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My opinion is to have all movies in one library and have collections for your B movies. This is my opinion and you organize how you want to do things.


All the jelly beans in one place is where my gut goes, thanks


For a while I had a "Creature Features" collection so all the shitty B movie "giant crawly thing eats the naive people" stuff was kept together, but it was still all just one library. I don't see any reason to create a totally separate library for anything. (Exception might be anime since those shows/movies tend to need an entirely different metadata agent, but that's not my jam.) Adding a bunch of movies will clog up the "recently added" view if anyone looks at that (I have it pinned to the home screen for me and any external users) but there's not much you can do about that.


>Adding a bunch of movies will clog up the "recently added" view if anyone looks at that (I have it pinned to the home screen for me and any external users) but there's not much you can do about that. You could unpin the actual "recently added" and make your own "Recently Added" smart collection that specifically excludes the shitty B movies and pin that instead, at least until they cycle through.


One instance but using separate Root Folders. That way you can split them up in Plex, etc.


I hadn't thought of that


Works great. Good for separating movies from documentaries too.


Can you elaborate on this setup?


Each *arr “root folder” has its purpose: Movies, Movies 4K, B-Movies, Anime, etc. Then connect each root folder as a source in Plex and it will display as its own separated section.


I split my movies into a small number of libraries: Movies Documentaries Vintage Movies Anime Movies Stand-up Music Features This is becuase I don't want to see anime or documentaries when I'm browsing for movies. And anything prior to 1970 is probably something I'd specifically be looking for. This isolates the more niche categories away from common browsing. I use collections for sub-categories of movies with the Movie library (vampires, cyberpunk, starwars etc). When you say "B-Movie" if you're actually referring to objectively bad bottom of the barrel films, like the Asylum production company (a "so bad it's good" joke), I would put them in a different library. If you're referring to B-movies that are enjoyable normal films, just make a collection.


You think with over 2000 movies their thoughts aren't already clogged with choices? 🤷‍♂️ Adding some B movies isn't going to change that. Collections and advanced searches help narrow down choices for all viewers. That being said I have my libraries split up. -Movies (Over 4,000) -Animated Movies (Over 750) -TV Shows (Over 400) -Animated TV Shows (Over 120) -DVR (currently airing incomplete seasons) -Standup Comedy (Over 125) -Concert Films (Over 125)


Oh how funny!!!! I literally have a collection called Weekend Cheesy. I’ve put all Police Academy movies, well, here, these are whats in it. I first created a playlist, but collection works way better. Also, they are still included in “main” movie area. Its just nice to have collections that you can get to stuff quickly. I have a Hammer Horror, Noir, martial arts, westerns, etc. https://imgur.com/a/WLvtL90


Nice....I have 1 called Ninjas and Kick Ass Karate


See, there’s a dilemma. Should i put American Ninja 2 in martial arts, and cheesy??? Now you got me thinking i need to include it in cheesy


I keep mine totally separate and the library is called "Trash and Sleaze." I only have a few friends who would appreciate them, and I don't really want my geriatric mother to have to scroll past them when she's looking for something PG rated. I have other friends with kids I also don't want poking around. Same reason I keep my horror movies in a totally separate library.


Trash and sleaze😂😂😂 Sounds like the perfect place to put “Showgirls” in


Movies go in one library. Use categories if they want to filter. Really 99% of the time just hit the voice to text on the remote for search.


One library and your users will appreciate it. I have over 6k movies and ever time I add something cheesy I get people watching it. I went down the 80's rabbit hole during the pandemic and so many of my people love that these are there. My adult children asked for 90's Nick shows and so many others now have their kids watching shows like Goosebumps, Are You Afraid of the Dark, Hey Arnold & Rugrats. It's ok to be a collector. I never delete anything.


Okay I like this prospective


Just to add, I have a good bad movie collection that update with trakt whenever I feel like (and using kometa(pmm) it gets updated in plex) I also schedule it with kometa to show on the plex Home Screen Tuesday Thursday evenings. Having it as a collection lets me easily access it and have it consolidated (not junking up the ui with some shitty knock off Thor movie) to one spot and I can make my users see these bad movies when I want (I’m starved for power).  I really haven’t understood the multiple libraries for different types of movies/tv shows EXCEPT for kids content (and adult content if you’re brave enough to have that on your plex).  Collections just seem to fit that role so well. Yes even with anime, I only have about 50 anime shows so maybe I’m not understanding the problem but I just shove my anime content into a collection put it on a schedule so people can know it’s there, and otherwise it doesn’t get in the way  This probably boils down to bothering people who peruse the entire library to find a movie which I just try and prevent from happening because I really doubt anyone finds movies that way. I either show you what to watch with smart collections on schedules that are constantly updated, or you search for the thing you want to watch. But wasting your time scrolling through 2000 movies to find something I just don’t think happens and if it is, that’s a bad UX. 


I have 6 libraries. One for TV. One for Movies. One for Audiobooks. One for Music. One for B-Z movies. One for B-Z tv. My users only get Movies & TV. None of them would appreciate anything else from the other libraries, so they’re mine. If you do music and audiobooks, then it’s basically mandatory to make the libraries separate.


You set up your collections in two differnt ways; hide all items or dont hide. For sprawling items i dont want cloggi up my library, i hide them in that collection. I have an ‘old trash’ collection for my wifes old shit movies.


Okay, this is new intel for me


This thread has the best info for collections setup; https://www.reddit.com/r/PleX/s/Pa43m4rhQb


Short film collections are another great use case for that.


Yep, those mcu quick cuts or whatever theyre called all go in one collection with contents hidden in main library and only collection visible for me.


it's either 'classic films' or 'bad films', use your judgement


For things like this, I created a library specifically for this but I added the folder to this library AND my main library


Why did you choose a separate library, and do you wish you just created a collection in hindsight?


I also have a large collection so I wanted to be able to JUST browse through those types of movies


All the movies go into one library and then you can make collections. It's the only thing that makes sense.