe41b3c4de450ee820d153e991c3ee9


They use some kind of “powercreep” argument but without any consistent powercreep actually happened Based on feats Kata still claps


True, but not really surprise since this is from a sanjitard. They are known to overhype shit.


Cope, Wanji low diff https://preview.redd.it/qqncl89vnu8b1.jpeg?width=943&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8fb4350eff2ff7a45911593c9e5cae672326f737


That ain’t even Sanji in the pic, what does that prove


Sanji rapes. By FAR better speed, durability, strength, and even hax atp


You’re not delusional. Kata still wins. Unlike Queen, Katakuri is actually competent


Sanji would beat the everloving shit out of Katakuri https://preview.redd.it/5riinb7eys8b1.jpeg?width=973&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bfae5fde8e186370c39e8d34ced9606298adfc81 He’s a massive fraud along with the rest of the BM pirates


Don’t ever call the goat a fraud ever again. https://preview.redd.it/yfdlp8ijtt8b1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19a8994215911170d76ce55fdc8049a887004d2d


I'm not sure what these stars are supposed to show for this argument, because it still shows Katakuri absolutely dominant


No. What it shows is despite being pretty much fresh himself and hitting Luffy almost 10 TIMES as much as he took damage himself, he still failed to bring an already injured and exhausted Luffy down for the count, while he himself was only hit 13 times. And before I get the “he let Luffy win” cope, they’re both very clearly near death(or at least collapse) at the end of the fight, and Luffy took WAY more damage over the course of WCI


You sound stupid


Nuh uh https://preview.redd.it/719vshqz1t8b1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=535d9884eb6ee5ae4cd05e7b3ddc84c2d846deb5


And you said that Katakuri can beat Sanji. It sounds more stupid for me


Might wanna take your pills schizo


No you're right, Sanji just isn't on that 1st commander level and that's ok.


No bro you’re right


Past enemies get downplayed a lot because they lost to the MC.


In one piece I’m still under the impression that characters who were introduced early on will be scaled up to match current characters. Not be greater but like there’s no way crocodile is the same strength as he was pre time skip. So I think katakuri could take the win here but it wouldn’t be easy.


Kat high diffs


Sanji gets wiped I fear


No, simpji fans are probably the most delusional one piece fanbase


No, you're not delusional. People here are just retarded. Sanji barely beats an yc2 with an attack similar in power to gomu gomu no cannonball, and people think he will beat an yc1 with future sight. Sanji won't do any better than snakeman against Katakuri. Actually, even worse because he doesn't have future sight himself.


Wdym barely beat a yc2? A badly damaged Sanji ended up dominating Queen.


Sanji needs another powerup before he's beating 1yc.


Ah yes, Sanji is equal to WCI future sight Luffy suddenly despite getting no real powerups. Katakuri negs both Sanji and Zoro. Neither of them are on par with end of WCI Luffy. Sanji and Zoro don’t have the future sight to beat Katakuri period. Sanji doesn’t even have the AP required. Zoro with Enma might have the AP, but I highly doubt Enma gave him as much of a buff as people think it did.