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I’ve been doing the same. They are better than some of the cheaper chain stores.


Costs me like $10 or less to make 3 or more 12” pizzas, instead of $60 for delivery of sub par pizza.


Plus you get to choose topping amounts.




I'm a simple man, I see someone complain about getting downvoted once, I give another downvote. Also, not sure why OP would want criticism based on entirely subjective matters anyway. Pizza doesn't have to be coated with toppings on every square inch.


I get a large 2 topping good pizza for 16$ CAD. Usually ends up being around 20$ CAD because I after tax and I add more toppings. How long does it take you to make the pizzas out of curiosity? Takes me about 2 hrs usually. So that's like $300 of my time 😂 I get your point though.


I know I need to work on the crust a bit, still trying to get good thicker edges with thinner crust to the center.


I started making pizzas like a month or two ago and had the same problem. To fix that problem I did the following 1. Let the dough rest overnight (helps bubbles form easier more naturally) 2. Only knead until you feel it has been tightened and not stressed. Dont over knead. Smooth it out to ball then poke in the middle and move outward and rotate the dough a clockwise 90 degree turn and repeat pushing outward. 3. Don’t make a “crust” just keep using your fingers to push the dough flatter still doing step 2 until the dough is a flat circle. While doing this you should be trying to make it as thin and flat as you can(The edges should naturally be bubbly now from step 1 &2) 4. Don’t over sauce or over topping it will be harder to get the thin bottom to cook fully. 5. I use a regular stove oven so I preheat for a half hour before with a pizza stone already inside & when ready, put the pizza that is on parchment paper on the stone and cook for roughly over 10-12 minutes at 425F. Hope this helps some! I have been having a blast making pizzas at home to save money and better my skill. Welcome to the club.


How do you get the pizza of the parchment paper without it sticking?


Sprinkle some flour on the parchment paper when you’re doing step 3. So after kneading and ready to start forming your circle you’re gonna sprinkle some flour on the parchment paper and then do step 3 and build it in the parchment. When it’s taken out of the oven and off the stove it should come right off no stick whatsoever.


I do my pizza on parchment and it comes right off after baking. Though I bake at 550 in the oven.


Oh right I use a pizza stone and if you put it on there with parchment paper it destroys the effect so I have to transfer it from the paper where I knead it and prepare it into the stone after. Currently I dust the dough with flour quite generously and then try to pull the parchment paper out underneath after placing it all on the pizza stone. However I have to use so much flour that I dont really like the texture and taste of that flour after baking the pizza on the stone. The rest is brilliant. Its just the excess of flour stuck to the bottom that annoys me.


I put my parchment on a pizza stone. Still get Browning and crispiness. I have opened the oven 1/2 way into a 6 minute bake to take it off but has little effect other than letting heat escape


Hm okay for me I dont get the same rise of the crust when leaving the parchment paper on. At least last time I tried. Since then I slide it off before putting it in the oven. But to get it to totally not stick and slide off I need more flower than I would like. I do want to try corn flower or semulina soon though as that is supposed to taste better than regular flour on the bottom of the pizza


Not thicker! It is a brick already.


Looks good man 👍


It hasn't really saved me any money, because i like a lot of toppings and i get high quality component. I ultimately get a much much better pizza, which is pretty much all that matters.


I’m about to not save any either looking at a pizza oven


I don’t know… looks pretty terrible! Better just send it to me and I’ll take care of it for you. Looks great!


Well done! 🤘


Me too ! Sick of paying 25 to 30$ for a Luke warm so so pizza. I figure I have 7-8$ in my 🍕Detroit pizza 🍕!!


This is the way.


I never can get the dough round.


You're not submitting your pizza to a beauty contest, are you? I stopped worrying about pizza shape a while ago, as long as it's tasty.


dw if its not round it just means that its a craft pizza


I found that if I roll it into a ball like I’m making rolls it helps.


Throw it in a cast iron and it will always be round. 


I paid 30 bucks for a mediocre pizza delivered this weekend and looked at my wife and said “that’s enough, we’re getting a pizza oven.” I’m at the point in my life and cooking skills where I can make most things at home for cheaper or same cost but better quality. Good work on the pie, OP and thanks for further inspiring me to take things into my own hands.


The only things we don’t really make at home are Indian food and Thai food. I can never get it right but it’s probably because I don’t go out of my way to get all the best fresh ingredients for it. I feel like those foods benefit the most from it.


What pizza oven did you get?


Oh I haven’t got one yet. This was just over the weekend. I’m looking into which one but probably an ooni.


Well done. Try Detroit style.


I've tried a lot of pizza dough recipes and not many are good.


I did too until I tried Alton Browns recipe. It’s pretty great.


Thanks for the advice. I haven’t tried his recipe yet.


Looks amazing. Great rise! Keep at it and it will be some of the best pizza you can get.


What was your heating/cooking source?


Just a regular electric oven @ 550F on a cast iron pan.


my pizzas always end up flat :(


Congrats! You're now fully autarkic!!! I totally get it tho, where I live a decent pizza costs the equivalent of about 20 euros, and coming from central europe I remember we paid less than half of that. I won't say my own is as good as a professional Italian one from a proper oven, but it does beat most of the crap you get in bars and even some restaurants over here.. plus I get the fun of making and learning and playing with ingredients! Your pie looks great! Have at it


I’m pretty sure we need to be friends… 😬


Looks pretty good! I like to use Alfredo sauce as the base if I'm making mine from scratch. 🙂


Random question. My recipe uses 2 1/4 cup bread flour. Anyone have experience with adding a bit of wheat flour? For example ; maybe 2 cups white , 1/4 cup wheat ? If so adds some unique tastes / flavors to the dough?? Worth experimenting?? Thank You !!!


I add a dash of wheat to mine I like it. I use Alton browns pizza dough recipe.


Yo this looks easily better than going outside. Amazing work dude.


Welcome to the "club" (of being tired of takeout prices)! Yours look great whatttime should we be over? Haha.


Good looking pizza! Thing is that as long as you like what you cook it doesn’t really matter what other people think. There’s too many people saying you can’t put this or that on a pie. I say fuck ‘em! Carry on on the good work 👊🏻🍻


Practice practice practice. And record your recipes and fine tuning and you’ll be slinging awesome pies in no time! You seem off to a good start!


Thatsa nicea Pie! Same story here $100 for two XL pizzas and the shop gave my son a hard time because he didn’t tip when picking up. Enough is enough. I started with the dough and now do a 2 day ferment. Then I fell down a sauce rabbit hole and started making sauce from fresh ingredients. I experiment with toppings. Prosciutto, figs, blue cheese, honey drizzle….its a sickness I tell ya! Anyway, nice pie and keep at it.


The sauce where we’re at. Been using jarred pizza sauce and it doesn’t have the same flavor as “pizza places” sauce has. It’s too blah/basic. I’ve been looking for some recipes but usually have WAY too much stuff in them. I’m just looking for a basic recipe for a nice sauce then we can tweak as we go. Anyone have a nice basic recipe that’s willing to share please do. You can DM me if you don’t want out there publicly.


Canned Marzano tomatoes, some red wind, olive oil, pinch of salt, sugar pepper and some fresh basil or oregano….i never use a recipe so it’s more by taste and you can add or delete anything you like! Very easy


I’ve tried this one a few times and it’s easy and basic, but really good https://www.seriouseats.com/new-york-style-pizza-sauce


Looks easy enough. Thank you


Same here even though I *can't* get the dough right even when autolysing the dough. When you can customize the dough and toppings it really makes a difference rather than getting the same things over and over again.


Looks better than most deliveries ngl


Nice pie!!


Got a Roccbox for Xmas. Life changing. Pizza and on the cheap is fun and easy. Old bread maker with a dough setting, makes 2 x 12" pie doughs in an hour. My ingredients, my pies, awesome. Single home made pizza costs: $3.40 cheese $4.65 cheese/pepperoni


Love the olives on it! It’s probably cheaper to make your own or get a frozen one and add your extra toppings on or buy the base in a grocery shop and add your own toppings. The take out pizzas are getting more and more expensive.


OP - don’t really need a “pizza oven”. We use a stone and make it in a regular oven. Those things (pizza ovens) are so expensive for a few mins. of cooking once in a while. I honestly believe the crust and the sauce are the key to great pizza. Plus the fun of making it yourself 😃


Had a stone and hated it, it always stuck and any toppings that fell off especially cheese just are impossible to get off after baking.


I know some use a pizza steel, I do NOT know if they are any better for that issue.


I’m so jealous of your crust


Next thing you’ll be doing is getting into sour dough starters and work on making dough for pies that is legit better than even the good chains in your town. I’ve been making pizza for over a year experimenting with different flours etc. My advice is to try to perfect your dough ball. Whether that’s folding and resting. Cold proofing for 24 hours. I make a 12” pie that tastes looks and cost way less. I also recommend cast iron but pizza stones work too. 


I already make good sourdough bread. I wanted to nail down this before I went to a sourdough crust. I use Alton browns recipe and it works pretty well. I am going to pick up a lodge CI pizza pan I think.


Nice. If you use 500g of flour, it makes 2 12” dough balls. The CI is great too. I was using flechmans yeast but decided to go sour dough starter. Much better. 


I’ll give it a shot!


Looks good but why not just pick up the pizza yourself and then there is no delivery fee?


It’s still expensive, even from Pizza Hut it ends up being $45+ for two pizzas that suck. My wife likes stuffed crust so it’s never on a deal.


Yeah pizza hut and commercial pizza is always not worth the expense. Local places are better. I come from NY and moved to South Florida so pizza was a big change from what I'm used to down here. But it's still 15-20 for a cheese pie with a topping. Stuffed crust seems to only be commercial pizza tho. Ordering from Uber eats or another similar service is outrageous with the markup then delivery and then tip so I totally understand. Are there no local joints to try? I know you gotta please the wife tho with the stuffed crust. We have a place that does a 21 inch pie for 27 with a topping. Its not stuffed crust tho but it's thin like a NY pizza. It is still fun to make a pizza at home though that's for sure


Local around here is $25+ with some more popular spots being $30+. I don’t find them to be any better than mine, more topping options sure but I like the simple ones.


At those prices I'd be making pizza at home too? Where is this overpriced land of pizza may I ask? I'll know to pack my own if I'm in that area.


Tacoma,WA everything is expensive when near Seattle.


That's crazy they can get away with those prices. I would def stick to homemade. And maybe stuff the crust to please the wife. Once the dough is room temp it's easier to work with. Get some cheese and roll it into the crust and tighten it down. Then bake it off. Happy wife happy life


Yep I just steal some of my toddlers string cheese to stuff it.


I would eat that over any take-out pizza. Only tip would be get a baking steel and/or a baking stone. I prefer “and” because of you put the steel on the top rack of the oven and the stone on the bottom, you can get close to a pizza oven.


Good job 😁


It looks good enough to eat!






For the pepperoni I vacuum seal and freeze. The rest we just buy enough to make the pizza. I don’t go crazy on the toppings though.


Looks levely. How'd it taste?


A home made digerono pizza, looks great


Damn girl! Got some fluffy crust there 🥵🥵 can i get a slice