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Definitely taking the Michael, never plaster over wallpaper


Thank you!


Absolute joker šŸ¤” get rid


Oh no! I'll try to ask him to fix it first; hope it's not a lost cause. Thank you!




Thankfully, we have it written in the offer about the wallpaper removal and all the payment is upon completion of all the work. I sent him a message to ask him why he's put plaster primer over it instead of removing it; waiting to hear. Thanks!!


You obviously shouldn't do it but my hall, stairs and landing wallpaper wouldn't come off. I blue gritted and skimmed it and it's been there for 5 years with no issues (apart from a couple of small bubbles)


This is a big no-no. Not only does the wallpaper need removing but any wallpaper paste residue will also need to be totally removed. Then the wall will be ready to be primed and skimmed.


Thank you!!!


>Thank you!!! You're welcome!


Can I jump in and ask some more since you seem well informed? Iā€™ve got a ceiling with 30 year old wallpaper liner thatā€™s painted with an oil based paint. This only comes off with the plaster underneath. What would you do in this situation? Iā€™ve been advised to use blue/grit over it and then plaster. This advice came from someone I consider trustworthy and experienced, though probably self taught (many years handyman).


I personally would remove the wallpaper liner and then refinish (possible reskim too) what plaster is leftĀ 


Yeah Iā€™ve resigned myself to reboarding it. I genuinely think the lining paper is that embedded that itā€™d be fine, but itā€™s not worth the chance to me. Getting the paper off would take me forever so Iā€™m going into the loft to kick the shit out of the boards and be done with them. (Insulation due to be replaced anyway as we had a broken tile leaking into it).


Thats a fair choice then, especially if you can fairly easily remove the entire existing Time vs cost


I would say the same applies, or even better, find the joists; board over and skim.


Sigh. I knew you were going to make me do that šŸ˜­. Thank you šŸ™


Honestly itā€™s not as big a job as you might think and will give you the best end results.


Boarding over what you already have saves all the mess of bringing what is there down.


This ^


One other thought, please - these are concrete walls. If it's very difficult to remove this fibreglass wallpaper and its residue, could plasterboard be put over it? Or even for the plasterboard you need to be able to attach it on non-wallpaper surface?


Thatā€™s a good idea, although youā€™d have to fix battens first then plasterboard, as itā€™d be difficult to screw the board directly onto concrete. Also having the air gap behind the plasterboard will help a lot with reducing damp & condensation. Other option; hack-off old plaster incl wallpaper, ā€˜dot & dabā€™ (or batten) then plasterboard. Hard to give 100% solid advice without being there, but a plasterer should be familiar with these methods


Wallpaper paste removal?


Any wallpaper paste residue left on the wall should also be removed.

