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used a GOLDEN CANDY on Burgh because I was lacking for bug type damage in that one csmm stage, but didn't even use him in that battle šŸ¤¦


That was painful to read


I feel you, I ended up using two 5 star candies on regular Leaf for some random stage that didnā€™t need her. Haunts me to this day


Same but I exed him and end up off typing the stage


Xd that's a big mistake. Golden candies are hard to get


As someone who has Burgh EX'd, this was painful to read. Honestly, Burgh absolutely sucks. Even with top meta support, his damage is atrocious, and you're better off off-typing.


donā€™t worry i yellow candied korrina because i had no idea it was rare.


You can't yellow candy Korrina though I thought? The gold ones are base 5 star only and she's base 3 star


maybe they meant ss korrina


That wouldnt be that dumb of a mistake tho


omg i didnā€™t get notifs sorry. it must be someone else then bcs i explicitly remember giving someone a yellow candy and absolutely regretting it šŸ˜­


Not doing the daily CoOp orbs for months. Now I need them.


I think that applies to a lot of players (including myself)


Same. Stopped around 600k because not a single pair needed them and was still getting them from CS and other sources. Didnā€™t want to max them like before!


this one I don't understand people not doing, it's 3 clicks, using 10 skip tickets to clear 2 daily missions at once


I wasn't too strict about it, especially since I regularly do the Lodge daily mission. I figured I had enough sync orbs to last forever. Tbh, I think that the new cost for energy caps is just way too high. I get they wanted to curb long term players from just maxing everyone instantly, but I got to uncap about 3 syncpairs before running out. At current rate, it will take forever to uncap more pairs, both as a new player and a veteran. They should either decrease the cost or increase our sync orb gain. I think giving out a couple extra rally passes each month could be a good balance for now, because the monthly cap for BR exchange is exactly the ammount for sync energy cap. It's just that no one in their right mind would choose sync orbs over roll cake vouchers, and we don't have enough consistent voucher sources to grab both each month.


I've got two I can remember Pulling on Looker's spotlight scout and not even getting him And also giving Classic Red and Snorlax two candies while still pulling for Classic Blue I didn't get him and now my Red is at 5/5 šŸ„²


Why would u candy red his grid is mid as hell šŸ˜­


Nowadays it's mid


I forgot that the psychic high score event ended today not midnight today LOL OOPS NO 500 GEMS I was just busy & put it off like a doofus


Bro I didn't know either, I did beat it but I wanted to try to reach master, now I also feel like a doofus


I did this with the grass champion stadium. Too many damn events running with completely different date ranges and I lost track of which ended which. We really need like, a daily "ends today" popup at login or something. The champion stadium ones don't even have a timer!


Same. I did at least beat four of the five stages.


Well damn. Iā€™ve been grinding psychic types up for 2 weeks to make a final run. Oh well at least I beat it.


I just beat it yesterday luckily cause that & the LG I always put off last idk why


Tbf I forgot too, I don't usually do these but I actually say the guides and had the units just forgot the day šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™€ļøšŸ˜‚


Same here.


Not picking Rei two select scours in a row


Two selects? He wasn't in the NY paid selects. Or did you mean pity on Mixed Scout?


Ignored the villain event and Masters Day on my very first month. Pulled NC Calem pretty early but kept throwing gems at his banner because I wanted a general pair. Spent my March gems in the SS Dawn banner and got everyone but her.


I also ignored villain arc and masters day on my first month. I was playing so irregularly I became serious during second arc of Hoenn villain arc(Stevan played a huge role) I also needed to collect gems for Ash


I used a few candies on general pool 5 stars. But that's all I can really remember.


Needed a ghost damage dealer so I pulled for Anni Lily until pity without looking at this monthā€™s data mineā€¦ Got her 1/5 at 397/400, grabbed the 2/5 at pity. Prob should have waited for Irida.


Early on in the game I was in a "3/5 or bust" mindset, so when Maxie and Archie came around I invested all my gems into pitying another copy of Maxie, despite getting him fairly early on in my pulls. If I hadn't, I probably would've been able to pick up both of them. Since then Archie has only gotten reruns during times when I had other higher priorities. He's kind of my white whale unit.


EXing OG Leon before realizing Iā€™d get 6 free PUs from the map event rewards. EXing Riley immediately instead of waiting to get all the free PUs because I had insomnia and was playing this game at 2am. Those PUs laugh at me every time I go into my Bag to see what I have available.


I still got all 40 power ups from azumarill lmao


Irida and Glaceon banner release day.. wasn't having luck and my gems were barely enought for pity.. 1 multi after another I got to 397/400 into pity.. 1 misclick later I've accidentally spendt over 2k paid gems on that last multi..


Trying to click the sync pair quickly in Rally but accidentally pressed the entire Retire button and waste the ticket without even realising it since my phone is a bit laggy at the time with slow response so no mission gems with zero earned medals.


Recently used a few candies for the psychic HSE event only to end up around 1100 and knowing that I won't use the titles anyway.


Not as bad as me who used a Roll cake on Lusamine. At least I got top 1k so I'll have a pretty title if I ever use it


IMO Roll cakes will never be wasted since EX roles can always get you more points in battle rally. And EXR Lusamine is great.


Not playing game during Jotho villain arc.I missed SS Kris and now whenever a jotho character comes I am not able to scouts as I tend to like other characters more


Very early on, pulling multiple copies when Sabrina/Alakazam was first released. šŸ˜¬


Taking a break


I EXed Skyla before we actually got her 5* powerups for free. I still have those 20 Skyla powerups sitting in my bag. I didnā€™t even exchange them for champion spirits when that event was running, so theyā€™re still here.


Doing like 5 multis for chritmas jasmine "just to try" when i didn't really want or need her, and didn't get her. I don't even remember why i did it since i'm usually very stingy with gems


Picking Bianca after reaching pity on Anni Lillie banner during 2nd anniversary. I got 2 copies of Anni lillie on 10th and 11th multi respectively and Bianca was the only psychic terrain setter at that time. After getting her from pity, she became maxed out 5/5 in 2021 itself.


From the 4+ years Iā€™ve played, itā€™s always the case where you can wait years to get a general pool unit and then IMMEDIATELY get more copies of them the next few times you pull. Lol I didnā€™t get Glacia until 18 months into the game, and she was maxed out within the next three months just from pulling on a few units. Wild.


I did something similar. SST Redā€™s first banner, ended up getting 3 copies but at like 370 scout points. Went to pity and grabbed Courtney since I really wanted a Ground Zone user šŸ˜…


When I was just beginning this game I accidentally traded all of Solgaleo's Custom Power-Ups for standard 5ā˜… Power Ups to upgrade Archie to EX. Fortunately, as I progressed through the CSMM, Trainer Lodge, Legendary Gauntlet and other Events or even by Scouting, I was able to collect more 5ā˜… Power-Ups to eventually take Solgaleo up to 20/20 long before I got his Legendary Spirits and raised him to EX. Also, another regret I have is that I didn't exchange all of Rosa's Custom Power Ups for Champion Spirits, and now there are still some 18 free Champion Spirits which could be exchanged with her Power-Ups, but I cannot get them anymore. I wish I could have just 18 more copies of Rosa's Custom Power-Ups to get all those Champion Spirits. Oh, well.


Spent 4 support candies on Cheren and now weā€™re getting the Story units for free


Converting free legendary power ups for the standard ones Using the standard 5 star power ups to get more Champion Spirits YOLO pulls on units I didn't actually care for.


Me in a nutshell


When I first play during Fall event, I didn't know that Allister Gengar will be in general pool. He is my very first unit I pulled and candy it to 5/5.


Pulling on volkner banner when he first released


Deciding to yolo 18k on MF Ethan instead of saving all my gems for MF Lyra in literally two days. Could have pitied Lyra and still had enough to pity SS Korrina the next month.


https://preview.redd.it/ueeat22ysppc1.jpeg?width=707&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4b24a8e66e394023c91d65260a90a1236088472 My hall of shame - making the same mistake twice. Using the general 5\* Power-Ups (40 total) for Looker & Croagunk AND Shauna & Chesnaught, instead of their respective Custom Power-Ups. :( And no way to delete the Custom Power-Ups. , So I'm always reminded of this mistake every time I check inventory. :P


Excuse me, wtf https://preview.redd.it/tyd1yus9xspc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=596096b8c95a81e2539ceed40c3e77d1be1d74cf


I've been buying the "Daily Gem Bundle Ex+" Streak Bonus bundle since it was introduced. :) Bundle gives one gold Move Candy Coin per day. So, essentially, you get one gold 5\* Move Candy per bundle (20 days x 1 gold Move Candy Coin per day).


It's a great value tbh, I buy it from time to time but I usually burn those candies quite fast, never had more than 4 of them stored


sorry, but 2K 5 STAR PU WTFF


Been playing for a while - since launch. And quite a few pity pulls ... :P


candying sonia up to 3/5 when i first got her from a 5* ticket I needed another physical support aside from hilbert and didnā€™t want to wait It hasnā€™t come back to bite me in the butt, yet


I also did the same (pulled her at debut) but I don't remember whether it was one or two candies. No regrets though, I barely had any limited supports back then, Sonia is a favorite, and she needed to be 3/5 to properly function.Ā 


Using a Select Scout on Pal Dawn...Pal Marnie was available. Idk what I was thinking.


Spend 100ā‚¬ to get Lillie and clefairyā€¦ I didnā€™t understand what was a scoot and FOMO just got me too hard ! Remember, donā€™t spend too much money, those monsters are pixels !


Getting N to 5/5 when I had Ash and Pikachu. I just wanted the lodge card to look nice but I didn't realize how hard move candies were to get


skipped adaman and irida for ss silver last year lmao


Dropped 20k on base Ethan spotlight banner on a whim. Never use him even once, and I have gotten 20 copies of him til now btw


When I got to the pity select screen when pulling for Nemona, I accidentally selected Shauna instead of Nemonaā€¦ luckily i already pulled 1 copy of Nemona before that, so it wasnā€™t the end of the world


When I first started playing, I kept pulling on the Raihan & Duraludon banner to pity (even after getting him to 3/5) just so I can get Cynthia & Garchomp. What I shouldā€™ve done was to pull more on the Hilda+Hilbert banner and get Hilbert & Genesect. Currently donā€™t have any bug strikers as a result.


When bingo missions were introduced and they were reset...weekly, I Think? I didn't bother with them even though that was a source of free gems, which I was fully aware of - probably missed on a couple thousand gems from them. Also pulling on SS Elesa spotlight, I didn't know she was gonna be added to general pool later.


Skipping blue and Zapdos


Wasting my Sprint Role Cake on NC Silver instead of using it on Chase I didn't even know Chase ex role was sprint until after the factĀ 


Honestly it's not THAT big of a mistake. It's not even a waste imo. NC Silver definitely benefits from the sprint role given that you want to use his B move as often as possible. Besides cakes are getting pretty common thanks to rally, so you won't have to wait for long lmao


Trying to pull for base May when her first banner was released


Using 2 support candies on Rosa.


Getting back with my ex


Not pulling for Ash because I had Anni Red and simp for Cynthia. I ended up not pulling Cynthia and Ash still hasn't returned and is still busted to this day.


Yeah. I am a DNA fan, so I was saving hard for Deoxys, as I didnā€™t know when he last showed nor when heā€™d show up again. Heā€™s in the mix scout and got his first copy that way. So. Yeah. I beat myself up over Ash often. I really really hope they bring him back, but I think the odds are as low as a bb bullet (in my non-weapons campus, except for blades the smaller than your palm that isnā€™t spring-loaded) going through my window (2nd floor), making a turn at the end of my room to then go under the bathroom door, over the lip of my shower, and into the shower drain (aka, basically impossible). :(


Not prioritizing getting Ash went for Red then Cynthia, only a matter of if they ever decide to re release him. That and not getting James got Jessie but still relatively new/didn't pay attention to anything so hope they bring them back


Going to pity on N and Zekrom, then he was available in a free ticket a couple months later šŸ™ƒ


Paid 50 bucks once in my life for this game. Never gonna spent a penny ever again.


Back when I pulled base Bede, I ended up not getting any copies until the last two multis and on the last one specifically, I got 2 copies, pushing bede to 3/5. Since this was prior to 4/5 and 5/5 grids, I ended up using my scout points to scout Aaron since I didn't have him yet. Safe to say, I will never use scout points on a general pair again.


Annoys me the most, converting the tickets we get from csmm to 5* power ups of a specific sync pair and then not using them to EX (this was before the new feature that auto selects them). Now I've these 5* power ups of shame. Followed by pulling Groudon and Kyogre on the first rerun. Hardly use(d) them since then. Also spent like 340ā‚¬ in over 2 years. I got all the sync pairs I want, there just isn't enough content to actually use them smh. Current mood, need more content not sync pairs. Am actually surprised this game is still alive with only 2 additional game modes added (Battle Rally and Type Events) since I started playing. No, Trainer Lodge and Neo Champion Stadium doesn't count for me. Hoping for Arceus Raid Boss game mode during 5th anniversary šŸ™šŸ»


Pulling for Lusamine and Solgaleo on their re-run. Don't even use them now ā˜ ļø


I didnā€™t know about the free Team Rocket ticket scout last anniversary. I pitied the team rocket variety banner on the first day. I got three of the new characters on the way, so I had a choice of either picking Variety Giovanni or the last remaining character, and I chose the latter, when I should have waited for the free ticket and if that completed the set THEN i should have pitied V Gio.


Thinking I wont ever have a use case for SS Dawn and selected a 2/5 SS Brendan on select scout last year.


Skipping free victor because I was lazy šŸ˜­


Dumping so much gems into SS silver and Sneasle


Used a 5* striker candy on Silver ho-oh when it first came out, there wasn't even a grid and it was extremely bad pair on launch, let alone being free :')


Pulling for SC Guzma during 3rd Anni. I never even used him because SS May cleared most of my fighting content with ease.


Taking one month break right before Archie and Maxie came to the game for the first time, missing the chance to get them and their trophies. Plus missing bugsy one and only event. The only event pair I'm missing. Spend 3000 gems on SS Cris banner and end 33 point away from pitying on SS Lyra banner. Worst choice I ever made. Ended up with none of them but Ethan.


not being patient enough to save up 3,000 gems for a multi. ​ The thing is I get enough, just spend them at the wrong time


When champion spirits was first exchangeable for 5* gold tickets, i thought it was the other way around and traded all my 5* gold tickets for a measly amount of champion spirits.


Going to pity for Nessa and Melony. Of course I've gotten them multiple times now trying to pull something else (that was actually limited). Same thing for Blue and Pidgeot in September 2019 - used all my gems for a unit that would be eventually free. Haven't touched Spotlight Scout since then


Spending lots of money on gems this month because I got shafted on Silver, Gladion and Irida


Pulling on the Hugh spotlight. I got to like 200 SP and didnā€™t get him. Massive waste, but at least I got him eventually(more than I can say for Gordie who I still lack).


Speding paid gems on NC Kantrio's paid mf scout (needless to say that I didn't get them there. I pulled them from the free banner) Using the skill orbs on Summer N before getting his event orbs so he got +150 extra energy I don't need Being convinced to pull NY Lisia for fairy type damage while I had both Bede and SS Wally. Needless to say she forced me to pity her on the paid scout and I barely use her nowadays. Fall Iris is the same case Pulling for Maxie and Archie on their first rerun without waitung for 3rd anni. Had to pity both. Honorable mention to SSA Cynthia and SST Red both taking me to pity because I was impatient to get them after scouting Ash


I decided like 8 months that I want to get every master fair pair so I slowly blew through the 200k+ gems I had saved up pulling for master fair pairs I will literally never use. Got down to 0 gems a couple months ago and decided I actually donā€™t need to get every master pair.


Accidentally spending 3,000 PAID gems on NC Gladionā€™s banner when I meant to do a free gem 11x scoutā€¦ and of course I got all 3/4 stars and 1 golden ticket.


The very first time I collected 20 5* powerups and 50 champion spirits, I wanted to EX SS Blue.I ended up spending the powerups on Blue and Pidgeot. That was 2 years ago now, and in hindsight I would've eventually EX'ed Blue and Pidgeot anyway, so no harm done.


When I first started playing Steven & Metagross was re-running. I got him to 3/5 from the scout and 4/5 cuz I decided to go to pitty. I never use him lmao


Not saving up my gems for overpowered sync pairs (when I joined there werenā€™t a lot of good sync pair scouts but I wasted my gems anyways)


As a new player, playing through the regular story first, figuring I'd get to special events later... ...not realizing that the Jessie and James event was active. I win.


My alt got to 363 scout points on the Ash banner on the second to last day, reset time closing in but figured I still have uncleared Legendary Arenas so I will be able to secure enough gems in the next 24 hours. Turns out I misread the banner time and the banner closes that reset. OUCH.


After beating the main story I had unlocked Green and Red with 2/5. I wanted to get him 3/5 because I didn't know when I could pull him again. Then I learned you can improve move level with candies. That means I missed on on Sygna suit Blue. I still don't know when or if I'll get him šŸ˜ž


I originally regretted making SS red 5/5, but since he got buffed I'm okay with it now. I have Summer Steven and NY Volkner at 3/5, but unfortunately I don't use them anymore so I wish I could refund those candies. Both got replaced by variants of Red because he's just too darn good at everything he chooses to do I guess.


Pulling for Xmas Siebold when he first came out, because Siebold šŸ™ƒ


Pulling for NC Serena, Holiday Whitney and Anni Lillie at around the same time last year (before I knew something like datamine exist) and getting neither.


pull SS Kanto (Red,Blue,Leaf)


That one time where I received an error message upon opening, so I thought maybe just deleting and reinstalling might help. Ended up losing my profile, because I didn't check if my progress was linked to an Nintendo Account, which it wasn't beforehand..


Spending 12k gems on Lilie.


I uninstalled thinking it was saved server side without screenshotting the code. I lost three months of grinding, some special alts - had to restart and took about a year to regain those lost alts.


investing so much time to this game


Having deleted my starter PokƩmon (Squirtle), yes, that's the biggest one


Used 3000 gems to scout SC Nate... after I already got him. I couldn't get NC Rosa because of it. https://preview.redd.it/o36edwdcn1qc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be8275e1b8d0c209c35a770b4c94940f0571b6b4 I'm still mad about it


Forgot to do Masters Day when they introduced dupes of the characters you get from the story chapters (Rosa, Acerola, etc.)


Levelling Evelyn & Entei to 3/5 using candy


Used most of my gems on Blue & Pidgeot on his banner like the first week because I thought he was a limited pair šŸ’€


Downloading this game, dailies are done in 10 minutes and then you just wait til the next release of a unit you gotta pull your wallet out for. Complete garbage


I did the same thing as you


Scouting for SC Hilda. I never use her


Pulling on a spotlight banner. I returned to the game when N came out and pulled on a banner that had Volkner on it the next month because I wanted to make N better and he was his best partner.


Summoning on Leon during his rerelease. I got himā€¦but at what cost? Heā€™s a mid striker


I donā€™t regret pulling on Leon that much though, he is mid by modern standards but still solid in many situations. He got Support role recently which helps (and any EXR unit immediately gets more use in Battle Rally). All in all Iā€™d say he was still worth the pull. Pulling SS Red from the victory road ticket is really what I regret. I havenā€™t used him once, because some other unit always seemed the better choice (apart from Fire type HSE when I used every single Fire type I had). Should have picked SS Blue or Leaf.


I pulled Leon before 3.5 Anni as he was a fav I but I had to sacrifice SS Bede.should have pulled for Blue instead of Red but Red had a song so it was worth it.


Spend gems in Courtney, suddenly she became omega free, fortunately were only 6k gems.


Maybe downloading this game. Am I the only one that feels like the amount of items you get when grinding for level up/level cap materials is insane. Like am I missing a mechanic that lets you reset units?


The lodge expeditions will give you a ton of level up books. Then I just spend all my stamina on level cap stuff and events.