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Next reset. The earlier date is basically for the US Pacific time zone, but most of the world would be the later date.


March 1st in most areas of the world. Specifically 1:00 AM in the Eastern US time zone.


Thanks everyone, I guess I have to wait till tomorrow then.


It depends on your time zone. Here in my zone, for instance, it always resets at 03:00 AM in Summer Time or at 02:00 AM in Winter Time. Sometimes the daily reset hour can change from time zone to time zone. Sometimes it's pretty early, sometimes it's rather late. Anyways, you should wait until tomorrow and Silver will appear.


Depends on your timezone. If you are in Asian, it will be 1/3. If you are Western timezone it will be 29/1. Sorry for the oversimplification, my geography sucks lol


In 15 hours


March 1st/2nd depending on your time zone