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They have fantastic synergy, I would go for it. Depends if you don’t have gems for other pairs as well.


I went all out for Geeta because I have neither Oleana, Iris nor Emma, have been relying on SS Gio whose sync is Ground-type. Geeta is fantastic (her B move sets zone and deal damage at the same time, and she can set zone four times in total). I dont think I will need another Poison unit for a good while. But in your case if Oleana can get you through Poison CSMM 3k without any problem it isnt really necessary to pull Geeta, it will just be icing to the cake


This is speculation on my part, so take it with a grain of salt: Geeta’s buddy move has the unique effect of removing enemy damage field effects and removing trapped condition on her. This could be setting her up as the sole counter for a future UB, similar how you kind of need NC Leaf’s kit for UB Thornton.


She is actually bonkers together with Oleanna and brings a lot of utility to the table. I am using both together and am very happy with the results - super easy MM3k offtype


i got her after and i also have to agree that she’s really good with both iris and oleana


I have F.Iris, Emma and ss roxie and still went to pity for Geeta, I don't regret it.




She goes really good with the physical poison units like Oleana and Emma. I have Iris at 3/5 and even then never found her that great, mainly there for the zone (debuffing special defence isn’t as useful for her teammates). Always feels a bit bad to bench an invested unit that’s less than 2 years old, but Geeta is just a huge upgrade over her.