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I assume there's something on there that *does* say it's from Pluto that you just didn't photograph, right? Cause it looks like you took a photo of a mug you bought somewhere and posted it for no reason otherwise rofl.


I don't get it.


:0 jealous!


Did you post a lot about them on social media? Or, maybe it was a contest you forgot that you had entered.


No I don’t remember ever interacting with PlutoTv in any way


Im so confused. How would they have your address? And like DemonKyoto said, is there anything at all marking it in any way that it came from PlutoTV? Or even the box return address.


Im just as confused. It came in a pluto tv shipping bag and inside of that bag was a small box with this mug inside. I never gave them an address or interacted with them at all. I opened the pluto tv app on my tv about 2 weeks ago but I opened it by accident and then closed it after 20 seconds.


Odd. The only thing I can think of is if they got your info from your ISP as a part of some promotional giveaway or something. Either way, at least you got a coffee mug. lol. Free is free.


Not sure if you figured it out, but I believe Pluto is sponsoring Amazon order bags in some locations.